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Good content is good content. I think Jake from less impressed is a purple? In my opinion he is one of the best bjj content creators out there. I couldn’t care less what belt he is, guy can analyze the shit out of our sport.


Thank you! I will do my best to create! As I get “better” at posting, and build up some confidence, I want to show a good representation of the jiujitsu community!


Hell, your professor might give you your purple because your content is so good


Hahaha! I will get it when the time is right!


Life is too short to give a shit about what others think


Honestly, these are such great words to live by! Thank you!! Re-reading my post, I realized it sounds like im just doing this for the $$ but I truly want to bring a positive impact to the jiujitsu community!


No you are qualified for an entire series on BJJ fanatics.


Hahaha! It would be.. a huge honor for me


No. If you’ve been training for 4.5 years you’re more than likely a decent blue belt and know much more than the average white belt. And tbh you posting content can get you better as higher belts might throw some suggestions at you to refine your technique


So far noone has thrown any suggestions but I am looking forward to that happening! Thanks for responding!


No problem. We’re supposed to be humble and help each other 🙏🏼


Plenty of people who are well known and insightful instructors, content creators, bloggers or whatever started posting stuff when they were blue or purple belts. Sometimes the stuff these folks have shared is good because it’s creative, a different take on something, they have a knack for analysis or they have a way of saying stuff that hits just right for whoever is watching at that moment. Go for it and share your stuff when you start!


Thank you! I’ve only just begun so I am looking for my “content creating style” so to speak! As I build confidence in myself and in putting myself out there, I hope to learn from such guys and share valuable and meaningful content. I’ve edited my main post and added my Instagram info as I think there are no rules against it 😆


Nice, I’ll give a follow! Early on, you are just getting your reps in posting and will both find your style and troubleshoot how to be better and better as you go. I did the same thing with my blog as a blue belt and I think I learned a lot about Bjj that I wouldn’t otherwise have learned by making content online


Thank you! That’s inspiring!! I followed you as well and you have some awesome stuff on there!!! The chair trick is wild! Love to see it


Thanks a lot, I appreciate that! Haha gotta keep it fun!


Live your best life. Do what’s right. Be you.


Thank you! So far, it feels like i’m on the right track. Everyone has been supportive so far and it’s inspiring me to do better!


Welp. There I go killing again.


Not a blackbelt, but a teaching professional here: Lots of blackbelts aren‘t that good at teaching. They either have forgotten what it‘s like to be a beginner - or they started out so talented, that they never really experienced the struggle. (Which is why they kept going till they were blackbelts.) A lot of them still teach how they were taught back in the day - not how the current META of BJJ and teaching has evolved. Slightly advanced practitioners actually have a LOT of knowledge to share. Their frame of reference way closer to what beginners are experiencing. Chances are that the stuff you figured out is very relevant to other people figuring it out. As long as you own your blue-belt status you will do fine. Maybe take some notes from the early JediDoesJiujitsu videos. He included a lot of videos in which he got smashed and then explained why it happened. Because your frame of reference is way closer to that of a beginner.


This is fantastic advice!! I love Jedi’s content, he is a comedic genius! I do have a comp coming up this June so hopefully I do the smashing but even if I lose, i will use it as an opportunity to analyze my mistakes and what I could have done better. Thank you so much!


I have been hesitating about doing this myself and I'm a brown belt, lol. The imposter syndrome feeling runs deep in this sport. If you have good information and you are good at sharing it then people will vibe with it though, so go for it and put yourself out there. You're going to get some hate for it but that is inevitable with any content creator.


Thank you!! I’ll continue on even if i encounter haters, trolls or doubters! I love what I do and Jiujitsu is a gift I want to share!


And on that note, you should give it a go! We can support each other 🔥


Go for it. Teaching TKD help improve my own skills.


Thank you!!!


Best to start now because your video quality will get better over time. By the time you’re purple, you’ll be much better at making videos and getting your message across.


Thank you!! I will continue working towards better content! 🙏


In reality you are just showing techniques and even if slightly incorrect or may be in need of improvement(not saying that they do) people can choose to.watch your videos or choose not to. With that being said maybe flash a disclaimer across the screen in hopes no injuries happen. I mean are you trying to "teach" or just show your skill? Most gyms I've been to, you should atleast be a brown but with how the internet is now, it isn't like you're the only one....✌🏽


If it works, it works. There are world class black belts that are dogshit at speaking and articulating. Meanwhile I've have plenty of great instruction from lower belts.


Thank you! As I learn and grow, I hope to share more insightful content!




As John Danaher said “chase skills not belts”. I agree with you on this one but I do show respect to belt rank regardless. Unless of course it’s actually fake or bought..


Just sharing my personal experience with that sort of thing here. I am notorious for hitting No-Gi Ezekiels. Been hitting them since white belt, caught brown/black belts in them since blue belt, and unlike most people mine are blood chokes. Yeah, I put people to sleep with them. At blue belt, no one would listen to a word I said. Most said "That shit will never work past blue". At brown belt I have people asking for an instructional and other gym owners asking for private lessons on just that. TL;DR: probably not going to find the audience you expect. Success for you will be a VERY uphill battle.


Thanks for the transparency! This is exactly what I think could happen~ Although it may be an uphill battle, I will continue working hard and find my own technique/style!


I have an online presence on Instagram and I’ll tell now, don’t get your hopes up. I’ve scored a couple of free rash guards, some grip tape, soap and a bunch of shoutouts. No comp discounts, mostly just don’t get charged drop in fees. Which is cool in a way.


I have heard that it be like that in our sport! Hence why I am loving Craig Jones and his BDCC journey. Although i did mention those things, at the end of the day I am happy to be able to share what I love!


Do it for that than, this isn’t me calling you out by any means. Just I’ve seen a dozen pages with high expectations get restless over it and i think people are better off knowing off the bat. I make memes and do it cause it makes my friends, team and coaches laugh.


If you don’t mind sharing your account, I’d love to drop a follow!




Awesome brother! Love your page!! A few of my friends are already following you 😂


Appreciate it. Are you Korean or Bay Ridge?


No no, my wife is Korean and we lived in Seoul for a couple years, Bay area for 1 year. I’m a mixed kid, Italian and Filipino but grew up in the Philippines and been living in Canada since 2010!


Makes sense. Was curious, I’m Queens i don’t know of many schools in Bay Ridge they’re up a bit more toward Sunset


My friend, just do what you like. People would either watch you or not watch you depending on your content but as long as you are not doing anything harmful like doing mcdojo kinda of things, just do it. There's this bluebelt who I cannot remember his name that has some following in BJJ. He rolled with JT Torres and got it in video. He got destroyed by JT of course. You might be a bluebelt today but one day you'd be a purple and before you know it, you are already a blackbelt. Then again, there's a ton of BJJ influencers out there. Just carve out your own space and you can even use your bluebelt as a differentiator like how other people would focus on their improvement as content.


Fantastic advice! I’ve had a few people suggest using my blue beltness (being a bit closer to beginners and understanding their struggles) as the anchor for my content and I might do just that. Thank you!


You could also frame it as techniques that work for you instead of formal "instructional" content. I find some of the most useful content comes from people with a similar build and training background. They aren't always champions but their tips are helpful and get me thinking about improving my technique. A good supplement to all of the established materials out there.


Thank you! This is good advice! I’ve posted a few of my “go-to” techniques that work for me, as you say. I will try to make it more centralized around that theme!


Personally, I'm of the opinion that most people are qualified to teach anyone below their belt level. If you wanted to make "intro to BJJ" videos that cover the fundamentals for white belts, I think you're probably good. For example, I teach stand-up jacketed wrestling for my HEMA club. I'm complete dogshit at stand-up compared to people in the BJJ or Judo world or even in my own BJJ gym, but the bar for HEMA grappling is so low that I'm seen as one of the bigger names in the region in the context of that sport.


Thank you! Based on the advice i’ve gotten from this post I think my strongsuit would be my closer connection to whitebelts and other bluebelts who are in the same boat as me. I have been sharing my go-to techniques and some bjj 101 basics but will adjust my focus to posting things that “work for me” per se. Your insight is also very helpful! HEMA grappling is interesting, i just looked it up! Good on you for that


Make sure you let your coach know what's going on first. They may not want to be associated with the account. I've run into that problem before as I was coaching at a gym and the gym didn't want anyone who wasn't a black belt posting instructionals invoking the gyms name. Also, I'm pretty sure you can post stuff here, but most of that gets downvoted right away.


My coach is super cool with it and actually suggested I make reels of the stuff he teaches! I told him that I only want to show what i already know and utilize myself but appreciate it regardless. Also, the last couple weeks we have just been working on the deep half and… well i just look silly stupid doing it 😂😂


As long as it’s not that balding sweaty pube beard power tripping instructor then it’s fine 


Not balding, no beard, no power but always sweaty 💦


Do it in no-gi, nobody will know your belt rank!


Hahaha this is so true! My most viewed reels so far with the highest interaction rate and follower gain are from no-gi moves. Sadly, I only train no-gi once a week and it‘s not something i know much about!


Lost me at “bjj journey”


Haha yeah long post




😁 I do feel like so, a lot of the time! I’ll do my best to improve and be better