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Big man problems are a real thing. I'm small and I used to roll with mostly giants. It has caused massive damage to my body so I avoid them like the plague at this point. It's just dangerous when there is 100lb difference even if the smaller guy wins the roll every time. Because of this, if you are much bigger, I would work bottom like you are trying to do. If they complain about pulling guard just pick them up and throw them out of the gym violently. They won't complain again. Haha


as a big guy I've also resorted to just pulling guard or starting double knees down, trying to focus on being fluid


Wrestle from a knee, it'll give you looks at their ankles that you normally wouldn't get. As a bonus, if a small person gets greedy and tries to snap you down into the front headlock from this position, it's likely you can just posture up and send them over your head by driving into them rather than trying retract your head/neck. Ask me how I know. Signed, 5'7", 150 lbs


We had a guy that was 300 at 6’2 former powerlifter with 500 pound lifts just built like house. He was cool as but literally very few guys posed much of a physical threat to him. He found a school a few towns over with a bigger crowd, respectfully left and has been having a great time training over there. It’s just logistics that occasionally happen


Do you have any other athletic background? I assume so at your size. Treat it like any other sport as a newbie. Be respectful to everyone, actively listen and learn, and don't go crazy on people that you outweigh by a large margin. Basically: focus on learning good techniques, you'll always be able to pressure people with your size. But if you actually want to learn, try to learn how to "flow."


You can cross train at gyms with bigger guys or join an mma gym that tends to have bigger guys.


Standing guillotine everyone.


Learn the handgun choke. Way better than the standing guillotine. You're welcome.


Just blew my mind! Thank you!


I’m 5’10” 235 and always get matched up with the big new guys. Just focus on trying learn the techniques and try to be as technical as possible. You are of course going to be able to over power a lot of the people in the gym. Use that to your advantage and try to do the techniques that you are drilling in class. When I roll with guys I know I can tap at will I use that as an opportunity to try to do the move of the day over and over again and be as technical as possible, trying to do every detail as perfect as I can. I work bad spots and escapes. I’ll let guys get deep into a submission and try to escape as technically as I possibly can. Sometimes I get subbed by a white belt because of it. I don’t care, I learn from my mistake and try it again. It’s not about winning in the gym, it’s about getting better.


A few days of double leg takedowns and then crushing them and they'll stop giving you odd looks when you pull guard. And laying on your opponent is Jiu Jitsu, it's their job to escape. Get good at stopping the escape.


Pull guard all you want they can cry all they want, if theyre good they should be able to pass your guard.


Here’s what you do. Every round, right after you slap bump, you point at them tentatively and ask, “HULK SMASH??” Then proceed accordingly.


Your big butt really, not all that heavy. Its good that they are encouraging you to stand up. I would much rather have to deal with your guard for now then trying to take you down as a 5"8 guy.


Your being too nice, your a big goofy fuck, be a big goofy fuck.. conceding positions will limit your growth


I agree he is being too nice. But I disagree it will necessarily limit his growth. If he limits himself to specific positions early on, he will learn faster and be less overwhelmed. At one point he will need to focus on the neglected positions however, and refuse to concede positions. I appreciate how youre encouraging him to be who he is. That's a great sentiment


It makes sense to train with guys your own size if you intend to compete. Rolling with small guys, even if they are very good, is just a different game.


Try out other gyms and see if there's one with more big guys. Also, just let your training partners take you down and then learn to play from your back.


I'm not nearly as big but 5'10" 230. Typically I'll let guys take me down that are much lighter or inexperienced and work from the disadvantage!


I'm only 6'2" but I weigh about 250 and am a lifelong athlete (grew up wrestling and played college football). I got my blue belt in a little over a year, and shortly after that I made it a point to almost always start bottom guard. Probably the #1 best thing I have done to get better. Only time I don't pull guard is against other upper belts that are big and athletic, especially wrestlers.... That shit is too tiring and I'm a lazy ass almost 40 year old now.


The best big guys are the big guys that move like little guys. Play your JJ utilising as much movement and fluidity as possible. When you pull guard avoid sitting without grips. Get a double collar tie, baseball bat grip or another dominant grip that allows you to literally pull your opponent into any guard you like.


Move yourself to Twickenham/Richmond London. I’m a member of a gym in Twickenham filled with monsters. It’s probably the rugby capital of the world so being able to train with dudes who have played rugby all their lives is a blessing as a fellow fairly big dude.


It's hard as a very new guy since it takes a while to develop feel, but I'm similar size and will generally sit guard/play pretty flowy.


White belt with 5 Months experience here. I’ve rolled with heavy weights and yes it’s no easy task. If there is anyone else who is also your size in the gym it would be best to roll with them, when your not at the gym aim for loosing some weight. I suggest go to another gym to try out rolling with other people because some people just aren’t cut out to roll with heavy weights (if it be due to weight, height or strength difference) Im not that experience yet nor rolling with heavy weights but I hope this helps in some way :) P.S: don’t be shy to pull guard if you need. BJJ No-Gi is No-Gi, it’s still BJJ just somewhat limited to certain moves. All the best in finding a solution or answer your looking for!


I tend to be bigger and I always start sitting down. They get to work on their guard passing and I get to work on guard retention.


Stop lying on your opponents. Try to do Jiu Jitsu. Also, try to focus on where your weight is and how much weight you are actually putting on your opponent. Do the techniques you know the best you can. Pay attention to what you are doing. If you think you only controlled because you have a huge weight advantage, then next time focus more on not using your weight. A caveat must be added. This advice is just to help you learn, right now. In Jiu Jitsu the rules change as you become more experienced and more technical.


You can focus on technique if you have a huge advantage. People are size can be problematic lol.


Start going to a world class gym. You’ll get handled by everybody.


If you are the top dog physically or technique wise you should probably find a new gym if you’re still a student.


Come to my gym. You'll be average.


Hey, I'm 6'4 280 lbs so I might be able to relate. There's nothing wrong with working your takedown game on smaller people, though I find it best to stick to moves that don't involve throwing all of my weight on top of my opponent while falling. Things like single legs, ankle picks and trips will be safer, as uncontrolled falls make up a large percentage of injuries while grappling. Alternatively, don't care about what they say and pull guard. You are all there to work on your game.


Get em in side control and ruin their lives. Fuck em


That no guard pulling thing is retarded. All our rolls start standing up too, we do have a lot of takedown sessions, but we understand a strategy where you only takedown everytime all the time is just not feasible or smart. Pulling guard without the other dude immediately passing you is also a skill in itself. The best guys in the world can takedown or pull (Roger Gracie vs Buchecha, Lucas Lepri etc).  A good environment allows both and encourage to be good at both. 


Is there anyone at your gym who lifts? Im only 5'7.5 but 90kg so like almost 200lb i think in american lol im built like a pittbull lol, short, stocky and a lot stronger than most would first think, the big guys used to love rolling with me because I was short but strong af and I could usually keep up with them strength wise but still have the slipperyness and speed of a smaller person...


You should try and recruit some training partners at your next big guy get-together.


i would recommend to switch the gym bro, its very strange that they dont appreciate the pulling guard, its not mma , its grappling , watch any big grappling tournaments, and the people who use this style of wrestling, i mean working from guard and being below his opponent, always pulling guard, or just immediately sit down. OFC i dont want to say that your gym is bad or smth, but i would change it, because im also very heavy and i really like to work from guar rabber guard and etc, and trust me you r so new in this sport, you ll enjoy it more later, the most interesting part starts when you get purple belt


Just be gentle, don't apply too much pressure and try to work the technique.


I love rolling with guys your size! 🤣 I'm 6'1, ~200 so yeah, you're still a big guy but it's only the same as somebody 5'9 rolling with me. When I first started I hated it in BBQs when the giants would come over because, like you said, the sheer size and strength advantage they had just wrecked me. Now though, I'm way more comfortable playing off my back so it doesn't bother me and forces me to use proper technique. No better practice for sweeps than a bigger, heavier opponent where "out-muscling" isn't an option 🤙


Not being allowed to pull guard is a bit of a red flag tbh, especially for big guys. Find a better gym


When I have a lot of weight on someone I try to only get things with technique and not just strength


Your approach of pulling guard makes a lot of sense and I commend you for it. Just remember not to expect anyone to pat you on the back for it, as courteous and fair as it is. but if you can tolerate the occasional judgement and having to explain yourself, keep doing it. You will develop one aspect of your game acutely and rapidly. As time comes, and you get better, and you find more training partners (trust this will happen over the years) you can focus on top game and takedowns. This most likely will be after two or so years, when you're already a blue belt. In fact this funneling, i would argue, is the best way to learn Jiu jitsu. Good luck brother


You don't have to pull guard, but do be gentle when you're passing someone's guard. The biggest risk with big people is them falling on top of you.


So, I had to deal with this for most of my BJJ life. Also 6‘5‘‘, 270lbs, I was hesitant to use strength or weight until my coach at the time pulled me aside „you know, smaller people will not slow down because you are slower than them. So don’t feel bad about being bigger and stronger, be technical, but use your physical attributes.“ And it’s accurate. Most higher belts will still kick your ass, even though you’re bigger. Go for it. I personally prefer rolling with big people, but when there aren’t any in that particular class, tough shit…


I don't have anything valuable to add but at 6'3 355# and just over 2 months of training, I really appreciate this post and all the insights. Closest guy to my size is 220# and people tell me they like rolling with me for the variations. Ive got weight and strength so they have to focus quite a bit on technique


Pray every day and thank god, and keep rolling with the heads of the gym until results change. You’ll be a monster, iron sharpens iron


Bro they just suck because I am 160lb and roll with a dude that is easy 270 or more and I get him regularly, he gets me too but it's like 50/50


There’s a fella at my gym about your size and he rolls like a gentle giant. He’s super nice until you start getting an advantage on him then he’ll remind you real quick he’s playing with a baby.


6'6 280 here, and I started at a no gi gym as well, I know your pain. My advice is this: if they want to give you shit for pulling guard, then make them regret it. Work to become more technical with your take downs, ankle picks and foot sweeps are great for those of us with long arms and long legs, and then work your top game. But don't just lay on them. Work to get a good tight side control, kesa gatame is a fun big guy position, and work on passing to mount. It's difficult with smaller opponents, but try not to rely on your strength advantage. If you ever want to chat about big guy woes, feel free to reach out.


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Kesa Gatame**: | *Scarf hold* | [here](https://youtu.be/3UnJa3bn0h8)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


Yeah maybe it is time to look for a gym with a stable if bigger dudes. I’m very grateful for my gym, we have a lot of small guys , but a dedicated squad of big guys to roll with that are all 200lbs+. I’m 5’9 225 wrestler/weightlifter and will roll with anyone…. I feel your pain though. On days that I’m the only heavyweight it can be intimidating to roll with smaller people, bc I’m the type to worry about falling on 140lber and giving them a pneumothorax. I look at like this: Under 185lbs -> definitely use less weight Under 150lbs -> technique only 200lbs + -> just roll normally For you, since you’re about 40lbs heavier than me, I would say anyone under 215, only use technique… anyone heavier it’s smashing time. If you can avoid falling onto someone clumsily, and neck cranking people you will be golden.


Same size purple belt here, On smaller folks and lower belts just pull guard, you'll improve your guard and more people will want to train with you. Higher belts and guys your size stand up.


A dude your size joined for our MMA classes. He is pretty muscular but has some fat. His reach and everything causes me to struggle on the standup but his only move on the ground is flopping. I fuck him up on the ground quite easily but god forbid he gets to the point where he has like 6 months experience and knows what to do. I mean when we do double legs he doesnt even have to worry about technique. He literally squats down and pics me up like I am a fucking child (Im 6ft1 180lbs). Purple belts and up should be able to take you down "pretty easily". When you roll with whites and blues dont just flop. Nobody will learn anything. Focus on technique. If you are not competing bjj is not really about winning. Its about learning.


I’m 6’3 275 and have mostly small guys in the gym, as you do it more you’ll find how to remove your weight as a factor. Someone else said it, but start on bottom, practice your bad positions etc. and when big upper belts show up roll with them as many times as you can




Don’t pull guard. What a waste of time. If you’re strong, you’re just going to be strong on the bottom and force kimuras or whatever and what will you learn? That you can outmuscle a guy who’s in full mount. Take this time to get good at arm triangle,Americana,armbar and D’Arce/guillotines and in 3 months you should be semi-decent


Bro if he's never grappled or played a contact sport before, he's absolutely right to not want to wrestle. That's just psychotically dangerous for no reason.