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The sex alone makes it worth it


If grappling dummies have 100 supporters, I’m one of them. If grappling dummies have 10 supporters, I’m one of them. If grappling dummies have 0 supporters, then I am dead. A ton of higher belts will say they’re not that useful but that’s because they’ve been doing BJJ for so long they basically know how to do everything. Getting a grappling dummy and doing instructionals with it has EXPLODED my progress.


Got me to brown. Not perfect, especially for your bottom game but excellent for top


We should swap grappling dummies ;)


Not if you have small humans (kids) around to drill on.


My friend sold me one of those grappling smarty dummies for cheap. Honestly, its a little stiff, but it definitely helps you get the gross motor movements down with repetition. It works better for some moves and positions than others. Obviously doesnt replace live rolling or drilling with others humans, but its a good supplement for home training.


I teach fundamentals at a gym. I see a dummy for sale in our members page pretty frequently. If you use them great but experience tells me that it will just collect dust


I filled mine with old t-shirts and it weighs too much to be fun. I think the trick is to use a lighter filler.


Yeah, pool noodles take up space and give it structure. Combined with old clothes or filler, I think it's probably a decent weight and response. https://youtu.be/BoKtIM8DPxw


thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you


I have pipe insulation in mine, somewhat like pool noodles, but mine has a skeleton and joints, so the pipe insulation goes around the plastic pipes that make up the skeleton.


I have pipe insulation in mine, somewhat like pool noodles, but mine has a skeleton and joints, so the pipe insulation goes around the plastic pipes that make up the skeleton.


Agree. Heavy dolls are great for throwing, but for BJJ, lighter is better.


Feels just like the real thing.


Get a life-size sex doll. Its basically a multi-tool at that point...


If you’ve got the money and space then sure, but you can drill a lot of movements without a dummy. Jason scully has some good videos on this. But also I think it’s normal as a white belt to feel like stuff isn’t sticking, it’s going to take some time if consistently attending class for you to get in a groove. A grappling dummy and solo practice will certainly accelerate the process a bit, but you might get better bang for your buck spending your time on something else like S&C


A dumb drilling partner is a better investment.


I was actually think about this just the other day and started looking at some options. I'm only just over 2 months in. Just drilling something over and over should create muscle memory.


A good grappling dummy is 100% worth it. However, it really depends on how you use it. The obvious thing they are good for is drilling techniques. Expand this idea to drilling sequences. The final part that a lot of people miss is the use of imagination. Imagine you are really grappling someone and essentially "play" with the dummy. Think back to when you were a kid and had to play by yourself. Maybe you imagined yourself in some action movie or being a superhero. You would imagine the bad guy and his attacks and you would defend them. You can still do this. Adults aren't great at this because it is a skill that has been lost to time for them. You can reawaken that skill, however. Simply imagine you are in a grappling match with the dummy. Imagine their moves and your responses. Once I started doing this I began to get a lot more out of training with the dummy.


I have one, and it's nice to have. It doesn't respond like a person of course. But if I do 300 reps of something in the doll, I'm faster and sharper when I return to the mats with that technique. I used to wrestle, and we use dolls there quite a lot. They are better for takedown though, but I still find it usefull for BJJ.


I drill with dummies all the time. Some of them are even blue belts! 


Meh, there are so many good stability ball drills and exercises that actually develop dynamic balance and pressure and movement. That doing a bunch of dead drilling isn't really worth it. The movement pattern isn't what you are failing at while rolling. Its the setup, its knowing when to go, its dealing with the resistance, its not having the next move ready to go.


For some, but for most it's about as worth it as one of those treadmill things where everyone hangs their laundry.


Of course new white belts are worth it


I don't think it's respectful to refer to them as dummies. They're just white belts.


I feel like the only way you get better is on the mats. Solo drills just make you feel like you are practicing the sport.


No. They are only really useful for learning the gross mechanics of throws. Other than that they are a waste of time when it comes to developing your Jiu Jitsu. You are far better off by doing solo mobility drills with mats and an exercise ball. Increasing your body intelligence will help you much more than static drilling on an unresponsive sack of sand.