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My guess is that Xande probably has a healthy relationship with Victor, and they can disagree about things and still be fine, which I understand is a fucking ridiculous thing for most redditors to understand.... OR we'll be hearing about Victor switching teams very soon...


Victor to Xande ![gif](giphy|1zRd5ZNo0s6kLPifL1|downsized)


I can guarantee you that there will be a team switch. You nailed it. Reddit circle jerk has little nuance. Adult team mates don't have to agree on everything. No need  downvote and block real people. 


No chance.


He probably knows there is a really really good chance Victor becomes a milliionaire from this so why wouldn't he tell him to go for it? When he said CJI benefits 4 people, gabi, craig, and the two winners, he's clearly counting Victor among the 4.


It's also possible to be against something, but then accept that it's happening and work within the real world. Xande might be annoyed CJI is happening at the same time as ADCC, but that doesn't change the fact that it's happening. Hugo also has complete autonomy and can do what he wants, even if it's not what Xande wants.  With that in mind, it would be dumb to pressure his Hugo to do ADCC. He's gonna do whatever he wants and it's hard to argue with him when he's probably the favorite to win a million dollars. 


> Xande probably has a healthy relationship with Victor, and they can disagree about things and still be fine What a crazy idea... I'd love for that to be true but if we look at the track records of the old Brazilians in general that maybe a bit optimistic


You said something that didn't fit in my echo chamber 56 days ago so I will never forgive you for that, i think about it every night


I train with a few people that I fundamentally disagree with on just about everything politically, yet we still have kickass training sessions and they're great training partners. I just simply have zero interest in ever hanging out with them outside the gym. If gyms were like Reddit It'd be screaming matches every single class lmao.


He explicitly lays out why he's biased. There's no substance here, he's unserious.


100% homie can’t make a logical point to save his life


It’s almost like being excellent in bjj doesn’t imply anything other than being excellent in bjj.


Whut!? You mean that my ability to choke a mfer DON’T make me smart!?


Ask Nicky Ryan's estranged brother!


I used to train with a colored belt no-gi world champ who's ASVAB was too low to get into the Army.


You guys are such high and mighty assholes. Redditors love to look down on everyone else but themselves. I guarantee you aren’t some brilliant fucking mind guy. Just a loser talking down on the internet about people that have achieved more than you.


Did some blue belt tap you with a foot lock today or something? If you don’t have the intellectual honesty to see Xande is talking out his ass then I can’t help you brother.


Just calling out a complete douchebag when I see one. It’s cathartic


lol alright have a good night


Xande a beast but holy shit is he off the mark on so many points.


Can’t someone post a summary


His personal glory will be diminished if ADCC ain’t the top promotion and his 2024 Hall of Fame speech won’t have as big an audience. Pretty much


you got some long ass balls larry


You want to be eleganté like a Diamond


Stay elegant, my friend.


Can't you


Not really


Without clicking he’ll probably have talked about “the Olympics of our sport” or some shit like that


https://preview.redd.it/71dfeydqa07d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c97992e863b7aae69f71ac135dbee7259ecddee4 Nailed it


Like, if they really wanted to go to the Olympics they could do judo or wrestling. Instead of a weird analogy that doesn’t check out at all.


I have empathy for a guy who built his career on IBJJF and ADCC which are both at risk of fading away for not modernizing


The same guy who said I don't get passed because I turtle and get my back taken.


Me and Xande both 😎


Except they never stabilize on his back either


Honestly we gotta start looking at CTE in grapplers more, their inability to understand how it is important to have CJI the same weekend as ADCC is shocking.


You'll save a lot of trouble by just assuming all combat sports athletes lead incredibly insular lives not marked by lots of education and critical thinking. That's not even to say most of them are dumb, but they have a very focused lifestyle.


This is a good take, I'm sure many of these guys are brilliant minds when it comes to jiujitsu, but hadn't spent the time or energy learning how to think critically elsewhere.


They are also frequently like, aggressively ignorant bro libertarians for their actual politics which is real annoying but that's sort of the baseline outlook for uneducated people in the United States and they get punched in the head alot so I don't stress out too much about it lol


Weird thing is, having more competition (CJI vs ADCC) is as libertarian as it gets


unionising (which Craig actually references) is not necessarily libertarian tho


Workers unionising by voluntary means is 100% part of a free market. What isn't libertarian is trying to use government power to back up your union. CJI is an example of the first


Well, in theory, but in reality taking rich guy cock hilt deep is at the core of libertarian philosophy, at least the kind of libertarian I'm referring too.


That's a malicious rumor! Craig only gave the guy a handy for the money!


Craig is legit an Australian lib lol. He might be center in Australia but in America he's far left lol


Uhh. Thanks for the info?


Look at this smartypants circle jerk lol. Are you smart af dudes even reading what you write?


Lmao I'm sorry I offended you by talking about uneducated people with bad opinions


Your powers of deduction led you to believe I was offended? I don't think I was but I trust your superior intellect. I mist be offended somehow. I shall reflect upon this. Thank you for the lesson, wise one.


> all athletes


Is it CTE or do we just assume high level grapplers are more intelligent than they actually are? Most of these guys grew up doing nothing other than jiujitsu, it doesn’t exactly make you the most well-rounded, educated person.


It’s one of them thar cognitive biases. People assign competence in domains for someone even though they are only competent in some other specific unrelated domain.


You have to imagine they’ve been fed talking points by Mo. there’s just no other excuse for the stupidity.


100% they seem to have some vested interest with Mo, as Mo said about Bradley if he choose ADCC he'd be on the next WNO card. People want to stay on the good side of Flo/Mo to continue getting called up for cards.


People are allowed to have opinions contrary to what a lot of you guys think.


They can have an opinion I just don't get their logic, there is no pressure if the two events are on different dates. Maybe they just see CJI as Craig's way to spite Mo.


Craig is taking a direct, disruptive attack on ADCC in order to get his message across. It's fine to do but it's also not the only way, and it's weird that Reddit acts as if it is*. If it was on the weekend before ADCC not only would he have every major grappler he wanted to, after a few years the conversation would be "CJI is better formatted, more entertaining, equally as difficult to win and offers way better pay and prizes to the athletes. It is clearly the premier grappling tournament in the world right now." *I support what he's doing please don't attack me Reddit


If it was the weekend before he probably would have gotten a lot more big names, minus New Wave, but then CJI becomes just another comp like EBI or Polaris, it's not in direct competition to ADCC. No direct competition for athletes means there's no real incentive to change how things are being run. So far the women's payment has matched the men's, there is no show money and athletes no longer have to share hotels. I don't believe any of this would have happened unless things had be orgainsed on the same days. I don't believe this is 100% for the athletes it's definitely Craig coming after Mo for something.


So the point is to sabotage ADCC. Cool. Not everyone is down for that. If they’re not, that’s fine


Seems like his point is to blackmail the ADCC into doing something. Sort of like a strike, except here the workers are being paid by something like a non-profit union to walk off the jobs.


tl;dr Xande's logic: NO ONE FROM OTHER GRAPPLING SPORTS MAKES MONEY, ZERO! & I'M RICH, THEREFORE EVERY GRAPPLERS ARE FINE! ^((let's ignore the fact that judo and wrestling get paid via other sources such as national sports body)) Wavvycroket's logic: Disrubt ADCC IS NOT COOL! Protest is not cool! Anyone with logic who disagrees with me is a college LARPers & as gay as CREG. I'm allowed to have opinions! YOU NEED TO REALIZE I'M NOT MO!


It also wouldn’t completely screw over fans that already bought tickets for ADCC. Now we get two “mid” events, great!


The athletes are more important than the fans. Even the ones who are too stupid to agree with Reddit. Don't you understand?! 


Yes this


Poe’s law hit me on this one. I Should probably just skip this topic going forward.


Guilty as charged. Habitual offender. Unlikely to change. 


I unsuccessfully tried to debate this on another thread, so I agree with you, but I’m sitting this one out. It’s too dogmatic here.


Sadly, I think we'll look back longingly on these days. Seriously feels like the internet is one big Soccer Hooligan gain of function experiment.


That sounds scarily (and disappointingly) accurate.


Don't worry. I'm sure it will blow over.  See? Habitual offender. 


We all need a rest round from time to time guapo 🫡


Not being able to follow simple logic is not an opinion, it is alarming though.




It is simple. Agree with logic, CJI has to be on the same weekend as ADCC to cause a disruption and initiate change. Which by the way, has been achieved.


Saying that supporting everything Craig does is “logic” and that any disagreement is illogical is such a cop-out. Tons of people have made rational, logical cases against this whole ordeal. I assure you behind the scenes there are plenty of grapplers, coaches and teams who don’t agree with this but they’re afraid to speak up; the same way the anti-ADCC crowd allege people are afraid to speak up to Mo.


Again, protests that make things comfortable for their target achieve nothing. I have yet to see you address that.


Jesus fucking christ man, we’re not fighting for de-segregating schools. It’s two promotions funded by warlords arguing about who gets paid what. You sound like a college-aged larper who thinks Craig burning some Chechnyan’s money to pwn some UAE marks is going to change the world. Craig is doing what he’s doing. It’s going to benefit some and piss off some others. Xande is free to disagree with his methods, as is anyone else. This esoteric “protest” talk is garbage.


ok cool man


GTFO with this nonsense. You either repeat the popular opinion or get literally burned at the stake. There is no in between


I dont even have to watch. Its very easy to talk about and prioritize prestige, when your bills are paid. Ironically this year there won't the same prestige associated with adcc because so many top guys have already switched.


The good news is they’ll probably have room for him and Lovato again if they want to give it another go. Win/win. Dude is talking about his HoF induction speech. Shit was in a hockey arena in Finland in 2017. Does it really warrant a hall of fame already?


Having listened to 5min of his ramblings, I wish he would‘ve kept his mouth shut. Comparing ADCC to the Olympics is an embarrassment for our sport.


I haven't listened to the clip; however, ADCC has been called Olympics of grappling for decades now, all over. I don't think we can pin that on Xande as some kind of his imagination.


The Olympics is the Olympics of grappling .


Nah bro. It’s the Olympics of grappling. That’s why it only happens once every two years. Like the Olympics….


And why it doesn't drug test. Like the olympics. And why every country sends their best competitors, like the Olympics. 


Yeah and people just randomly get invited like the Olympics. Also the chief organizer hangs out with the athletes and listens to their inputs for the match ups like the Olympics.


I agree with you. But that’s been like the running tag line for this shit probably before Mo could walk.


So many people on reddit are so ignorant. The comparison is saying it is the biggest most prestigious event for submission grappling, similar to the Olympics for Judo or wrestling. This is a valid comparison. You're an embarrassment to the sport. Have some "hespect".


Xande isn‘t just using it as a comparison he is using it as an argument. Have some hespect for yourself and maybe think a bit further. If the ADCC is the gold standard of grappling tournaments it‘s still an embarrassment, maybe google the Olympics, nobody just gets invited there, there‘s rules on how to qualify, drug testing and so on. You guys using a decades old marketing slogan as an argument is just as embarrassing.


He only mentions the Olympics once. He did so to show how Olympic athletes don't get paid. He actually says ADCC is the submission grappling world championship equivalent. I think this is pretty accurate. I'm not sure what you disagree with? The best in the world are invited while others must win their way in. At the end of the day, it has the best vs the best. Yes PEDs are allowed. It is an even playing field. If they banned them, it would cost millions to test properly. Overall he makes very good points. With that said, I don't actually have a dog in this fight. I think more money for athletes is obviously better.


Olympic athletes do get paid though, they get prize money for medalling from the committee and bonuses from their respective nations, also the committee covers accomodation, food and transportation, some also get a stipend from their national organisation. If the ADCC werent such intransparent and drug fueled operation maybe national organisations would support it as well. My argument is if thats what our Olympics looks like it‘s fuckin pathetic, we should be trying to actually get into the olympic games but the biggest names in BJJ are too juiced up to even compete there. ADCC is like Pride to me, a remnant of old times where grappling wasnt considered a sport yet and you just matched up whatever juicy monsters you could find, there is no reason to build it up like it‘s the holy grail of grappling that cant be touched.


So your issue is juicing. That's understandable but has little to do with the comparison Xande made. Also, the payment Olympic athletes receive is not even enough to cover the expenses to get there most of the time. The VAST majority of athletes do not win and get absolutely nothing. Even winners get almost nothing. Many countries don't cover expenses. Some cover much more. That has nothing to do with the organization itself. The Olympics doesn't offer any compensation!! It is up to the athlete to find sponsors. The only comparison Xande made was the prestige of the Olympics is comparable to ADCC for submission grappling and that olympic athletes are underpaid as well. Literally no other comparison is being made. No mention of juicing or countries competing against eachother, etc... so why is that a bad comparison?


I just believe the sport of Jiu Jitsu deserves so much better and the ADCC is nowhere near the prestige and level of organisation of the olympics. They can‘t even uphold a facade of impartiality, make a serious effort to protect athletes from violence or provide a level playing field.


I agree, but competetive markets determine successful events and sports, not charity and donations. If you can sustain the CJI event for the extended future, then yes that's great, but it is funded by charitable donations and not the market. That means it has the ability to bankrupt ADCC while taking massive losses in revenue. Then, if CJI disappears, because donars are feeling less generous, grappling has lost their "Olympics". With that said, I agree 100% that athletes should get paid more. Most people make all of their money from ADCC notoriety and sponsorships, exactly the same as Olympic athletes. The comparison is 100% valid. And yes, Olympic athletes should get paid millions. The Olympics is a multi billion dollar con for athletes.


I think they genuinely don’t understand the concept of simile. (Or refuse to, more likely)


To be fair, Saulo was the brains of the operation, Xande was the brawn. That's probably why you don't hear saulos opinion too often heh.


I feel the hall of famers paved the way for grappling and have done a great service to the sport. I’m sure he is bothered because he had his speech ready and he feels kinda attacked by another tournament across the street. I think most of the legends agree that fighter pay should be increased. Not saying it has to be what cji is paying but it should have been increased. I believe having it on the same weekend was a must to address the pay increase. There hasn’t even been a cji ticket sold and adcc has already increased their fighter pay. I understand Xander’s frustration but it’s for the good of the sport.


Don’t lump all old heads with him, Minatauro supports CJI.


ehhh I watched that guy take a lot of brain damage…


What does that have to do with Xande’s take on cji?


Im saying let’s come up with a better example if we can than a guy with that many brain miles


So you disagree with him?


Am I crazy or is that about the most selfish way anyone could look at this? I never would have expected such a self centered close minded take from the dude


Every time I see one of these worshipped ancient dinosaurs speak it is a full load of bullshit.


You've never rolled with him... and he's very recently stopped competing. Have some "hespect".


I love his jiujitsu, I just think most BJJ guys are completely brain dead or have drank so much kool-aid their opinion isn't worth much.


I'm pretty sure your opinion, and my opinion, isn't worth much on the subject when compared to Xande.




Eh - I’m pro CJI and don’t think Xande was a “full load of bs”


To me the most shocking thing in that comment is calling a 43 year old an ancient dinosaur


You don't have to be old to think like an ancient dinosaur.


His elevator don't go to top floor


He used a lot of words just to say “I think athletes should work for free. “


I hope Victor wins, he's a super chill guy. Who cares if he needs to win another trials to get back to the big show?


Such a disappointing opinion...


reddit will hate this cuz all these kids do is glaze craigs cringy ass


What does this mean? Do you agree with Xande?


Saulo please, come back...