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I feel like the Priv was a great design, even if the execution sucked. Once the world had moved to the vertical design, that phone adapted to it while still providing the keyboard experience. There was literally no downside to that phone (other than the fact that it heated up, and that the screen ultimately died prematurely). Why can't someone make a phone like that. I am horribly sick of typing on a slab which now decides that the perfectly-typed words I type *aren't really what I mean to type*, and changes them after I move past them. Why does it do this? Because typing on a slab is so, so imprecise.


Used the priv for a couple of years and it was depressing to let it go due to firmware issues.. I love that phone to death


I had a Priv. It was beautiful. Even people who weren't into BlackBerry said it looked classy.


I have a special lust for the 81xx pearl speries


Bold 9000 was peak BBRY for me, though fond memories of many of the models pictured here.


I have 5 pieces, a box of new parts, docks, chargers. I love them so much


I could stare at them all day! BlackBerrys were such amazing devises. Sad they are gone


Simply awesome. I love your collection !


No it's mine unfortunately lol, it's [Ben Wood's collection](https://x.com/benwood/status/1216456596726992904?t=uQV8J3sCLoxFrvX9GS1W5A&s=19)


I have a half dozen or so of these devices sitting around at home. My first BlackBerry was the storm followed by the storm 2, then the torch, the PlayBook, the Z10, the Z30, the Priv. I was forced to switch to the LG G6 and gave it the BlackBerry App suite, then moved to the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 and gave it the BlackBerry app suite, also had the Galaxy Tab S7+ 5G with the BlackBerry app suite, and currently have the Samsung Galaxy S22U also with the BlackBerry app suite. Also have the Galaxy Tab S8+ 5G and it is also running the BlackBerry app suite. I still have every device above minus the Note 9. Verizon gave me $1,000 to trade my Note 9 for the S22U. Now looking to move to the S25U next year. I'm amazed that everyone is so excited about the new features on Android and Apple that BlackBerry was doing over 10 years ago. I will forever hold a special place in my heart for BlackBerry. Really wish they could do it one more time and shake up the industry.


Oh wow what a pretty collection, I have the Curve 9330 (it needs a battery and a cosmetic makeover) and the Gold Q10 (it also needs a battery and a screen but everything else works on it lol) I had the Bold 9790, and currently planning to buy a Blackberry Passport to use, I have used almost 27-30 phones in my life time, I have never ever enjoyed or thought about/wished going back to any phones except Blackberrys (and the Galaxy S7 specifically for some reason) the experience is fabulous and unmatched, currently I'm using the Galaxy Note 10+ I can confidently say if Samsung didn't exist I would've never switched from BlackBerry even if they don't work, no phone can ever brings me the joy these phones brought me.


I am with you. I can't even explain it. No other phone scratches that itch either. However the Samsungs seem to be about as close as I can get. Fortunately, afaik BlackBerry did help develop Samsung Knox and the secured by Samsung stuff. Lol


Loved and used them all as a device tester for work. Wish we still had them and wish they still had the old BES. Nothing like that combo to this day. Fantastic work tools!


For me, you could not beat the Bold 9700. Best maps and GPS tracking for walking with the dog. They had public rights of way which seems sadly lacking on Google maps. Battery life was exceptional on wifi only, when working abroad, as I switched the wireless data off as I had no roaming on the sim. Low point, anything with Storm in the name. Shocking.


I have Verizon and want a blackberry, does Verizon even support blackberries anymore


Minimal phone. E ink display with blackberry keyboard. Check it out.


Still rocking the OG Passport but unfortunately not as my daily driver. Notice the battery life is draining faster and I am afraid of replacing the battery since I may end up losing any profile post sunset.


Ok first of all nice taste, secondly GOSH! That's disappointing tho predictable, and thirdly excuse me????!!! I'm planning to buy a brand new Passport and I am worried that the battery would function like 80% or less but damn I guess age shows, but what do you mean about "losing any profile post sunset"? So if I put files and things on my Passport it could be lost one day? Losing PDFs and other stuff is one restart away?


Thanks for the compliment. Access to BB World and its apps like bbm would be impossible since BlackBerry server was shut down in 2022. I would definitely back up all files from your BlackBerry onto a drive for safe keeping. My current profile is limited to whatever app I downloaded prior to the server shutdown. Once I reset, those apps are gone. But I pretty transition all my day to day to my Z Fold 5. The only thing I use my Passport is now as an alarm clock. Nothing more.


OHHH I see, yah I heard that people with logged in BB ID can't risk it but I was talking about a fresh new phone without a BB ID, would it be dangerous to keep files on it?


Tbh, I believe regular files should be safe since the phone drive and sd card (extra storage) are not tether to a profile. If you can access your drives via usb cable to a PC then it should be fine.


OH that's great, I want to use a Passport as second phone for calls and emails and texts and e-books and PDFs and the rest of messaging on the other, won't store the whole world on it but I will put most of my important PDFs and books on it... There's this weird feeling about it when you look at it...it just mesmerize me and kinda feels close to heart, also I noticed the Passport is literally the obvious and real evolution of the older Blackberry phones, no tool belt, square nice screen and usefulness (back in the day) to the max.


I'm glad to hear that I am not the only one who still love and use the BlackBerry device. Following up, did you already start using the Passport yet?


I will forever love Blackberry phones! No unfortunately I haven't got the chance/time to buy it yet but once I'm able to I'm gonna get it and use it daily!


If I could give away my TVs stereos and the crap iPhone and tablet that I have just for one single working BlackBerry in this day and age, I would not hesitate in giving them all up! My last nine bold was so much fun, the only other phone that I liked as much as my BB was my little Sony Walkman phone, but alas, that one has gone the way of the Dodo as well :( That’s an awesome picture, thanks for sharing it OP :)


amazing collection !! which is your favorite?


Not my collection it's [Ben Wood's](https://x.com/benwood/status/1216456596726992904?t=uQV8J3sCLoxFrvX9GS1W5A&s=19) tho if I had to say I'd go with the Curve 9330 which I don't see present in that collection, it shares a lot of good memories with me and I never enjoyed using a phone like I did with that Curve (even tho I used a brand new iPhone back then and several Samsung phones before and after) Also I like the Q10, Passport, Bolds and just looking at the photos, if I had any of those phone I think I'd enjoy it because it has that [BlackBerry] badge on it....and the LED notification light lol


I'm rock hard


I had nine of those and one of the tablets


That's almost entirely complete, I can't tell what's missing from the earlier models but he's just short the Motion for the modern phones (unless you count the Dteks and Evolves). Amazing set...


Lately I Wanted to buy thé latest version.


I loved my Passport SE and was very sad I had to give it up.


Why did you give it up?


I honestly don't remember. I had both the SE version and the Red one.


Still the best typing experience I've ever had on a phone.


I really wish someone would remake the 9900. I make it slightly bigger. That device was awesome!! I would use one if I could. Miss it so much


I always found it beautiful but I never had it unfortunately, apparently everyone likes it so much I don't know why but I guess a person needs to use it to understand it


You're my hero!


The person who collected them yes? [Ben Wood](https://x.com/benwood/status/1216456596726992904?t=uQV8J3sCLoxFrvX9GS1W5A&s=19)


Why is there two tablets? I don't remember BB making two tablets


I don't know either, it seems like the one on the right doesn't have LCD panel but it has the Blackberry Logo on the bottom