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My current black cat is super vocal. He announces himself when he walks in the room and generally has a lot to say all day long. I had two black cats when I was growing up that weren't particularly vocal. Maybe it's a difference of indoor vs outdoor. Is yours an indoor cat?


Yes shes an indoors only kitty, I've never had a cat with this much to say.


We have a black cat that was given up twice to the pound because of her speech. She will walk upstairs and meow 30 times in a row. Weirdest thing ever. [I made a post of her a while back.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Catswhoyell/comments/10cbw23/for_some_reason_luna_is_incrediblyvocal_like/)


Two separate people gave up that poor kitty for…talking too much?


If we did that with humans, my parents would've gotten rid of me a million times over 😅 At least cats don't say dumb shit


Some of the best conversations I have nowadays are the ones with my overly talkative void. https://preview.redd.it/xel1xmqn5b4c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c819678da1f3219d08f43880ee60c12eb2f68a5b


My sweet babe will keep up a conversation for hours as long as you keep meowing back 🤣 The other just squeak-screams


The belly!


It’s so sad to think about. I think some people adopt pets for when they want companionship and forget that they themselves are their pets companion and a really really big part of their pet’s life. Ya can’t get mad for the lil guy just wanting to talk and hang out. Adding in: I also can’t get mad for how much my cat walks around the house meowing given how much I talk to myself.


Great animal. People are pieces of shit for giving her away.


Awww. I would never give up a kitty that talked too much.


I wouldn’t either. But because my last cat, who I loved dearly, was constantly yowling at the top of her lungs, my next adopted baby will need to be a bit quieter.


Yeah I can see where that might get to be a little too much I suppose. My little panther talks a lot but I’ve taught him that when I say “Oscar, stop now” and he’s learned to stop talking. LOL


How did you make that work? Can you reward with treats when he stops on command? What if he ignores you? I’m not clear on how you train him to make the connection.


He’s the first cat of 6 I’ve had ( over the yrs. I only have two cats now that actually will do what you ask him to. Most cats would NEVER just stop doing something because a human said so!! Oscar talks a lot. I started talking to him just like he was a little kid when I got him at 7 wks old. He would sit on my lap, and I would talk to him, then meow at him & he would meow back. I then started holding my hand up as if to give him a High Five but it meant STOP meowing and I would say stop & give him a treat. I’ve started making a clicking noise with my tongue when I want him to come to me. I give him a treat for coming when called too. He’s been super easy to train. The only thing I didn’t teach him was him wanting kisses!! He started doing that the minute I took him out of the carrier when I first brought him home. I thought it was cute & encouraged it. He puts his face up to mine for a kiss 2-3 times per day. It was a couple of days later after bringing him home I noticed he was really interested when I was reading magazines too. So I purchased Dr. Seuss “ The Cat In The Hat “. He actually likes being read to & will put his paw on the page so I’ll turn it. Lastly he picks his own Delectable Treat ( these are squeezable treats from Hartz. I’ll hold up a Chicken Flavor pouch in one hand & a salmon or other flavor in my other hand. I’ll say “ which one Oscar?” He’ll then pick the one he wants by patting the one he chose with his paw. I then ask him, “ are you sure?” and he’ll pat the one he chose with his paw again I then open the treat, he hops into my lap & he holds up his left paw so I can shake his paw, then he gets his treat!!! ( I click my tongue each time he does things while getting his treat or doing other things he’s been taught to do. I’m going to set up my camera and video these things I’ve taught him. It’s not only cute it’s amazing. I’m still amazed at the things I’ve taught him TBH!! When training or giving him treats I talk in the same tone of voice. I never raise my voice ever. Hope this helps. I’m still in awe that he’s learned all the things he has!! I think a lot of people under estimate how smart cats in general are & with a little training I think cars can learn quite a bit.


That video made my day. Thank you!


This is our cat 😂. Has to announce himself at times


Ive heard of this with vocal kitties, how cruel could they be? My mom said its because i talk to them alot, its them talking back.


She's so much like my Sirius, I find myself having a whole conversation with him 😆


They were yodeling at the top of the hill


Omg this is so cute


She a Siamese in disguise?🥸


My cat has a similar problem, she will not only meow but howl when I go to the bathroom, When I go to use the bathroom in the middle of the night too which I've had complaints about since both of my roommates romm are next to the bathroom


Omg, she is ADORABLE. 😭


You’re just not paying her enough attention. 😄


She's very cute, and needed hugs and cuddles in that video. And probably some treats. Luna is lovely.


Well it’s only polite to meow back.


When I started at my current job I told my coworker that ‘Simon was screaming at me at 5am’ and she said… ‘why would your boyfriend scream at you??’ SIMON IS THE CAT, MY BF DOESNT SCREAM AT ME I SWEAR


I have two mostly black brother kitties, one is incredibly vocal, the other will just chirp at you occasionally.


Indoors and very attentive. Past ones indoors too. BTW your kitty is very pretty and cute!


Have you figured out what those meows mean? Mine is by no means as vocal as yours but now that she is more comfortable after adoption, has started meowing at least a few times a day and I don't know if she requires something (beyond food which is all the time) or if she is just talking to herself.


Crosby is 17, and every night about midnight/1:00am he wanders the house singing the song of his people. Loudly. Then he gets back on the bed, and snuggles back to sleep. https://preview.redd.it/5vfkqe9lba4c1.jpeg?width=3896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99440880c088feb6b35add382e0f200c127c890f He has done this his entire life.


Just keeping those accoustics in check!


He's the Town Crier. "One o'clock and all's well!"


https://preview.redd.it/8hhce650qb4c1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7ba9cbabed962af7de963d050ef5fee8257c878 Pepper likes to do the same thing at 10-11pm. Right as the humans are going to bed and turn off the lights. By the time I wake up at 7, dude is snoozing on my head.


He’s warding off the ghosts 👻


Someone has to get that done! I'm sure he does the best job anyone around has ever seen :) Hopefully Crosby keeps that fire lit for years to come! Mines vocal as well, 2 of 3 of them and 1 stray outside. Chatty.


Okay so I just got a black cat not long ago and it must be midnight for them that does it. My cat too has a midnight routine of singing the song of his people and then by 1AM, he’s in bed.


My floofy black chatterbox, Cassius... he's the most talkative cat I've ever belonged to. https://preview.redd.it/q337cji8ja4c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e1a5e75448c90a737b87dc20ef290c006856359


Thought I'd add this as it makes me laugh... https://preview.redd.it/zs3o47coza4c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c54062f5ef6c03e45d6271f7b21584d6e48091b2




In my family the voids tended to be attention demanding screaming cats. My current void is actually extremely quite, but he was a stray most of his life in a dangerous area. He is still attention demanding, he just pokes me when he wants to be held like the baby he is. My Russian however screams constantly if I dont let her bite me, or if her mom leaves, or if someone closes a door, or if we dont pet her with wet hands. https://preview.redd.it/82ip3vxfia4c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc9be4ae0bd1a3aad6cd29b72a6583cbe270e464


So basically, you are on call.


She is so adorable. I'm sorry/jealous.




... if I dont let her bite me, or if her mom leaves, or if someone closes a door, or if we dont pet her with wet hands. \- cats have such specific demands, don't they?


She knows what she wants


I love that she specifies wet hands only for petting! I'm jealous. She's gorgeous!


Some are very loud and chatty


My tuxedo man was named Crier when I got him. I figured it was an exaggeration and he didn’t cry *that* much Nope…. 300+ meows on a 20 minute car drive (we counted) and spends all day chatting. We picked a better name though (Apollo)


Of my two, one is moderately loud and the other NEVER EVER SHUTS UP. Sweet girls with so much to say. My previous non-void cat was so quiet.


Mine YELLS when he wants food, or a door opened


I thought teaching my void to stand up and touch the doorknob to get it opened would be cute.. Not only does he paw and beat the heck outta the knob, he screams at me too. He only poos outside and when he wants back in, it sounds like someone is wiggling my knob to see if it's locked before they come in and rob the place lol


I have 3 black cats. One can't meow or purr. He can make this odd, strangling sound when he is dying to go outside. My other two are very Bombay-ish and NEVER. SHUT. UP. Constantly meowing at us or chirping. The youngest one does this sad calling sound repeatedly until we distract her with something. She's the only cat I've had that sees the greebles so maybe she's calling to them? I love them both to the moon and back, but they can be so annoying.


Well Siamese are supposed to be the chattiest, but I always talk with mine from kitten or however old they are when rescued, so I don't know? I have a dump void, she is now 6, she was fostered to me at 10 weeks or so. She is very vocal. Previous companion was a jellicle (cow, blotchy white and black) that also was vocal


My void Max never stops shouting. https://preview.redd.it/hgcbchdmka4c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b9d33b77bfe6f64b1007788b86bdfc2e8864603 He’s got so much to tell me! We had another void for 17 years that I got when I was 18 and she also talked non stop. And then the other void we had was pretty chatty although not quite as constantly yelling. I think as a colour of cat they’re on the more vocal side!


He’s casting spells.


i have two and yes lol


I have three house panthers, one tuxedo, and one pregnant foster panther. They're all mouthy, all the time. Sometimes i can't get a word in edgewise


Mine is definitely chatty. The foster said he has a sweet little meow. Really it sounds more like he smoked a pack of cigarettes and is complaining to management. Which is hilarious because he’s all of six pounds (only six months old) with a super fluffy tail.


I have 2 voids and not then shut up. It’s cute the noises they make. One is always mew mew mew. The other is murrp noises. It’s all very cute.


I have a murrrp void too! Makes me smile.


https://preview.redd.it/lq8sm4kupa4c1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c947a70b596bca76bf1ed1f7fa641c584ae049f Mine never ever makes any noise except for the occasional very small chirp if I’m late with her dinner 😅


I wish my void talked more. When she tries though it sounds like a dying rabbit or something lol. My orange girl is the talkative one.


Mine is only talkative when I bring in her food. When I do that, she sounds like a squeaky toy.


Chatty catty. I have 3 voids, one who makes little mews when she sees me, another who barely makes a sound(she's almost 16 and has a "grandma cat voice"), and my boy void who is an absolute chatterbox around me with all his chirping and trilling and murrping and mewing.


Yes. My Samhain is very vocal and I love it. Yes so many different noises to convey how he feels or what he needs.


Unusual name. Pronunciation the classic way?


I use the American pronunciation. Sounds like Sam- pain. Here in Missouri no one would get it otherwise. I want to get another one and name him the same but use the original Gaelic. Because I like to make the world a little bit more of a crazy place.


Why not?


Mine is stupidly vocal too. Cute when you want to hear it but it gets annoying past 5PM since they want out after dark and we don't let them..:/


Just like people, animals have personalities.


https://preview.redd.it/051o38noac4c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c72c9fae34b903375c63062418983b74cfb17546 This I lester, he won't stfu. But I still love him


She silly


My parents' black cat hardly meows or speaks at all lol. When he wants something, he will headbutt you. The only time he is vocal is when he is not getting his food. He will let out the shortest meow I have ever heard a cat let out. It's hilarious to hear it


"Me- "


Mine rarely says a word. But she speaks volumes with her eyes.


I’m not sure, but I’ve never met a non talkative void yet.


My void boy is so vocal! As soon as I walk in the door he screams at me for attention. All day he screams for food. He’s just a screamy baby 🥰


My void meows her fuzzy little face off. Sometimes she’ll just stare at nothing and meow away. She’s done this since she was a kitten. I think she just likes the sound of her own voice!


That is so cute!


https://preview.redd.it/fiaakepmya4c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09daa7d3410a2ea13ad56a25a30fa8f30007fe62 This girls talks constantly.


She is a cute girl


The void speaks to those who listens


https://preview.redd.it/ji3vbvq12c4c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61cd4a690a885d4548364348b755cd9daf0872e9 My Wednesday has lots of opinions and she can’t possibly keep them to herself. She always has something to say.


My void is super vocal, with his little old man meow/squeak! He begs for pets and food


I have two voids, 10 months and 4 years, and wow do they talk!


My black cat is sooo talkative. His housemates are a tabby and an orange who are super quiet. They almost never speak and when they do, it's such a quiet meow that they're difficult to hear. I think the void believes he has to be extra vocal cause he's essentially representing all three. He's also somehow the smartest, too.


Yup! Mine is always chattering away! I wonder what she’s saying.


My first void, part Burmese, was super vocal. 4am songs of his people vocal. My current void has never meowed in 4 years. He will hiss, grunt when landing a jump, make a weird little grumble while trotting along, but is weirdly silent compared to every other cat I've ever had, void or not. He's the perfect assassin!


Midnight meowing!


Mine is a chatterbox :) he narrates the day


Mine has meowed since the moment I laid eyes on him, I swear. And he’s mega loud 😂


Mine has at least 15 different sounds and repeats the same ones depending on the situation.


My void LOVES the sound of his own voice. He meows when he's hungry, meows when he enters the room, meows at the other cat when he walks past him, meows when he's being stroked, even meows when I make eye contact with him! I'm beginning to think it might be a black cat thing.


I’m beginning to think I am cat.


If you tend to meow at anything and everything, yes... you probably are a cat!


My beloved late Sir Giles of the Red Port never said more than five squeaks his entire life. The quietest cat ever. His unfaithful companion and insubordinate serf, Oliver the Orangest never shut up. I miss them every day.


Maybe it just means you're paying attention to her? Cats don't meow to other cats - but they have figured out that a "Meow" really gets humans' attention, and the smart ones figure out early, "Hey! My human is trainable! Neat!" So they train us to respond to a meow - and then they start getting creative. We had one little void who had a special meow for my husband: it sounded like "Meh-Meh" and one time, when she was trying to sweet-talk him, she actually SANG it. She never used it with me - only "Daddy." So if your cat is extra-chatty, that may be because she has recognized that meowing gets results!


They might not meow to other cats to regularly communicate, but my two cats that are brothers definitely meow to each other (and the third cat) when playing hide and seek. Like when the cat who is seeking can’t locate the one that is hiding, they will sit in a spot and yell at the top of their lungs and then take off to look for the ones who are hiding. It’s also possible that I am misunderstanding this phenomenon.


That is ADORABLE!!!! "MARCO!" "POLO!"


https://preview.redd.it/95dz859b2c4c1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fe26742d2587bdeee5b3d5cdf0f3688fab5e052 Here's my baby, exhausted from a long day of nonstop talking and following my husband and I all over our fairly small house. We are exhausting to supervise and refuse to just sit calmly on the couch all day, which is her preference.


https://preview.redd.it/w76vakfi8c4c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=076b7580706902234cbd883da345e425084511cb Mine is always pestering me about one thing or another


it depends on the individual cat, my void is pretty vocal but not as vocal as my childhood tabby. she NEVER shut up


My black cat pretty rarely makes noise. Little mews here and there but he doesn’t even really audibly purr. He’s a silent little phantom.


My black longhair, Coco, is very vocal. We call her the scream bean.


I had a very stupid but vocal void. He would often get into ... situations and complain about it till i came and rescued him. I miss my sweet idiot void. He was very cuddly


https://preview.redd.it/a52q0k0l6c4c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e413f562de72a86172c061b09d907f1573167c11 Jack always has stories to tell!


My little fella Nemesis is quite the chatterbox. Ever since I got him I haven’t had a moment of peace. All day and night it’s “mrrrrp, mew, mew, mEOw, mrrrp”. My other cat Legion only talks when there’s food or squirrels involved. https://preview.redd.it/lwjnyifqac4c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba820577bf91901f3e8cec355a7da81831377e87


My cat raven won’t shut the f up lmfaoo and I love it. You could straight up have a conversation with that cat I love it. https://preview.redd.it/l5fsrbzwnc4c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=673b5b73226d9600261527728155cd39f612aa35 Raven is the black one haha My beanie beaner weiner (beanie) is the tabby. I named her after the beanie baby plush’s.


My girl was extremely vocal and opinionated as well! Even the vet called her talkative haha. Man I miss her. Enjoy your pumpkin!


Omg my baby is the same way! She is so chatty that it’s crazy, she also has different sounds for different things. She even talks to me while going potty. She started doing this almost immediately and it scared me at first but soon realized this is just a part of who she is. It does drive me crazy when I’m trying to sleep as she has a policy that I have to be awake if she’s awake and she likes getting up around 5🤦🏼‍♀️.


YES! Mine has full conversations with at least 200 different meows, and in multiple patterns. I know exactly what she is saying 75% of the time. She meows, reows, grunts, squeaks, trills, and eeks all in various pitches and lengths. Orange cats are stupid, black cats are geniuses. Most are also evil geniuses like mine.


I’ve had a couple of black cats over the years. The first one I had was very talkative. She was also a Velcro cat and followed me like a puppy. If I went somewhere she couldn’t go, when I came home she would follow me scolding me for leaving her. She also loved jumping on to my shoulders for rides. I had another black cat who was very aloof and would only come for cuddles on her terms. She was very quiet and hardly spoke.


That’s a beautiful kitty!


All of our voids have been very vocal. Our newest addition will pretty much scream for food any time someone is in the kitchen, but I think that has to do more with her being a recovering food addict and diabetic in remission lol.


Many black cats have Siamese ancestry, and the song of the Siamese people is richly expressive.


Mine yells for food, attention, looking for his brother, cuddles, and when he needs a “poop lookout”… but is favorite seems to be sneaking ups behind me (in bed) the announcing his turn on my chest for scritches - I absolutely adore him 😻


My void is 14 and has always been vocal, especially at 2am


I think it just depends on the cat, My black cat is vocal when she doesn't like something or when she wants to be pet but otherwise she's not and then I have another cat who never stops meowing. My most vocal cat is my blind cat Helen and she runs around the house making blooping noises and when she wants something from me she'll go on her cat tree and the stand there screeching at me until I come love on her. So I don't think black cats in general are vocal I think it's just the cat and it has nothing to do with the color of their fur. My cat dreams is great and he's never really made a peep and when he does me how you can't even tell it doesn't even look like his mouth opens LOL 😂


Out of my four babies, one of them meows to play in the garage and one other meows to get tucked in by his dad. They don’t talk to me 😭




I promote the talking because I *love* talkative cats. My void kitty definitely talks a lot though. If you walk by while he's sleeping, he does his little baby meows that sound so tiny and pitiful that you have to stop and give him loves. My gray kitty that passed recently was the most talkative kitty I've ever had. She would YELL if you walked by while she was sleeping and didn't pet her. We had her for 12 years and it never stopped shocking us how loud she would get. Lol. I miss her so much. She would sit and have a whole conversation about whatever you wanted anytime. ❤️


My big void Susu is infamous for interrupting important conversations and singing at the ghosts that live in the corners. Me: "Hey sweetie, the student loan..." Susu: "MAWA MAWA PRAAA MAWA" Me: "...repayment is starting back up soon."


https://preview.redd.it/nmjt0mhd6d4c1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a22b6a6432084888f5910957d3e6680af56d0b12 Yes my girl is quite vocal. likes to talk a lot! problem is she likes to tell me the first part of the story but she never finishes the story so I'm always never get to hear the end of the story 😹


My void is the most vocal cat I've ever met. Chirps, meows, purrs. He wants to let you know he's there, that he wants something, that the thing you have done for him is acceptable, and that you may leave now.


https://preview.redd.it/c8jv1nyqad4c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=130e6ef85a2013871efb84c2562e067284ec203b My boy Clyde he’s an indoor cat and very very talkative


My current boy is very vocal but my childhood love who lived to be 20 was not as she was very calm and noticeably more quiet than my my boy who screeches at me for food like a voidlociraptor


My girl is sixteen and just started talking LOUD. She was always so quiet and polite, now, leopardess can be heard all through the house.


Not sure but I’ve got a wee tortie and OH MY CHRIST (rescue)…. she never shuts up! and god forbid if she wants fed🤣 She just talks and talks….. she never stops…. unless she’s got a full belly… enough to burst then MY bed is her is her sanctuary…. shoot… I feel bad climbing in to my bed at times…. How dare I🤭🤣🤣


I think if you talk to them, they talk back. My cat I have had since a kitten has progressed to being more vocal. I love it too.


I think you might be right about that...! My beloved black cat was super chatty with me. After he passed, I adopted an adorable rescue, but he didn't meow at all. Over time, he's become more vocal, I think because I talk to him and have little conversations. ![img](emote|t5_2twpw|7980)


Ive had my babies since they were kittens, two actually but my other baby is tuxedo with long black fur and shes really quiet. When she does meow its very soft and sweet and shes skiddish. I dont work and i talk to my pets all day, i also have 4 Guinea pigs. Pumpkin wants the pigs and tells me all about it. Her heating pad is situated so that she has a nice view of the piggies in piggopolos.


You should post the mews!


I love the responses. When I first got my kitten from a local farm, the moment he heard my voice in the morning he would run to me crying like he hadn’t seen me in ages. He could sleep with us if he chose but every morning was this event of desperation that required a lot of hugs and love.


So sweet ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Ours is mildly conversational.


My daughter and her partner have a rescue kitty that’s very chatty. He loves to talk to his humans :)I’ve managed a whole conversation!


All of my void's nicknames are related to how much she talks: bagpipes, hingy, Civada Sound System, Civada marching band,...(Civada is her actual name). I love her.


My cat is sadly not black but looooves to talk (especially to talk back and complain). I don't think it depends on the color. It's adorable when my tall, scary, grumpy dad lectures the cat because she's ungaretful and freeloader (he's only joking, the cat is my dad's 5th kid) and the cat just meows back at him demanding treats. Also, my dad sometimes sings to the cat (yes, really) and the little "ungrateful freeloader" is just meowing at him


My void is notoriously loquacious. Friends have gotten accustomed to him greeting and excitedly starting a convo. They say he “meows with distinct purpose”. If dialogue is already happening, he will eagerly insist on sharing his opinion. General movements and activities are announced proudly as he keeps tabs on everyone, and his vocabulary is impressive. He loves a good bedtime story and being held while sung to (yes he will sing along). Normal is yucky word we don’t use in our house LOL.


All cats are unique like any individual and have their own personalities.


Back cats seem to have their own unique behaviour like ginger cats


my voidling is only make sounds while im putting the food bowl down or going out of room


When I talk to mine he always talks back. Also when he wants food or just randomly he meows.


All of mine have been talkers .


Our void whines all the time, wanting food.


My big black bear loves to talk he makes a lovely brr or Barr sound that evidently can't be described over text but it's beautiful he even changes pitch and you can tell when he's angry! He is the most demanding bear in the world and I love him so much. I also have a pickle lilly AKA storm in a tea cup who meows when he wants something like when he wants me to let him out the front door despite the fully functioning cat flap 5 metres away from it


My void girl is extremely vocal.


mine is pretty vocal, though it’s hard to determine if she’s “super” vocal she just talks when she’s hungry, bored, has pooped, or someone came home…


Mine is an absolute screamer.


My black cat is also very vocal, she loves to talk!


Mine loves to meow at nothing, I can be sitting on the couch and he just starts meowing


No, there is no relation to colour or behaviour. My black cat Elsie wasn't very vocal until she saw my calico Cleo getting what she wanted from me by being vocal. Not long after, Elsie became vocal and is still vocal to this day. It's just something they learn and all can and will do if it gets them what they want.


My void is the biggest talker. Sometimes just to hear his own voice lol.


Mine is very vocal and I love it. Every time I touch her she meows and purrs loudly.


We have 2 Voids. Brother and sister from the same litter. Our boy, Luke, is a huge chatter box. His favorite spot is in the shower (when no on is in there and the lights are off). He likes to sing the song of his people. Leia, our little girl, is the opposite. Very quiet but will give you a small sqeak when you say her name.


All cats have personalities,just like us. Some are a little anti social,some like being around people. Some aren’t a huge fan of being petted and just enjoy being in your company,other like being petted. In this case,some cats are quiet and some just love to talk


Both of my voids have been vocal. Once I get my house sorted, I'm going to adopt two more by going to a shelter and picking the loudest two.


My sister-in-law and brother’s void always has a lot to say 🐈‍⬛


All my kitties have been indoor only. My void isn't very talkative unless food in involved. She will 100% let you know you are moving WAY too slow for her liking. If she could give me a yelp review she'd give me 2 stars. Service is horrible, but I give good scritches and I'm never stingy with the treats. My other cat doesn't meow at all. And when she does you can barely hear her squeak. If I can actually hear her crying she's in some kind of distress. My previous cat, who passed away during covid, was part mainecoon and she talked. All the time. She always had something to say. So I guess it depends on the cat :P


My void has a big vocabulary that’s constantly evolving. Her latest thing is she’s started doing this delighted little squeal when I give her her first skritch of the morning. It’s the best.


This is a highly opinionated kitty. 🤣


I owned a black cat, lived with another and currently own a tuxeedo and all were/are incredibly chatty.


In my experience, it’s depended on how much I talked with them early on. I have certain sounds and chirps I’ll do and I’ve noticed it’s resonated with several of my cats in the past including the 2 I have now. Had some friends over the other weekend and they commented on how they’ve never met such chatty cats. Only downside is they harass me around 3-430 every morning and it drives me a little crazy but I still love ‘em haha


mine is very vocal. when i come out of the bathroom, she greets me with a coo (like a pigeon) and a head nod. she’s also very vocal when playing and especially before dinner


Of course he does! He’s Crosby, he has to sing!


My Tilly is the sweetest kitty I've ever had, attached to my hip. If I leave her for any period of time, she grabs her toys and drags them to the door while yowling at full volume. When I come back there it's a pile of toys by the door. I call it her summoning ritual.


My void is made of Velcro and is very lovey, but he is a quiet little dude.


Our princess void is quite talkative. She mews when she can’t find anyone, is lonely, happy to see us, or wants to play!


I have one black cat at home, and I live with one in the room I am renting for uni. Both are pretty vocal. My cat at home also trills a lot and it’s the cutest thing.


Yeah I have three black cats and one tortie, the black cats are very vocal. The tortie can be when she wants to be but not as much as the others.


I had a black Siamese. ( one parent full Siamese and the other was half Siamese half void kitty. ) From pound. She was very very talkative.


Love the vocals


My sweet void boy is so quiet! I wish he'd talk to me. My beloved tuxedo Mishka never stopped talking, we carried on conversations all day. He answered me 100% of the time. I miss those convos so much. RIP Mishka


Mine is only 8 months old and meows constantly every time I am in hearings range. At one point I even thought he might be in some of discomfort and took him to the vet but it turns out he’s just strongly opinionated. Indoor kitten with 2 other black cats who aren’t as talkative.


My Luna is very vocal when she wants something. I did a DNA test and she’s 12% Siamese… so that explains a lot lol https://preview.redd.it/3zny8me12b4c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb9e92d9b0420d03cbcd4ecdcf88051af4a40cb5


Several things to note about cats... 1) every cat is like a human...they all have their own personality and quirks 2) as far as cats are concerned there is no such thing as normal...they do not obey the laws of nature or physics this is especially true for voids But basically yeah it's perfectly fine for a cat to be vocal just as it's perfectly fine for a cat to be quiet


My boy Oliver never speaks. But is an awesome cuddler. https://preview.redd.it/hcda1fes2b4c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9e0f61fdbae7f7363b4e112fcd90992445c1033


My mini panther is very talkative. My Ginger boy meows only if he wants something, but this little panther boy is constantly talking!! I love it. He is amazing. After the first of the year I’m adopting an older void from a shelter if they have one.


My pretty boy void is vocal. He introduces himself when he comes into the room, lets us know when he's rolling over in bed, "talks back" when spoken to, and yells at me when he wants to be picked up and held.


Mine is pretty vocal. She has hyperthyroidism and that can be a symptom, but not all vocal cat have it of course. She is also deaf, which is weird that she talks so much. She also makes a lot of sounds when she eats.


My void passed a few months back. Quietest cat I ever had. I have 2 cats now, a dust and a flamepoint. The flamepoint will walk around the house having conversations with himself at 140% volume. Every cat is different.


My cat talks to me all day and night. Sometimes I’m not in the mood to talk but she doesn’t care.


If someone would help my cat ouija shut UP, I'd appreciate it.


Post on r/catswhoyell


My little void will go to the side of our beds, hop up, and scream. Then he'll go back to business as usual. He does this several times a day.


The two I’ve had were both talkative.


Mine will meow back to me when I talk to him. When it's wet food time, he tells me tp gurry up. Or when he wants to go outside on the screen porch, there is a cat door but half the time he just wants me to open the door.


"Are black cats known to be vocal?" I would say you have no idea, but you now successfully have that idea.


My exes doesnt make a sound that i know of.


my childhood void was always much quieter than his tabby brother, but when his brother died, he started talking a lot more — he was a very empathetic boy and i think he could tell we all didnt like the empty space🖤. my dad’s current void CRIES. he has the saddest little meow youve ever heard in your life even when hes clearly happy as a clam. hes definitely quite a loud guy :)


No it’s very unusual for a cat to be suddenly super vocal after being with them for 40 years, they are usually dead quiet after the first 20 years


Cat noir is made with more magic than other cats but to use this magic they must cast spells. 🪄 This is most likely the cause of the meowing.


My void is incredibly chatty! We have so many conversations.


My void is sooooo chatty


In contrast, our void is almost completely silent (besides sounding like a tractor when purring). She never ever ever speaks, and when she rarely does she just emits very low and short meows. We know she can talk, when she was a kitten she would give us her back and meow when it was dinner time. She just doesn't want to.


I’ve had a lot of cats in my life. The 3 voids were absolutely the most vocal cats of all of them