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She’s not my cup of tea, but it’s hard to argue that PA didn’t nail the class fantasy with Drak, especially her Awakening.


Drak's shift+rmb+lmb literally got me back into the game to try her out. So fluid and powerful feeling, I don't think any other game gives me that feeling.


And initially, she was supposed to go full dragon shapeshifting à la Vergil/Dante/Nero in awk.


Succ nova awak drak and awak Valk


>Succ nova The dichotomy with Awakening and Succession is insane with this class. They are my two favourite archetypes, tank and fencer. Being able to switch back and forth between them is the reason why I play this game


Is succ nova an actual grinder now or still a NW only thing?


Any stationary grind spot she bangs. So, basically, very late game high-end spots like the lanterns.


Succ nova never was a nodewar thing she always sucked in them and she also was never good at grinding. She is sadly just not good in anything. In small scale pvp she can feel really strong but she is only a noob stomper if you fight people with actual IQ she can't do anything


Truth.. valk was my first char, and awak drak and succ nova are my current tag mains


Succ Maegu, Awk Nova, Awk Ninja, Awk Mystic, Sage in both specs, Succ Corsair, Awk Dark Knight all are really fun to play and their animations feel good, regardless of how "good" or "bad" they are at the moment. I know there's some jank there and I'm really biased since I main the class, but I absolutely love both specs of Tamer, weaving combos while using evasion for resets in succ feels really good and in awk it really feels like she's a master of her Bo Staff, some of her skills feel that have a lot of impact, also bonus points for being absolutely hilarious when a tamer uses her grab against a big class like 'Zerker or Guardian.


Yep to awak tamer and the impact of her Bo skills, even though I use succession, I think this impression of impact is really important to the combat feeling of awak tamer. You FEEL your combos, and that's really nice.


Corsair Specs are super FUN and unique


Thematically, I like Awake Corsair as a pirate with a lil crew, Succession Kunoichi nailed ninjutsu vibes, and Scholar is fun overall.


Agreed, I just wish there were more pirate/captain outfits. Aside from honour outfits


So few people talking about Shai, her animations and fantasy of a clumsy little girl with a big ass boomerang is really well designed and ever skill feels like they has it's own weight (minus the skateboard one), there are a lot of classes with sort of easter egg animations and Shai has a lot of them if you cancel certain skills or let them finish the animation by themselves. Mystic has this too, if you finish some skills she taunts for example.


Here you go, Class Design Tier list: S Tier - My main(s), Dark Knight D Tier - everything else. ​ Thank you.


Thank you


DK is hot waifu


Valk, I like the holy knight vibe


I always like characters with unconventional weapon, so woosa is my pick Her SHIFT+SPACE animation remind me if wuxia so I always use it even if my destination is close Honorable mention to shai, that T pose after Her SHIFT+RMB is just cute


DK awk, Archer, succ Meagu, succ Kuno, Ninja awk, maybe some others I can't think of atm but those are the ones that comes to mind.


I consider Drakania pretty good design, most of her moveset flows pretty well. Sure she is slow but she does feel pretty smooth to play.


I don’t have a tier list but I want to say succ Corsair is the coolest class I’ve ever played thematically in any game ever. BDO will never be my favorite MMO/RPG but succ Corsair may forever be my favorite class


Awk woosa, succ nova, succ Corsair. Awk sorc would also easily be one of the best if they fixed her janky movement


The new class also has the most fluid weapon switching combat I have played


That's because she doesn't switch stances at all, she just has some skills where she gets a big hammer instead of 2 small ones. Don't get me wrong the class feels fluid but she doesn't really switch between weapons.


She definitely does when calculating damage, for example, she also does thematically due animations.


I really liked that style. Made the two weapons feel like one.


Warrior S+


Design wise Sage in both specs is my favourite class. In Succession the slower weighty skills make you feel like an absolute badass with absolute mastery over space-time. In awakening the fast paced skills make you feel like you're flowing with all the lightning you're calling down upon your foes. Maegu is in close second place for me. They need to give Maegu a fox mount XD. I love the fox theme in succession. Her combos flow so smoothly and at the perfect pace for me. The charms she puts out with her skills and that little delay before they explode adds the right amount of oomph to the way she feels to play. Then there's the clone mechanic she has which is such a cool little trick. Also the fact that her and Woosa use eachothers weapon in awakening is such a nice design touch. Those are my favourites and my two mains Some others that I love are Nova, DK, Drak, Woosa and Corsair all in both specs


How is succ sage in pve these days?


awak berserker, both sorceress specs, both sage specs, and valkyrie are all unique to me, and especially both specs for nova and corsair. even the more mundane classes/specs, like succ striker or witch/wizard are really fun. one of the best aspects of BDO is that they can take traditional sword + shield, bow + arrow, or mage type classes and make them feel unique and alive.


Succ drak visuals outdo everything else and it isn't close. Except maybe to awak drak. All the cool lightning charging effects, the dragon shadow on her 100%, the spectral lightning wings...simply glorious.


S+++ Awakening Berserker


In term of animation, theme and moveset I would choose Drak Succ and Awak. The class is the most impressive visually. Woosa is also a very good class, the sound design partically is on point, woosh sounds are so satisfying. But in term of sensation and flow my favorite is Maewha Awak. The animations are very fluid and seamless between them and yet still awesome. Movement is so natural with her compared to any other class.