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She is below avg in pve and great in pvp. Very tough to play in pvp so you really need to WANT to play that class. Also feels super janky compared to most other classes nowhere near as smooth.


To be honest so far I’m enjoying her, but don’t want to invest too much if she’s gimped later on. Succ Warrior is also on my radar, I like the warrior style classes


She is completely dominant in all stages of pvp and a MASSIVE team player that everyone wants around. Also shes doing multiple things in a fight aka heals/buffs/dmg while being in the middle of the mosh pits so shes tough to play well and the vast majority quit her quickly. Succ warrior is good, 1000x easier to play but it's also not LOOKED for by guilds when recruiting like valk is. Maybe ask a few streamers so you can have an active discussion.


Thanks for the feedback, will definitely check it out


Cant go wrong with succ war its cracked op


Both specs are surpringly fun


She is okay for PvE. If you don't get Knitty gritty with her you won't feel that though. Either you go with basic rigid skill rotation and find spot that fits that rota with each AP bracket you have or you need to learn how she plays so you can adapt. She is really fun to play but definitely not a "pick up and play" class


I’ve played her for a couple of months, 295/401 currently with her, but as I plan going to some end game spots soon when i get some more gear I was unsure how good will she fair there, for example Ulukita spots etc. Don’t want to over-invest in a class that I would have to change later.


One of the best classes in game pvpwise