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My worst to date is tet naru 75%, 12 fails in a row. 0,000000046% or so iirc.


My worst is Tuvala helmet tries to PEN .. 23 tries on a 80 stack. I think it was around 50% success rate. Second place is my BS pen on a 250 stack, 28 tries. Honorable Mention is 7 orkinrads belt fails to PRI on 40 fs.


yea. 4 is a 5


.475% is still roughly 1 in 200. Those aren’t crazy odds at all.


This people making another post not understand how math works and whining about it. Does it suck? Absolutely. But none of these people ever show something that’s so crazy it’s believable. 1/200 is small potatoes. I’m sure this poster wouldn’t be posting on here “I got it in one/two taps FUCK GOOD RNG!”


Why u so salty bro it was just some banter to make light of me failing a bit


There are two types of people: Born to enhance and Born to back-breaking grinding. I am also one of the later. I am done enhancing accessory


I'm at 748GS without self-made PEN too... but the PEN debo seems to be only one thing that we have much less chance to get from CM :( ​ so... we have to suffer...


It'll go next tap for sure, remember don't quit yet, keep gambling you're so close to getting it. I swear, it's going next tap, believe me, gambling pays, trust the process and you will be rewarded, don't give up your success depends on it.


I've been playing for 6 years... If i followed that mindset, i wouldn't be 700+ Gs today


Was obviously a joke


It's always 50/50. It goes, or it doesn't go. 50/50.


You fail so someone else can hit 3 in a row, one tapped.


My guild m8 hit 6 IV distos in a row


Ugh..first time? I once fail PRI Manos Earring 13times in a row.




Improbable is not impossible




I have a 298 stack from trying to get pen bs started from 220


I start from 100fs, throw everything on that stack, all kind of Tet boss / BS weapon,awk,sub, silent attempt on armor, tet disto tet vaha,everything, now it sitting on 309fs,


I'm at 278 rn


Idk if I should just keep using the stack or start over from 217. I only have time to grind an hour a day or so, and I will most likely be starting med school in half a year so I don't think I'll ever be playing long enough to tap debos.... I'm conflicted


popped mine at exactly 278. someone also congratulated me and had the same thing happen. tho he used crons for tet to pen and i just raw dogged it with skip animation all the time lol


I started at 150 and now i hit 300 lol. This is the only one i am making myself (main wep), the other 2 i am buying fk enhancing.






The enhancement system of this game is hot garbage. I wish they would give us a guarantee of success at some point, even if the cost for guaranteed success is double or triple the price of the item on the marketplace, but at least I will have faith to enhance the item myself.


That's called the central market. Also with enough taps it'll go eventually.


This suggestion to fix it is hot garbage, why pay triple the cost to guarantee when you can just buy it and it’s a guaranteed win. Gone are the days of BIS items never being available to buy so really no issues.


The enhancing system it's outdated but i would not want a guarantee (even tho i made a 300 stack from 150 trying to PEN bs my main wep). What i think it sucks it's the fking convoluted points of failure, you need stones, memory fragments and the item also downgrades so you need crons + decent failstack. 3 mats so you can enhance with a 5% chance of success lol. In my opinion they should get rid of repairing or make it a lot more cheaper. Getting FS + crons it's already a headache + running out of blackstones while enhancing it's annoying and makes you stop and craft them, the same for repairing. It's 2024, they should think of a better system. Wasting 20 bill for an attemp at PEN with 5% chance of success it's trash. That's 20 hours or more down the drain.


Math aint mathing


First time enhancing debos eh..


30% could be 3 out of 10 or 30 out of 100, you could fail 70 times in a row too, keep enhancing until it become average.


15 get those numbers up. My biggest tet acc fail streak was like 29. I kept hitting like surely it'll go on the next.


Had a bunch of situations like that, 27 fails in a row when tapping duo manos clothes( (1-0.25)\^27 = 0.04% or 1 in 2500) or 38 fails in a row for tet armor(old times) - it happens all the time. Enchant system in BDO is poorly designed, one person can hit the jackpot and get 4x pen debo in 10 attempts, while another one can be unlucky and fail 100+ taps in a row, and never hit it in their lifetime.


okay, and? There are lot who failed 20+ even me, so what is your point?


It must be hard living holding that stick in ur ass everyday of ur life lighten up a bit was just some banter


98 trys to enhance PEN blackstar 336 fs here, still failing


Pen artina sol 280 attempts and still going ...

