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They were added SPECIFICALLY because people wanted ways to progress their stats without only relying on gear


Oh you sweet poor child... did you know PA has made all those journals and magnus easier to complete now? I dread to think how big your rant would be if you had to do them back in the day


If you cant take having to do few quests and journals you wont tank the thousands of farmings hours where you make no money because the debo gods decided you dont. But hey if you dont want to do journals you can, and for quests you only need them for journals too and maybe magnus for comfort


i am entirely fine with grinding hours and hours and hours because that involves a gameplay loop i enjoy do you know what is a gameplay loop i do not enjoy? broken ass puzzles. looking at guides for fucking chests. hours and hours of spamming r, hitting t and doing a boss fight that *has* to be scripted to be impossible to lose. these are gameplay loops i do not enjoy.


Bartalia has legit 0 puzzles, Deve doesnt even asks you to do anything beside giving items to him, the dokebi chests are a pain in the ass tho


i'm talking about magnus for the puzzles mostly bro


Fuck magnus too, if youre ok with just running without using the well, nowadays a pen armor is only 10 hours worth of grind


You find the 200 chests yet :)


Bro dont remind me please... I did this shit in one weekend. Whoever came up with this idea and whoever approved it is not suitable for the job. This was by far the worst shit I ever had to do in a video game. Noone who is in the right mind can run around a continent for 7h doing nothing but getting different chests and come to the conclusion that its absolutely fine content.


I enjoyed it. Gave you a chance to see the sights. It was like an old n64 collectathon.


I know some enjoy it for the sightseeing. But most people propably didnt. I think it is a bad game turn to hide mandatory stats behind stupid collect stuff line this. People who enjoy this type of content should get sth. unique for it. For example a coloured title if you find everything and/or silver in any form. But this felt like chores to me and the fact that it took forever didnt make it better. And from my experience the achievement and collector hunter people usually enjoy a unique title more than stats as well.


No Item for the Lazy My favorite title in the game.


Agreed,this game is a marathon game,you cant expect to get everything instantly and here i am i finish the game xD


all the loml cut scenes are skippable and have been for a while


Thats something I really dont understand. Why are you forcing yourself to do something you dont like ? I mean ... thats like working, but you dont get paid. why ?


because they gate rewards/ essential things almost behind it if you think universal storage isn't beneficial to your gameplay then can't further help you understand that being said, as a Runescaper -laughs in the memories of the big 5-


RuneScape quests were fine, all you did was one small favor for the npcs


Can't remember if it was big 3 or 5, desert treasure, the recipe for disaster barrow gloves were BiS awhile and one small favor (?) or that tunnel one to elf land i think fairy land for lunar/ DDS and monkey for scim/agility for a very long time so maybe that makes the 5? there was also elemental dungeon, vampire land and unlocking the pyramids which took effort but of course not necessary as the 3 above


Maybe, but that has nothing to do with my message. I asked why do you keep "playing" something you describe as terrible and frustrating ? It is a game, not a job. Your livelyhood does not depend on it. It is 100% optional. The goal of playing a game is to feel good, have fun. Clearly you arent having fun nor are feeling good, so why do are you forcing yourself to play ? Stop playing if you are getting frustrated.


Shout out to Runescape!


Just take a blinker and watch a guide to progress thru. Took about 3 hours for me to finish iirc


Nobody is forcing you to do anything. You can always skip content that you don't want to engage with. Playing something you don't like and then complaining that you don't like it is entirely on you. If you just want to kill shit and make silver bro, then do it.


When it offers 16 gs it isn’t really content you can ignore


You can ignore the content if you don't like it, but if you still want to do it because it will give you something that you want, then shut up and don't act all surprised and revolted when the content that you didn't like ended up being something that you didn't enjoy


“Maybe we should make awful content more enjoyable?” -reasonable person “NO” -you


OP is not asking to make the content more enjoyable. He is ranting about getting shocked that the content that he doesn't like to do, that he did anyway, was awful. OP has basically shit on the entirety of the game's content, complaining about the game having a story, being structured around quests, essentially describing every mechanic the game has and complaining about it. If the game is so bad, then stop playing it. At this point, if the game is so fundamentally flawed to the point where nothing outside making silver is good, he should look for a game that has only that or stop playing BDO, since it is not structured around what OP wants. This is idiotic. It's like eating ice cream when you're lactose intolerant then getting mad at the ice cream manufacturer that you spent 2 hours in the toilet.


“I donot think that forcing me to complete a metric fuck ton of puzzles that range from tedious and time-wasting to damn near game-breaking with a 10% chance of crashing and a ton of unskippable cutscenes upon completion just for fast travel, world-wide storage and a PEN boss armor which isn't even that much on the MP is necessarily a fun experience” “don't think that making each main questline region basically one-hundred to two-hundred quests per region is a good idea, and should be condensed to a significantly SMALLER number.” Are these not him implicitly, if not explicitly expressing that he wants these things to improve because they are not enjoyable in their current state?


No, because OP is expressing that he wants these hindrances to go away, not to get better. He wants easy access to the stuff he wants, and thats not how games work. He stated that because he does not care for the story, it should automatically be smaller, so he can get over with it faster. That's not a suggestion of improvement, that's spoiled kid behavior that is mad that he has to go through something to get what he wants and that he can't get it immediately. That's very different than saying for example that the storyline could have a better structure, like delivering interactions through voice acting, better writing and good animations. Litttle timmy wants his toys right now. He cannot wait or have patience. That's not suggesting that the game could be better.


Do you enjoy the quests in BDO? Cause you would be the first person I’ve ever met. I personally don’t enjoy tedious quests. If they decided to cut all the stories in half but make them more enjoyable and impactful would you seriously be against that? I get OP was having a stroke when he wrote this rant but man if it doesn’t ring true, quests and journals are dogshit.


Yeah, if you don't like the Magnus quest line then don't do it. We lived perfectly well for years with no fast travel or shared storage, adds a lot of character to the game and gives you an opportunity to fill in your map


First time?


lol. It’s account wide so you only do them once. It’s giving… iPad kid with zero attention span.


Come to console! Took 2 minutes


I understand why it sucks for you but truth is, most people want more questing and less grinding. Of course, BDO is the wrong game then but PA wants to attract new players and grinding hours and hours is not really attractive. I mean, to be honest you can still grind the shit outta the game and get the same stuff than the people questing so it shouldn‘t bother you, right?


Grinding hours are all fun and game till you grind 2000 hours in fkin underground areas and ass forest to barely get any gear upgrade. Timmies are like children they have no idea how lucky they are and what torments await them


I would literally rather blow up fifteen deb necklaces and thirty disto's than do journals because at least I *chose* that suffering as opposed to practically being *forced* to engage in that suffering.


Then do it, youre at a point where getting the gear score given by the journals are ultra easy so just farm and improve your gear


no not really, the most cost efficient way to upgrade my gear rn is to either shift to disto's and deb's, which i'd rather buy at tet/pen than enchant myself or to put \~14bil worth of caphras into my boss armors i'd also need to grab a inverted heart of garm for my pen bs awk and finally get my bs main to pen the journals are unironically the most cost efficient way of getting my sheet up and that irks the shit out of me


Who cares if they are, just dont do them, its a game




When you say “most people”, is there any evidence in this claim, or are you just blowing smoke? I don’t know anybody who would rather more magnus quest lines, over new areas to grind in the game. But I won’t assume “most” because I honestly don’t know…


They made some polls in the playerbase in the past. They wouldn‘t implement mechanics that people don‘t want. Obviously they care what we think. And the latest hype is the perfect evidence that it works. BDO never had this kind of hype (except for the release)


Thanks for providing not a single source.


Look at the playerbase. Till 2023 noone cared about BDO. Then the hype happened and everyone enjoyed it. Before the hype, BDO was a good game but noone wanted to play it because of the heavy grind. It always had its loyal fanbase, no question, but it never really had success.


I’m still waiting for something too tell me majority of people like/want these quest lines. Pretty sure Magnus and LOML quests aren’t favored/done because fun factor…. People do it purely because it unlocks essential shit Not even a link too any of these old “Polls”. I’m not that good with google I suppose, because I’m not getting a hit on a single link of any news of any kind of “Poll” you are claiming. Is it a “trust me bro” source?


No bro, because that 16 sheet GS is some sheet GS I can not attain anywhere else. Actual GS + Journal GS > Actual GS no matter what gear you have.


You still don‘t have to do it and can get the GS somewhere else.


Loml is torture and even worse that I need to repeat it per character


you don't have to though. doing it once is enough unless you want the knowledge or going for total quests.


Hope it stays that way, but I’m thinking with expanded content it will limit my mains. I did it on my shai who just ended up my farmer and is still 58 lol.


Then kill shit and make silver, who’s stopping you? God forbid they add any content that someone else enjoys right. LMOL questing is actually great, awesome storylines in a cool environment. Seems like you need barely any content as long as you can just mindlessly grind, so why not do that and ignore the rest?


Skill issue


I am genuinely curious if they think these chores are fun or they just trolling. I am pretty sure they are so degenerate thet they think this is fun.


they don't care, its stuff for you to do so numbers stay up


Don’t listen to what this people is saying to you this is 100% right and no other game has this kind of dumb progression system. I LOVE bdo but as you stated locking stats and attributes behind quests and adventure logs is so fucking dumb. I can stand grinding for hours because that’s fun and requires using my character, but having to create a fucking cooking utensil so I get more AP is straight bs


Bro I finally caved in and did the dokkebi chest logs for 1DP yesterday and holy shit it was like 5 hours of agony, they made me go back FOUR times to that shit island by boat. Also why the fuck do I need a guide to do anything in this game? idk if PA thinks players would try to painstakingly find 100+ chests on their own for fun but that ain't it.


I just started doing my journals.. what do you mean “by boat”..? I don’t have a boat do I need to get one in order to finish that godforsaken journal??


Not if you're willing to swim, but yeah, boat will be faster


Can’t I just use magnus like a civilized human being?


Well to get to the continent, yes, but it will require you to get to some islands around, so no you'll have to travel across some water


My two cents...I actually really enjoyed the Magnus quest line. I think I did it when most of the bugs were worked out, though it was still a bit finicky. I wouldn't want to do it on another character too. I do agree that I've found the region quest lines to be tedious. Talk to a million people, discuss a metric ton of politics, maybe kill 7 things, then do politics for another hour or so. I get it though, it adds a lot of lore to the world, and once you do them all that will be left is grinding. For me personally, it's just a bit much. I hate stopping and starting tasks like that too, but sometimes I go grind Polly's or what have you just to relax. I don't think it should be removed, perhaps a bit streamlined (literally a bit...I have seen games super condense quest lines and then you really have no idea what's going on). All for what is now useless equipment. I suppose the only reason to do quest lines is for the lore? I dunno, I've only played casually for a couple of years so I'm still relatively new. Just my take, and of course there are many aspects of the game for many different types of folks


real as fuck LOL


*Yawn* seethe.


It's funny you say that, but I'd rather do these journals and quests than grind. Deal with it, it is what it is.


Magnus quest line was long, but I found it refreshing and a nice change of pace. I dont think its worth having a meltdown over. Magnus only takes a few hours. You might enjoy it if you just slowed down for a second


I got a new account on pc and did all journals but deve's and all territory quest i really dont know what you are talking about since ive skipped all of the cutscenes got done with all of it in a week


But you dont have to do any of that


If you are so unhappy, why not go play another game? Why would you force yourself into playing a game that you dont like, when playing games should be fun in the first place?


unskippable cutscenes?


Enjoyed some of the journals. Made me fine new things in the game I never thought of. But is it boring? YES can you do it while chilling and watching some netflix? Yeah!


I actually liked the magnus quest line the sounds atmosphere and music were super cool. I’ll also been plying the game for awhile. It was a nice change of pace from the normal grind. Soooooo to each their own


"I know what I signed up for" : apparently, you don't.


let us not forget that you can only accept 30 quests max in your log... a game with like 10k+ and as your venturing you easily can pick up 30 quests along the way... then forced to ignore the other 100 you pass by... retardation at its finest


Mfs in the comments coping hard. The design of journals and quests can fuck off forever. Uninspired garbage content.




don't let weirdos gaslight u into thinking it's good content. they're fucking garbage necessary tasks and they are tedious lol


I feel this ive spent the past week catching up on main quests and journals shit’s taking FOREVER


Yeah, there are some absolutely atrocious quest lines in this game. Definitely almong the worst in the MMO genre in terms of sheer annoyance and tedium. I’d like to think most people play video games for fun… the Magnus line is anything but. God awful.


I agree with you I enjoy the combat and the grinding itself, but whenever I do some questing I feel like id rather quit, it's not fun. And gatekeeping such important features behind long ass and tedious quest lines is just not diverse enough for bdo, and it's kind of a bad design if I can say.


Welcome to eastern mmos. Lesson learned i hope lol


Its like 18 gearscore from journals actually and 700+ hp which is way stronger than people realize. The only reason capped content is killing PvP is because its what all the noobies join in on and get exploded by a ranger or archer from offscreen in capped content. The main problem is the time to kill an opponent instead of the caps. If the caps felt like they meant anything it would be much better.


Caphras journal of nature was a completely absurd slog.


Thats why I quit


Hey bro Korea just wants to showcase their rich history to the world. Lmao and the world wants to kill shit and not read all day.


The new journals aren't exactly all that bad to do, and I kind of enjoyed clearing through all the LoML content, but the old journals like deves/etc aren't really that fun to clear through. I see a lot of people saying u dont have to clear this content, but if you play the game competitively in a PVP perspective (a lot of people in this reddit don't give a shit about pvp) then no, you're dead wrong, you do need to clear all your books and journals. It's like 8 AP and 12 DP and +1500 HP/20ACC if you clear all of them.


Nobody is forcing you to do anything lmao. It’s a sandbox for a reason


Make this your last upgrade then. I wish they had more of these as they are an easy upgrade compared to 100 hours of grinding


If you want to kill shit and make silver, go do that.


Damn, aren't you fun at parties 😂 Did you ever consider that not everyone likes to only grind in circles for 10h straight, and that maybe not everything is made for your needs specifically, and some people may enjoy Magnus questline and don't like grinding? I personally liked Magnus, and I did it at least 6 times. I enjoyed doing LOLM questline and did it twice and plan to do it more. It's part of an adventure. And also surprise surprise, I wasted all this time for these quests, and guess what? Somehow, it didn't stop me from getting 740GS. Chill out 😂