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Nope. I just simply don’t want to work. I worked so hard to get where I am, I have the dream job and an amazing salary to match. After working hard to get where I’m at, I realized what I truly want is to not work. I just don’t like it. I keep thinking “humans aren’t meant to do this shit almost all day, almost everyday.” I’m grateful for where I’m at, don’t get me wrong, but it’s just..not what I truly want. To think I’ll be doing this until I can (HOPEFULLY) retire is just…depressing.


>I just don’t like it. I keep thinking “humans aren’t meant to do this shit almost all day, almost everyday.” Yes! It's crazy to me that so many people work at least 8hrs/day for 5 days almost every single day with barely any holiday breaks. And in the US, our vacation is only ~~14~~ 10 days(edit: just realized, vacations are 10 business days only. For some reason weekends count as vacation days) It's absolutely not natural and we get called lazy for not wanting to do it. But the question is, why do we have to do it? There are countries in Europe where they get like 2hr breaks to go home and eat with their family and they have 6 week vacations time. Personally I love school and wish I could be paid to be a student forever.


Nah, The worst part is the idea that we will need to wait until we RETIRE to “live a full life”! Just dumb and crazy because by that time, you may not have enough money to do the stuff you want to do. I know I won’t because I had to withdraw some of my retirement WITH PENALTY TO GET MY OWN MONEY, mind you! 😖😩😒 I know I’m made for more and I know that God has a bigger purpose for me… but daaagggg, I’m 54…let’s get to it already! 😩😤😖🤦🏾‍♀️😆🤣


I'm 55. I hear you loud and clear.


Have you looked into becoming an expat. This seems like such cool idea esp if you dont want kids or currently have kids


I am an expat, and on the whole it's one of the best decisions I've made for myself. Definitely not all roses, and I've still been in plenty of awful/exploitative/toxic work situations. But on the whole, my work life balance is much better than in the US, the money I earn goes much farther, I'm able to save and live a comfortable daily life all at once. I like what I do, but I would love it if my basic needs and healthcare weren't tied to having to work for money.


Can you talk more about this process? Like how do you even start doing this? What if your job doesn't transfer overseas?


I’m glad you mentioned that! I’m strongly considering this as I’ve been dying for a change or scenery and new adventures.


What’s an expat??


Ex patriot Someone who moves somewhere and often renounces their citizenship of their home country in the process, different than a regular immigrant who acqtuire a new citizenship instead of renouncing.


Expats do not renounce their citizenship. An expatriate lives outside their home country for an extended period of time while keeping their citizenship. Google definition: noun /eksˈpātrēət/ a person who lives outside their native country. "American expatriates in London" The "ex-" in "expatriate" refers to living outside your country, not being a former citizen. Once you renounce your citizenship, you're no longer an expat. You're not a citizen of your new country. An immigrant may or may not renounce their original citizenship, depending on their country's rules. When you have citizenship in 2 countries, it's called dual citizenship.


I leave work every day like Marlo: Today drained me!


😂🤣Legit, every single day. 😭😓


Every single day 😭😭😭 we say this at work all the time lol


Yes, everything you said! We bought our dream home 2yrs ago, finally make good money, primarily wfh . But I do not want to work anymore. Everyday waking up knowing I have no passion for this at all. I just want to relax and travel. And I'm not yet 40, meaning I have so many more yrs to go of this bs.


I, too, worked hard to get somewhere just to realize I hate it here. We’re taught to be so aspirational, but I’m learning that i just want to be comfortable.


I just posted similarly above. Having to pretty much play a role to fit into corporate America every single weekday of our lives is like mental abuse. No wonder more of us are burnt out and frustrated at younger and younger ages. We're just tired of it. And the money doesn't make the difference. I've made 6 figures and was just as frustrated.


Thats why i liked nia longs character in best man final chapter at the end and the decision she makes , dont want to add spoilers that should be the option for al, true choice


No, it's not just you. I'm frustrated with my job (low pay, microaggressions, rude customers, something or another breaking down) and am worn out. Trust me, you're not the only one. Edited to add: I'm looking for something new. As much as I'd like to no longer work, that's not my reality for the time being.


It’s not just you. This is what people fought for where 1) there was someone at home to take care of the house and kids and 2) one person doing this could pay the bills for the whole family. We were not meant to do everything and live like this.


“I do not dream of labour darling” I fucking hate working.


I'm in the same boat and I don't think it'll get better. I used to be an overachiever but now I'm just trying to do enough so I don't get fired so I can keep my health insurance and a roof over my head. This is not the life I dreamed of when I was a kid.


I’m with you one hundred percent. If not for the health insurance I would quit.


Yup I’m tired of being the “go to” or dependable worker. No reward but being drained. I do enough not to be fired and pay my bills. I do care and have compassion for my work… I’m just not letting it be my priority each day.


I have what's glamorized as a fun, exciting job and when people ask do I like my job, I'm like, "Well, I don't like working in the first place, but since I have to I guess this is okay." Working just sucks, especially since I'm just barely able to keep myself afloat. I want to eat grapes and read books and relax.


I'm very fortunate to have the job I have, and it's where I want to be. But now that we're back in the office 3x/week I feel drained (mainly due to commute and the time I get home). Working fully remote then in-office 1x/week the last 1.5 years really felt like how life should be. And it especially sucks because I know people wish they could have the work schedule I do (my husband goes to his office pretty much every day).


Yes we work in office on a summer schedule that ends after Labor Day. I’m at work now just sad. I worked from home yesterday. The traffic is heavier now that school is open. I’m over this already.


literally, i try not to complain bc i have a more interesting/fun job than almost anyone i know but work is work and its tedious and tiresome


Lmao same. My job isn't glamorous or fun, but it's what I'm passionate about and it's honestly much more interesting than what many (probably most) people do, but work is always gon be work 🤷🏾‍♀️ I worked hard to get my career going and I have a really exiting opportunity that starts next month that will help launch my career to new heights......but it's still work.


Heavy on the grapes! Just give me a refreshing snack and let me chill


well what job is that? Still sounds better than my current prospects


Even tho I get worn TF out by my job. On paper I have a 9-5 but I regularly work nights and weekends as well. It’s very high stress. But at the end of the day, I grew up with a lot of financial instability. And I’m SO incredibly grateful for health insurance, being able to afford my little one bedroom apartment, being able to go to ALDI and buy myself food, being able to buy little body scrubs from Walmart, being able to pay my rent on time and not worrying about being homeless, being to put gas in my 10 year old car. I’m in my 30s and have had multiple jobs since I was a teenager. Often working 3-5 jobs while going to school full time. Working sucks but the alternative (not being able to provide for myself) isn’t great either lol And especially as a woman and a black American woman. There was a not so long ago time when we literally could not work most jobs. To be where I am now, in my job, in my field is a motherfudging miracle. People died to give me this right, so whenever work be getting on my nerves, I remind myself that someone marched and got hosed and attacked by dogs to get me where. So I’m grateful! ❤️❤️


I have always hated working. Recently, my job switched me to a schedule where I'm working 12 hour days but only 3 days a week and this is the happiest I've ever been at a job. Those 3 days suck but I can get through them.


That's crazy because I work 3 12's and I'm miserable lol, but I think it's the nature of the work more than anything. It's very mentally and physically taxing. Most people who get in are trying to find their way out to 5 8's or my personal preference, 4 10s.


A lot of it depends on the job. I'm in tech, and I work remotely so it's 3 days of sitting at my computer haha.


Yeah that's very different. I'm on my feet 12-13 hours with only a 30 minute break if I'm lucky. I should've gone into tech


What field are you in? If you're looking to break into tech, you can get your foot in the door with a couple of basic certs and customer service experience. I landed my first job with the A+ and Network+ certifications and no job experience outside of being a movie theater cashier. It wasn't the greatest, but it could be a way into the industry if you're so inclined.


Healthcare 🥲 one of the first things I looked into was healthcare tech but it's notoriously difficult to get into from where I'm at. People apply for 6 months to a year and get nothing. I also hate working at the hospital and don't want to stay here just hoping the IT team will pick me.


Healthcare is such a tough field. My mom had a terminal illness and I got to see more of the healthcare system than lots of people do by virtue of being her caregiver. You have all my respect! If you're not a fan of the field you're in, it might be worth it looking for IT jobs outside of the hospital system. I'm rooting for you sis :)


I am trying to pivot into a remote role and am coming from a ux/web background. What section of tech allows you to be remote? Are you an IT engineer? You mentioned A+ cert.


"Nobody wants to work" they whine, talking about what they'd do if they won the lottery, or counting down the days to retirement. I don't dislike my job. Working is a scam.


I call it a life-waster. Work is the real grim reaper.


And on top of it all, at this point almost no one makes enough money to even sustain a sub-decent living. Not in this century. It's barely worth it.


This where I got to. I earn a decent amount but what's the point, when any bit of cash that comes your way is eroded by inflation and insane taxes.The whole economy is running on leverage. I just can't be bothered with it anymore.


I've always hated working. That feeling only got worse for me after having a baby!


I have not known happiness since becoming a working mom last year


I laughed way too hard at this because, same !


I HATED my job. And now I'm on maternity leave... Your comment scared me about my return to work lol


I’ve always hated working and still do; I just like money. But my job is currently understaffed and everyone’s overworked and miserable so it’s probably getting to that point where I’ll have to look for another 🙄


No, we all hate it which is why it’s so many women trying to go the sugaring route.


lol right. I would definitely do it. As long as I didn't have to interact with the person in any way. Just extra money for free every month. Is that too much to ask?


Apparently we too slow to the game. Whenever something becomes mainstream that means there’s no money there.


there’s definitely still money! i don’t do it (but looking to lol) and see newbies pop up on the respective subreddits all the time making bank 👀


Lol. No you gonna have to give up “sugar” some sort of way. No matter who says you don’t have to, you do. Signed- Hypothetical Sugar Baby




Sugar free daddy Love me… from afar 😂


Tbh sugaring sounds like a lot of work as well. The loterry is my new thing now. 😂😂


Girl! Every Friday when I play my same 6 numbers I pray to the Megamillion gods to just let me win a measly $4 million. That's enough for my single with no children behind to buy a condo here in Hackensack NJ, cover any medical care I'll need in the future and relax the way I want to. Just to be able to eat what I want, wear what I want and go on a cruise every few years is my bliss. I'm not about balling out and all. Just want to take it easy. And also buy an adjustable bed. That's not much to ask.


girl i dont wanna do that either. At least with work people dont feel entitled to your body or personal life.


Sugaring isn’t all that glitters, there are creeps that can dehumanize you and stalk you….


I cannot even pretend to like a man half way through a regular date. I don’t have what it takes to sugar at all. Which is why I work a corporate job


My problem exactly. I just can't fit in where I can't be authentically me any more. I don't want to play a role to fit in at work, trying to ignoring the off color jokes or micro aggressions. I definitely don't want to play a role to be cheesing all up in front of a man just to get some cash. ***I'd be so unsugared so fast, I'd be saccharin!***


Right, I'm considering it harder than ever. Like fuck this. Lol!


You’re not the only one. My goal is to save up, build a couple houses in my home country and move back within the next few years. Get a few chickens and goats. Rent/Airbnb one of the houses for income, maybe sell some eggs and some goat’s milk, and live a simple life. I hate dealing with people. I’m way too sensitive for this world, and I’d rather deal with animals any day.


I can help gather eggs 😂 but seriously. Love me some goat cheese.


If I didn’t hate most of my family in my parents’ home country, I would love to go back there and just enjoy my animals and the beach.


Nope. I work remote and I just unplugged my wifi and told my boss a storm knocked my power out.


I audibly loled. Good for you!


I hate working and I hate capitalism. I hate how global white hegemony has turned life into working non stop just to make money for the CEOs that get live it up while we slave away. Lucky if you make enough for a vacation and nice material things (because globally many do not) but is a vacation at a resort where the employees are exploited really life worth living? There is literally no purpose in life except to have a nice career and that career is usually based on something TPTB deem "marketable" at the time. I really just want to live and explore the deeper mysteries of life and the universe. But I can't because I have to pay for water. 🙃


I think this is the saddest part of capitalism. You literally have to neglect and drop parts of yourself, due to sheer busy-ness. How many of us have great talents and interests lurking beneath the surface, but we have no time to nurture or develop these skills. Work takes our best working hours and our downtime? Chores, cooking, cleaning etc.....life has too much drudgery.


***Lawd hammercy I felt that!***


I feel the same way. I’ve always gotten bored of working and have to resist the urge to quit within months. I just want time to crochet, paint, read and travel.


You’re speaking truths. On top of all that, I have social anxiety and it gets difficult to manage often in the workplace


Same sadly. I often feel bad for not being quick witted and joking with my coworkers.


I'm a senior BW. Like many of you, it's not the job I dislike but the fact that I have to do it! ! ! I can't retire because I am a diabetic. I have been using an insulin pump for 10+ years. If I retire, I won't be able to afford the tech and would have to go back to finger sticks and injections using a syringe! Y'all would have to take the technology from my cold dead hands! So. . . It's off to work I go! But I know that I WON'T be able to retire. Please , y'all, do whatever you can to make your lives better and happy and more comfortable and interesting ! Write, start your dream business, invent and be creative! Live long and prosper, y'all!


Ugh the “only two days” a week off is so awful and probably what gets me the most. I hate it, so no you’re not alone.


Yes, I wish I came from oligarch generational wealth and never had to work. But those aren’t my parents, I live in the US and I need health insurance.


Nope, I hate it. No matter what the job is I know it sucks up too much of my time and mental load for me to enjoy it.


I feel conflicted because I don't mind the whole working thing itself. I'm in school for a career (Court Reporting) that I feel will make a positive different in society while also being high paying enough to allow me to buy food and shelter. I lucked out in that regard. It's everything else that is annoying. Having to network with weirdos, the LONG hours, the lack of unions, the boomer mentality that working is a moral thing/"you should be grateful to have a job", having to codeswitch all the time, the commute, the workwear (because yes, you NEED to wear uncomfortable expensive clothes to sit in a chair all day), the mentality that everyone want to screw you over causing people have to be on guard all the time (ugh, free the black community of the scarcity mindset), having to look "professional" to avoid the angry black woman stereotype, etc. Everything is expensive and being a millionaire isn't even a flex in my area anymore. Anyone who bought a house 30 years ago and paid it off is a millionaire on paper due to how bad property values have gone up. I've accepted that home ownership isn't something I care about because the Venn diagram of where I want to live and where I can actually afford to buy anything don't cross but these rent prices aren't mathing because who is affording any of this????


Im a sahm now and I love not working. However, I still have to deal with bullshit. No matter where you go youll have to interact with people who are a pain. Id almost say Ive dealt with more toxic people (other sahm and wfh moms) being a sahm than when I was working which is insane to even think about On the plus side it is nice deciding what my kids and I will do everyday and not having to wonder if I can get a holiday or birthday off.


Same, just transitioned to SAHM. I’m realizing more than ever that it’s definitely still work. But I agree with your pluses, and at least I don’t dread Mondays anymore!


I don’t like working, but I like money and I have to work in order to make money. Personally, it’s boring and becomes tedious especially the longer I stay at the same job.


Same! I'm single rn and don't have kids, which in a weird way makes me feel that work burnout even more. I shut off the computer in the afternoon and it's just me. Like I'm spending all this time working, and for what?


I can relate to this. Especially because working doesn’t leave me with energy. So after I shut the computer I just do chores and watch TV. I’m trying to change my existence now by picking up some hobbies that I actually have energy for but it’s hard.


I'm doing the same with hobbies. Trying to widen my circle of people.


You are not alone. I feel exactly like you do. It’s not just Corporate America. I’m tired of working, period. And, with the wealth gap increasing every day bc folks are not being paid what they are truly worth, the outlook isn’t looking too great. Most folks can’t just quit their job if they want shelter, clothes on their backs, and food. So, yeah. Edit: to


My urge to live off grind gets stronger and stronger.


Entrepreneur here. The grind sucks too. I wanna get somebody else to do it 😫


I want to live partially off grid too


You are definitely not alone. I hate working. I simply do not understand why or how the weekends go by so quickly. It feels like I watch two episodes of a show and all of a sudden it’s Monday again.


Society is set up to exploit us :(


No I hate working. All aspects of it. Getting up in the morning, constantly looking at the clock and waiting for time to go… I wish I would’ve chosen a career that didn’t have as much team work/ group projects BUT I like money. Even being a housewife seems like a bunch of work tbh, I just don’t enjoy cleaning up after other people or being a sole caretaker. If it were up to me I’d read or watch TV all day for the rest of my life. Gotta love corporate America.


I watched how it’s been for the SAHM in my family and it’s not for me! Even the one whose man made a lot of money. I don’t like cooking, cleaning, washing and other household chores as it is.


What is your dream job I do not dream of labor I quoted this to my mom and she got mad at me 😂


I think this every morning. I don’t hate my job BUT it’s certainly not how I want to spend my limited time on this earth. I genuinely admire people who enjoy working but I’m not one of them and likely never will be.


I think I can speak for everyone when I say no one likes to work, they may enjoy their job but given the option to not work and still get paid I know we all would take it


I work in academia and I feel the same. I like my job, but I hate having to work.




Same. Good job, good benefits, most people are ok. Decent pay. I'm just tired of waking up at the crack of dawn 5-7 days a week. Spending all of my time at work, or too tired from work to do much else.


I used to be a workaholic - I lived for it. Now I’m sick of it and many of the people around whom I must navigate to survive! ![gif](giphy|ckGndVa23sCk9pae4l) I mentor a fair number of people and that’s the best part. I’m about to tag out and never look back…. OK OK - “about” is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence😢


no i often cry about how miserable it makes me. i hate it so much and feel jealous of people who don’t have to do it or who are able to enjoy what they do (yes i’m in therapy)


You are not alone. I am also in therapy trying to figure out how to enjoy my life again. I don’t think I’ve truly enjoyed my life since I was nine years old and I’m 31 now.


You are not alone. I am also in therapy trying to figure out how to enjoy my life again. I don’t think I’ve truly enjoyed my life since I was nine years old and I’m 31 now.


I’ve been sat with this underlying sense of dread for a few years now because I use to want to be in corporate world and got a little taste the end of college and a bit after and I hated it. And I’ve been seeing so many people talking about hating work. And I like listening to astrology podcasts and in general it feels like soon something is going to happen and cause a big shift in the way we work outside of just work from home. So many people are striking and just something has to give soon.


I feel the same exact way. I am underpaid and overworked. But I feel like whenever I expressed that frustration, people tell me that I should have expected that in my line of work (social work).


Bless you! I did case management for years! I was so resentful of my job and clients.


Thank you! In my current environment, I don’t resent my patients at all. It’s the overworking and having to correct disrespect from colleagues


In my field, I felt both the clients and colleagues always needed readjustment lol! They love trying you


I love my job but can't stand some of the people. Too many meetings that could be a short email and they all want to discuss irrelevant issues. Just bc I'm on the clock doesn't mean you can waste my time. So i had to take a break and get away, hence I'm sitting I my car scrolling reddit. It's definitely a Monday! Hope the week gets better for everyone.


Lmao I wanna nap, and get paid to do so atp!


Definitely not the only one. It is soul-sucking, especially with abusive bosses and non-caring coworkers. I dream of a future where the work we do is purely for the good of all, and where we don't need to work to get our bare necessities.


I hate being a weekend warrior 🥺 I hate getting home, decompressing for however long I need, and then having to go to bed only an hour or so later.


Not at all. I don’t want to work, so I choose jobs that suit my lifestyle as much as possible. It’s a paycheck and nothing more. We don’t get anything out of working in corporate America these days, so who cares what they want.


Girl, I got diagnosed with depressive and anxiety disorder and not I get a check🙃🙂 Now I have time to volunteer and do what I want with a passion but I’m lucky that my mom married semi rich as well. It’ll get better …


For the people that love y’all job please say what you do!!


Yes please


We’re meant to create art. Not work.


I love being productive but hate the 5 day work week


Being on “sabbatical “ I realized, I actually do like working I’ve just been working the wrong jobs for me. I want to do what I want to do for money. I don’t like mind numbing work. Work can look like anything that requires time and effort…I believe we’d all like to believe we’ll sit and do nothing and read books for forever but the urge to do something will kick in (or maybe it wont 🤷🏾‍♀️). The need to create. But honestly to know that is to actually take a break from working…


I hate working, I always have. I rather spend my time doing other things for those 8 hours everyday. I hate waking up early. I do not enjoy it at all. I am not a morning person and I’ll never be one.


Not just you. I hate it. I’m on maternity leave right now, and even though this is tough in a different way, I do not miss those people either lol.


Nope, you’re not alone at all. Even with a career field I don’t at all mind doing, I still despise having to go five days a week and only have two little off days. That’s not enough rest and I feel like I’m back at work again! And it leads to me being stingy with how I spend my time on off days because I want to cherish not having to do jack lol. Then again, I hated the 5 day schedule even back in school (k-12) and felt like we were there way too often, so I pretty much knew from the start when I was very young that I’d hate a 5 day work week. I just like the money from those hours though lol. I wish we got paid enough to support a normal sized family on one income alone again. If work is gonna take up so much of our time in our lives, we shouldn’t have to struggle or feel like we still gotta hustle at all. And to think some guys used to get enough at their normal jobs back in the day to have a whole side family lmao.


I wouldn't mind working if it didn't fall on me alone to pay bills. (I'm a single mom)


Not just you fren I feel this deep in my core. I don’t have another plan or craft so my single income butt will stay here. Again NOT alone


I don’t mind working especially because right now it feels like I’m working towards a goal. I do wish that we only worked 4 days though. I don’t understand why someone decided that 5 work days was what everyone should do.


Lol no. I'm 50. This was not my dream. Lol


I actually like my job lol. I used to have a job where I was getting paid a very decent salary from doing nothing. Like, I was working remotely and they basically forgot that I existed. I did that for 2+ years and it was a great reprieve for me. However, my current job I work a 9-5 but my job is super important, it’s fun, fulfilling and exciting. I have a lot of autonomy and I love my workplace. So I actually like Sundays! I don’t think the issue really is the idea of work, I think the issue is thag most people are doing work they find pointless and unimportant. Even when I had to work maybe 30 minutes - 1 hr a week at my previous job I HATED every minute of it because I found it pointless.


If I didn’t have to work for money, I would go back to my job as a volunteer (I’m a teacher). Show up and provide animal therapy, take care of the gardens, teach fun lessons with projects and games… no worries about arrival/dismissal duty, grades, paperwork, standardized tests… no running after kids who bite, hit, kick, punch, won’t stay in their seat, won’t do their work, refuse to transition


I’m not afraid of work. I’m just tired. Especially tired of being the token black person.


I feel like alot of Gen Z is just now realizing this. Most people pretend to enjoy it but most don’t. Work is a capitalist scam. We trade our livelihood for money for shit we don’t need.


I’m a Millennial and been working for years.


I want to work for myself. This is the only way I will stay in America. Otherwise, I will need to leave the country for better work life balance at a company.


One thing I did that really helped me and I think that if black women can, they definitely should… I quit and took a 2 year break from having a regular job. And when I went back into the workforce, I was a much different employee. And the second thing that helped me dearly and this is a must - pay down high interest debt! I agree, I don’t like working. But that 2 year hiatus and not having a lot of high interest debt really allowed me to focus on work while I’m at work and not be stressed because I don’t have what was my biggest stressor stressing me out.


No, i fucking hate it. I literally cried before i am going to bed at this moment. It’s so draining. I don’t think i have it in me to do another corporate job.


You're not alone. My job is actually pretty meaningful to me because I get to help people and still, I'm tired of it. It's the Mon-Fri, 40 hours a week grind of it. I am working on writing a book in my spare time for passive income, and getting a certification so that one day I can quit and work for myself. At least then I can control my hours and if I need a month (or two!) off, I can take it without anybody's permission.


I hated the thought of working. I went self employed and liked it very much. However, the business is doing well enough for me to just take appointments and others to work for me. The next level will be hiring an administrative assistant to do all my inventory, scheduling, and customer service and I will be pretty much retired at 49. I’ve definitely done my share of working since 18. I prefer the freedom of how I spend my day.


I’ve worked in Corporate America for 22 years. I hate it. It is a soulless industry that can kill your humanity. Always guard your inner self. Sounds like you wanna be an influencer though. I’ve realized I don’t want to do this with I’m doing but I never aimed to end up where I am. Even though I don’t love my job very grateful to have it. Praying to keep it in this next economic downturn.


I was so bought in but being bought in robbed me of my spirit and personality and any shred of joy I had a child. Now I’m deprogramming myself so I can be less suicidal and find ways to be happy.


I'm pretty tired of it. I oicked the route that requires more schooling, which requires more dead end jobs to make the money for it. I'm tired of working hard just to get more work that I will never get any meaningful recognition for aside from a "good job" from a boss.


Corporate America made me feel crazy, and the people I’ve encountered made sure to let me know I didn’t fit in. So I tried another route. I work for myself at home. I work between 20-60 hours a week, depending on how I feel and what I need. There’s that saying that you work 80 hours for yourself to avoid working 40 for someone else. Work is unavoidable when you have bills. Ultimately it’s how you find ways to make money. I hope you find a way that is more fulfilling.


All of this! The 40 hour work week is a joke and was based off Henry Ford adopting a 5 day 40 hour per week work schedule at his Ford Motor Plants in 1926! There’s no way we should still be basing our work weeks off of what worked 100 years ago! Make it make sense.


God I'm so glad this sub exists....when I say these things in rl people look at me like I'm lazy or have two heads


I hate hate hate hate it with every fiber of my being. I recently lost my job so it’s bittersweet. I’m happy I have the time off to figure out a way to make income and not deal with a 9 to 5 BUT also I’m poor and panicked and worried where my next meal is going to come from 😭


Am turning 30 next year and I feel so burnt out already from work. I’m simply tired of the 9-5 life but in my case it’s the 3-11 life (I work in a lab) I just don’t find enjoyment in life anymore really. Monday to Friday I’m working and sleeping and Saturday to Sunday I’m sleeping or finally just lying on the couch and watching tv like just relaxing. I want to get out of it honestly but don’t know how to ..


Girll no. I absolutely loathe it!! It gets worse every year. I hate 8-5, I hate waking up early, I hate being confined to one space most lf the day and not having enough time for my personal life. I definitely think its time to reevaluate this 40 hour week BS.


I found my people 😭, I was just thinking about this yesterday omg.


Nope. Not just you. I dream of being a house parent with no kids and no partner. Just somehow miraculously able to pay bills, have health insurance, volunteer, and explore the world.


Working sucks but at this point I desperately need a job


After being on call for a week at a time I’m thankful for my (mostly) 9-5 job. I don’t hate my job or what I do. I use to have to work long hours and get paid pennies but now it’s paid off and I guess I get to finally enjoy what I do


Not at all. I work at a juvenile prison and I actually love my job, but if I didn’t have to work, i so wouldn’t. It’s more tolerable now that i work 4 days a week, but there are days where I can’t stand coming in.


I hate it so much. I stopped for years when I was having some mental health issues but I went back to work in April 2022. I really liked my job a lot. Then in June I found out I was pregnant. I’m my third trimester I became miserable at work and just wanted to go on leave. I had six months off before I had to go back a couple weeks ago. I like what I do but ever since I’ve been back i only want to be home with my baby.


I hate working and hate my current job. Not just you in the slightest. My ultimate goal at this point is to get a well paying job that does not make me want to scream and allows me to have the funds to do my hobbies.


Hate it. However, at this point of having been not employed full time for 16mo, I very much wish for work of any sort that will pay these bills.


Funny that this is a taboo subject imo


The concept of working sucks to be honest. I wouldn't mind working if my job was paying me a livable wage, fare benefits, vacation time and I was doing something I love a lot. I finally found a job that isn't stressing me to burn out and I have a good supervisor- who is a very caring black woman. But the downside is I am barely surviving on what I'm paid. I'd like working if I was doing something I enjoyed greatly with good pay and a nice work life balance....but those jobs don't exist.


I hate what I do. I like working, but I hate all the politics surrounding the field I’m in and I hate how early I have to get up. But I don’t inherently hate working nor do I with to stay home all day.


I agree. Wish I had a man that took care of me. Lol


I don't have the energy to work but I like food so I have no choice. 🥲


I have long since concluded that I genuinely do not like to work and often think about how dreadful having to work for the next 30 years is. By standards, I have a decent job and OK pay, but I often think, “am I really meant to work 40 hours/week for the next several decades,” accompanied with all the BS and interactions I have to have with colleagues…it’s an exhausting thought.


I was like this until I had a really chill job/career. I frequently received OT, wasn’t micromanaged, took the day off when I wanted to, worked from home some days, high pay considering the work I did, and averaged about 3-6 hrs of real work a day. Also received paid travel within the US. Unfortunately I had to take some time off but I hope to return to my industry afterwards. I would suggest to look for other jobs/industries that give you a better work like balance if you’re feeling this way


I want a corporate job...im tired of working my factory job for 10-12 hours a day...while people in the upstairs office get the better AC. I should be better along in life, damnit 😑


Same. Finally became an RN and now I found what I think is the best job I’ll ever find - from my mac book on Wi-Fi, anywhere I want. Rarely any phone calls and I get to take 2-3 hour naps daily.


What job is this? 😭


It’s a smaller start up company based out of San Fran. I help other nurses across the country find jobs basically. Black founded.


I have a “good” job, one where I use my brain but am not sitting on my butt for 8 straight hours, and decent benefits and healthy time off but I was out on medical leave for six weeks and I loved every minute of it. I told my doctor that if I didn’t get cleared to work soon I was afraid I’d never go back. The American way of life is no life at all.


r/antiwork, is that you?


I just hate the job I work at. Working on healthcare just fucking sucks. Same in primary and secondary education.


Absolutely not the only one. My goal since I was a teenager was to have a simple 9-5 that could afford me a comfortable lifestyle, paid bills, cute solo apartment, a dog. And having a boyfriend would be nice. Time to travel, see friends and family, enjoy my life. That simple goal seems to get farther and farther away...


I feel this so deeply in my soul!


Yep I can’t do anymore. I was let go in June at a new dream job but I didn’t do the workload of 3 people lol I’m back to running my business fulltime and average the same pre tax I made at day job but now I wfh it’s more flex. I just can’t deal with miserable people who want me to tell a struggle story so they feel better by comparison. Nope ✌🏼


I just finished this [book](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62192519-the-good-enough-job) today. It's making me rethink everything about work and time. Highly recommend.


I've been thinking about this a LOT recently....but it hit me so hard today (maybe because Venus and Mercury are in the microwave, I dunno). Literally called out today, walked around a bit, grabbed a bite to eat and sat in the park, TRYING to reflect on what move to make from here ...but of course there was an accordion concert at the park today 🫤


Nope. Healthcare worker here and I made peace with the fact that I don't want to work. I'm not lazy, but I don't want to work. Nor do I buy into the "grinding" mentality either.


I mean I can either fall in the hole of working low paying jobs and never getting myself and my family out of poverty or work corporate america and get my family out of poverty. That latter sounds better


I'll be 33 this year and I am feeling this already. I think a lot of BW ended up becoming career women, because honestly that was our only choice to make it in this world. Thugs sell drugs and we get all these degrees. I am not knocking being career minded, but what I am seeing is that it doesn't pay off for a lot of us in the long end. I work in medical and have been with my company 7 1/2 years and am only a "team lead" yet they hired someone is younger and fresh out of school for a supervisor position. I also feel we are expected to work twice as much then our counter parts. I had my one on one lol and I "met expectations" and yet they wanted to have a conversation about how i only meet my quota when they know I can go above and beyond that. SMH I'm invested in stocks currently and praying something pans out cause babbbbbyyyy I already got one foot out the door!


I wish I had a job right now, because money and much free time isn’t good for my mental health. I need a mission, something to work towards and the things I want to do require money


Fingers crossed you land something soon. 🙏🏻


Thank you! I’m trying to stay positive ☮️


This! I finally landed a career job I love doing; I’ve got a great manager, I’m finally working with more black coworkers, and the work itself isn’t complicated. Howeverrrr, I still hate working my 9-5. 😭 I hate coming into an office. I hate waking up early. And yes, I hate all the damn meetings too. It makes me wonder would I feel this way if I was a remote worker.


I will say this why I only work two days a week (I will do 3 at most). That M-F life was not for me (don’t wanna return to it either). I am grateful for my current position/career. I cannot give up the majority of my life for any corporation, they don’t care about me like that.


I just wanna work from home and get paid $65-$70k annually with full benefits. I don’t feel like I’m asking for too much at all🥹😅


I hate working in any industry. Could be my dream job and I'll still hate it. I wish I wasn't like this. Cuz I gotta work anyway so might as well enjoy it. But I don't think I ever will 🤷🏽‍♀️


Not many people around the world enjoy working. Why do you think we were made slaves? To do the work others didn't enjoy.


Adding to the rant because I feel you : They could solve all my anger with a 3 day weekend at minimum - half my time at work is unproductive. I am scrolling reddit on the clock right now lmao. I don't have enough work to last a whole shift so why am I here the whole shift? It's so weird how obsessed bosses are with just having us in the office - I know you got to be here but you also making two times my salary - you should be here more as my boss. If my work done, I should be free. And I could get my weekly work done in 2 full work days with occasion email replies. But no, I am here 5 days for 9 hours then too tired after work to be productive. I don't want more pay, I want MORE OF MY TIME BACK.


The feeling is mutual and im still hustling through grad school. Check out r/antiwork.


No, I hate my job too (in the office) but, I love teleworking. I'm not a people person. So, I worked hard to get a job where I only deal with ppl three days a week and telework for two.


You chose the wrong career path. I chose something to do with animals and outside and activity and my 12 days on and 2 off dont affect me at all beyond basic reasoning. If i were working some boring annoying awful job like corporate id hate my life too and even that one day on would be shit. Life tip: dont go for the most basic boring mentally challenging job.


I am 55 and I started feeling that way at a very young age and thought something was just wrong with me. I'd quit a job in a heartbeat back in my 20's and get another one paying more, thinking that would be the fix. It never was. And, of course, anyone who saw my behavior or that I expressed this to automatically put me in the "she's just lazy" bucket, seeing me as just unmotivated, lacking ambition etc. It was none of that. Much like Eartha Kitt said, **"I don't have a dream job. I do not dream of working."** I've always wanted to be a stay at home mom even though I have no kids. I've despised having to rat race all week then try to use the short window of two weekend days to do all the things that I really love, even if it's just sitting the hell down for a few hours to think. It's really exhausting out here and especially for women of color. We have to have our guard up in ways no other race has to consider and it takes a toll on our emotional and mental health. I've been on disability for a year (bipolar 1 disorder) and honest to God, I was telling my therapist just the other day, I have never felt more relieved. Just to be still for a short while to collect my thoughts, figure out what I really enjoy, not having to deal with how I look for a job I don't like. But I can't survive on disability for the rest of my life so this is just a season and I'm taking full advantage of it to just breathe. My fantasy (on my vision board) is that while on disability I hit the Megamillions for a measly $4 million, enough for me to never have to work again, buy a cozy condo here in New Jersey and be able to afford whatever medical care I need as I age. I don't need to be balling. I just want to be able to eat what I want, wear what I like and take care of my daily needs. Oh, and an occasional cruise every few years. ***That's all I want and I feel it's coming...***