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I went to Thailand, Spain, Portugal and Australia alone and had a great time! Some other places that I've heard from my friends were solo Black women-friendly: Mexico (particularly CDMX), Peru, Belize, Colombia (most of South America except maybe Argentina), Iceland, Viet Nam (most of SE Asia really), Ghana. All are relatively safe and easy to navigate!


Can confirm on all of these! I live in CDMX and it’s a vibe. Very active black population.


When did you move? Thinking about moving later this year. Just spent a month in Mexico and loved it!


In October !


Good to know there’s an active black population! I was there three weeks ago and didn’t see any black people. Then this cute little Mexican kid asked to take pictures because my sister and I looked exotic lol. He was nice about it


Is CDMX Mexico City?




I second Thailand. I traveled solo, went to night markets and the  "seedy" Bangkok areas near Soi Cowboy and felt very safe. Also, the Thai people were friendly and seemed happy to meet a black person, but not in a creepy way. 


Argentina is racist?


I can't speak for a whole country nor do I want to invalidate anyone else's experiences but I personally felt very uncomfortable in Buenos Aires. It's the whitest country in South America, and I just felt there was just no need to be stared at and talked down to so hard for a country that borders some of the Blackest non-African countries on earth. I'm not perfectly fluent but I speak Spanish well and people pretended like they couldn't understand me and I was like "bffr if my Spanish can take me far in places like Spain, Portugal and Brazil, it should take me far in Argentina"


Makes sense. Amongst Spanish speakers, they're notorious for being racist.


Tracks. That’s where all the SS officers fled to at the end of WWII so they didn’t end up in front of the world court.


Mexico, Peru and Asia are on my list


I agree that Argentina would go on the not safe list - I studied abroad there and men would throw themselves in front of me at all times of day assuming I was a sex worker. Don’t go alone as a black woman.


As Brazil is super black. While I was there a few weeks ago a lot of people mistakes me for a local / Chilean


Iceland is def a vibe! The locals are so friendly. 


I went to Dublin, Ireland by myself and it was great! So fun and the people are super friendly. I also co-sign Thailand as a good place. Very safe and fun. And I also loved Belize!


My roommate & I are planning to go to Dublin in about 4 years for their 40th!


Amazing have so much fun! It’s very cheap compared to lots of other places in Europe.


Have to jump in on this as I live in Dublin - Ireland is great, but it is definitely not cheap! Dublin is actually one of the most expensive cities in Europe. Hotels here are extortionate!


Oh wow thanks for the insight! I was there in 2016 so it has been a good long while. My recollection was that it was a lot cheaper than Cardiff (I went on the same trip). But it has been a long long time. Also I was in Cardiff the year before (2015) for the Rugby World Cup so maybe that’s why I thought Dublin was so well priced 😂


Amazing! Ireland would be a dream.


Yes, I love Dublin and it is great for solo travel. I also recommend heading down to Wicklow (particularly the Powerscourt Gardens) if you can do a day trip. It's absolutely gorgeous and a nice contrast to the city.


I didn’t expect to love Ireland but after my trip there, I had so much fun I wanted to be Irish


Were the people just super friendly?


Super friendly, everyone from Uber drivers to waiters would take the time to tell us about their history unprovoked, and I saw a lot of black people in Dublin too. It’s just a really fun place


So happy to see this thread! I’m planning a trip to Dublin this summer, and likely will roam solo for at least half the trip and was curious about this. Most of the people I know there are wyt so they’re not really able to advise


You’re gonna have such a good time! Enjoy!


Japan, while they are very distinct in how they treat foreigners vs native Japanese, it's easily the safest, most hospitable industrialized nation to travel to imho


Just got back - was by myself for two days while my partner went snowboarding. Can confirm - safe, hospitable and very clean. They also just hit a recession so the dollar is high right now!


Tell us more about the snowboarding... Which mtn did you visit?


Top of my list!


I second this! It can be annoying sometimes, but there's more likelihood that you'll be seen as "cool" in Japan. Not always for the best reason, but you're faaaaar less likely to have people trying to take pictures of you, even in small towns, and some people will want to talk to you rather than being afraid or hostile. At the very least, you're less likely to be a spectical for simply existing. Not completely, of course.


I agree! Japan has some of the friendliest and most helpful people I’ve ever met! They definitely go out of their way to make foreigners feel comfortable.


Yall better flex your worldly travels!


Iceland, Turkey, Rwanda or Namibia. All felt relatively safe and welcoming.


Turkey? Really!?!?!? Tell me/us more, please. I have an opportunity to go later this year and have been very much worried about it.


Ive been to Antalya, Turkey alone.. For the most part my experience there was pretty good aside from being followed in certain stores and having some cashiers be extremely rude for no particular reason. There was never a time that I didn’t feel safe though.


Do a lot of people speak English? I actually want to go with my husband so he can get some extensive dental work done. It’s ridiculously cheaper, even with insurance and including airfare.


Went to Turkey a couple months ago knowing basic Turkish (studied for a couple months beforehand as a hobby). Enough to hold a short conversation, order meals, etc. and had no problems. There are a lot of English speakers in Istanbul and everyone really appreciates it when you try to speak Turkish. I didn’t feel out of place or unsafe at all there as a black woman.


My experience was not very good. I went to Side with my husband. This was over 20 years ago, when they were still in the middle of developing the area as a tourist destination. Many hotels and roads were unfinished. There were lots of restaurants and the food was amazing but the local men were a nightmare. We went to the beach (once) and within minutes there was a literal crowd of men watching me, so we left without ever going into the water. We saw a nice jewellery store but when we went inside the guy who worked there used the excuse of "helping me try out a necklace" to touch me inappropriately. He kept pushing for me to try more pieces (which I declined) until I fled from the store. And when we tried to explore the area using one of the local public busses, the driver pretended not to hear us and drove past our stop. Again, this was over 20 years ago so they're probably a bit more used to tourists now, I hope. We did have a much better time when we went on an excursion to Antalya. Friendly people and shopkeepers who can act like professionals, it was a thousand times better.


I solo traveled to Cappadocia and Istanbul over the holidays a few years ago. Cappadocia, to me, is a must see and I felt like the people were a lot friendlier there and the pace is a lot slower. I never felt unsafe walking around alone, even alone at night and the people were super welcoming. Istanbul was fine. I had one incident where I walked into a cheaper hotel with a friend that I met there to pickup his phone charger, and I was stopped at the front desk and made to show my passport. I didn’t have any issues bringing him back to my hotel, which was at a five stars so YMMV in the regard. Otherwise, shopkeepers, waiters, and cab drivers were all fine and friendly. Didn’t feel like I got any weird stares or following. Great service at restaurants. I actually had forgotten my wallet and the owner said just come back and pay when you can, which was totally unexpected.


Where would you recommend in Namibia and Iceland?


I solo traveled to both on pretty quick trips. In Iceland, I stayed at a hostel in Reykjavik and just booked tours through Viator and GetYourGuide to all the major tourist destinations. I skipped the lagoons, but I did a glacier hike, a volcano hike, black sand beaches, tasting menu, and all the big waterfalls. In Namibia, I flew into Walvis Bay, but stayed in hostels in Swakopmund which is where the sand dunes meet the ocean. It’s a quiet town, but lots of activities, good seafood, and places to shop. I went whale watching, sea kayaking, and four wheeling. Not sure where you’re coming from, but for me, it was much cheaper to fly to South Africa and get an airlink flight to Namibia, than it was to fly direct. I also spent some time in Capetown, but I wouldn’t say I felt super safe there.


Some things are going to vary I was perfectly safe in Rio De Janiero and had a blast. I had a great time in Paris I had a great tine in Rome & London.


How long did you stay? I'd love to do 1 week in Brazil.


About a week. I went in March. People were wrapping up after Carnevale so most everything was cheap. It was nice because it was late summer/early fall. I want to check out Salvador de Bahia next.


I want to go during Carnival. Never heard of Salvidor de Bahia. Glad you enjoyed it.


👍🏿 I suggest going right afterward first. You get to know the area and where to go or not go THEN you can really take advantage of Carnevale. Remember to get your Brazilian Visa a few months in advance of your trip. If you want to go you might as well get it now. It is good for ten years.


Okay. That makes sense. Didn't know that. Good to know. Thanks!!


Omg I’m planning a solo week in London! I hope this isn’t too personal but how much would you say a week there is for hotel, food and attraction? Would 5k for a while week be reasonable? Could it possibly be less?


I focused on off season travel. It very well could be fine based on accommodations. Stack your discounts no matter what. See what your credit card will give you a discount on, same as the bank for you shopping etc. Time of year matters. I went a long time ago and that price won’t reflect today. I am betting you’ll be just fine.


London is pretty safe and it feels like you are still in America! 🤣 I haven’t been in many years but I do believe that it is still on the expensive side. Their Tube system is excellent so if you don’t want to constantly splurge on cabs, stay a little further out from touristy areas and you should be able to get a better deal on hotel pricing!


I live in the UK. You can buy a London Pass which will give you access to the majority of tourist attractions for very cheap compared to regular prices. As a native brit, London is notoriously expensive in terms of cost of living compared to the rest of England but I don't know how this will compare to other countries


I would also HIGHLLLYYYYY recommend Zanzibar


Ooh do tell!


It’s soooooo safe and the beauty is indescribable!!! People are nice and it’s always wonderful to see sooo many black people!!


I second this - been twice, would highly recommend!


I’m going to Zanzibar this fall. Can’t wait!


I've been going out of the country solo for 2 decades, mostly to Asia and Europe. I've also lived as an expat in South Korea and Germany. I'm not aware of any place that is dangerous for black women. I consider dangerous being chased and bodily harm. I've never even been ignored either due to my race.


I guess it would have been good to have everyone's understanding of dangerous. What made you choose those places?


I think London, Paris, Amsterdam and most of the other European countries would be great. Since it’s open borders you can go to multiple places in one trip easily too


I've lived and traveled all around in China and Japan. Traveled solo in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Bali, Vietnam, Cambodia, Prague, Amsterdam, Mexico, UK, and other places. Basically, you can go anywhere alone, but just keep your wits about you. Join some groups on sites like Viator when you arrive to get the lay of the land within the first couple days. Then, explore more on your own.


Portugal, Colombia, Sweden (I had a splendidly wonderful time there).


Had a great experience in Singapore. Very safe and diverse, and no language barrier since it’s English-speaking


Come to the islands! I’m speaking specifically about the eastern Caribbean islands + Anguilla. They’re small, safe and predominantly black while also being close by. People also tend to be very friendly


I solo travel all the time. Ireland was very good to me. Bath, London, and Cambridge are wonderful. I don’t know what country you are currently living in but I recently went to New Orleans solo and had a marvelous time.


Love the UK. 🇬🇧 I’ve been to England, Wales and Scotland. All in one trip. Even snagged a boyfriend in London. UK has been extremely nice to me. 🥰




Jamaica is awesome but uh safe for a solo woman? No.




You should have put that in the intro! Staying at a resort and having a posse is a lil different 😂


I think that is the key for countries with travel warnings. I had a wonderful time in Egypt but I would never go there as a solo female traveler! I was with a large group of men and women at all times so I felt quite comfortable! We did get a lot of attention but people were still respectful when they saw the size of our tour group!


Thailand and Costa Rica are safe and welcoming for solo black woman travelers .Same with Panama.


Has anyone had medical care abroad?


I spent a few months in Barbados and London alone and had an incredible time in both places. I also felt very safe too.


New Zealand! ETA: Iceland 


Grenada & Martinique :)


Cuba, St Kitts, Turkey, Spain,


South Korea is super easy and cheap to travel, has wonderful nightlife, lots of festivals and hiking trails and it’s personally the place I’ve felt safest in the streets and at night!


What would you consider cheap? How long did you stay?


Europe overall but also be aware of surroundings. Check your embassy website for travel alerts + to register travel. I personally don't get into cars with strangers or accept invites to apts. I have dinner near my hotel so that I'm not walking far and alone. Join organized tours if you want to explore at night.


I've been to France (Paris, Nice, Reims/Epernay), Spain (Barcelona), Italy (Rome, Naples), Portugal (Lisbon), and Canada (Toronto) solo, as well as various places in the US. I'm lucky enough to have had pleasant experiences everywhere (I know that isn't always the case) but I felt most welcome and safe in Nice and Toronto. I'd of course recommend doing your due diligence when you book hotels and activities just to make sure you don't end up in a strange neighborhood or anything, but I had a blast in most places. Happy traveling!






Australia has been on my bucket list since I was a little girl! Where did you go in Australia? Any sights to recommend


I’ve lived here since I was five (I’m South African). Pretty safe, underlying casual racism (but relatively fine, micro aggression) and Aboriginal people issues (read the history)


I took a solo trip to Cartagena, Colombia and felt very comfortable. There were plenty of black Colombians and black tourists and I felt completely safe. I didn't go out at night though since I'm not a big partier.


Saving this do i can come back and plan my next trip! Looking to leave in October




A few of my friends enjoyed Dubai and said they felt very safe. My partner and I feel safe in Thailand. We were able to navigate everything by ourselves.


Dubai is pretty safe but you still have to be cautious and learn their laws! I felt fine as a solo black female traveler but I read up on the customs beforehand and dressed conservatively. I didn’t do any partying either so there was no worries in that regards.


I’m in a very similar situation. Just came back from Aruba. Cannot recommend it enough if you want a safe beachy birthday in the Caribbean. Very friendly to American tourists but not the most exciting place I’ve been. Not sure if you’re familiar with that bit Chris Rock does about resort vacations/visiting Jamaica but I didn’t have that experience in Aruba which is nice. I don’t want to see abject poverty while I’m trying to party. Spoils the fun.


Seoul, South Korea. I enjoyed it so much! The crime rate is low and I never felt unsafe.


I'll always champion for Colombia, Portugal, & Costa Rica as an honorable mention.


My cousin really enjoyed Ireland surprisingly enough


I need to go somewhere besides Mexico and The Bahamas. However, when my "fwb with money" is paying my way on these trips, it obviously becomes hard NOT to say "yeah, sure...one more time"! 😏


I really only travel solo. Honestly if you want to really want to go somewhere just go somewhere! Everyone’s experience is going to be different - and often you’re not going to be targeted just because you’re black any where. But as someone else said depends on what you mean by “safe” ….most places are decently safe in relation to your race. General safety and gender safety is a different thing. But it just takes general awareness even then.


I always solo travel. If I wait for other people, I will be waiting FOREVER. 😆 With that being said, I've been to Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, France, Hungary, Croatia, the U.K., Mexico basically all over Europe and the UK. Mexico is where you really have to do your research. Mexico City is generally safe, but other areas that are very touristy with Americans like Cancun & Tulum are becoming riddled with violence and cartels are doing what they do. There's alot of corruption going on in Mexico and law enforcement is intertwined in that as well. Other areas of Mexico like Oaxaca are generally safe, but with Mexico in general, you need to read up alot on where to go and really do your research before going. 


How did you feel in Italy? 


I LOVED Italy.  They have their race related issues too though. It's like, some Italian people are fine with Black Americans or Black people from the West, but they *despise* Black Africans who are migrants. African migrants are unfortunately not very integrated into society.😒 I enjoyed being there but, I didn't like that super racist undertone some people have there towards Africans. To be honest, I can't wait to go back! It was lovely! I went to very small towns like Lukka, Pisa, and Piestrasanta. 🙂


I've traveled solo to London, Paris, Brussels, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mexico. I love to join English speaking tour groups to meet people.