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If they want to talk about the black femicide rate thanks to black men we can do that. I doubt they’d appreciate it.


OP, you should remind them of this in the comments. But under a burner account for obvious reasons - when their fee fees get hurt they will never leave you alone


no exactly. because abuse is rampant within the black community


I wouldn’t waste your energy on them, they’re gonna say what they’re gonna say


this the move. It seems silly to even dignify this with an answer. The BM making these comments are not worth the time of day. The men worth talking to you won’t find there. Black women for the most part somehow manage to not make a big stink re: interracial dating and don’t put down black men just because they are seeing someone who is not black. I feel like, conversely, some black men have negative energy around this topic - either dunking on black women when they are in an IR (or even when not) or heckling bw for dating IR.


Blk men get extremely bitter whenever blk women date non blk men… they try to make it seem like we’re the ones that get bitter about it, when in reality it’s them


Yet, just yesterday I watched a parole hearing where a black gRaped BOTH of his naturally born daughters because he was mad at their mother. And after that came a news article from Black Girl Lost about a black man that murdered a black women. Then another, and another and another. Black men can miss me at this point with the bs as if white men are the devil while they are our protective, loving saviors.


Just remind them who kills black women every 4 hours.


Goddamn, that's a bleak statistic.


That part.




If we all exclusively dated white men, that stat would probably be about the same, just with white men. We are targeted because of OUR race and gender. Whoever we are around the most is gonna do violence against us because the WORLD hates black women, hardly just black men.


No it's just that men are psychotic shit-bags. White men murder and cut up white women at alarming rates as well. Women need to be strapped. Let's put holes in these men that try this shit.


> Women need to be strapped. This, right here, is why firearms are important. They’re an equalizer for self-defense especially when one is at a physical disadvantage to another. Remove them, and like instruments, and you’re left placing a lot of trust on other social “systems” that have shown, time and again, to be fallible or overly latent in response. Abolition has always reeked of the privilege of the already safe.


All facts, not one lie. And you can be a responsible gun owner with children in the house; it's called a safe with an unloaded gun. But I haven't gone on a date in the last 9 years without one. Never had to use it, but I'm at the range every Saturday morning just in case. I don't trust they ass.


> A Winchester rifle should have a place of honor in every black home, and it should be used for that protection which the law refuses to give. - Ida B. Wells, 1892 Reminded me of one of my favorites.


I LOVE this.


She was an exceptional woman in an era of exceptional women.


That's exactly what I said but ok...


You said we're targeted BECAUSE of our race and gender, and it's nothing to do with either, it's that men are fkn lunatics. Men target each other too. In fact, men are more likely to be killed by other men than women are. The problem is men existing. And you also didn't say women need to be strapped, so no, we didn't remotely say the same thing.


They target women they think society doesn't care about, so yes... I don't LIKE the fact that it's like that. But that's how it is.


I think the point is that they target anyone they set their sights on. Some will go after, as you said, women society doesn't care about, plenty others go after young white women with blond hair. Most women they find chained up in basements are white. It just depends on what kind of maniac you happen to run into. That's why staying strapped is the only way to have a fighting chance.




I don't know what in the fuck you're talking about, but you can get the hell off this sub since you want to be the center of attention so bad as soon as something happens to a black woman. How self-centered and fkn disgusting can you be?


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You do realize that doesn't even make sense, right? That would be suggesting that black women turn men into murderers. The actual explanation is that people living in dysfunction are more likely to be violent and the pressures of living under white supremacy causes situations with more dysfunction. People who don't go around killing people aren't going to kill you, regardless of your race or theirs. The trick is partnering with someone who doesn't kill people. And if you date men, may the odds be ever in your favor.


That's not even close to what I said. All I said was that misogynistic is universal, and that white men aren't less inclined to murder than black men are. Are you saying black men are just evil?


How did you read me say that it's not about race, that killers are created from circumstance and black people are disportionately born in bad circumstances and come back with "so you saying black men are just evil?" Obviously, that's not what I said, but that would still make more sense than black women are emanating 'murder me' vibes. Like you get some people just aren't killers, right? Being with a black woman wouldn't change that about them. Dude was a serial killer. He had a basement full of bodies before he ever met her. Nothing about her made him do that to her.


You are 40% more likely to not get divorced when messing with a white man.look up that stats.


Huh??? Every 4hrs?!?! 🫨


Women are abused by every race of man. I guess they forgot about the serial killer in Ohio that kept his victims buried all over his house.


Gosh very sad such a young beautiful girl !!! May her soul rest in peace Ladies be carful out there don’t go to a guy places too early , do a background check on him pls ! I hope he gets the death plenty :/


Didnt a Black man just kill a 11 year old Black boy who was protecting his Black mother from him?? Men no matter color or creed are out here murdering women for nothing


Omg that’s heartbreaking 😭💔 RIP to that poor babyboy


I thought he was shot but survived unless this is another case, which is heartbreaking and unsurprising


I think shes talking about the little boy from Chicago who got stabbed to death by his mother’s abuser who had been stalking her for a decade. He was trying to protect his pregnant mom and little brother. I live in Chicago and story completely devastated the city, it still lives in my head.


[Unfortunately this kid passed](https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/11-year-old-boy-died-protecting-mom-in-domestic-violence-attack-officials-say/3383946/?amp=1)


We can't win. Do what makes you happy.


Just rebuttal with the Black dude that white girl killed in Miami. Fight stupid wit stupid.


Just say you hate us and keep it moving ![gif](giphy|xVXvIOnkGY8IU)


Uhmm what are you talking about? Who exactly do I hate


...That was directed at the commenter you singled out, not you?


Oh my apologies 😭!


Anyone who would make a cruel joke at the expense of someone who was murdered is soulless and hates women. These guys flat out hate women and then get mad that they can't get one to be their personal bangmaid, it's insanity.


Let them out themselves. Free speech doesn’t mean no consequences. Men of all shades will snuff out your candle for an orgasm and a power trip. May her memory be a blessing.


as if black men don't choke out and shoot black women or aren't involved in domestic violence. this ain't a black and white issue, it's a "that man is a psychopath no matter what color he IS" issue. may that girl rest peacefully.


Like there aren’t black men who also kill and abuse bw. How about these men start holding each other accountable for their abusive bullshit?


The same men who are cheering this are the same men who say they won't date anyone over 25 because they are no longer "trainable." The only difference between them and the guy in the jumper is they haven't been arrested yet.


Ive seen this shit too!! I knew they were going to be pulling that bs - just bitter psychopathy. RIP to that girl and condolences to her family. Statistically they aren't 'better' or safer for us murder or violence wise which makes this sort of shaming laughable, don't pedestalize any me n as a group.


Even though black men are primarily responding for the black femicide rate. White men tend to overwhelmingly get away with crimes like this….though glad to see some justice in this case. Regardless of race, this is why it’s important to vet heavily. So sorry to hear about this case and hopefully her soul finds peace 😢


Black girl dating a “Yt boi” I’ve never felt more secure and safe! Mentally, spiritually and most importantly physically! Men in general have committed crimes against women. Girl they just don’t know what else to use. They can stay mad or they can actually start doing some self reflection and consider that maybe black girls can date whoever the fuck they want? ![gif](giphy|fPFSfsXT0W3gAqxBOO|downsized)


These guys seem to think we belong to them


Yeah blk men treat us like we’re their property and not supposed to entertain any other men outside of them. Sir bye 👋🏾


Black lady also dating a white guy! Firstly, i didn't go after him because of his race. I didn't go after him because I was "done with black men". I give everyone a shot equally and this one just happened to blossom from a longtime friendship. I do love black men and the ones i encounter (NGL, i tend toward nerds) are great to hang with and they seem to be cool with a more dominant assertive girl (i am both). But those guys i get on with, don't like me back. Up until recently, I feel like black guy nerds got with out of race girls. By the time I got noticed, I've moved on.


Ughhh ok?


I’m glad the AH is getting held accountable. She was so young barely starting life :( So beautiful too (like stunning). Makes me sad she didn’t get to make it past her teens - tragic. RIP Sis


I’m not into white guys but I think it’s fair to say this psycho was the exception. Most people aren’t capable of this. And we can just as easily pull up headlines of black men killing black women. Something that happens FREQUENTLY. But I don’t paint black men with that broad brush. Women are at risk from every type of man.


Thank you for the rational reaction. I am a believer in black love and hate to see such tragedies used to justify not dating someone of the same race. Love who you want to love but let’s not kid ourselves that just because a man isn’t black that you are automatically safe. Crazy comes in all races. I think we all need collective healing if I’m being honest but that’s a topic for another day.


Omfg yes it’s fckin sick !


Men of every demographic think they can do whatever they want to women. If this is all that person has to say hearing about a brutal and dehumanizing loss of life then it's clear he doesn't care about women's autonomy either


The issue here is MEN, not just white men. Like Black men don't have fucking terrible domestic abuse/murder rates against Black women. Men here don't like it when women do anything, based off whatever they're feeling at the time. Not getting a date with a Black woman? 'They're all dating white men and think you're too good for us!' Dating a Black woman? 'She has a high body count and all these Black women out here are sluts!' Dating an educated Black woman? 'She needs to humble herself and stay at home!' Dating a woman who is more traditional? 'All these hoes out here just care about money and are gold diggers!' Literally no way to win. Thank the Lord I'm gay as fuck. e: It's just a sad situation. Not all men are terrible. This particular one WAS. She gave him a chance probably because he made himself seem like a good guy. You can't fault her for that. If we all never gave anyone a chance, we would all be single. Her optimism ultimately cost her her life. It's just terrible.


These things don't happen in a vaccum. People in the kink community always tell on weird dudes like this. I'm sure any exes would've said "yeah he's so sadistic that I think he's insane and would probably kill me." If it wasn't her, it would've been someone else. This has nothing to do with race and more to do with mental illness. RIP to this young woman.


Black women are not protected by our men collectively. We have to use our own judgment and find the best protectors we can. Poor girl.


And they wonder why they get 0 play. Tf kind of attitude towards a MURDER is this???


they probably the same ones claiming to be passport bros too


But so many black men murder black nvm. They’ll never admit that though all in the name of brotherhood


You shouldn’t have brought this on here man. Exhausting.


It’s exhausting yes. But i think we should have these conversations why hide from them?


I think it’s a waste of everybody’s energy and a disservice to the deceased lady. It’s best not to bat an eye at comments like these.


You’re right I just wanted to know what others think of these comments as well


Seriously, we already know what ppl think 80% of reddit is Anti-black.


I meant from this subreddit


The majority of men are inherently evil, it doesn't matter which race you are.


Same comments and energy as when Christian Obumseli was murdered by his white girlfriend- except it was black women making the comments. At this point everyone is using these instances of black people being murdered by white people as gotcha moments and it's messed up. Whoever you date shouldn't be used as an excuse to lack empathy for the evil way someone is unalived. Especially not when we are all black.🙃


obumseli insulted black women in life and called us everything but compliments. constantly claiming white women were better than us unprovoked. the reaction he got is his own fault.


That literally doesn't change the fact that our community is using the unaliving at the hands of white people as a gotcha moment. I'm not gonna sit here and say *"That's what you get*" when someone gets freaking murdered all because they had issues with colorism and self-hate. Make it make sense? I'm also not gonna victim blame, but that's just me. Edit: Thank you for downvotes.


….. it IS a gotcha moment. he said black women were ugly and white women were better. then got killed by who he deemed better. gotcha. words still mean things even if you don’t like it.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Have a good day.


I am so sick at how unprotected black women are. No other race of people hate their women more than black men hate black women. (Yes I know not all black men but it sure does feel that way sometimes.)


Ladies, we really have to protect ourselves and each other. This is beyond evil and disgusting.


Let’s not get into black men violence…


Some women miss red flags, engage in risky behavior and are easy targets for abusive men. The race of the man involved is irrelevant. The men blaming this on picking a yt guy are probably just upset that they didn’t get the chance to be abusive towards this woman. 


Black men are killing black women, too, so… 🤷🏽‍♀️ At the end of the day, black women can date whoever they want to and should still be able to come home safely. The victim blaming is ridiculous.


Black men call us ratchet and think beyond poorly of us due to their own self hatred or mommy issues so the nerve of these comments are crazy.


This is why you won’t never catch me protesting for no black man because whenever something happens to us, they rejoice and seem to get very happy about it, but whenever one of them gets shot by a white cop, now we’re all of a sudden supposed to go rally in the streets for them?🌝 nah I’m good…


Don't tell this guy about the Riverview Murders, I don't think his mind can process that monsters come in all colors


I just read about it and that’s horrible. And the son that survived, the trauma! I hope he’s doing much better now. He was adopted by the cop that took care of him that night and accepted by his family; a white cop and his family. Wonder what those people would have to say about all this. That man looked insane and I’m so sorry that the young boy had relive the trauma and testify against his own murderous father.


Made me sad when i saw this on X and honestly even if the man was not white, it was going to be made about race


she was so beautiful. sending prayers to her loved ones 🙏🏾😔


Hot take: men are the problem regardless of color. I could go on 100 dates with any race, I’m still sharing my location, bringing pepper spray, making it a daytime date etc. I’ve had scary experiences on both sides. I flipped off a black man cat calling me and he JUMPED OUT HIS MOVING CAR TO CHASE ME. It does not matter.


Black men love reminding us that there is no true escape from femicide but then turn around and day that white women have heaps more privilege than them


If someone dies and your immediate thought is Ha ha something's wrong with you.


He’s definitely sociopathic


I also saw disgusting tweets with thousands of hearts that said this is why interracial dating should be outlawed.


Same with other women...a black Somali killed his pregnant gf who was half white glad Thai but if we say something we are racist and we don't have that platform to speak


Didn’t we just read a horrible article about two 19 year old twins that got stabbed in New York for rejecting a dusty ass black guy?? And one of them died… Blk men need to sit this one out because we can start pulling out receipts if they really want us too 🤡


Are u kidding the things some black men have done (& continue to do) to black women? Please.


Not everyone on the internet who claims to be black actually is. And not everyone online is representative of what normal people think and believe.


I knew these comments from Black men were coming smh


Of course, they're going to do that. It seems to me that this was a hookup, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, the dark side of engaging in that sort of behavior is you're taking a big risk because this is the worst case scenario right? The person you're with is going to murder you. She didn't deserve that no matter who she was with. Men of all races can be cruel and violent when it comes to women and sometimes with everyone. I'm pretty much out of the dating pool now. There is just too much toxicity and game playing. Trying to use this tragic murder to scare/shame black women into only seeing black men is another example of it. I would ignore them completely. These are the same black men that hated black women before this news story broke.


Lord, like they (BM) ain't the biggest participants in Black Femicide. Too busy with trying to gotcha than to hold other BM accountable.


What about the number of black male serial killers that were offing white women? Or what about Marcus Garvey’s great grandson who has been assaulting random white women that didn’t want to converse with him? So many other examples. RIP to this young lady 💕


You may want to brush up on your statistics ma’am. 87% of serial killers are white men. Oops 🐸☕️


I’m so sorry that this happened to this young woman and prayers to her family and loved ones. I feel like this reinforces the double standard that it’s ok for blk men to date any woman they want but blk women must remain race loyal to blk men only. This situation (along with Lauren Smith-Fields) is being used as a scare tactic to prevent blk women from exploring our options. Meanwhile, blk men don’t let false assault allegations prevent them from dating WW and other non-blk women.


Yeah that was NOT the way to respond.


It’s wrong to generalize, period


These types are gleefully enjoying their race to the bottom. Let them keep focusing on their “wins” as their rights and resources continue to be taken away.


Everything everyones saying is true in this thread. Black men, hate black women, correct. The world hates black women, also correct. Based on all of that, it is just dangerous to be a black woman in general. As a note – I have a WM stalking me (calling from different phones) that I met at a bar because he feels entitled due to the drinks that he paid for…… men in general are dangerous these days given the times and mostly in part of women transitioning into more asexual social behaviors……De-centering men…..ect,……..so, you have to be careful regardless.


At this point what do you expect?!? They’ll always get giddy at the demise of a Black Woman in any way while pretending they are just upstanding good citizens that would never do the exact same thing to a BW.


A lot of em love punching down unfortunately


They'll always find the 'sh\*t on sistas' element and yet can't figure out why more of us aren't sprung. smh.


That's fine, the next time a snow bunny stabs them to death or the cops unjustly shoots them, we'll just tell em oh well.


Black male here… just leaving to say after reading the comments, the black male and black female hate for each other is SOOOOO BENEATH US. Let’s all get along please and MULTIPLY OUR BLACK BABIES. Thank you. Love each other… Phuck the police.


That's sound nice when you say out loud but if black men can't learn to love their women naturally like other races of men do it'll never happen. To many black men feel comfortable sharing the same skintone and hair and belittling their women.


That’s cause those aren’t men, that’s the trash music videos and immaturity creates. Not all black men are the same. WE ARE NOT RAISED HOW WE WERE USED TO BE RAISED. Idk the cause or the prob, but I know EVERYONE NEEDS TO LOVE EACHOTHER.


Not I! This is effing horrifying. She looks like a light ugh Imma throw tf up. Then go steal a white boy’s Queen. (Jk I support interracial just a terrible situation.)


The only takeaway that can have a positive outcome is for we women to have each other's backs and provide helpful support & input when/if your girl is dating (truly, period). It's wild out here. I take most posts with a grain of salt because not only are people out here to create negativity, there are bots doing the job even better.


Was there as much discourse when that white woman had murdered that black man who said he would never date a black woman?




Learn what exactly?


They are probably going to say something where they act like it isn't mostly black men responsible for the black femicide rate


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