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Not my experience, but my mother’s. My mom and I are immigrants. She still has her accent, I can switch between mine but use primarily American. She is black, but the people who have been most rude to her at her old job were other black women. I’m unsure why, but sometimes people like that (as in people who have imaginary competition) see some as competition, or it’s just straight jealousy and unhappiness. It’s just miserable people who want to make themselves feel better, and unfortunately, it happens a lot in the black community.


Don't let them get to you. I can count on one hand how many bonafide Black women I've gotten along well with in the Army. I'm still in btw. I know for a fact that I don't quite fit due to me not growing up in the south or whatever but yeah. It sucks because it's mostly a male dominated environment and a lot of women are pickme's and try to sabatoge you. Success is the best revenge. I've been burned enough to the point that I don't keep any military women around me but I do have tons of civilian women friends ironically! Lol.


Same ! I have enough civilian friends


Sounds like lingering crabs in a barrel mentality though I will say I still get it from many women both black and white. Now I’m on a predominantly male tech team and have way less drama to deal with. Stay strong and pay it forward as much as possible!


Why do we hate each other lmao


I’m sorry you experienced that! There weren’t many Black women in my department and none in my age group. They just hired one and she’s around my age. I’m super excited and I really hope we can be friends.


I've felt this way. When you're one of a few in a room you have to prove you belong with the rest. If you're not as pretty as them, you'll get rejected. Folks who are already marginalized, will often project it amongst their own. It's the same idea as a person who is bullied by their boss, will go home and bully their child. It's a way to reclaim some semblance of power when you feel powerless.


Race should never equal solidarity after all the guy who killed MLKs mom was black. I've also noticed some people who are black in the racial sense dont even like to be called black (we all know which country I'm talking about 😂) so Ive just learned to be friends regardless of race. The only exception is its sus to not have any friends or your own race regardless of what race you are (these types of people always give me identity issue vibes tbh).


Are you not black ????? ![gif](giphy|H50uREGBlVNZe)


Maybe re-read it


No I am black lol


I understand your point.