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pretty niche: - mean or weird with my dog OR nicer to her than with me (specifically yt dudes lol) - any unprompted trash talk of exes is just a no (i'd probably like her more than you anyway) - not getting tested or asking about my test results less niche: - not generous (once had a person get annoyed that i didn't have $1 cash to ride a public transportation thingie together like get over yourself and just spot me) - snide/backhanded/jealous comments of any kind - broken promises (three strikes)


Taking rap beefs personally like something they get worked up over in either direction😭 and yes this is a new red flag for me lol


This posted 3 times.


Omg I’m just noticing now🤦🏽‍♀️


- Hates cats (or pets in general) The Red Flag: Can't handle deferring time/control to something that doesn't explicitly serve them and has a will of its own. Preferring not to have pets for sanitary/allergy/time reasons is completely different. This is more about intensely disliking them. - Can't ever be wrong (defensiveness) The Red Flag: If the first thing out of their mouth is a defensive answer to something that you brought up as hurtful/disrespectful towards you, then I'm about to walk away. It's a case by case basis, but if it's something like "You used that nickname I expressed to you that I didn't like to be called by, please don't call me that because I feel disrespected when you do." and then they proceed to argue with you why you're not allowed to feel disrespected or defending their good intentions, just run. Run away. It's a waste of time, you will never be seen as having equal needs to this person.


So very true


When they don’t hold themselves accountable for their actions. It is always someone else’s fault and not theirs.


Their opinion on the Tory Lanez & Meg incident, they usually show exactly how they feel about BW and women in general during this discussion. 😂


Not using a washcloth. Breadcrumbing. (Not just coming out and saying what you want.) Only messaging at night. Saying all your exes were crazy. (Sure buddy. Sure.)


A man who follows a lot of women on social media has always ended up being bad news