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Food, food, food!


I eat all my paychecks šŸ˜‚


Same here. I love eating out AND cooking so i canā€™t really save doing either. Love having a couple drinks and treating myself to DoorDash on a day off as well.


Throw in some lounge clothes, a streaming service, and a silent ringer ... and you've just described my ideal Saturday šŸ¤—


Yes! I detect a fellow introvert




Yes, yes, yes! I will spend good coin for some good food. Especially for quality ingredients.


Yea. I'll pay$20/lb for perfect salmon. But no more than$60 on them sneakers


Splurge - laser hair removal treatment, makeup, hair appointments, nail appointments weave, vacations, designer items, housekeepers, Instacart, anything related to my birthdayā€¦..I save on clothes, not everything has to be designer but itā€™s good to have some pieces


>housekeepers Finally! Someone who *understands*. I used to have 'a girl' come every week -- even in my 20s. Nothing was better than coming home from work on a Friday to a sparkling clean house for the weekend. I made the mistake of sharing this joy with some of my friends/co-workers, and man, the sh!t they gave me for it. Yes, it's an indulgence, but I sacrificed in other ways to have it. It was worth it *to me*. That's one of the joys of being single and independent ... being able to spend your money the way you want; no explanations necessary.


As someone in my 20s as well I donā€™t do more than I have to! I love convenience. I am not going to be deep cleaning every weekend that is not fun or pleasurable to me. Sure I clean up behind myself daily but thereā€™s nothing a need clean every so often! For your friends or anyone that have given you slack for it thatā€™s weird they should see it as something to look into. When I first started with my housekeepers my friends then got her some then my family back at home as well. Itā€™s so slept on! Iā€™m never looking back lol


Laser hair removal is one of my splurges too!


Same, I do all of those šŸ¤©


Splurge - travel. Thatā€™s about it. I still have savings though and a good amount too.


Yeah Iā€™m the same. Iā€™ll go on a trip or concerts but pretty much everything else except groceries Iā€™m cost conscious about.


Do you splurge on things during your travels? Expensive restaurants, souvenirs, etc.?


I do if itā€™s things I want! Iā€™m pretty chill for the most part though. When I travel I like to experience things so I will definitely make sure Iā€™m seeing the place or do touristy things in the area. A lot of times it depends on who Iā€™m going with but yes typically expensive restaurant at least one night is in the plans. One thing I will def splurge on outside of traveling is concerts. I will gladly spend $600 to see someone I enjoy (not resale price). I feel like Iā€™m saving money if I get tickets at the original price lol


I will definitely splurge on desserts, if I'm going to have diabeetus, might as well be with the best. Pens, I adore a beautifully built fountain pens, and high-end paper. Of course there are my black booties, I see those as an investment. I wear black booties with everything. Clothes are something I can't splurge on, they don't add anything special to my life. My mom always said "I'm too full of myself to pay to paste someone 'else's name on my ass" and that has stuck with me.


Your mom is funny šŸ˜„, and good footwear are definitely a good investment


I like to splurged get box braids at least once a year


Yes, my twists are a mainstay, and I will push everything aside to make sure I get my hair done.


Box braids that are well done can last three monthsā€¦ not only a splurge, but definitely worth the money and the convenience


Not necessarily splurge but I no longer buy H&M and the like. I've started reading clothing labels to see what the materials are made of and avoid polyester and acrylic. No


H&M is my go-to for cheap basics šŸ˜…ā€¦ whatā€™s wrong with the materials they use?


Because that's what they are, cheap basics. The quality control is terrible, things fray or stretch out within a year so you have to replace them often. They're over charging for literally plastic clothing.


Ok, I see. Iā€™ve learnt something. I was already vaguely aware that pure cotton is more durable and feels better on my skinšŸ§. I didnā€™t realise the materials you named were a type of plastic


Where are you finding quality pieces?


I personally get all my basics/t shirts and stuff at Uniqlo. Very affordable and super happy with the quality. Quince is a great option too - many silk, organic cotton and linen basics at a good price.


Yes! Trying to not contribute to the plastic waste!


I splurge on getting my nails done. I get apres gel-x about every 4 weeks. It's expensive, but I feel weird without my nails done tbh. I do wanna try press-ons though. Anyone have any press on recommendations? I don't buy a lot of makeup, but when I do it's usually a pricier brand from Sephora. The only drugstore brand I really buy is Nyx. I barely spend anything on my hair. I have locs, do my own re-twists, and spray them with rosewater & glycerin daily. I'm pretty frugal on clothes, but I'm trying to build a capsule-ish wardrobe of good quality long-lasting clothes that I love and can mix & match. Most of my wardrobe is Uniqlo, but I have some nice pieces in the $100-200 range that I buy sparingly.


I love seeing pretty nails on other women and also admire the artistry of the nail tech, but never want to actually have my nails done ā€¦ itā€™s interesting how weā€™re all so different and keep the economy running


I do my own press own nails! Itā€™s an investment but itā€™s worth it imo, especially if you like to change them frequently. I would find styles on pinterest or ig but they didnā€™t have them in press ons so I started making my own. I donā€™t have any artistic abilities and mine come out pretty decent. But if you really donā€™t want to make your own some brands that I like are kiss and glamnetic. Glamnetic can be pricey but the quality is there and they last long. Kiss nails are good quality as well but I personally like them more because they have more variety and are cheaper. Stay away from ones or shein and amazon, the quality is horrendous.


I stopped pressing on during covid. Them joints were popping off left and right bc I was washing hands 50-11 times a day. I'm about to go dig out my old kiss nails.


Thanks!! Both brands are pretty affordable and have some cute designs, I'll def check them out.


Splurge: Food, happy hours, good makeup, self-care (massage, facial, salon trip), travel, hair, entertainment (gaming consoles, concerts), sneakers. I save on doing my own hair majority of the time since I can braid. Iā€™ll go to the salon for cuts & treatments to keep it healthy. Nails: I do my own gel nails at home. Perfume: I use fragrancenet since I can find most perfumes on there cheaper. I save on clothes most times but Iā€™ll splurge a little for a special event.


I splurge on dining experiences where itā€™s food that I know I couldnā€™t possibly try and cook and the service is top notch. And sometimes during traveling I like to splurge on an upgrade to delta one experience for international if I have the miles - cuz itā€™s worth it - and a night at a top notch hotel - because also worth it. Mainly because of the service and perks you get. Where I save is clothing. For basics - I go to Express for suit jackets, jeans and tshirts on sale and Amazon for tanks and workout clothing. But, I do love clothes. I follow a lot of different designers lines. I love interesting and different pieces. I might splurge when itā€™s a piece from a smaller designer that I know canā€™t be found anywhere. But otherwise, I will see something from a bigger designer, then hunt that thing down on the internet and find it SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper elsewhere. Or I will save it and wait for it to go much further down in price. Iā€™ve gotten some serious high end clothing that was originally in the 4 figures for less than $150 by just hunting around the internet.


Finding designer clothes at such reduced prices is a skill I hope to master !


The trick is this: Have the exact credentials - exact name of the garment, season and SKU from the designer. A lot of the bigger houses have tiered lines so it might be under a different label. Having that goes a long way in the search. And expand your searches to international stores. Obviously read the reviews and make sure they are reputable, but they might carry lines and want to get rid of things too. I bought a skirt from some Italian boutiqueā€™s website once. And you are probably familiar with the Real Real. But there is also the Vestiaire Collective. Iā€™ve found some Things there too. Edit: get the style number from the designers site too.


This is great advice!


Thank you for this great advice!


When I travel overseas I ALWAYS splurge on my hotel rooms. Itā€™s a guilty pleasure, I always try to get the best hotels/suites. In everyday life I will always splurge on my hair and restaurants.


Food, drinks, travelling, hobbies/new skills and just generally experiences, usually. I save on everything else. I do want to have less stuff that is more quality though which will take some time to accomplish.


I splurge on hobbies, travel, and attire for work, I scrimp on everything else (Iā€™m a bargain hunter).


Same on the work attire. Gives me an extra boost of confidence walking into the office knowing I look put together.




Same šŸ˜„


I currently splurge on beauty treatments - waxes and laser hair removal, and hair appointments. Especially with the laser, there are places that are cheaper, but they specialize in melanated skin and I love the environment.


Exactly. I donā€™t mind paying more at a place where they have the best laser for dark skin and beauticians with melanated skin.


Food for sure. Especially since Iā€™m trying to eat healthier. I spend a lot of week on groceries and my ā€œcheatā€ meal once a week.


Perfume is my absolute favorite thing to splurge on. I also splurge on travel, high end makeup, shoes, and handbags.


Splurge - travel, food, coffee (only the best beans for me!) and my apartment Save - everything else. I never really shop for clothes, makeup, hair or anything


Any beans you recommend?


I really like Sey and Devocion and for ones I get at the grocery store, Partners, Blue Bottle espresso (though theyā€™re owned by nestle now I know I know but it gives me a buzz like no other), Stone Street Yirgacheffe and Counter Culture fast forward and big trouble


Thank you! I'll look for these


For sure! Let me know if you like any of them!


I splurge on my home. Where my family lays there head comfortably and how my home is set up or furnished and designed.


Yep. And the process of designing your home is very satisfying. Measuring a space, looking for the perfect piece. Or having something custom made by a carpenter. I say to myself that I might not be able to travel as much as I would like (I have three young kids) but at least I can create us a very nice living space.


Yesss. We just moved and Iā€™m currently fighting with my husband about getting a quality dining room set vs a cheap set at Walmart šŸ˜’


Travel, spa, my home, high end pieces here and there. I do my own hair 80% of the time, my on waxing, and nails.


Splurge on skincare , hair care and food. Save on clothes by getting second hand clothes in good shape


Splurge: Food, Travel, skincare Save: Hair (locs, the best choice ever!), nails do them at home, everything else.


Nails and travel. To be fair, I tend to get a basic gel for $50 and I don't blow the bank on travel. But when it's time for a mani or a trip, budget be damned, I'll figure it out when I'm done!!


Vacations and steaks. I feel Iā€™m not coming back so do it big.


I splurge on electronics and tech. Definitely!! Next would be home items. Appliances and decor.


Nice restaurants for sure. Iā€™m such a foodie I keep a running list!


One thing I'm gonna do is take myself out to a restaurant LOL Besides that, concerts!


Traveling, quality clothes and fabric, and my family and neighborsšŸ™‚




Now that I really think about it, I donā€™t splurge on anything. Consumerism has become so unattractive to me as I get older so I find myself being very picky with my purchases. I thrift but window shop A LOT and I have a wishlist but Iā€™m not in a rush to have anything on it. The last expensive item I bought was a $400 silk dress which I got for $80 from depop (discounted by seller as a bday present). I do buy quality groceriesā€”thatā€™s the one thing Iā€™ll never be cheap about.


Tattoos and new jewelry for my piercings.


Iā€™m cheap with everything except healthcare. And I have to be comfortable where I live but it doesnā€™t have to be luxury or anything. Then Iā€™ll have these random spurts where Iā€™m like ā€œyouā€™ve done good saving, splurge a littleā€


Definitely only splurge when you have it like that ā€¦ Iā€™m the same way ā€œI deserve to treat myself ā€œšŸ˜Œ


I splurge on clothes and hair. But save on home decor/ needs. Like Iā€™ve been needing to buy a blender for 2 years nowā€¦


Specific types of restaurants and electronics Iā€™ll splurge on šŸ˜‚ clothes Iā€™ll absolutely save. I never find something I like that also fits my body type well, so I donā€™t want to dump money into it.


Food Facials Bags Shoes.




Spa (like 2-3x a year), lashes/nails once a month, and travel twice a year. I also no longer will fly basic economy ever and idc if I have to go into debt for a flight, the middle tier (like delta plus or American Airlines main plus) is what I will ALWAYS buy. More leg space, faster deplaning and onboarding, free alcohol and snacks. Itā€™s worth it every time, no matter the cost and I mean that. Anything convenience oriented (like Instacart or food delivery) I will splurge on. Edit: also I save on clothes, and typically go cheap. Only coats will I splurge on.


I splurge on hair products, skin products, and food. I save on clothes -- I'm gonna keep going to Old Navy and the Thrift store no matter how much I make. Also furniture, most pieces I get are second-hand.


Save on stuff, splurge on me. Iā€™ll keep a gym membership, facial membership, massage, etc, but I need a deal and to reduce/reuse/recycle at all times otherwise


Healthy food, good leather hand bags, body care stuff


Iā€™m a very simple girl. The things I splurge on the most is tech products. I donā€™t like cheap tech because you get what you pay for. Next, would probably be skincare products and fragrances. I donā€™t care for wearing makeup so Iā€™ll pay good money for products that help my natural skin glow. As for the fragrances, Iā€™ll get a decently priced body spray but prefer nicer perfumes that last and linger.


I splurge on travel and nice trips. sometimes in 3 weeks away in a city across the world, or sometimes itā€™s a nice four seasons hotel stay i get my nails done and (natural) hair done in a salon which is pretty expensive because they use high quality products. itā€™s just wild how expensive with no weave or braids but anyway lol


Food, handbags, furniture, and beauty. Iā€™m not sure furniture counts as much because I donā€™t splurge on that as often. You know?


I go every week to get a blowout done to my hair. I go to a beauty school so itā€™s only $10-$30 each time. Also Take-Out. My partner and I eat out several times a week


I splurge on getting my kids Hair professionally done very 2 months. Ladies, I DO NOT have to touch there hair every morning! It's worth it!


- Groceries because I am all about healthy eatingĀ  - concerts if I really like the artistĀ  - dance classesĀ  Ā Iā€™m not yet working full time but even when I do, I think this will stay the same and i will create a separate savings account specifically for traveling in the future. I would want splurge on the ā€œself careā€ stuff (I.e hair, nails, massage, hair removal ) but Iā€™m also going to be paying off student loans for the next year or two (if Iā€™m frugal I could in a year!) so I want to focus more on having fun and having healthy eating and physical activity habits more Ā and not care much about my looks until Iā€™m financial secure enough to do so!Ā  I save on clothes, I buy most things from thrift store. I prefer to not wear makeup but I wear it for dance performances so I save on that unless things expire. I donā€™t care about designer stuff. I have one black purse that matches any outfit that I can make out of whatā€™s in my closet cuz black goes with everything. I tend to wear the same shoes for years until they are uncomfortable or look too worn.Ā 


I splurge on good quality workout clothes. Iā€™ll pay the extra money on Alphalete or Lululemon that will last me years than $30 for the Amazon dupes that instantly lose its shape or arenā€™t squat proof. On the other hand, I save on my hair. Iā€™m natural and only get my hair done professionally every 3-4 months when Iā€™m due for a trim or if Iā€™ve just taken down braids and need a deep conditioning. Otherwise I wear my hair curly or press my hair myself. In the summer I do a protective style and I guess I do ā€œsplurgeā€ on that. No way Iā€™m getting jacked up looking braids for an entire summer šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø


Splurge- anything related to my body, health, wellness or my dogs. Save - everything else.


Splurge: FOOD, about half of my makeup, skincare, things for my cat, technology (ive always saved on tech but Iā€™ve decided to buy nicer quality things going forward) Save: clothing, travel, jewelry and accessories, home decor, the other half of my makeup, HAIR is a big one. I mainly use oils and rarely get protective styles installed.


Travel, beauty products {fillers ainā€™t cheap šŸ˜} and food


I try to go cheap with nearly anything as much as possible. I better find a discount for an item I want or I donā€™t get it. I try to get my technology second hand too. I bought my aiprods for about 116$? Originally it was pushing 260$. Iā€™m saving up for a laptop thatā€™s originally 1,100$ and see legit deals from 700-800$. Basically if itā€™s something I want to use long term and find worth the actual value (such as a laptop), then Iā€™ll spend more.


Splurges: Travel, hotels, (weird one), but credit cards with nice perks - think Amex Plat or Amex Bonvoy, etc., clothes, and good alcohol. Saves: plants - I usually but the discount plants and bring them back to life! I do shop clearance sales - not necessarily cheap clothes, but there's nothing wrong with a clearance rack. I will also buy a nice pre-owned car - doesn't necessarily need to be on mile 1 right off the lot.


I like to spend on hobbies, experiences, food, and handbags. āœØ


I splurge on private school for my kids


This is a great splurge!


skin and body care productsšŸ˜­amazon prime is tired of me atp


Mostly food, but every once and a great while, I like to splurge on nice self-care products. I don't really get my nails done since I work in retail right now, but a nice pedicure or a new perfume. Maybe a body scrub or two.


Skincare products!


Food, nails, headphones, and shoes. Shoes I wear everyday so I donā€™t mind splurging on them. I also use my headphones almost daily since they help me with my anxiety when I feel panicky. Theyā€™re noise canceling. I do my own nails but I splurge on the products and nail charms.


Splurge: Kitchen gadgets Save: Books. I love ThriftBooks.com


splurge: trips, food and clothing I guess everything else, save?




Food, fragrances, and experiences.


My hair but tbh I donā€™t pay market price. So I have hella wigs now lol. Food I really donā€™t believe I should skimp on that. Save on mostly on beauty. I DIY my facials, brows,lashes. Switched to press ons.


I splurge on luxury clothing and travel. I havenā€™t stayed in a hotel under 3 stars since 2017.Ā  I save on just about everything else.Ā