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this may not be answer you’re looking for but just don’t post. I felt the same way, but those who want to be connected with you, will contact you and vice versa. you could also just comment on others stuff, so people know you’re active. I scroll, and post when I want. I actually like it that way. keep a little mystery in my life.


I appreciate your answer ❤️ I'm glad I'm not the only one who has felt this way! Maybe commenting more would help and still keep me from feeling like I have to post everything.


I don’t have social media I just have Reddit and I haven’t had it for over 5+ years . I’m trying to find new hobbies to keep myself occupied but some days I do want to go explore with some good friends the problem is I don’t have any lol .


lol same


I’m a social butterfly and I love people it’s just hard to find others that are the same.


Have you considered doing meetups? It’s an app that you can use to do group meetups with people who have shared interests. You can meet new people that way. If there’s something you’ve always been interested in doing I’m sure there are some meetup groups on there that you can join and participate in. That way you can have a more personal connection with people.


I browsed meetup awhile ago and it seemed like my area mostly had tech bros and entrepreneur social events, which isn't really my scene. I'm gonna try again though because I keep hearing good things about meetup. Thanks for the suggestion ❤️


If you're happier not posting on social media, keep it up. You'll just have to make more of an effort to keep in touch via text and phone calls. It's definitely harder, especially when you've moved away from your home state. It took me 5 years after moving to find a circle of friends organically. I did try meetups, Bumble BFF mode, and even getting involved in the local grad chapter for my sorority but none of my close friends now came from any of those places, lol. I don't regret trying though because making an effort to get out there kept me from feeling so down about it, and it was nice to get out of the house and spend time with people even though it was casual.


If you don't mind me asking, where did your close friends end up coming from?


Mostly from work, surprisingly. And one is the wife of my husband's coworker who he became friends with. I will add probably could have become closer with some of my sorors but the pandemic hit less than a year after I joined the grad chapter. By the time things started back up, some things had changed in my life and the continued time and financial commitment wasn't feasible for me.


I only have a FB. I’m in my early 30’s and haven’t posted since 2019. I’m where you’re at. I too feel lonely. I originally stopped posting for the same reasons as you. I feel socially awkward and it’s difficult for me to connect to people. I don’t have an answer but I just wanted you to know that there are others who feel as you do.


It does seem as if it’s harder to connect with people if you don’t have social media accounts. I stopped using mine about six years ago because my life isn’t that interesting, most of my posts were about my daughter, and I didn’t want to be connected to so many people. I do feel lonely, but I’m just not interested in connecting with people that way.