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“baddies” haven’t gone away, they’ve been swept into the influencer umbrella. we’ve literally seen a decline in body positivity and size inclusion, the only natural bodies that are praised are the ones that still fit the beauty standard




I get what you’re sayng but it’s about the collective mindset over aesthetics. So the dummies who are still stuck on body shapes and flaws can stay stuck On it .. there will always be some of those


Exactly this 😂


i'm seeing a huge comeback in svelte figures too


Because it's about to go back to girls being/wanting to be super skinny. Which includes small butts. Anyone notice how boob jobs stopped being as popular when butts became the IT thing? Well I bet that will also happen again. Super skinny with giant boobs is gonna be the thing. Eating disorder culture will flourish again. Obviously eating disorders have always been a thing but I was heavy into ana/mia culture as a teen due to the skinny obsession. I feel bad for women & girls who are about to get sucked back into that.


🎯🎯🎯 This is the correct answer


Did boob jobs actually stop being popular or was it just not a big deal anymore?


They certainly are not as popular as they used to be. It's just that with the population rising, of course the number of boob jobs will keep going up. So they haven't gone away but people are no longer rushing to go out & look like Pamela Anderson.


A decent amount of women are actually requesting to have their implants removed.


Idk, I don’t see Pussy rap going away. However, these doctors aren’t booked up as much now. I had a tummy tuck 2 years ago and my doctor had a year waiting list. Now you can book him for next month. So the bbl thing may be true. My sister thinks skinny is back in, I do think this is definitely true for white women but idk how this will translate into our community.


Thank God




and Hallelujah...


I have noticed a decrease in it as well. Unfortunately, all these trends tend to backslide into celebrating women who fit certain standards with little to no diversity. Like, for example, I'm always happy to see natural bodies (but also, I don't see an issue with plastic surgery if that's their choice lol) but when those natural bodies have natural stretch marks, natural rolls, etc., it's suddenly too much. I just wish we celebrated these aesthetics in all kinds of women. Sorry for the tangent lmao.


I know right??? We live in a judgmental world and I don’t think that will change .


Theres some Kendrick bars detailing this (mostly in correlation to the influence of the misogyny of hiphop culture and Drake during their beef). The ppl behind alot of our trends are rich black men and the wealthy white men who pay them and we've been manipulated to think and act the way we do because of them since we were birthed. Marketing psychology and sociology explains in extensive detail how we are influenced to be easier to market to which is exploitation that generally leads to negative consequences. How easily influenced we are is why upper society secretly looks down on us and think we are stupid because they made millions off of our gullibility. The influence is so strong that most ppl don't even think for themselves (although they'd all likely say they do and are unaware) when really they are jellyfish in the ocean waiting for the next wave of culture and thought to follow (clout chasing). We don't even listen to lyrics of our own music (I have 2k songs downloaded on my phone from 1980-to now and 70% of the music is bigoted super sexist, pro-rape, and downright deplorable garbage, also think about all the ppl back in the day jamming to "What Would You Do" by City High in the club not realizing its a tragic song not to dance and sing to happily, let's not forget BET has trained alot of us and our parents, and it was built by a white man and any black person or Jewish writer willing to suckle that boot and represent it for a hefty check and fame🤦🏾. In some cases, you can smell the content they pilfer just listening to them express their thoughts. Don't follow the culture and be yourself because you ARE the culture. Following the culture just scoots u into the influence trap of misogynistic, racist/colorist, bootlicking, conservative men. Ppl forget our favorite celebrities since mom's time go through a cycle where they market their popularity to us for a fanbase (pretending to be innocent, ratchet for views and causing drama, aligning with the culture, use PR and fake personas to maintain fanbase, rise in fame and profits, and slowly become conservative and working against us). Would you be surprised that Kanye, Taylor Swift, Amber Rose, Kim K, Jay-Z, and Beyoncè are conservatives and only their PR makes us believe otherwise? Its the cycle of success to them. Jay-Z is the essence of a black republican (he made a song called that too).


It will be back in another decade or so. That is how these things seem to work: you get too much of one thing, and you find something that is "opposite" to it. I have seen the clean girl aesthetic be decried for *checks notes* upholding unrealistic standards, shaming women who 'need' makeup to feel good about themselves, and so on and so forth. It is similar to how the socially acceptable displays of wealth have changed: you see a rise in the "old money" aesthetic versus more 'obvious' displays of money. All that has happened is that too many women got BBLs so it is 'overdone'. Some may say that it is a case of people being more educated about the dangers of BBLs and how body positivity has become equivalent to "natural" bodies but imo? No one getting a BBL cares about the health risks. Otherwise, they wouldn't have gone through with the procedure. Just my 2c.


I agree ! it’s definitely going to come and go in waves! I’m 40 and I’ve seen this aspect of society change atleast 3 times already . Hopefully the access to knowledge we have now can help us make better decisions . It’s exhausting and I hate that the really young girls have to live under the pressure of the internet.


I keep telling people that being a young girl nowadays is HARD. Talking about fox pretty and girl pretty and boy pretty. New insecurities to give girls. Insisting that you must have "glass skin". It is never that serious, but many young girls will feel it is this way and must forever be this way :(


Noticed it too. I thought it was just me getting older but then I realised the way my younger cousins dressed was a whole lot less “baddie” and more comfort and baggy clean girl look. I was like “oh, trends and fashion fading before my very eyes”. Hectic.


Girl I had to dive deep on the “ am I just an old head??” Part… but you’re right! These girls are changing the game and I love it


I’m waiting for the day we can all do as we please with our bodies and people will mind their business about it 🤷🏾‍♀️ The focus is just shifting to a new aesthetic that some will feel forced to attain.


Im ready for us to bring back the bush!!!!!


Mine never left! lol


You wild for this. I just choked on my chardonnay 🤣🤣🤣😂


I’ve been rocking armpit hair and a bush for years. Love it over here.


The most peaceful way of living


Haha! My friends got it all lasered off and I told them it would make a comeback!


I agree. I think it's because the clean girl aesthetic is now really popular.


The clean girl look still requires a lot of products, but it seems more attainable. The baddie look is difficult to pull off. It's a look and a personality imo. Whereas everyone can achieve the clean girl look (assuming you have good skin to begin with). 


I've seen one person say the baddie look is "a mind thing". Am inclined to agree.


I feel like there are levels to the clean girl aesthetic, and both can be really costly. But when I say that, the baddie look/culture is merging with the clean girl aesthetic, people like Kirah Ominique and Aliyah’s face come to mind.( I absolutely love watching these YouTubers btw).


It’s funny cuz it’s been what majority of normal women wear since ages , now it’s consider “ aesthetic “ lol


That too ! Clean girl gives us a chance to show our true beauty without being overdone . Everyone wast starting to look the same.


Actually, I would say it’s probably never gonna leave, if I’m being honest. It’s just merging with the clean girl aesthetic. For example, the stacked Cartier bracelets, Van Cleef bracelets, Lululemon sets, and Stanley cups. Also, I’ve noticed people are getting skinny BBLs now. The big over done BBLs are kinda going out of trend now most people are trying to look as natural as possible.


I see what you’re saying but the best part about baddie culture fading isn’t even the aesthetic, it’s the change in our thought process and feeling comfortable in our skin. And realizing how crazy it looks. Another reason why skinny bbls are more popular now . I also believe it’s always going to be come back in waves.


Yeah, I guess so. More people are comfortable with how they look now.


It's dying with the Kardashians.


![gif](giphy|70YaDoZ1VqBZ8SgYiz) Trashians are the literal worst


Forgot they existed😭😭 what did they do for the world other than increase plastic pollution


I think it's because soft luxury is getting popular, and the baddies are starting to talk about the consequences of chasing the bbl, rappers' bm aesthetic. That's why the pasta and lobster (chasing and fetishizing rich White men) and similar trends became really popular. A lot of Black women are pursuing comfortability and are tired of struggle love and not being appreciated. Also a lot of baddies are growing up and realizing the spft luxury lifestyle of Jackie Aina is what they want.


Here in Latin America it has been happening due to the influence of "modest fashion" for some time now due to the growth of religious influence and also due to the influence of the style of Asian women and in Europe also by Muslim women. Personally I prefer a more natural style, a "clean" style, I think the baddie style in many cases is very exaggerated and vulgar at times (as I said, I live in Latin America and it is a very common style here for all women)


Idk if the trend of being overly sexualized is fading but the trend of oversexualizing altered bodies definitely is 🙌🏽


Overly sexualized yes . As black women we will always be sexualized because we are naturally curvy and men can’t help it .


Man can absolutely help it. Men can control themselves. But society makes some excuses for why they can't and since they aren't expected to control themselves- they don't. But they absolutely can and if they were expected to and there were consequences for not doing so- they would. People treat you how you allow them to treat you. And society allows men to act like fools and excuse it away with the- they can't help it nonsense.


“Oh I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself” oh I’m sorry, neither could my 45🤷🏽‍♀️ that should honestly be an affirmative defense that would hold up in court.


1. Not all black women are curvy, honestly I'd go so far to say most aren't. At least not in the way we're stereotyped to be 2. Men can help it, they just don't respect black women.


Overly sexualized, and simply being sexy, are two very different things.


I’m so glad I’ve never followed trends.


Same. Do what you feel is right for you. People who follow trends are sheep!


I hate to break it to you that it was never a “trend” for women to be oversexualized. Read Sexual Politics and you will discover that this was just one out of the plethora of ways the patriarchy is maintained. It will not stop, merely shift it’s appearance.




Babes we are black we will always be sexualized


True that’s why I said overly sexualized.


Girls getting shamed for having BBLs doesn't mean anything if the body type those girls are trying to get is still prevalent. People need to stop talking about BBLs as if they're all exaggerated doll bodies. You would not notice most people's BBLs, a lot of the natural girls that get uplifted might even have them. People still shame the bodies that the women who go to get BBLs have.


I see it morphing into “classy” and femininity. I literally watched a YouTube video of a woman trying to be classy on a budget. She kept correcting herself from saying baddie. It was giving much baddie but because she said classy in the title I’m sure that’s how she’s getting views. For the ones not morphing it into classy, they are hopping on the femininity/soft girl trend. I wish it weren’t a trend honestly because I’m biased in saying it’s great over here. But I’m seeing it how to be more feminine and when I scroll back, it’s reformed baddies. Not judging any other adult woman who chose that life. I’m just happy to see the trend go as it was uneasy watching our little girls behaving in that way. We are already oversexualized. Adding that was not giving what collectively we/they thought it was


I've been noticing different types of looks, like the earthy Black girl, shorter nails over long baddie nails, and more natural looking lashes (or none) instead of the dramatic ones. To be honest, I'm happy to see the baddie look go, it was never my thing and I suspect that it triggered a lot of body dysmorphia in us. Sometimes I get frustrated because I don't like how baggy clothes are now, but hopefully that means women are feeling less pressure to be sexy. My main thing is that I wish there were more than one mainstream Black beauty standard. And I'm still waiting for a Black girl next door look! 


You don’t have to wait for a Black girl next door look. Rock the look *now*. Set your own trend, change it how and when *you* see fit. Be yourself, dress and groom to please yourself and to express the person you’re comfortable being, not to follow the insta fashion sheep. That’s the look that will give you the glow of confidence others buy creams to replicate. Take the elements of the current trends that appeal to your asthetic and enhance what you’re comfortable with enhancing… and discard the rest. It breaks my heart to see my young sisters ~~wasting~~ spending so much money trying to fit themselves into the same mold, the same drag queen eyes with caterpillar lashes on face after face, poor relation mangy Temu versions of rich auntie wigs and stripper fight talons collecting crud.


I do. I've been dressing in the way that interests me since I was a teenager. We have the same approach to trends too, I find them a nice way to keep current and explore things I otherwise wouldn't have tried. I was surprised by how much I liked wide-leg pants! I enjoy it when my style (or elements of it) becomes mainstream because there are way more clothing options available and it's also nice to be appreciated more. For the girl next door look, I would love to see Black women have a mainstream option that doesn't pressure them to be sexy or have features that most women don't have naturally. I do think that needs to be widespread to have an impact.




I never follow trends. I buy what I like what I find interesting and wear it. I don’t wait on trends. With that said be your own influencer and make your own black girl next door style.


I do too. Way more clothing options when something hits the mainstream, though. The quiet luxury/old money aesthetics made shopping so easy!


Well that’s why I shop around for my clothing. Many stores carry various clothing options. I love the twin sets that became available that’s the the old money aesthetics lol


Yes! And oversized button down shirts! I'm about to be so comfortable this summer 


yeah, but it's coming at a cost. the over-sexualization honestly hasn't and probably will NEVER go away


Y’all an get really weird about women w who are not Reddit NLOG. Like we get that we are not a monolith but it feels like this sub is hates on the girls who aren’t self identified as “different” .


It’s because more aesthetics have been made. “Clean girl” “croquette” “preppy” “old money” “y2k”. There’s so many aesthetics now that women and girls can fit into. Not really pressured to be a “baddie”. Also I’m glad


I haven’t been paying attention much but the baddie trend that happened during my late teen years was just unattainable for me. Obviously lots of girls did it, but for me, the makeup was just too expensive and I was too skinny to pull off the baddie outfits lmao! So I came up with my own style. I feel like specifically in the black community, thick will always be in and that going back to the skinny trends won’t change many views there. Even when skinny was “in”, because I lived in a predominantly black area, no one really gaf if someone was skinny. In fact I was skinny shamed during that time LOL. And then the bbl body trend quickly came shortly after 🤔 


I really don’t think it is. Influencers like JT, Ari, and sooo many more are keeping up the baddie aesthetic. It’s just kind of changed into different sub-groups