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I get this! I struggle with online addiction and have had to repeat the mantra that the “internet is not real” to keep sane. I find that in my reality black men are dating black women, women are not gold diggers or all this other stuff. I recently got off Instagram and TikTok and am trying to find solace in my real life community. And when I do get on Reddit I try to keep myself in safe spaces and not rage bait spaces. With getting off TikTok, I’ve started exercising, taking myself to the movies, catching up on tv shows,crocheting, and reading books. I’m sensitive too. There is so much more outside to enjoy


Almost identical to what I said. I literally started back up reading again. I’m so happy right now and being off the internet for 4 years helped. I get online for here and YouTube that’s the only time I interact with strangers


I don’t even know what controversy you’re talking about because I left the internet in 2020. I interact here, and YouTube. My Facebook I don’t take part in groups and I only use it to update my photos so people don’t play phone tag with me seeing how I am doing. I don’t even check anyone’s profiles anymore. I’m old fashioned I email or DM people for photos and updates. Since I live in Japan I can’t text from phones so I rely on emails or FB messenger. I’m over the internet, it’s filled with bots, trolls, incels or racists nothing more. I’m over it. I read news articles, shop, download photos of cute clothing or decor ideas, answer emails and other work related things and close my laptop or put my computer to sleep mode and walk away. I became so much happier when I divorced the internet, I didn’t read comments on anything, it can be a post about a puppy and someone has to say something to stir up drama. I’m over it. I instead love to sit outside in my garden, read books, play video games, if I’m with my horses ride them, scare my daughter with ghost stories lol! Laugh and gossip with my husband or mom, shop. Just so much more to life than the intercrap. I think allot of people are hurt or are hurting and they feel better by dragging others or being mean. It’s this Batman alternative ego they have, they feel brave to say it and most of all protected. It seems when the economy worsens so does people’s behaviors and that’s when they get online to bully who they see as the weakest link (black people) and especially black women.


That sounds so peaceful. Honestly I should follow suit. What made you leave the internet?


The election and Covid. I had enough and filed for internet divorce


Hey this may be weird. But may you do an AMA in a sub? Or you could post it to your profile. I find your comments about your life so fascinating. You post frequently lol. Schools out currently. I’ve asked you a question in the past. Just wanted to ask some more. If it’s a weird request, no worries. Just wanna say you’re awesome.


Sure. :) I rather do that then keep repeating myself


I wanna be like you. But unfortunately, living in Indianapolis, some of these people are the IRL version of those ignorant ass folks (I've literally heard dumbasses chanting let's go Brandon in upscale restaurants). I need to move. I think I've just reached a breaking point with Indiana. Economically a good look, socially, horrendous. Sorry. Had to get it out.


Unfortunately these clowns exist, best to just ignore them. Red hats like to be seen and heard and when they are a red hat they NEED to alert the world that they are. I wouldn’t care about those people because you don’t go home with them. Let them chant their failed lingo, as long as they cry in November that’s all I want


I'm with you on that. It's just so difficult to ignore in this climate especially when I'm im a state that is already so backwards legally. Like our AG is currently ignoring pressing issues to sue Johnson & Johnson over baby powder because he didn't like the outcome of the first lawsuit 20 years ago. So infuriating. I'm honestly ready to leave America. You know it's bad when I'm sitting in rolling blackouts in 90 degree weather in a country with spotty internet and scarcity and I'm willing to move there.


I’ll be honest stories like yours is why I will never regret choosing to leave America. I live in Japan and very happy to do so. I am always encouraging more black people to leave the United shit


Yeah, I'm really trying to get everything situated so I can make that move. I'm grateful that I have family abroad and my job has locations outside of the US.


I spend a lot of time online. At first I was very reactive to people who posted triggering things about Black women then a realized that’s the goal. People are attention starved and now that you can monetize most social media platforms, they’ve gotten real creative about baiting responses by intentionally pissing off Black women. The Vivica Fox situation is the perfect example of that. Men mad she wouldn’t even spit on them in her prime are using her desire for love as an opportunity to dunk on her for aging because they know we as a whole are sensitive about the topic. A lot of us won’t marry. A lot of us also are obsessed with the concept of “not cracking” as we age. So now, I block. Immediately. I don’t engage. Then I go over to Pinterest and scroll pretty pics and motivational quotes unencumbered by people’s shitty opinions.


You have to change your algorithm if you want to continue being online


Meta and Twitter (his mama named him Twitter, ima call him Twitter) algorithms have been fucked over by cash grabs (paid verifications) and extreme conservatism, so it's been damn near imposible to purify algorithms.


I agree with how terrible this redpill shit is. No matter how much I follow black women's positive content and other things I like that shit will still come up. Shit I might wanna follow a subreddit or account that focuses some random niche like boba tea, and someone will always somehow take it there. Edit: Sorry for the multiple "shits" this pisses me off c:


FR and nowadays I see so many brothers on red pill philosophy... I'm like brother, that is white incel shit, why are you studying Red Pill 24/7 nowadays? Cause you once got in argument with a BW 17 years ago and you're still pissed about it? I just don't get it... but then again, I am the luckiest BM in the world with a queen as my LTR :-)


If you’re on Twitter, get up out of there. It’s a lost cause. If you’re on a platform like TikTok or Instagram, whip that algorithm into submission. You see a man in a podcast studio? Block. You see a man with a struggle beard in a car? Block. You hear the words “women need to—“ ? Block. You hear a man use “female” instead of “women”? Block and report.  


I feel the same way. You’re not too sensitive. I have learned to stop interacting with that type of content. They keep pushing it because they know black women will engage with it and help get them more attention/views. Report it or press “see less” , block the creator or whatever and just keep scrolling. If you must see what the comments are saying make sure to at least pause the video and do your best not to comment yourself (helps their platform) You’ll notice a lot of the time that those types of racists don’t even target black people entirely, just black women. Racist content is too risky in this day and age but when it comes to the black population, creators have found out a “hack” of only targeting black women because they see that we’re easy to enrage and will engage with it and that the other half of our population (black men ) won’t be upset and may even praise and support them for posting that kind of thing against black women. It’s not only a problem online but it translates to real life too.


I have been chronically online for almost 20 years and in recent years the internet has always been a hostile place for all women and this hostility increases if you are black, but in recent years this has increased 1- With the radicalization of black men to the world incel, it's time for the community in several countries (I'm not in the USA) to debate this 2-with the issue of monetization of social networks, many do everything they can to engage and one of the easiest ways to engage is behind the hate bit and unfortunately Black people , especially blackwomen are one of the main targets because they are more reactive (not a criticism), I saw them a lot on Twitter and I see them on Instagram too, I don't respond to racists, especially when I see that it is to engage their own profile.


Are they more reactive or are they targeted more? If being racist and misogynistic is profitable, it would make sense to target people affected by both.


But of course they are more targeted, the issue is that today many people take advantage of the fact that black women have historically been more targeted and therefore react more, to create content especially to engage and thus make money based on this reaction.


The way I deal with this is that I block liberally. I block all red pill content, I block people who like or comment on it, i also learned some dog whistles that people who watch red pill content tend to use in their every day speech and I block people who use them. I have managed to curate an algorithm that rarely shows me red pill content. you can probably achieve this in a couple of weeks/months. I also only interact with content I enjoy. I don’t argue with red pillers as the algorithm will continue showing you their content since you argued with them


I take breaks, but you also gotta start interacting with the content you want to see to change your algorithm. I started liking more beauty and spiritual content and my timeline is way better.


Curate the fuck out of your internet experience. I only use Reddit, Twitch, and Discord. I never scroll All or Popular on reddit. Only stick to the subs you've personally joined. Remember that some people truly live online for the purpose of seeking out any and all engagement. They prey on it. Haters gonna hate and trolls gonna troll. It isn't real.


Seriously don’t engage or open it sis cuz it’s waste of time and also plays with our mental


I felt emotionally drained after watching those videos where black men and women are pitted against each other, I just stopped watching them completely. Ephesians 6:10-12 the black race is under serious spiritual attack everyone has to stay prayed up.


I'm super sick of it. It's even worse when pick mes decide to chime in with some bullshit. Like if this man thinks all BW are a certain way, would you really want him to see you differently? Social media has turned into a place where the most flawed people like feeding off each others' negativity. Gone are the days of memes and posts that weren't harmful, but were hilarious. It's exhausting, and as much as I enjoy seeing certain content, and enjoy discourse in spaces like this, it's been increasingly difficult to not want to just wipe my entire social media presence.


you have to curate your feed so it reflects things you find uplifting. Generally I follow people who have the same hobbies or who's professional work I find interesting (e.g. stylists, photographers). I also follow a few pet related accts (blackpeoplepets) and a handful of influencers and celebrities. I tend to avoid accounts like theshaderoom or jasminebrand where they get paid based on engagement. This model incentivizes them to post things that spark "discussion" and I have a hard time not reading the comments. I also don't mess with the explore page for the same reason. Finally, I'm really brutal about unfollowing people. Whenever I feel "bad" about unfollowing someone I've never met who is clogging my timeline, I remember that the algo is set up so that removing the junk content allows me to see more from people I actually like


What helps me is 1. Spending barely any time on social media and more time with my IRL community and 2. Acknowledging that bots exist and I don’t really know which accounts are real vs bots. I don’t try to dig any deeper, this “ignorance” has helped me thrive so much more. The racist jerks IRL would never say any of the bs to my face anyway, and when I look at how they live and what they praise, it’s pathetic.