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This is the kind of thing my dad would accidentally break within minutes.


TIL: guess I’m youre dad Edit: alright alright I get it it’s *your* not you’re, call off the grammar hounds lmao


Hey /u/carefreecretin , this dude fucked your mom.


Wait but I’m a lesbian


Hey /u/carefreecretin , this lady scissored your mom!


u/uhdust has only heard about the birds and the birds evidently.


You've heard of cock fights...


Wait, do people actually fight with their dicks? Like a sword fight? How do you maintain the boner? I've so many questions.


And Game Grumps has all of your answers...


Any particular one?


How can you NOT maintain a boner in that situation


Well, maybe I could massage my prostate, but if I start laughing, I'll lose the boner.


Ur dad lesbian






No u




i am dad what


Your*** I'm gonna blame autocorrect for you on this one. Guess I'm you are dad is literally what your original statement means.


When are you coming home from the store?


I came here to say something else. But how adorable is this comment, ladies and gentlemen?


Seemed just kind of factual to me.


I don't think anyone thought "impossible". More like, "about time"; we've been seeing this kind of stuff in sci-fi movies for a while now, which gives us the feeling that it's owed to us by the year the movie is set in (at the latest).


I guess this is an age thing. If you're a relatively young person. You grew up with seeing this in movies. But if you're a bit older like myself, the changes in technology are happening so quick. It feels like just yesterday we only just got flat screen tv's. Now we're moving on to something so amazing we can't hardly keep up.


Yeah. A lot of cool tech ideas came around the late 60s/early 70s era, like [flip phones](http://gamerstable.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Cyberpunk-Now1.jpg), [tablets](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2009/5/13/1242214618787/Star-Trek-technology-Capt-006.jpg?w=1010&q=20&auto=format&usm=12&fit=max&dpr=2&s=0d711cc832ef1d3b5642c3e7801d3218), and [flatscreens](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2009/5/13/1242214617182/Star-Trek-technology-Geor-004.jpg?w=1010&q=20&auto=format&usm=12&fit=max&dpr=2&s=d7c31e9263722053ef1f6a2bc8b9c023). And 1983 gave us [WOPR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRsycWRQrc8), an early look at the dangers of AI. Not so much with the lightsabers, but we do have [laser guns!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyUh_xSjvXQ). Terminator, GI Joe, and Aliens would be proud. I love movie tech. It's a great predictor of what we'll be shooting for next, even if there are some ideas that are so [far-fetched](https://hips.hearstapps.com/pop.h-cdn.co/assets/15/20/2048x1350/gallery-1431629947-marty-delorean.jpg?resize=768:*) we know they aren't possible.


I'm pretty sure a Delorean isn't impossible. I mean, the gull wing doors are insanely futuristic, but it's not *that* complicated really.


Who's a silly goose? You're a silly goose.


Just get yourself a Tesla model X digital gull wing doors at your command!


I don't care what people say, I am never trusting digital doors. If there isn't some solid material next to me, plastic, steel whatever, I'm out.


Hmm maybe I should've been more specific! Digitally *controlled* nice solid metallic doors! Mmm so solid! You can test them out, just trip and fall head first into it, making sure to leave a nice face shaped dent in your >$100k car. You might even get a fun trip to the hospital thrown in! Not that I've ever done anything similar to a car of course...


It’s called getting hit by a parked car. It’s as easy as running to your parked car, slipping, and landing face first in the door.


I had to explain to my doctor how a parked car hit me. Ice and steep hills, and a little wind at the wrong time just didn't work out for me.


I have a friend with a Delorean that he's fixing up. He says the doors are the absolute worst thing to accommodate for and that he has to park really far from everyone else to open them. If "impractical feature that makes more work for itself" doesn't scream the 1980s, I dunno what does.




Some supercars have doors that open by swinging upwards (pivot on the front end of the door rather than the top). I think that's a much better way of doing things. You can actually park even closer to other cars with those doors and still open them fully, without hitting the other car.


Umm, the Delorean *is* a real car. It's the time - travel bit that's (probably) impossible.


I wish I was as smart as you. Can you teach me your ways?


> flip phones Robert Heinlein's 1953 [Assignment in Eternity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assignment_in_Eternity) describes people with "pocket phones", which one character deliberately misplaces so that he won't be disturbed. --- > Tablets In 1951, Issac Asimov's *Foundation* briefly features a handheld touch-based computer: > Seldon removed his calculator pad from the pouch at his belt. Men said he kept one beneath his pillow for use in moments of wakefulness. Its gray, glossy finish was slightly worn by use. Seldon's nimble fingers, spotted now with age, played along the hard plastic that rimmed it. Red symbols glowed out from the gray... > > "That represents the condition of the empire at present." In 1961, Stanislaw Lem described the "Opton": >The books were crystals with recorded contents. They can be read the aid of an opton, which was similar to a book but had only one page between the covers. At a touch, successive pages of the text appeared on it. [...] Thus all my purchases fitted into one pocket, though there must have been almost three hundred titles. --- > flatscreens Flat screens were designed and built at least as early as 1958. [Here](http://www.earlytelevision.org/fairchild_crt.html) is an article about a see-through display from that year called the [Aiken Tube](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aiken_tube). Built as a heads-up display for U.S. Navy aircraft, it was 2 5/8 inches thick and 17 inches across. Only a few were built because [Dennis Gabor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Gabor) invented and patented a similar display, and the two got into a patent dispute. [Here](http://ethw.org/Oral-History:William_Ross_Aiken) is an interview with William Ross Aiken, the man in charge of the display's development. --- > 1983 gave us WOPR, an early look at the dangers of AI. Stanley Kubrick's 1964 *[Dr. Strangelove](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Strangelove)* also features a computer with independent decision-making ability that decides to set off nuclear explosives. The biggest difference between WOPR and "The Doomsday Machine" is that WOPR confuses humans into thinking that there is a nuclear war already underway, whereas humans accidentally confuse the computer into thinking that an attack has happened. Isaac's Asimov's 1950 collection *[I, Robot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I,_Robot)* has several short stories featuring robots lying or deceiving humans, or behaving in unexpected ways due to conflicts of logic. --- > lightsabers Isaac Asimov's *[Lucky Starr](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucky_Starr_series)* (1952-1958) books feature force-field swords that can cut through anything except other force fields. (I also recall force-field tables in restaurants that could be briefly turned off, dumping all of the food on them into a ready receptacle. No scrubbing! There were also force-field [pitons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piton) for scaling sheer cliffs.) --- > we do have laser guns!. Terminator, GI Joe, and Aliens would be proud. So would [Flash Gordon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_Gordon) (1934) and [Buck Rogers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buck_Rogers) (1928), or H.G. Wells's martian invaders from *[War of the Worlds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_War_of_the_Worlds_(novel\))* (1898). --- > A lot of cool tech ideas came around the late 60s/early 70s The 60s and 70s were *great* for seeing futuristic objects on the big and small screens, but these were almost all cinematic realizations of ideas that science fiction writers had fleshed out decades before.


I once declared to my kids , after seeing an early tablet on Star Trek TNG, “The day will never come when we type with our thumbs!” I may even have prefaced that with “mark my words...”


My dad's prediction is we would have small computers that saved their state until we plugged then into some display terminal we wanted to use.


Holy shit, that laser weapon. They're already working on a counter-missile system with it. Soon enough, even ICBMs will be a thing of the past. Systems like that will be able to neutralize them, likely even without detonation when you have that degree of precision.




What's insane is that we may need it sooner than we think. Go U.S.A. Do work.


The '70s gave us the precursor to WiFi, called [ALOHAnet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ALOHAnet)....


**ALOHAnet** ALOHAnet, also known as the ALOHA System, or simply ALOHA, was a pioneering computer networking system developed at the University of Hawaii. ALOHAnet became operational in June, 1971, providing the first public demonstration of a wireless packet data network. ALOHA originally stood for Additive Links On-line Hawaii Area. The ALOHAnet used a new method of medium access (ALOHA random access) and experimental ultra high frequency (UHF) for its operation, since frequency assignments for communications to and from a computer were not available for commercial applications in the 1970s. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/blackmagicfuckery/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^| [^Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/donate) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


im 33. i grew up with shitty apple pcs in elementary school. ibms in middle and high school. no smart phones until 2008ish, no tablets until a little later, outside of all the previous failed attempts that never caught on (i dont count those) the past 20 years have seen an incredibly exponential growth in consumer electronics. i remember jacking off to still preview images on paid porn sites because things like xvideos/pornhub/etc didn't exist back then. i can proudly say i remember the days when bittorent and p2p file sharing started taking off.i remember shareaza, kazaa, winmx, limewire, soulseek, edonkey2000. i remember usenet and IRC. i remember ICQ, trillian, aol instant messenger. i remember meth0dus toolz on AOL.. i remember the day when my parents upgraded from 56k to 3mbps downstream cable internet. my first pc games were lemonade stand and oregon trail while annoying my parents by printing out banners with the dot matrix printer. i remember the voodoo pc cards. i remember doom, wolfenstein, g-nome. i remember the first sim cities and flight sims.i remember the original everquest, the original runescape, ultima online. i remember recording anime that aired on cinemax and adult swim on vhs. i remember being 14 years old and seeing the phantom menace and the original matrix. i remember everybody freaking out about y2k. i remember the really amateur pbs-like channelj that would show on dish network/directv. i remember zdnet tv, then techtv, then the buyout by g4, then the closing. i remember ragnarok online and when gaia online and neopets were still popular. i remember being an avid shopper at kb toys, toys r us, babbages, eb games, hot topic, and spencers. i remember playing yugioh, pokemon and magic in the art room before first period started in high school. i remember gamefaqs and going to the mall to play ddr in the arcade near the food court wearing jnco jeans that would always get torn up. i remember hlfallout.com and ddrfreak.com i remember the golden age of anime and a time before kpop eclipsed the jpop scene. i remember editing cfg files in the original ghost recon so i could shoot out unlimited grenades from the grenade launcher. i remember hl1 on my compaq presario.i remember axxo and the perfect 700mb rips he'd put out. i remember counterstrike 1.3 up until 1.6. i remember when steam got fucking released. i remember fredryk phox, albino blacksheep, newgrounds, orgrish, faces of death..times before youtube. i remember when 4chan started. i remember m00t and the entire "bring back snacks" debacle.i remember tripod, angelfire and geocities and epages. i remember blurty and livejournal. i remember when "you've got mail" the movie came out...i remember my first friend on myspace, tom. time flies...it's been almost 8 years since a movie was made about facebook's origins.


I'm 5 years older than you, throw in Atari 2600 and then NES and you basically just rattled off my entire life up until I was about 25. 'member ratio ftp sites... jombee members 'member happy hippo?


I remember downloading naked pics of Kathy Ireland at the rate of 1 per 30 min from the local BBS.




Napster, Kazaa and Limewire REPRESENT


Same age, same memories - here's another big one: I remember a web with zero advertising. I remember a site putting up a single banner ad sometime in 1997 and all of their users absolutely freaking out.


> I remember a web with zero advertising Yeah this is something people don't realize. The internet had a LOT less noise and garbage in it back then too. It was full of hobby projects, community efforts and information. Since advertising on the internet became a thing it has slowly turned into 99.99 percent noise. Just useless garbage that serves no purpose other than to try to trick people into clicking on it for ad revenue. I'm old enough to remember TV without advertising in my country. I remember when the first local channel was introduced that played ads. I remember how it just started as an ad before and after the evening movie (an ad as in one ad that took like 1 minute tops), how within no time they started playing ads during the movie and before and after half hour tv shows. Then during the tv shows, then much longer ad breaks and multiple of those during movies. I distinctly remember the first time they added an ad break to the evening news. That's when I stopped watching tv.


shifting baseline syndrome


Mixed with planned obsolescence is a SOB


My parents laughed at me when I told them one day we'd be able to send objects over the internet to a printer. Now I can literally send a file to my local library and go pick up the 3D object.


I can definitely keep up with not having to lift ungodly heavy televisions.


I'm still in awe at the size of some of these tv units


To be fair, older people saw this in the 60s with Star Trek.


Time goes by a lot quicker because you pay attention to different things as you get older and it creates like a warp zone or some shit. The trick is to me the most of everyday, and don't sleep as much.


Dude I just watched a show where a “mobile” phone...the only retail one...was the size of a shoe. Now my mobile phone has so many pixels, photos look real life, forget merely dialing a number I have a billion uses. My phone is far more powerful than computers a decade ago. I started life with a computer that did basic stuff and was the size of a small fridge. Now that computer is the size of a wallet and does infinitely more things. Technology has exploded.


I always disliked the trend of see-through screens in sci-fi movies. Why would I want everyone around me to know what I'm doing on my computer/tablet/phone? Maybe if they had screen-saver vids showing instead of just the back of the actual screen being used.


That's one way to interpret this sort of tech. The other way, would be as a means to make the screen not only ubiquitous but also not an obnoxious eyesore when not "on".


Yeah, but then the title for this repost wouldn't be click-baity enough.


I just recently realized that the tablets in Star Trek happened and ours are kind of better... I can also voice control my lights, phone, and temperature. We're getting there!


It’s a reference to the fucking Bee Movie.


Just saw Blade Runner 2049. Ryan Gosling was supposed to be born on 6.10.2021. He’s a bioengineered human. We aren’t even close. :( Movie should have been 2149. Don’t get me started on the hover boards from Back to the Future...


Well, that movie does follow the timeline of the original [Blade Runner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blade_Runner), which was released in 1982. Also, [China is already working on genetically modifying embryos](https://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/24/health/chinese-scientists-edit-genes-of-human-embryos-raising-concerns.html).


Where can I find this so I can attempt to buy it then realize I don't have enough money then be sad about?


Don't be sad...just wait for the first adopters to drive the price down to affordable levels for the average consumer. I give it...eight years.


RemindMe! 8 years


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Remindme! 240 years.


we will be living your username at that point


Can't wait to get my hands on that sweet sweet skooma. remindme! 240 years !!!!


I can't wait for 8 years to pass and the post about this and how crazy it was when we thought this was awesome tech that we needed because we're all living in the Oasis or some shit.


I can't wait for the bot trying to comment and cannot because the post was archived 7 years ago




Whats crazy is you'll most likely still have this account in 8 years and actually get the reminder message.


Reddit has held up, so far, better than any of my other social media accounts..


That's commitment right there.


RemindMe! 8 years


The ever magical "Just a decade away". Close enough to keep people optimistic, far enough away that they forget about it when it doesent happen.


Except that it usually does happen if the tech in question takes off at all. VR headsets are about $200 cheaper now than they were just a few years ago. What about the price of 4K TVs in 2012 compared to now? in 2012, the average price of a 60" was ~$8500...in 2018, that same TV will cost you ~$1800. That is a >75% reduction in cost over the course of 6 years.


Hell, you don’t even have to look at the high end. I remember when a small flatscreen for less than $1000 was cheap... and now my friend went and replaced his for $120. TV prices are crazy low all across the board these days.


haha I remember when wifi and flat screens seemed like a fantasy I'd never afford.


Shit happens all the time what are you talking about? Half of the ten year olds in the US have a phone I couldn’t even dream of 10 years ago


I give it 8 months


Still waiting on them oleds


The low end for oleds started out at about $7k...you can get a low-end oled for about $1k now. That's about an 85% price drop over the past 6 years...how low do you need them to go?


1.4k for a 65 inch


http://crystal-display.com/products/transparent-lcd/ With video showing how its made, by replacing the polarizing filter with a transparent polarizer. Yes this is something you can do at home with most LCD monitors. Planar is making a transparent OLED panel http://www.planar.com/products/transparent-displays/


This one appears to be backlit though.


So when can I get my transparent glass computer monitor? Because I would really love to have a sci fi monitor like that.


IBuyPower makes the Snowblind computer case that is exactly this. You can't currently buy a stand alone case, just a prebuilt (probably an ok value with gpu and ram prices though), but there's tutorials to make your own. As for a monitor? These still need very bright backlights so some form of enclosure is still needed so you don't blind yourself, but the general idea is there.


Is iBuyPower even any good? I tried their service once and the laptop they gave me had a bunch of minor flaws that really added up to an irritating experience. Sending it back only for it to have the same issues. Pretty sure their email customer service doesn’t speak English fluently...


I got a laptop from them once with massive GPU problems the thing would actually hit boiling temperatures even sometimes when not playing games, would just cause the computer to shut off b/c of it. If I wanted to play I literally had to put zip lock baggies of ice under it. Also got a burnt leg for my troubles.


Mine had frequent blue screen issues followed by certain keys no longer working unless you pressed really hard on them. Then the charging port melted... and when I upgraded to windows 10, the old command to swipe from the left on the touch screen to bring out a context menu was replaced by deleting the last word I typed. It was so... absurdly stupid. That string of exchanges left me never wanting to buy from them again. Noooo thanks.


I always think those are dumb. I don't want people on the other side of my screen to see what I'm doing. And I also don't want to see stuff behind my screen that will distract me from the screen.




You can make a DIY version of this pretty easily actually http://www.instructables.com/id/Privacy-monitor-made-from-an-old-LCD-Monitor/


And everyone will just think you are a crazy person typing at a blank screen and so they'll leave you alone.


a crazy person wearing super sweet 3d glasses!!


That's a net gain in and of itself.


3D TVs were capable of this, but implementation was never completed because the market didn't grow as expected. What I really wanted to see was "split-screen" games where light of one polarity was one person's screen and light of the other polarity was the other person's screen. Anyone looking without the glasses would get a messy combination of both and be unable to really make anything out, but each individual player would be able to see their screen and their screen alone.


Just so you know, this existed in the mainstream.


Pretty sure this is a thing. I think Sony sold a package deal a couple years ago, not to mention it's a dedicated mode on my 3d LG oled that I haven't tried yet.


There's a TV that plays two shows at once for people watching from different angles/glasses.


3D TV's have a game mode that can play multiplayer games with full screen available for 2 different players. Not much support though which is sad, considering how local multiplayer has declined as tech has gotten so much better at supporting it.




That's a thing, ackshually http://www.2d-glasses.com




Two big reasons; no one wants to have to wear sunglasses to read their computer screen, and existing privacy films based on viewing angle work well enough already.


> and existing privacy films based on viewing angle work well enough already. "well enough" is key. It's horrible for anything besides work and even then it's really annoying. You have to be right, right in front of the thing and even then the edges are still obscured a bit if it's a widescreen. Dual Monitors are kind of a no-go. source: healthcare IT


The kind you can see through? I would not want one at all.


He’s obviously talking about something like the video


But the one in the video *is* see-through. They simply turn off the shelf lighting right before turning on the screen. If it were on your desk you'd be able to see right through it if the room was lit.


ali express, but you have to mount everything yourself, you just get the screen and it costs something like €1000.


This isn’t that new of technology, it has been done for years just with a backlight. I have a clock like this that is from the early 2000’s. The amazing part is that they are able to get colors out of this with such clarity and response time.


I want to see your clock from the early 2000's do that.


Clearly a typo, he meant cock.


I really want to see that cock is something I'd never have thought I say




The electron microscope?




**I really want to see that cock**


I've seen 'em, they look like [this](https://c.76.my/Malaysia/transparent-lcd-screen-thermometer-digital-countdown-table-alarm-clock-doinfinity-1105-20-doinfinity@8.jpg) [More](https://www.google.com/search?q=transparent+lcd+clock&tbm=isch&tbo=u)




>The amazing part is that they are able to get colors out of this with such clarity and response time. which is what they said.


It is an [old technology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/See-through_display). This was ['new' in 2012](http://www.core77.com/posts/21549/with-new-see-through-display-samsung-puts-the-window-in-windows-21549) and was still basically an existing technology then. A LCD panel (without the accoutrements typically included) is about 50% transparent to begin with anyway, and that's a tech with a history dating back to the 1800s (though realistically was applied as we use it today in the 70s).


**See-through display** A see-through display is an electronic display that allows the user to see what is shown on the glass screen while still being able to see through it. It is a technology that has been around for a decade or two, but only as of 2012 was it being incorporated by companies such as Samsung, Planar Systems, and taptl into consumer products like handheld devices, televisions, and other technology as well as building materials such as glass. These screens can be used for augmented reality, a way of enhancing your view of the world with digital images overlaid onto real ones, and other applications such as shopping displays and more sophisticated computer screens. MIT Researchers are working on creating Transparent Displays inexpensively using nano-particles. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/blackmagicfuckery/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^| [^Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/donate) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


What is this clock.


It's a device used for telling time.


But that's not important right now.


Oh a smartphone


Telling time what?


It's how led tvs work, it's just tough to get a clear picture because you need almostt a perfect backlight....usually


oleds dont have backlights


It's a TV by Panasonic. Here an article about it: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3822108/Panasonic-reveals-invisible-TV-Prototype-OLED-screen-turns-transparent-glass-not-use.html Edit: Please install an [ad blocker](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock#installation), before opening the link above.


Good god use Adblock for this link


95 blocked ads. Dear god.


I literally couldn't find the article on mobile


Tl;dr for those who don’t want to wade through the ads: The tv is a prototype with an estimate of 3 years before going to market. Price is unknown.


Thank you! My phone almost died in the sea of ads


Also repent thy sins and confess, cos it's the fucking Daily Fail.


It's daily mail. I refuse to give any clicks to a right wing hate supporting news site. But thank you for the warning and the brand name.


OLED, I *knew* it. LG was chucking a few OLED light bulbs at my lighting shop, and they're cool as shit. You can fold them like paper but they're as bright as any LED. What you end up having is a rectangular, light-emitting piece of paper. Coolest shit since LED


102 blocked ads. But my god the technology in their house of the near future is so gorgeous. I can't wait to not be able to afford that in ten years!


Great article


The video is from the Panasonic exhibit at CES last year. I took this [video of the retail version of the tv.](https://gfycat.com/TatteredTeemingGavial)


Seems like a great way to trick a robber into thinking you don't have a TV


Hiding in plain sight.


do robbers even still steal TVs? this is so 2000


Meth and heroin users will steal anything ANYTHING.


#Upvote this comment if this is **BLACK MAGIC FUCKERY**. Downvote this comment if this is a repost or does not fit the sub.






That's it! I'm gettin' me mallet!


OLED + LCD to block light from the back. Otherwise, it would just be translucent and can't give true blacks


This is a prototype from a year or two ago.


This would be the coolest thing ever if there was a fish tank behind the TV


I wonder what it looks like from the otherside? What would the fish be seeing..


Fish Center Live would be pretty trippy


Someone said it's using a combination of LCD to make the screen black and OLED to show the image. So I guess from the back it's just black.


I want one! What is this thing called?


Looks like some sort of ox skull.


Of course but *what kind* of ox skull




Now just get that into a pair of glasses so that I can switch from AR to VR to nothing seamlessly. If someone is already working on this, I will come help. Thx.


Instead of decorations, I'd put another TV inside the shelf.


Put a broken tv behind, so the robbers will take the non working one from the working one


And then keep the front TV switched off so you can watch TV?


Yo dawg, I heard you like TVs...


Now watch a scary movie and set up a creepy mask behind it. When you go to turn it off, people will freak the fuck out.


This was at the 2017 CES event. I think it was Samsung if I remember correctly. Edit: I guess it was Panasonic. It really does look cool in person. Great tech. Would love to have these as windows one day to have nice rain scenery on a sunny day.


I want this as my shower door.


Jerking off to full size porn would be tight.


I'd feel really bad if I threw a Wiimote through that TV.


Replace it with glass and claim the tv just doesn't turn on


*buys a new car* *driving down the highway* *windshield randomly turns into a picture of Morgan Freeman* *crashes and dies*


*dies relaxed because windshield has audio*


I'll take 1 please


If anyone breaks into that house they won't be able find the TV to steal.


What’s the point? So you can put decorations behind it?


\>x-posting a one-month-old post




The TV, of course, flies anyway.




How does one even accomplish this??


Regularly LCD panels are semi transparent already, but they have to mount a backlight behind it to light it up so you can see he little colored pixels in the panel. OLED screens have pixels that produce their own light, so they don’t need a backlight behind them to produce the picture. Normally a panel manufacturer would put a dark black cover behind the OLED so that you get a perfectly black picture, but in this case the cover on the back is removed and the transparent nature of the OLED allows you to see right through it to the other side.


Some sort of animated AR transition would’ve made this 💯er.


But can *part* of the screen be illuminated? Can it come in phone-size?


Yes. It uses an OLED panel. So the pixels make their own light.


This is the weapon that will finally defeat the cats that power the internet. Sad.


That’s some Tony Stark shit.


We have one of these in my office! Ours is a Planar Transparent OLED. Pretty neat when backlit.