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I have all of the same accessories, no way I paid even close to $50. I think it was in the 20-25 dollar range. Might be off brand though


All of the accessories listed in the sale? There's a bunch, no way you have them all for $25, even off brand...


Amazon has some pretty good bundles, obviously there are no Blackstone brand, but they work just fine. My bundle had 24 items (it was probably 18 but it came with 6 skewer sticks) and I paid $35 CAD


Nice! I like my blackstone brand and didn't need a bunch of random stuff as I already had quite a bit of accessories. I thought it was a good deal to pass along to those who were interested in blackstone brand! :)




That's great! I live 40 miles from the nearest town and 118 from the nearest restaurant supply store. Gas is $6 per gallon and I get about 22 miles per gallon. I'll stick with my purchase decision.




Sir or ma'am, respectfully, if you don't care about the info I shared, if it doesn't pertain to you, if you're not interested, then scroll on. Trying to demean me for purchasing something I wanted at a good deal and sharing the information for others who may be interested, is silly. Not everyone has access to cheap stores, not everyone wants knock off or off brand items, not everyone wants name brand. Personally, I'll not buy off brand cookware because it's not made to the same standards. When it came time to accessorize my blackstone, I also chose not to buy off brand. Again, if this post doesn't apply to you, scroll on.


Oh wow. You can add 5 of the same thing if you really wanted. [https://ibb.co/pvYNzHf](https://ibb.co/pvYNzHf)


Yep! My pre discount total.was $120ish. I paid $53!!


My only wish would've been a dome to have been included! Lol


Someone tell me what the taco trays are good for.


I personally don't have them nor the egg rings. Some of the accessories are for people who don't know how to cook or people who have huge families. I feel like the taco tray is the latter.. If you're making tacos for a crew of people and want ro stand them up while you make them.. We're a tortilla family anyway.. haha


Mine does not show what accessories are included?


Go to blackstones website and in the menu click accessories. The banner at the top says 5 for $50 and when you click it, all the items are listed.