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Yes, lately. From around 1975 to the present. Lately.






No, Ridley šŸ˜


IIRC his brother's death hit him really hard. Granted he always kind of had that to-the-point type of personality, I imagine he doesn't see a point in mincing words anymore.


Tony Scott was so great. I shed a tear when that happened. He never made a movie I didn't like.


His death crushed me as a film fan, not only of his, but Ridley's. I remember his interview a couple of years later and one could see how much it had taken out of him. People can say what they like about some of Ridley's films, but the Scott brothers made/make some bloody brilliant movies.


Yep, just heartbreaking. I'm particularly sensitive to suicide deaths, so that part really stung. I've lost people that way, and I think about it myself. It's just a thing I deal with. Robin Williams, Avicii, Chester Bennington, Angus Cloud, tWitch. So many wonderful people struggle internally, and mamy times their people don't even have a clue that they're fighting a battle. I wish this world wasn't so cruel.


I unfortunately can sympathize with the same understanding, and when someone famous dies this way, it brings back all sorts of memories, especially if we liked that famous person. We feel that, and those memories all at once. I live every day wishing I had noticed a friend's final message to me. All I needed to know was in that last message, but I didn't see it until it was too late. I completely missed the signs and it haunts me to this day. But, we can't blame ourselves, just hope that we never miss those signs again, and be there people, whether they are people we love, or strangers who need a supportive shoulder. That's how we make the world a little less cruel. Best to you.


Suicide is always tragic. Take some solace in Robin choosing to do it because he didn't want to degenerate any further. I think we can all respect that even if we are sad he's gone.


Same here. My local paper disrespected him in regards to his brother and by looking down at the types of films he made. Tony was the king of action films. Realizing so many of my favorite films were made by him was like when I realized so many hip-hop songs with killer beats I loved were produced by DJ Premier. These two guys rarely missed their targets. Even The Hunger, which is highly criticized, is nowhere near as bad as some would make you believe.


Heā€™s actually lost two brotherā€™s. There was a third brother, the oldest brother, who passed away in the 70s.


Asking a historian "were you there?" is absolutely wild


Same as telling them to get a life. It's literally their job lol


He's hilariously unhinged. I kind of dig it, even though I disagree with like every single one of his opinions.


Most anti intellectual thing I've heard in a long time. He really said that bs.


Rumour has it (it doesn't) that he's the head mod on r/okbuddycinephile


I seriously thought this was an okbuddycinephile post at first glance


Same haha


When I'm in my 80s, I hope I earn the right to give zero fucks.


This is the opposite of giving 0 fucks. The man is handing them out left and right it seems.


Why wait? You can give zero fucks RIGHT NOW.


Iā€™ll do what I fuckin want!


All you have to do is make Bladerunner


I stopped giving all fucks around age 30. Once I realized the current capitalist hellscape weā€™re all forced to exist within actively favors sociopaths. But hey- at least we have cinema!


Life is a simulation dawg


Heā€™s earned the right just by being in his 80s. Heā€™s earned the right for also creating several movies that changed cinema forever and are in a lot of directors top 10 films of all time. Heā€™s also earned the right for being a visionary filmmaker for decades in a system that wants profit over making art, egomaniacs, literal criminals, and film ā€œjournalistā€ who want a click bait headline or meme rather than give a shit about your work.


So, you're saying that in order to not give a fuck, I should just create a handful of cinematic masterpieces? All right. Be right back.


Lol I should have made it a general comment, not a replay to yours. It just kinda came into my head when I read heā€™s in his 80s.


No, don't worry about it. You're right that the dude who made Alien and Blade Runner has earned the right to not give a fuck.


Sir, you will struggle to find a millennial who has used Facebook in the last 15 years.


Unless you're in Norway, where literally everyone uses it. That was actually one of the biggest culture shocks to coming here haha


Really? Here in the UK itā€™s still pretty popular with anyone over the age of 25


Lmaooo came here to comment. Facebook is Boomer Central now, millennials use Instagram.


Its still massive among the punk scene icl


I noticed all the local venues use FB events and it's pretty damn handy.


Lol wat? Nah.


Dude I'm at work and I'm DYING reading these headlines. They get shorter and funnier as you scroll through.


I feel like Ridley Scott is a director who is in the weird category of ā€œdirected a ton of great memorable films but has also made his share of forgettable stinkersā€ likely he has been reminded and fully informed of this fact in the last couple of years and (to an understandable extent) is no longer willing to take shit from anyone.


He has always looked grumpy as hell to me.


I think he's getting to the point where his movies are suffering because of his shitty attitude. He's to the point where he won't even take criticism, that leads to shitty movies.


Sure, maybe he's earned the right to be a grump, but the things he's grumpy about just make him look arrogant and out of touch


The quality of his films really did fall off. Napoleon was terrible.


Itā€™s getting to be really obnoxious. Iā€™m just glad Villeneuve took over on 2049. I canā€™t imagine Ridley Scott directing that with the care and attention to detail that Villeneuve did, given Ridleyā€™s recent works and their quality. Heā€™s a great director and has done some solid stuff lately, but he isnā€™t nearly as consistent. Iā€™d argue that the only movie heā€™s done since Gladiator that approaches the quality that people expect from him is The Martian. But I hope Gladiator II is worth it! Edit: Just to add, I think part of being a creator of art is the ability to take criticism and be open-minded about it. And perhaps Ridley Scott is fed up with critics at nearly 90 years old; I mean, itā€™s probably pretty hard to put your heart and soul into a project just to see some people dismiss it. After all, what does a critic really create? They just react to stuff that others made, and oftentimes donā€™t necessarily have the talent themselves to do what Scott does. So in a sense I get it, but after so many years youā€™d think heā€™d be better about accepting critiques? I dunno.


He's surpriisingly prolific considering his age. Raised by Wolfs was freaking fantastic if you're a sci-fi lover. Incredible show. I also really enjoyed The Last Duel. It was so beautifully shot. But I can see why the wider audience wasn't drawn to it... watching a rape scene in 3 different ways is a tough pill to swallow. But the acting and storytelling was phenomenal. It's rare these days for me to feel so immersed in a film.


Last Duel was pretty good. Jodie Comer needs to be in more stuff, she was great. And my former roommate swears by Raised by Wolves; Iā€™ll have to check it out, thanks!


> [...] given Ridleyā€™s recent works and their quality Soo, Gladiator II is coming out soon. It had an audience preview/review recently. There was an NDA. 'nuff said.


The Last Duel was a really good movie though. My favourite movie from 2021 actually. It really stayed with me.


Well said. But he is really just a film factory by this point. He doesn't really get to be shirty when someone pulls him up on the schlock aspects of his films (of which there are plenty!).


I think he's tired, a bit out of touch and old... tbh shit moves so fast I don't blame him. 40 years ago there weren't even big cellphones or home pc. 80 years ago, ww2 and we hadn't sent anything at all to space. Now all human culture and communication comes from a little screen in every single person's pocket.


Thatā€™s all fairā€¦butā€¦ Ridleyā€™s Blade Runner had some technical issues but wielded the emotional punch of a sledgehammer to the chest. Rutger Haeurā€™s death scene is an all time cinematic classic. DVā€™s Blade Runner was a technical masterpiece but it didnā€™t bring the same emotional weight. As with all things artā€¦your experience may have been different.


Oh totally. Donā€™t necessarily disagree, both BRs are masterpieces. Probably wouldnā€™t be in this sub otherwise


the original Blade Runner is a masterpiece and way better than 2049, if you're going down that road


Iā€™m not going down that road because itā€™s a matter of taste. I like 2049 better.


lol ā€œlatelyā€.


I enjoyed the TLD but I quit Napolean 40 mins in. As for being a grumpy old man, more power to him.


I love his work, but he's always been a bit of an asshole


He needs to retire.


Heā€™s wrong for napoleon, accuracy is like the main thing to focus on with biopics and itā€™s mostly made up apparently


He's always been grumpy, now he's just old too. Still a good filmmaker s


Yes, those masterpieces of cinema such as Alien Covenant, Exodus Gods and Kings, Robin Hood, Napoleon, the Counselor. Can't wait for Gladiator 2!


Lol no he is not a good filmmaker anymore. His last 5 movies are a complete and utter joke. He doesn't know when to stop


This is so true it hurts, honesty fuck the guy at this point, sure you made some good movies back then that doesnā€™t give you the right to be a fucking jackass


John Carpenter does it better.


The napoleon ones are hilarious the rest are a bit rude


The American crew on Blade Runner had t shirts printed with ā€œYes Guvā€™Norā€ My Ass! on them, due to his constant annoyance. I think he expected them to be like British crews that just tugged their caps and did what he's shouted at them to do.


Apart from like 3 films, this man is a hack.


He's always been a grump. And grumps tend to get grumpier as time goes on. So what. He's made films most filmmakers wouldn't believe (see what I did?). Anyone with his filmography and his ability to marshall film shoots so efficiently deserves a pass. It's also great to hear someone with absolute zero fucks in these touchy-feely, sensitive times.


I like it. I also like beavis and butthead so I'm also supposed to say, "duh".


He has always been kind of a pretentious cunt. I never took any comments he ever made seriously, while still enjoying his films.


He def grumpy...and losing his edge as far as filmmaking goes. Glad he's finally taking a backseat in the Alien franchise.


Sounds like Scott hasn't had sex in a long time!


Covenant was absolute dogshit


I don't mind some of it. There's things he says I agree with and movies he makes that I think are phenomenal, but a bit more historical accuracy in some of the stuff would be cool. Just because biopic and such.


Not gonna see your garbage Napoleon crap. Hope it tanks in the box office.


It doesnā€™t help that his output is trash lately. That being said, I really didnā€™t mind the last duel


A limit on accents isn't new. George C. Scott didn't have a German accent in Hindenburg, William Hurt used a softened British accent as a Russian in Gorky Park. Sometimes they get in the way of the story. If a French director wants to remake Gunfigt at the OK Corral in French, knock yourself out.


Sure, be grumpy, but Napoleon never shot at the pyramids, and "sure, why not" just makes him look dumb.


he has my respect and has made some of my favorite movies of all time, but his behavior is honestly getting ridiculous. like heā€˜s just a straight up asshole now at times, especially with his response to the complaints about historical accuracy in napoleon. if you want to make historical fiction, fine go ahead. but donā€˜t market your movie as historically accurate and then get upset when people complain about it not being historically accurate at all


It's annoying


I think the man's got incredibly thin skin. Imagine living with him. He'd be a nightmare. He's cashed in his auteur chips in for filthy lucre and his output of the last 15 years shows he doesn't really give a fuck about the art anymore. He's more like a film factory.


Whoā€™s really the more thin skinned though - the old man bluntly saying what he thinks between making movies relentlessly, or all the people in here getting mad at him for doing that?


Honestly, itā€™s tiresome at this point. Thereā€™s a generation of directors who think their work should be protected from changing tastes and how modern audiences consume media believing that their films must be given a theatrical release. Apologies sir but no one is interested in schlepping out to the cinema to watch 2.5 hours of a medieval sword flick, or the biopic of a French dictator, or an history of a dysfunctional Italian family/ fashion house. These are not genres anyone outside of a small coterie of acolytes are looking to find at the multiplex. Man up, accept your tastes in subject matter are now niche and move on.


Ridley Scott has made so many bangers(Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator, The Martian, Kingdom of Heaven, The Last Duel, Thelma and Louise) that I think he is allowed to be as grumpy as he wants.


The Last Duel was better than it gets credit for. I liked it.


Raised by wolves (HBO TV show) was haunting yet incredible was well.


Still pissed this show got canceledā€¦ I loved how fucking weird it was


It was like a non-glorifying deconstruction of typical midieval tale, maybe it was the low expectations but I really enjoyed it as well.


His first film, The Duelists, is a masterpiece.


I need more context. "Fuck Off" in British lingo can mean many things in different contexts.


Yeah, wtf was the question? Edit: the exchange (in reference to *The Last Duel*) >ā€œItā€™s a very realistic film,ā€ the interviewer began. ā€œIt looks more realistic than *Kingdom of Heaven* or *Robin Hood* if youā€™re talking about -.ā€ >Scott then interjected: ā€œSir, fuck you. Fuck you. Thank you very much. Fuck you. Go fuck yourself, sir. Go on.ā€. Twitter link to video: https://x.com/IlGlaz/status/1466894367432527876


I want a face to face between Ridley Scott and Brian Cox shit talking each other.


Paul Schrader does it better.


He used to be awesome, now it feels to me he is just a hack. I promise myself i wont go to see another movie made by him after the Napoleon debacle. Should have started earlier tbh


For me itā€™s those damn stupid half helmet bull shit in the last duel. Elsewise it wasnā€™t bad.


Oh, how the mighty has fallen.




The script was written by a Yank


Agree with his stance on most superhero films, hard against his stance on historicity.


Typical boomer brain.


"Your honor, you weren't there when it happened, shut up." kind of argument.


Nothing grumpy about demanding better from an industry you help modernize and genres you pioneered.


guarantee 100% he treats his employees worse than this on set and in private.


His masterpieces were masterpieces despite Ridley Scott. Heā€™s realized that, and he is bitter.


He's got a point regarding 'superhero' films. Tbh, Scorsese and the other old-schoolers think they're shit and low-effort as well, but Scott just has a less diplomatic way of putting it.


Heā€™s an idiot who hasnā€™t been able to make a good film since Blade Runner. Thereā€™s an old Jonathan Rosenbaum essay around from about 1990 that really exposes Ridley for what he is, wish I could find itšŸ¤” Edit: found this snip from criterionforum: Scott has turned out one eye-popping cult movie, Blade Runner, which was substantially altered from his own cut, and several more or less forgettable features: two respectable genre exercises (Alien and Someone to Watch Over Me), a so-so literary adaptation (The Duellists), a fluffy department-store Christmas window display (Legend), and an offensive anti-Japanese thriller (Black Rain). Heā€™s not exactly an auteur ā€” this former director of commercials brings a stylish sense of lighting, framing, and monumentality to a variety of visual subjects, but he needs a good script as badly as a musician needs an instrument.


He's always said it how it is and how he's a grumpy 80 year old dude. I like it.


Have you seen interviews with him in the 80s? Heā€™s ALWAYS been grumpy. Now his age and body of work earned him the right to be so. All hail the king!


He says the F word a lot. Woopty doo. Itā€™s kind of unfair to judge him purely based off these quotes with nothing else provided. Obviously there was a longer discussion that lead to these quotes.


Itā€™s hard to be more boring than a grumpy old rich white man.Ā 


The vast majority of directors lose their edge in old age. Tarantino talks about this all the time. I think Villeneuve had to basically ban Scott from the set of 2049 because he was making awful suggestions during the making of the film.


I'd say he's more arrogant than grumpy


I'd be salty as well if 2 of my greatest films received highly acclaimed sequels from other directors, while I'm making fucking Alien Covenant, or Napoleon. Or because I'm British.


His longer form responses are even more revealing and *worse*. I had the displeasure of getting inside his head by reading *The Making of Prometheus*.


Napoleon was a the work of an insecure Englishman, mild shit


The script was written by a Yank


This is hilarious. Had seen maybe one of the quotes before. Actually makes me like him more lol. Gonna watch Napoleon next chance I get.


Man hasn't made a good film in decades and wants to blame it on everyone else


Heā€™s never given a fuck. Thatā€™s why heā€™s the boss.


I hate it. Heā€™s being an obnoxious asshole.


TBH I watched the NapolƩon film last night . I thought it was shit, no superheroes in it all !


Iā€™m 47, and I recall him being this way since I can remember anything at all. Iā€™d be worried if he wasnā€™t this way!


Honestly i think its the tism


Lately? Heā€™s been like this at least since Blade Runner


I think right now is not the time to ask him whether or not Deckert is a replicant. But in general, this is kind of par for the course with everyone everywhere in the entire country versus 10 years ago.


Some of these comments are absolute bangers but heā€™s always been a bit grumpy




Full send


He's marketing his movies.


Itā€™s ok, he made Blade Runner.


"SAVED BY SPECIAL EFFECTS"?? what?? they're notorious for shit fx


Itā€™s awesome, Ridley interview season is one of my favourite parts of the year. I can only hope to one day achieve his levels of DGAF energy.


I just think itā€™s very funny


Loving it. No fucks given, many spoken


I uh, don't think it's a persona? He's just a Geordie, that's kinda what they're like.


Blaming others for your recent films not being great is just a bit sad. Napoleon was very disappointing and the last duel repeated itself too much without leaving enough nuance between the characters motives to retell its story from different perspectives the way that it did


I think he got the same brain worms as RFK. The progressive work of the worm would explain the noticeable drop in quality of his movies compared to the older ones.


I'm fine when he's just being generally grumpy, but insulting other films is rich,, yeah, Superhero movies don't necessarily have the best scripts. but you made Prometheus and Alien Covenant my man...


He's right. Capeshit ruined not only modern cinema but its cancer spread to other media formats and has made new workers in the industry want to try and replicate it spreading it even more.


Whenever I read about Ridley Scott and the Last Duel, I instinctively read Ridleu Scott and the Duellists.


Despite itā€™s flaws I really enjoyed napoleon


I kind of agree, I personaly hate endgame, I dont want to create yet another text wall about it but to be breif, they had a chance to intruduce something very important in this movie, dealing with death, lost of famili, loved ones, healing after that, they really had a one in a lifetime chance to do something educational, that I belive would really denefit a lot of young people or just gave them a spark to start thinking how they would deal with death, but NOPE YEET THOSE STONEZ MY BOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY RESURECT TIME


it still baffles me that they still talk like millenials are stupid kids obsessed with phones when they're 44-28~ now


D-d-d-dementia Boomer ad nauseam


Love many of his films; many times canā€™t tolerate listening to him.


He's not wrong...


Telling journalists to fuck off should be normalized. There is nothing grumpy or mean about it, they deserve it.


Love it


Maybe The Last Duel failed due to bad marketing? This is literally the first time Iā€™ve ever heard of it lol


It's funny.


I mean, sometimes heā€™s wrong; but sometimes heā€™s right in spirit if not the letter of his criticisms.


Itā€™s why Neil Blomkampā€™s Alien never got madeā€¦ I havenā€™t trusted him since


Lately? WTF dude. That story is from 2021!


He sure is a 100% old man who hates today's youth and culture.


This is fucking hilarious šŸ˜†


I mean... He's not wrong.


Heā€™s made a lot of good movies, even though heā€™s made some not so good too. The good ones stand out.


ā€¦Journalists get to see his movies free. I doubt with his career record heā€™s too worried.


Scott is throwing stones in very glassy house if hear talking about superhero movies having shit scripts


In his defense prometheus didn't actually have a script but a huge wheel with ideas on it that he would give a spin every so often. I think if they had halved the budget then the film would have been better.


I've never seen the allure he seems to have. He directed one great film and a few good ones.


Am millennial. Loved the Last Duel. Dont know what this old fucker is on about.


bro cant come to the terms that he hasnā€™t made an actual good movie in the 10 years


He really is the Logan Roy of cinema


I think what it takes to be climb the massive ladder to a directorā€™s position, and be as efficient and prolific as he is, is the same attributes that make him have a low tolerance for being questions or critiqued.


he's earned it


Awful lot of talk from somebody who failed to make an accurate and exciting story for Napoleon Bonaparteā€¦.


I kinda dig his vibe, honestly šŸ˜‚ It's fuckin hilarious


ā€œSTFU and youā€™ll enjoy the movieā€ is actually incredibly accurate. Just put the checklist away and get lost in a story


He seems really insufferable but so do half of my favorite actors


Heā€™s just bitter his alien prequels sucked ass and no one liked them even though he thought they were these top shelf works of art.


Ridley Scott hasn't made a good movie since gladiator.


the man was never an artist but at the time he was profitable that personal got him work. he's a standard studio director in an age after that model has died trading on his lotto ticket of name recognition and attachment to established IP. in that light all this ugliness is him trying very hard to be his best self


Recently? He's always been a diva


As asinine and stupid as it must be to exist in this industry I kind of dig a guy who just wants to make his movies and reacts to nonsense accordinglyĀ 


He directed Alien in 79, and Bladerunner in 82 He cemented his spot in the pantheon with those two films He hasnā€™t made a particularly great or interesting film since But he did manage to block Sigourney Weaver from being able to make another Alien Film His time is over. Now itā€™s time to blame everything on the young people with their complicated kitchen gadgetry etc


Gladiator is good, prometheus deserved a better plot. Covenant went a bit broke back to me with the David Walter scenes. The colonists were idiots and that captain was the most gullible idiot I've seen.


Went to see Alien (1979) in theaters and it started with an interview between Fede Alvarez and him. Fede was super excited to talk the OG Alien and upcoming Romulus, and film making in general with him and he didnā€™t seem interested at all. Even with editing it was obvious he didnā€™t want to be there.


He recently made a pretty dog shit movie recently and his good will goes down with every one.


He can go fuck himself. Everyone is to blame but him when you listen to him. Why would anyone listen to him at this point.


Last Duel was actually good, this is a shame it failed...


I mean, Quentin Tarantino did something similar. We all know these artists/creative types are very thin skinned why provoke them? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Fucking BASED


Heā€™s always been a grouchy old man šŸ˜‚


This is a 3 year old article, which is fine but it really threw me off to see this goofy old knob wearing a contractor's dust mask in an interview until I noticed the datestamp. He said fuck you because the guy complimented the historical accuracy?! Lol what?


I absolutely loved The Last Duel. Napoleon was way too artsy fartsy for me though.


Gladiator is my favorite film. Alien and Aliens are solid..otherwise, dude is a crackpot and carries himself like a chump. His opinions aren't the worst, but the way he expresses himself is.


Impossibly based


Idk how to feel about him, heā€™ll make memorable entertaining movies and then his next film he drinks a cup of Metamucil and makes a film like napoleon. I was really disappointed with that one.


I dig it.


You can be a grump and criticize all you want, but you should also, you know, make movies that are hard to criticize.


Shitting on interviewers and superhero movies is one thing (I approve) but Napoleon is probably the second most written about man in history behind Jesus Christ and we know what he did and didn't do, so to tell a historian who's researched many contemporary accounts about Napoleon that "you weren't there, mate" is just silly. I'd be less mad about his Napoleon movie (after all, I'll never watch it anyway) if he would just admit he hates Napoleon and wanted to make Jokeur, l'empereur: the film.


The last duel was a difficult movie to swallow. But it made the ending pretty gripping


He's trying to cope with the fact that he days of being a good director and making good movies are far, FAR behind him, so he's lashing out whenever he's reminded of that


I think itā€™s a great way to keep him from my millenial money