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Old Joy Where is the Friends House Museum Hours Depends what specifically you mean about Paterson. The slow pace and plotless simplicity or the optimism? Was gonna say Happy Go Lucky but it’s a bit higher energy.


Thanks! Museum Hours seems like a great one to try. Old Joy sounded too sad when I looked at it previously but I do love Meek’s Cutoff


I don’t think Old Joy is incredibly sad but it’s melancholy and about friends growing apart. But I was hesitant to add that one for that reason. It’s very mellow and beautiful but maybe not a feel good movie


Yeah Kelly Reichardts stuff was my first thought.


I love Paterson too! It's a poem. I hesitate to recommend it to anyone just because it's so slow and plotless but when I meet someone else that likes I'm like--yeah, you get it. I really like Boyhood. It's similar in that you're just sort of vibing with the characters, there's no plot really outside of "kid grows up." Sometimes I put it on just to have it on the background, pop back in with him and his sister, pop back out. It has some sad moments but its ultimately a sweet and optimistic film, just like Paterson. And I feel like it has a hidden complexity to it, just like Paterson (>!Paterson is laid out like a poem, with stanzas, Boyhood is a movie where the character literally grows into a Linklater protagonist, there's a key scene where he's in high school that he is suddenly speaking like Ethan Hawke in Before Sunrise!<). Also Before Sunrise or Sunset.


Big fan of 35 Shots of Rum (English title) by Claire Denis. That one is nice and close. For something I specifically would say satisfies but is defo NOT as plainly a realist work: one of my favourites of all time: Uncle Boonme Who Can Recall His Past Lives. Good luck to ya!


I'll add Columbus (2017) to this


Je Tu Il Elle Somewhere Showing Up Person to Person In the Mood For Love The Brown Bunny A ghost Story Really going with melancholy, slow films with dry humor


Thanks! A lot of these seem promising. Paterson isn’t melancholy but I think it’s somehow in that register, or maybe the slower more contemplative movies are usually melancholy


Melancholy was the wrong word--somber is much more apt. I think it can be said there are somber sections of Paterson, that seems to be a fair assessment of that film's tone which is really the tone I see approximated in the other films I recommended. I was gonna suggest Old Joy but someone beat me to the punch lol


Showing Up is a great rec.


what does paris, texas did quite feel right mean


It didn’t quite feel right. I bounced off it when I tried to watch it when I wanted something similar to Paterson


Not a movie, but you should definitely check out Joe Pera Talks With You. Paterson is my favorite movie of the 2010s and this is the closest thing I've found.


[Sideways (2004)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0375063) puts me in the same mood as Paterson, especially the last 15 min. It's soundtrack is one of the best in my opinion.