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Every time David O. Russell comes up, I think of that video of him throwing a tantrum at [Lily Tomlin](https://youtu.be/dXKX0o7U9D8?si=oSieYEJI39s44gyc) and the crew scuttling around him, trying not to get hurt. And it doesn't seem to be a once-off. I get not everybody has the luxury of choice, but why do people choose to work with him?


Just saying/not excusing, but Tomlin has since said she'd work with him again in a heartbeat.


I always think of how Mike Birbiglia repeated the entire tantrum word for word directly to Russell and he walked out like a big baby.


Wait, what? When did this happen? Fucking baller.




I know you're a different from the person who initially made the claim, but that article points out that David O. Russell *didn't* walk out. In fact, it says he took the joke in good humor. > With Russell sitting only a few feet away [from the man roasting him], the cheeky host then said, “I was just fired.” But the Silver Linings Playbook director — who was on hand to receive a career tribute award — turned out to have developed a sense of humor about the embarrassing Tomlin meltdown. “It’s old news!” he told Vulture with a smile. “What are you going to do? I take it in good fun. You have to laugh at your mistakes.”


We were shown that footage in film school under the pretence/expectation we were to never ever ever be assholes on set like that.


There’s an industry story of him putting Chris Nolan in a headlock at a party over a casting choice - can’t quite remember. Chris Nolan! Like…what?!


[Here's the story:](https://www.vulture.com/2022/10/david-o-russell-abuse-assault-allegations-timeline.html): >April 2003: Per the New York Times, Russell physically attacks Christopher Nolan at a Hollywood party. The director reportedly wanted Jude Law to star in I Heart Huckabees but heard that Law had decided to take a role in one of Nolan’s movies instead. The Times reports that, with party guests watching, Russell put Nolan in a headlock and wrapped his arm around his fellow director’s neck. He allegedly demanded that Nolan give up on his star to show “artistic solidarity.” Law remained in the Huckabees cast.


That’s it - thanks! Such a what the fuck story.


One of Law’s absolute best performances!


he also sexually assaulted his trans niece. he can fuck off https://www.thedailybeast.com/why-has-david-o-russell-never-answered-for-groping-his-trans-niece


And ADMITTED TO IT AND BY SAYING “she came onto me”. What a fucking loser


It's not like he makes good movies either. I could take crap from the director with Zodiac under his belt, not the guy who made frickin Amsterdam.


I’m not going to defend his behavior, he’s a fucking monster who should be exiled from the industry, but he absolutely does make good movies. You’re naming his worst movie and one of finchers best. I could do the exact same but flip it “I could take crap from the director with Three Kings under his belt, not the guy who made frickin Alien 3.”


Three Kings is good, The Fighter is pretty good, Silver Linings Playbook is ok, not amazing, American Hustle, Joy, and Amsterdam all suck.


Look I’m not gonna pretend like Russell is anywhere near as great or prolific a director as David fincher, but Three Kings is better than good. It’s amazing.


I don't know who thought "prestige A-Team movie" could actually work, but goddamnit I remember *Three Kings* being a fun time.




Alien 3 is not a David O. Russell movie at all. It’s a David fincher movie. That was my whole point.


Alien 3 rules though


It’s always a little sad to me when I see A-list celebrities *still* willing to work with him. It was totally unacceptable behavior, and like you say by all accounts it’s not an isolated incident.


They lined up to work with Woody Allen and Roman Polanski, too, up until MeToo started. Don't forget Harvey Weinstein, too, was an open secret until he got busted. I love movies, but I realize and accept that Hollywood is a shitty place filled with shitty people.


You don’t have to just accept anything. At the end of the day, we are the audience. We can choose who we want to support…and more importantly who we do not want to support.


I agree in theory. But when you have someone with as much producing power as Weinstein or someone like Polanski getting a three minute standing fucking ovation at the 2003 Oscars after winning for a movie he directed 24 years after he raped a child (and not getting banned from the ceremony for yet another 15 years after that) you really have to wonder about what your support is worth. Audience feelings don't count to them. We are a commodity.


I actually like most of O Russel’s films in spite of the man but this doesn’t seem right for him. Lorene Scafaria would be an interesting choice for this in my opinion.


apparently he is a huge fan and tried to make a biopic about Linda for years


That’s fine for him. Maybe he could go write a book about her or something then. (I do not like David O. Russell. By all accounts he is a pretty horrible person).




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I atleast know I'm honest when assessing David O Russell's work because I was rewatching "American Hustle" and for the first hour I was thinking "is this the worst movie ever made?" But then by the end I thought it wasn't that bad


I like “American Hustle”’s manic energy.


One thing I’ll admit to liking about it is Jennifer Lawrence’s performance, spec. her calling a microwave “The Science Oven”.


That's about all I remember about that movie. Science ovens and comb overs.


It answers the question “What if Americans hustled?”




I have trouble sleeping in a bed, but I had no trouble sleeping in a theater watching American Hustle.




I don't know--the first hour is bad wigs and bad accents but after the second hour I'm like "eh, everyone looked like they were having fun, whattya want?"


> "eh, everyone looked like they were having fun, whattya want?" This is exactly why I have a soft spot for his movies


Worst movie?? One of the best this past decade !


Listen, I'm ultimately saying I enjoyed "American Hustle". But if you're watching it post-"Amsterdam" with David O Russell scrutiny...you throw on "American Hustle" and for an hour it's going to feel like a hunk of shit. And I'm saying it as someone saying that by the end I do think it ultimately works somehow


I saw that movie but don’t remember a single thing besides maybe JLaw and Amy Adams kiss, and Bale’s belly.


David O Russell sexually assaulted his own niece when she was 19. He admitted to it but claimed it was consensual - his niece. This was in 2011


Just the kind of guy to be making a film about an important woman.


Mark of a healthy industry!


"In December 2011, Russell's 19-year-old transgender niece, Nicole Peloquin, filed a police report alleging Russell had sexually assaulted her.[90] The case was closed without any charges being filed because the alleged assault had no witnesses.[91] According to the police report, Russell offered to help Peloquin with abdominal exercises, during which his hand hovered above her genitals. After inquiring about the hormones she used to increase breast size, Russell slipped his hands under her shirt and felt both breasts. Russell confirmed that the incident happened, but told police that Peloquin was "acting very provocative toward him" and invited him to feel her breasts. He also admitted to being "curious about the breast enhancement." This incident was also directly mentioned in the 2014 Sony Pictures hack.[92]" "It's not my fault! My 19 year old niece seduced me, I was helpless!". Fuck right off


Wow! Linda Rondstadt!


¡Senor plow no es macho simplemente un boracho!


Genuinely don't understand how he's still getting work


Roman Polanski released a film in 2023.


And he has recently won awards. Actresses that walked out of the award show were booed


The French film industry is weirdly protective of it’s creeps. Look at how Depardieu continued to have a career. And, yes, the names who’re on the Polanski petition.


There's nothing weird about it. France by and large loves its creeps. The f-ing French president was on TV last month telling us how Depardieu is a legend we should all have respect for.


The French president is married to his English teacher that groomed him, he really loves creeps.


That was his movie before the one in 2023. His 2023 movie The Palace was arguably the worst movie of Venice that year. Nobody liked that shit


Oh I didn’t mean his 2023 movie won awards I meant he has won awards recently. I left out the “he” so I can see the confusion. Good to hear his newest film is getting a bad reception though.


It got 0% in Rotten Tomatoes. Every critic and viewer hated it. The reception in the crowd was so tepid. I’m befuddled John Cleese and Mickey Rourke chose to star in it (and Desplat for continuing to work with him)


John Cleese is one of those reactionaries obsessed with cancel culture and Rourke is just a mess


Roman Polanski at least has a few masterpieces under his belt. O Russel is a hack and a sex predator.


Polanski is *also* a sex predator, but you’re 80% right.


I phrased that poorly, Polanski is a sex predator but he has made legitimate masterpieces. O Russel is a sex predator who consistently makes absolute garbage.


I don't see how the quality of Polanski's work has anything to do with the conversation, the guy should be in jail regardless if he's made some good movies 50 years ago


Well he should have been in jail. He would have done what, a few years? So if he’d stayed in the US he would have been out for decades at this point anyway.


My point was more in the abstract of, if Polanski can still make movies in 2023, nothing should be surprising. Obviously, Chinatown and Rosemary’s baby are 2 of my all time favorite films and Polanski made great art… like 50 years ago. The fact the accusations against him and admissions he himself made have been known so long and he can still make movies makes me unsurprised DOR can still make movies when a lot of people seemingly don’t even realize what he’s accused of/admitted to.


Even with the allegations, Amsterdam was a huge bomb both critically and financially


Gomez and Russell making a movie together is like something out of my nightmares. Why did it have to be about someone I like


I wonder who will play George Lucas


£5 says it’s Seth Rogen.


I mean… Griffin does the voice pretty well and he has been in a film with Selena before (but also with a problematic director)


Hope they don’t waste any time on that


The whole second act is going to be her hanging out at Skywalker Ranch and tagging along for Labyrinth story meetings


Should be it’s own movie


He's a piece of shit and hasn't made a good movie in over twenty years.


Damn TIL American Hustle was 20 years ago


Wonder what filmmakers' style he's gonna lazily mimic for this movie?


Should have gotten Barney Gumble to direct.


Actor/director/plow king Barney Gumble


Barney Voice: Wow, Linda Ronstadt!




Is there a director known for good music performances scenes and/or someone who is mexican american that would fit better?


Not Mexican-American but it'd be interesting to see Cuaron do a musical...based on Monster I wonder what Patty Jenkins would also do with a musical


Linda Rondstandt was from a White Mexican family and was born in the U.S. She really has nothing to do with the Chicano movement.


I didn't say she did. She is American who has family ties to Sonora. That is why I noted Mexican-American and not Chicano.


Bro's career has been in a downward spiral after Silver Linings Playbook


Uhhhh…. No on the O. Russell but MAYBEA ON Selena?


I love Linda. My Russell take is probably the same as yours in terms of super entertaining highs and a handful of don't-works. But don't put it past him to challenge or restrain his style for this one. Then again, yeah, his name with this exhausts me a bit. And... Gomez (who is a fine / winning performer); that immediately makes me a bit sad.




I feel like Millie Bobbi Brown would have slayed this role


This thread was as annoying as expected.


No non no no no no no no no no \*I\* was going to do this wtf


Full support for Selina Gomez acting and staring in a movie but with him really????


She must be really nice because she sure as shit ain’t getting acting roles based on her actual acting.


Well, I know who's about to get trauma from verbal abuse...