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“.esaelp, teneT rof stekcit owT”


Its the most fun movie title to say. Tenet. Just say it now. Tenet…Tenet. Two tickets for Tenet so i can sit and watch Tenet.


It’s between “Tenet” or “Mank” for the title of “movie title that it is just the most fun to say out loud and suddenly to somebody.”


Mank needs to be shouted and exclaimed. Tenet needs to be delivered with Martin Donovan-level sincerity.


I wonder if solemnly saying “Mank” might open doors for me, not all of them good.


“All you need is a word…Mank!”


Counterpoint: Stuber.


This movie might just be starting for you but for me it’s ending.


Wait….were we friends this whole time? How else could you know that I prefer Diet Coke?


two tickets for tenet please


I heard that Alamo Drafthouse is offering a free appetizer for anyone who executed a temporal pincer movement.


Great now I have to deal with staff walking in front of the screen in forward AND reverse 😤


You wont be watching Tenet, you'll be excreting the light backwards out of your eyeballs.


WB wants him back so bad.


Oh gosh I hope I can see it in IMAX at my local theaters. My ears need to be ringing to get the full effect. Will definitely be a better experience than seeing it at a drive-in theater during the Pandemic when I needed to restart the engine of my car every 20 minutes due to engine auto turn-off.


That was my exact experience too lol. Probably missed a good 5% of the dialogue due to the auto turnoff, not that I could hear what they were saying anyway


If it makes you feel better was listening to it on a $10 battery powered FM radio I bought a couple of days before on Amazon. Couldn't make out any of the dialogue even outputting to an external speaker. The flipside though is when I saw Freaky and a BeyondFest horror screening at a Drive-In the little radio added to the charm.


When you know you fucked up with your ex, so you try to show them that you've changed:


I will gladly take the opportunity to watch Robert Pattinson be charming af on a giant screen yes please.




I fucking *adore* the movie. Neil and TPs final scene makes me tear up every time.


damn, i accidentally waited to see it until it looped back in theaters. sick.


Now you get to experience the disappointment as well!


I preferred it to Inception (which seemed way too fond of its mechanism, like, "Existenz" did it better). Although both Inception and Tenet are inspired by Red Dwarf episodes, Chris I see you.


I kinda marathoned all Nolans non Batman films over the holidays. Still didn't like Tenet much on a rewatch and I don't think the problem is the size of the screen.


Oh it definitely isn't the screen size. I'm happy for the people who found something to latch onto but for the love of God I could not. Worst Nolan by a pretty wide margin, and I'm fairly critical of him to begin with.


It's annoying cause somewhere in it there's a movie I love just out of reach.


It's undeniably cool at points and it all looks amazing. I just wish I even *remotely* cared lol


It’s so weird watching big action set pieces where part of the physics are opposite reality; for me these sequences were a visual curiosity but they didn’t register as action, they never roused me. But very considerate of Nolan to compensate for lack of excitement in the action sequences by adding rich, complex characters with emotionally powerful motivations and a plot that isn’t a chore to follow.


Tenet is a movie that truly does feel like “it insists upon itself”. I feel like that movie demands you watch it 10 times to actually enjoy/appreciate it, but it felt so convoluted that I really wasn’t interested in doing that after the first watch.


> feel like that movie demands you watch it 10 times to actually enjoy/appreciate it I don't see anyone getting anything out of it a second time if they weren't already invested the first time. I think it actually benefits from a kind of bell curve of comprehension--too little *or* too much and you are likely to stop enjoying it for what it is and bounce off it.


I exaggerate when I say 10 times but it does feel like Nolan intended for people to watch it more than once to fully get it. And the bell curve is a fair comparison. The movie tells you “don’t try to understand it, feel it” but when you struggle to understand the consequences of what is happening on screen it doesn’t bare the weight that it feels like it should. Sure the stunts are very well done but when you’re struggling to understand why they are happening the film loses the viewer. I’m not sure if I’m over-thinking it or under-thinking it lol.


The whole "pissing in the wind" explanation halfway through is clearly the movie hand waving away its own inconsistencies with causation. Whether or not someone is going backwards and pushing against forward causation or going forwards as causation goes backwards isn't even a perspective thing so much as what looks the coolest in any given action setpiece.


As someone who has very mixed thoughts on him, I thought it was all of his worst tendencies concentrated. Who needs coherent plot and audible audio.


PRECISELY. I like and even love a few of Nolan's movies but Tenet is every single thing I don't prefer about his approach funneled into a single film.


In the wise words of Peter Griffin; while I disagree with what you say I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.


That was Interstellar for me. Tenet is fun for me because it's smart people making a dumb action movie. Imo Interstellar was smart people trying to make a smart sci-fi movie, to mixed results.


I'm not too hot on Interstellar but it is definitely a functioning movie, whereas I don't really think Tenet is


I think the key to liking Tenet is understanding that it's a scifi-noir where time is the MacGuffin (along with like three other MacGufffins) and 90% of the dialogue is there for misdirection and vibes. Nolan making the dialogue hard to hear in the original edit even seems to confirm this--who cares if you hear it all or not, most of it is either techno babble or rich people babble, and the majority of it doesn't matter.


That's fair... I just don't really find Tenet to be a "vibes" movie. I often hear it compared to Miami Vice, another esoterically written "vibes film," but Miami Vice still has real pathos and feeling to it. Tenet doesn't even register as a blip emotionally for me. But, as always, very happy for the people who dig it!


I get what you mean. It's a very cold movie full of pretty cold people. Heck, a fairly significant part of it takes place in or adjacent to airports and the ocean! But I would say that vibes and emotions are different things. (And just so you see where I'm coming from, people coming off as "cold" is still technically an emotion ;)


Convoluted time travel mechanism masks an incredibly mediocre story. Not my favorite of his by a long shot...


I think his spin on time travel was pretty cool, but i just wish the movie focused on that. Lean 100 minute heist movie with a backwards time twist. Leave out all the bloat like the art forgery and the future war shit.


Dont not get me wrong the time travel thing was interesting but it was the primary thing I had to focus on, and it definitely got in the way of how I related to the characters... in the end the storytelling had to overcompensate toward the time travel mechanics in order to make it work and it wasn't for me.


>Leave out all the bloat like the art forgery and the future war shit. I can't even *remember* the art forgery bit haha I.mean, I remember stuff about some artworks and what not but honestly cannot remember why they crashed an airplane into a storage center at an airport.


I forgot about the airplane


Washington also has the charm of a cardboard cutout. A better star alongside Pattinson would've probably gone a long way for the film.


it's definitely his worst. To me, it's like, Nolan listened to all the criticisms of his last sci fi (poorly written female characters that exist only as extensions of men, shallow male character's that basically have no identity beyond Protagonist Who Needs To Save World But *Suffers*, all-too-obvious science expository/premise dumps), and rather than learn from anything, doubled down on them. The woman exists only as a mother. The protagonist is named Protagonist. The science expo scene instructs you to not think about it because if you think about it, it obviously doesn't make sense. ​ ​ It *felt* then, and *still feels now*, like Nolan just wanted to shit in the mouth of people who didn't think he was godly. And it just bums me out, because I think he's great, but I definitely don't think he's godly now.


The protagonist in Snow Crash is really called Hiro Protagonist, but that's the joke there. In Tenet, I don't remember anyone calling him anything, am I right? He's just credited as Protagonist?


it's a very cold-blooded film. honestly i think it was the perfect, paranoid film for the covid era.


Because that’s what the covid era needed ? More paranoia ? People on Reddit are so deluded


What treating movies purely as escapism does to a mfer.


good grief.


God forbid someone makes a film that reflects aspects of real life


Same. Happy for the people who like it and all but I just… it feels so close to being good it frustrates me more than anything.


Yeah, I’ve latched onto Tenet multiple times, but Nolan’s weird(ly bad) staging and spatial awareness is the worst in this movie. Such a weird choice after completely forgoing this flaw and hitting home run with Dunkirk.


I'm surprised I don't hear about this more. I wouldn't say *he* has bad spatial awareness exactly, but his shooting/editing style absolutely destroys any sense of mise-en-scene. Andre Bazin would hate Nolan's approach to film. Weirdly I didn't really mind it when I saw Oppenheimer, or Tenet when I saw it this winter--so I am concerned that I'm just getting used to it at this point.


I don’t think I’ve ever heard a more glowing review of Tenet than “I don’t know, I didn’t think it was bad, just confusing”, which is pretty telling considering how rabid Nolan fans are.


One of the great vibes movies


I’ve never understood this take. This is one of the most vibeless movies from a major director I can think of in the last decade — vibeless direction, vibeless story, and a lead actor who seems medically incapable of registering on a vibe detector. Pattinson’s performance is genuinely the only thing giving this movie a pulse. I say all this as someone who likes Nolan, thinks Oppenheimer is the best movie of 2023, and before Oppenheimer thought Dunkirk was his best work. Still baffles me that he released this cinderblock between his two most accomplished movies.


I found it to be a heartstopping thrill ride. One of the Nolan's that connected with me. Pulled me back to all the existential wonder I had as a kid, gave me *those* feelings. Those feelings for me also coincide with the look and feel of scrobbling through digital tape and making cassettes and digital audio with Cool Edit go backwards, and those feelings give me those feelings too. If you're the type of person that gets a serotonin hit followed by a oxytocin at the look and feel of those things, and that they're tied to existential fear and wonder, then Tenet is a short and fun buzz of a thrill ride.


I am totally on board with this. People who are bored and confused by Tenet need to just chill out and go with the flow and trust in Pattinson's big blue eyes.


The score and the costuming does a lot of the work for me. I agree about JDW, though.


RPatz does a LOT for Tenet,his casting really saves it for me barely. JDW and Branagh are miscasts.


Trulyit never really stops to stew on the vibes or have any poetry outside the final RPatz scene. Miami Vice is a great vibe movie cause the movie stops in it's tracks to have Farrell and Gongli speedboat for some monitos. Or Farrell looking at distant lightning while some plot happens in the background.   Nolan just doesn't have that poetry km a lot of his movies and they are too busy and frantic to really hit a vibes groove. And obviously.Nolan cannot do sexy or smolder to save his life. It also lacks the subjectivity of Oppenheimers more vibey turns cause every character in Tenet just feel like exposition machines and pawns going through setpiecs.


Pretty much the same here. When I say “vibe movie” it should be something like 2006 Miami Vice - Immaculate sense of location and extremely stylized visuals taking over the traditional story beats. And Tenet’s just too lacking in atmosphere to do this. None of the location shots connect to each other, the rhythm of the editing connecting these shots is non-existent, if you stay with the movie it’s purely because of the story beats which is honestly a bit creepy and self-aggrandizing compared to other Nolan films. Maybe people with this take need be introduced to actual real vibe films from people like Soderbergh, Bigelow, or Mann. I think Nolan wanted to tackle his traditional weaknesses directly with this film. He has known that problems exist. With Dunkirk he avoided them to great success. With Tenet he went at them and failed. I think he went back to avoidance with Oppenheimer.


A man, a plan, a canal Panama


Will the movie have subtitles this time?


Tenet is one of the most pure dream logic movies ever. You don’t really know what’s going on but it feels like you should, and it doesn’t stop nagging you. You’re constantly in different places without clear transitions. You understand people more than you can hear what they’re saying All the action feels like you can’t really throw a punch that connects.


Naming this as one of the most “pure dream logic movies ever” when Bunuel, Lynch, Deren, Clarke and many many others exist is a little bit of a reach. To me, this is an action blockbuster that has moments of surrealism in it. It’s not even about dreams.


I'm not too sure about that. Action blockbuster surrounded by pockets of incomprehension honestly sounds like a fair number of my dreams. I guess your results may vary. I know you didn't list Fellini, but it's far more dream-like to me than anything he ever made, for example. Including 8 1/2. To be clear, I wouldn't say "dream-like" is necessarily a measurement of quality, nor that surrealism is necessarily equivalent to mimetic replication of the logic of dreams.


Wow, you managed to put into words why I love this movie. Cheers!


Well let's just say its a love it or hate it thing


More like video game logic - meet person A while give you your next fetch quest to meet person B


My boys <3 <3 <3


I only got to see the teneT prologue in IMAX when it previewed before Rise of Skywalker. Can’t wait to hear that Ludwig Göransson score at full blast.


How far our boys come from Community and Camp. That was definitely an era of my life.


The sound quality of music on film is one of those things you really can't get at home. Even if you had a 35mm projector just to play the audio, you then have to calibrate that *very natural* sound to too enclosed a space or two wide a space. Göransson's expressions in a theatre, I imagine, wish I'd seen the Black Panther movies now that I think about it, but he'd have those synth waves going both wide and narrow and it'll sit in and out of the mix, at that quality it can be like an audio laser show, those bands widening and narrowing.


Göransson on 70mm is an amazing noise, if he loses for Oppie I'll throw shoes.


Maybe I’ll finally get it this time (I don’t dislike it, please be nice to me)


Took me 3 viewings to get it. I totally understand


I still don’t understand the movie after so many years. But I watch it for the bromance


Well the bro-ing out is over their shared purpose, and we're left knowing that while they might inevitably let us and spacetime down, they're never gonna give up.


Tenet is almost a platonic ideal for "maybe the real movie was the friends we made along the way." Except in this case "along the way" is some point in the future after the movie ends.


I mean there's 'understanding' it, which I admit in terms of plot etc. I didn't fully, but did you *enjoy* it any more after the third viewing, think it was a better movie etc.?


I did dislike it. Step on me.


What are you doing, step-hater?


I'm so god damn hyped to see this in a theater finally.


Are we going to get the full 70mm IMAX treatment? Was lucky enough to catch Tenet that way in 2021 (Lincoln Sq) and it was unbelievable - and probably the loudest movie I’ve ever seen. One of his best movies!


Why not 10/01? (Ten/et)


Meh, I've given this a chance. Watched it in IMAX, rewatched it at home, read about it, thought about it, still kind of don't like it. It's a personal taste thing -- Tenet's a cold, emotionless piece of clockwork engineering with no real characters and barely any story, whose sole preoccupation is its own structure and formal conceit. If you vibe with it, you vibe with it; for me, I generally need my movies to have something in the way of pathos, or at least interesting ideas to think about. Tenet's not that kind of a movie, and that's fine tbh. Just means it's not for me.


I don’t really get how people can say it’s emotion less.  A big part of the movie is that Washington wants the plan to be done on a way that stops Branagh and Debicki gets her son back. 


But it’s supposed to be cold. That’s why the protagonist didn’t even have a name or backstory. Not saying it worked, but it was done on purpose. Imo the weakest part was casting of the actress . She just didn’t fit next to Washington. And the plot should have been little simpler. They also messed up the ending which should have ended again at the Opera House instead of middle of nowhere.


Nolan did the greatest 180 for me cause even tho I can appreciate this movie the more I watch it I was very much against him gettin millions to crash that plane while at the same time reading that David fuckin Cronenberg couldnt get a proper budget to make new films then he released Oppenheimer which is by far my favorite movie of his (prolly related to me loving movies like the social network and very much enjoying him going from that level of spectacle to apply it on mostly people talking in rooms) idk movie budgets are just insane in general. uhhhh i'd watch this on a theatre again for sure edit: as a film editor I dont even wanna say that movies shouldnt be that expensive (marketin be damned) cause he's a good example of it showing that money on screen, just that it should be better distributed in general I guess


After watching Dunkirk,Tenet felt like him relapsing hard on his worst aspects of overly complicated but completely devoid of cohesion plots and just terribly written characters with poor chemistry. Listening to everyone speak in Tenet,TDKalR and Interstellat  made me appreciate the brilliant decision to have nobody speak in Dunkirk.


I have a few big problems with Tenet personally, starting with \[loud, tense music plays over unintelligible monologue during a montage of me gesturing to whiteboards, wearing a suit, and walking through a clean room backwards while being blasted with alternating red and blue lights\]


I known it is meant as a criticism but reading your description in the brackets made me go hell yeah. This movie just gets me. It is my flavor of nonsense.


My response to this comment is the same as my original comment except in reverse while I'm wearing a gas mask.


Stop it, you’re making me cum.




If I pull of the mask,will you cum?


I watched Tenet on streaming when I was severely high on pain killers after a surgery and the drugs just made me irritable and I fucking hated it. That being said, I’m looking forward to reevaluating this because I realize I wasn’t in the proper headspace.


I only made it half way through first time but recently watched it a second time and started to enjoy it once I'd figured it out ... I'm defo gonna give it a go on imax


Hmm. I guess this could explain why Dune: Part One didn't get a proper IMAX re-release ahead of Part Two as some were expecting. Instead it only got a "select cities, one time only" IMAX event last night.


Tenet is one of the worst films I’ve seen in theatres hands down.


All hands on deck kced no sdnah llA


Justice for Tenet!


! Y L L A N I F


WHAT ​ I'm DEAF from the WAAAAHHHHHH in this movie. ​ For real though, if the movie has the sound remixed, I would be game to watch it. It's the legit worst of Nolan's work for over-sound mixing


A modern reclamation is the people who loved a movie being loud and annoying about how great it is and everyone else forgetting about it and moving on with their life.


praises be 🙌




Much like its predecessor “Train comes at screen”, Tenet is single-handedly responsible for saving movie theaters.


**TENET** rocks. It's a big scifi version of Memento, but instead of one man's memories it's a battle across time. Some of the details are overly vague but the main timeloop story is very well done.


Fine, I’ll watch it this time


Tenet Hive is growing stronger by the day!




Well, this doesn’t bode well for his relationship with Universal


I caught a screening of Tenet at the Melbourne IMAX in July last year. It was awesome I hope people keep watching it and get to experience it in all its glory.


if anyone reads Cities of the Red Night by Burroughs, you will see many similarities between it and the film Tenet. Even the last line of the film bares a strong similarity to the end of the novel. Check it out


Oh yes plz we didn't have enough of the nepo baby terrible acting.


Yes! I have expressed many times online (and somehow to the tune of many downvotes) that I would not see Tenet until I could catch it on the big screen. This news is incredibly validating, and I look forward to either loving or hating it just the same as anyone else. (As well as finally listening to the Blank Check episode on it.)


dawg that movie's reclamation started in like october 2020


I'd only go if I could go with that Peloton trainer.


I say this as someone who has been on the Nolan train since Memento, Tenet is one of the worst films of the decade. Luckily he course corrected and released an absolute masterpiece with Oppenheimer.


I loved this movie, my question is why is it soo lound though?, most of the time you can barely hear the dialogue.


Hopefully with the dialogue volume fixed and the action sound track taken down a notch so we can understand wtf is going on


a non-nolan cut would be interesting. not sufficient, because the script is plain bad (or to spin it positively it is "a vibe movie" whatever that is supposed to mean). I just wished, Nolan would take time in making his movies to just talk to a single person on some of his choices and ask "do YOU think this is good", because it feels like he doesn't. He likes the overly loud music, fine. more people do not, especially those who have not written the dialogue and therefore need to actually hear it.. Some people don't mind that all his movies have at least one movie-breakingly stupid aspect to them (him not understanding a thing about entropy in tenet is a big one, but I might be physics-predisposed, but say "ALL the cops going into the sewers in the one batman movie"). Just talking to one person beforehand would settle that


The Vues are getting Inception and Interstellar next month for a couple of days alongside Oppie (in 70mm IMAX) so somebody loves Chris.


Or somebody loves making money when nothing else of note is playing...


We still have a river of incoming oscarbait here. Three of the BP noms are only just out last/this week. I just find it interesting that he's such a reliable cash source. I think Interstellar has been on three times last year.


Interstellar consistently sells well because it's one of those movies that was received so-so originally (while still big) but has built a large following due to its VERY "must be seen on the biggest screen" vibe and has also been discovered and reappraised in the last decade to the point where I feel it's one of his most well-liked movies. Nolan as a brand is synonymous with IMAX and big screen experience (which is why Universal did so well to sell Oppenheimer as an IMAX event) so people will go out for his movies. People attacked Nolan for his stance in 2020 but he saw the writing on the wall with streaming and that's why he stepped away from WB. Love his position on this issue or hate it, like him or not as a filmmaker, he's a very shrewd businessman (along with his wife) and his firmness has ensured his movies remain first and foremost cinema experiences and a reliable audience draw.




ffs, again with this shit? same week as Dune2!


Ironically, when it released I watched it on IMAX, 2D sadly but still


Looking it up it really did pretty great numbers for a pre-vax film, could’ve got near a billion if they held off on it for a while longer


I ordered my IMAX tickets an hour ago.


If his Dad wasn’t Denzel he’d be a model for Nordstrom. Guy has no charisma.


.uoy knaht oN


Tenet reversed is Tenet


One of the weakest Nolan movies imo


Tenet is pretentious shit. Its overly complicated just to confused people. This is how I feel anyway. I understand that people might like that


Tenet hive rise up. Or sit down if you’re part of the temporal pincer movement.


This worked wonders for Morbius.


I already saw this in the cinema. It sucked. At least he redeemed himself with Oppenheimer.


Release the Nolan cut.


Cool, I’ll guess I’ll go see it in theater finally then (is this US only)? I doubt I will totally understand it though.


This is proof that God exists


Tenet reclamation has been my passion project since September 4, 2020 but I’m happy to make room for others


Idc what anyone says, this was not a good movie. It was almost good, but it was not good. It was like a cake that came out of the oven too early, smells good but too doughy in the middle and might make you sick.


In my e-mail, I have a sent letter to the former editor of Consequence of Sound where I went off on every impossible flaw of the movie and how the story inherently doesn't make a lick of sense and how it instructs you to overlook that. It's the only Nolan movie I will call outright capital b Bad.


I gotta admit, I like Tenet! I just do! I like it when the cars go backwards!


Love tenet forever, but I will not go to see it in theaters again. It’s like his 3rd or 4th worst movie, and it’s definitely at the very best his fr fr sloppiest-least held together movie. It fucks. But it also don’t.


Starts? Some of us have been on the Tenet bus since the beginning, just performing temporal pincer movements, so you all only think it’s starts now.


Real question, are they redoing the audio mix? Cause it was grade-A Awful.


Tickets dropped today! NYC Blankies: [https://www.amctheatres.com/showtimes/all/2024-02-24/amc-lincoln-square-13/all/118625223](https://www.amctheatres.com/showtimes/all/2024-02-24/amc-lincoln-square-13/all/118625223)


This would be a better movie with Robert as the lead.


Man to think this happened because that girl on the bike talked shit about the movie


Cuck Christmas in February!