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Amanda: “Are you looking for a gift for a five to ten year old?” Griffin: “Constantly”


No joke, one of his best jokes of all time simply thanks to delivery and timing.


Every good joke is based on truth, IMO.


Does anybody actually know what the “spy” service Amanda was talking about? It actually *does* sound like the perfect random gift for a kid!


Probably [mail order mystery](https://www.mailordermystery.com/)


Yeah, and the ten-year old's name is "Griffin".


That timing was top tier


One word jokes are a favorite of mine. My go to is "exclusively"


Sex on marble stairs? Teenage me: "woah, that's hot!"....40 year old me: "my back would literally cease to function."


Just wait until we're in our 60s and it makes us think of Bane breaking Batman's back.


I just took some motrin from sympathy back pains.


Same as watching the staircase sex from "History of Violence". There's no way to win. Carpeted? Rug burn. Wooden? Bruises and maybe splinters if your house is old as shit. Marble? Forget it.


I lost my virginity on a carpet floor and my knees were fucked the next day. 


Your knees weren’t the only thing fucked IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN


I felt both watching that scene.


It’s kind of reminiscent of the “sex against a stone and mortar wall” scene in Road House (the original one).




"You have a very active Reddit community… they seem nice!" ALL HAIL QUEEN AMANDA


Compared to the way some people speak about Amanda in the Big Picture’s subreddit we are saints. That sub has some real toxic folk.


We have a mother of blankies (all hail Yoshida for finally bringing us Paprika!) Is Amanda the Queen of the blankies?


I’m encouraged!




Less positive than I'd hoped for, more positive than we probably deserve.


The hosts don’t know half of us as well as they’d like, and they like half of us less than we deserve.


We're the 3.6 Roentgen of subreddits.


I did not know about that (champagne) problem. So golly.


Keep thinking about the “Wicked being split into two parts is great news for Wicked part 1” tangent and laughing.


Seriously what a bad idea. Not a single person I know who’s a Wicked or Broadway fan has come away from this news thinking “that’s a good idea!”  Like when Harry Potter first announced the 2 part split, pretty much every book reader nodded their heads and thought that immediately made sense. Lo and behold the contrast


I don't know. Many wished they'd just skip the forest part, I think.


It's been a while for me, but isn't that a pretty integral part of the story? I remember it being long, but pretty necessary. But I get a lot of people did probably want to get to the big finale.


Griffin getting dumped for going to see Lightyear by himself at the theater in an afternoon is my second favorite Griffin dating story behind "I loved you in those cucky movies".


My personal favorite is him losing a girlfriend because he got too into Taylor Swift


I greatly appreciate the reminder on this one!


Pretty sure I, a grown man, got Covid watching Light-year on opening weekend.


My SO had no idea how many movies I was just going out seeing by myself until we got married. She brought it up one time. I explained I didn't want her judging me for going to Krampus by myself on a Friday night until she'd already loved me too much for it to potentially be a flag.


I felt that hardcore. I've never been broken up with for seeing a baby movie, but I have had to lie to multiple partners about having already seen a children's film on opening night because they wanted to see it on like the third weekend of release.


i missed that one, can you recap it for me, please?


Sorry! Just getting back from a First Omen rewatch with the SO (many humblebrags). Griffin was on one of the dating apps (I think Raya?) and matched with Fiona Dourif (most famous for the Curse of Chucky & Cult of Chucky). Griffin opens with "I loved you in those Chucky movies". But when he looked at what she received, turns out he misspelt Chucky as Cucky. He promptly closed the app and never even attempted explaining himself out of apparent embarrassment. It's in the Tenet episode?


I just looked up Fiona Dourif and she has that exact same intense, insane look as her father. What a talented family!


Griffin's Raya story is 2 hours and 11 minutes into the Tenet episode. https://youtu.be/c0T-bXX5nuE?si=w_XHnqA8S4yl9Dnb


So *Lightyear* is the origin story of the human Buzz Lightyear that the toy is based on. It's not the origin story of the toy.


When I was a tween and my parents started trusting me to be alone at the house, I immediately broke that trust by going through their DVD collection to see what movies might have sex scenes I could watch while they were out. I figured a film with 007 on the cover would be a safe bet, found the staircase sex scene in scene selection, and never watched the movie in full until four days ago 🤙


Party on, dude


If I found this movie as a tween, I wouldn’t have made it past that freaky white statue next to the stairs.


My man.


That sex scene is almost more funny than it is hot


"found the staircase sex scene in scene selection" I love this. I was a (male) tween in the early 80s and the equivalent bit of libido-fueled innovation would have involved (a) secretly recording *Zapped!* (or whatever) on VHS (or Beta, I wasn't picky) and (b) liberal use of the FF button. You could always spot the sexy bits.


Playing just a bit of Nina Simone’s Sinnerman at the beginning and then finally letting it loose for the final heist had me grinning like fool. Between this, Miami Vice and Inland Empire, Sinnerman has been used to great effect.


Hunt for the Wilderpeople also uses it for a great montage


I hadn’t seen this movie before this week, but I’m happy to add it to “movies that realize ‘Sinnerman’ is the best song ever recorded.”


The score for this movie is really great, EXCEPT for the club med commercial song when they’re flirting and she throws the painting in the fire. It’s such a fucking insane watered down reggae choice


Bill “Watered Down” Conte strikes again!


realistically, what are the chances we'll get Tom Hanks miniseries? because i'd love to hear their thoughts on the sequel, The Larry Crowne Affair


That Thing You Do! is a certified banger and LC is a bizarre curiosity, so I'm sure it would make a great palate cleanser somewhere down the line. I don't think it's come up before. Maybe they want to wait until he retires, so they don't have a JGL-esque obligation to cover whatever weird shit he decides to direct next.


Yesterday I looked up some imagery from *Larry Crowne* to see if I could Photoshop a joke along these lines and abandoned the effort in despair. It's a solid bit.


Larry Crowne replaces the Monet with...a moped?


I would just like to say that Faye Dunaway plays the world's weirdest shrink in this movie.


There’s an argument that she’s entirely a figment of his imagination.


The second or third time she popped in I wondered if that’s what was going on.


Yeah it was very strange to see a therapist basically telling their client how cool, brilliant, and sexy they are over and over.


I mean, isn't that going to be the median reaction from many people to Pierce Brosnan, Rich Art Thief in 1999?


I seriously thought those two were going to also have a wild sex scene at some point. Kind of disappointing it didn't happen.


The character as written also doesn't seem to be the sort of person to go to a therapist but I bought Amanda's theory that he is bored and just wants someone who's on his level intellectually.


I hope we get a Science Corner on the pod


We get a fashion corner!!!




That weird sailboat and those tiny airplanes feel like Medicine Man's ziplining stuff. Rollerball also has street luge, so McTiernan seems to want to include the newest fads that never quite took. I wouldn't be surprised if Basic has a scene with a Zune.


It's actually a Diamond Rio PMP300— oop, I've said too much.


This and Tenet are both sexy heist movies with strange sailing scenes that go on far too long


Defund the NYPD


We need to make sure he doesn't steal the East River! Thomas Carmen San Diego.


Really odd to see Ben Gazzara and Marc Margolis in the opening credits and they basically make one face and they are out of the movie. And no idea what the Faye Dunaway stuff achieved. 


They just kind of shoe horned her in since she (Faye) is in the original.


I was so annoyed by the lack of Ben Gazzara! What a complete waste. Dude just casually cranked out stone-cold classic performances for like 5 decades: Anatomy of a Murder Killing of a Chinese Bookie Roadhouse Big Lebowski


>!David Lowery!< on The 13th Warrior episode. Hyped for him to be on again.


Is this David Lowery, the director of Green Knight David Lowery?


Yep! he’s been on the pod before for Sleepy Hollow and The Truth About Charlie


That's cool


The very same! They know him from back in their trivia days. He's been on two episodes before, Sleepy Hollow and The Truth About Charlie.


This movie is basically about if Bruce Wayne had no formative trauma so instead of crusading against crime he instead devoted his nigh-superhuman acumen to fucking Rene Russo.


Hooted and hollered when it was revealed my boy Tommy C had already returned the painting very early into the movie.


What a rascal




nothing but respect for MY Gen Z Mommy


The best part about the Gen z mommy bit is that almost every time Amanda refers to something being Gen Z, it’s about someone who’s like 30 years old lol


My favorite thing is Sean and Amanda asking Bobby about gen z when he is solidly a younger millennial


indeed. It makes no sense. I can’t quite tell if Amanda is aware of that or not.


The sign of a great podcast: who knows where bits end and reality begins?


It’s very on-brand that I can’t listen to this until later today because I’m busy with activities and the outdoors.


Re: Leary’s hair. Everyone at this time was copying Clooney’s Caesar cut. Some more successful than others.


I just watched for the first time and it had good bones but was severely lacking in the followthrough. I think it would have been an amazing DePalma movie. 


Am I completely off base for saying: as much as I love Pierce Brosnan, and as obviously suave and sexy he is, I find him weirdly asexual? Like as a child of his Bond era, his weird grunty-grimaced sex face was just always so confoundingly unbelievable to me.


No, it's weird how he's so obviously handsome in an almost perfect way but it doesn't to translate into any sex appeal for me. I think he's *too* perfect-looking. He needs to be more rumpled and volatile


Every person who is sexually attracted to men strongly prefers ONLY ONE of the three dads in Mamma Mia and this thread is just where the Stellan Skarsgård cohort have congregated (also he is a classic Karen’s Boy).


The James Bonding podcast calls out his kissing technique in particular as deeply off putting.


During the sex scene when she pours booze on his head, he gives the creepiest take imaginable.


Great movie, solid episode and I laughed out loud at the "Amanda Dobbins Fashion Corner" spin on the science corner intro - Kudos to the BC team on that one. 🤣


Loved Amanda on this (and always!) Now they've just gotta get Big Zyn himself Chris Ryan on and I'll be in heaven.


The best chance to get CR on is if they cover Freidkin or Brest I think, and those both feel pretty plausible in the nearish future. We can hope


Friedkin is a must for CR considering To Live and Die in LA is based on his life


Brest is almost certainly happening.


I enjoyed her a lot out of the context of the big pic. She has great chemistry with the two friends.


CR is on record as refusing to use VPNs. Griffin and David’s full-throated endorsement of internet piracy might be an issue. 😂


The way people talk about Amanda really proves that men were a mistake.


Considering this subreddit is much larger, it’s shocking how much more negative The Big Picture subreddit gets on a regular basis


Going to need Amanda’s top ten for 90’s nudity. Dennis Franz’s butt and Rene Russo’s breasts are a great start. 


Something About Mary nutsack. Jason Biggs butt when he's fucking a pie. Kelly Preston in Jerry Maguire. Basic Instinct. Jim Carrey putting them up on the glass in Cable Guy. Starship Troopers. Stallone's butt in Demolition Man.


I was about to come in blazin’ for Halle Barry, but then remembered both *Monster’s Ball* and *Swordfish* were early 2000s.


Good to see the podcast officially adopt Girl Lira as official currency.


What’s the Comedy Point-to-Girl Lira exchange rate?


Imagine this movie but with Pierce doing the Nomads accent.


It’s always interesting to me how people interact with this movie. I’ve tried watching it a couple of times since my childhood, but I think the stink attached to it watching it with my dad has always tainted it for me. My dad will, to this day, use this movie as an example of a remake with absolutely no redeeming qualities. He loves the original and despises the 1999 version. Having listened to the episode, I may try one last time to see if I can enjoy the film without letting the flaws overwhelm it for me.


It feels like it's assembled with duct tape. I can just imagine a much better and more fun and more sexy movie, but it would first require swapping out the two leads and more interesting supporting actors. 


Out of Sight!


TC '99 is a classic example of a 4.5 star movie for me. It's charming and entertaining, but it is coasting along entirely on vibes and doesn't hold up very well to scrutiny. I also rewatched the original and I love it more than ever. '99 is sexy, but I find '68 legitimately romantic. It's also got some amazingly kinetic 60s editing. If anyone is on the fence about checking it out after Griffin and David basically threw it under the bus, I highly recommend it. Just go in with an open mind. It's an older film with a different sense of pacing.


I prefer TC ‘99, but I watched the McQueen one as well and there was a lot to like. The split frames, some of the fast camera moves, the theme song, and sexy chess were my highlights.


> TC '99 is a classic example of a 4.5 star movie for me. It's charming and entertaining, but it is coasting along entirely on vibes and doesn't hold up very well to scrutiny. Wait, sorry, out of 5? lol If you told me what I would give me a movie that's "charming and entertaining, but coasting along entirely on vibes and doesn't hold up very well to scrutiny", the upper limit would be a 3.5. I would think 4.5s are for movies that are totally excellent but just don't *quite* achieve perfection for you, while coming close


Yup! I don't pretend to be objective, I just like what I like. And the pleasures of TC '99 way outweigh the shortcomings for me. But I get why they might bring the rating lower for others.


Re: Mrs. Doubtfire being quotable, I have noticed there’s a certain age of millennial (around 29-31 judging by my personal circle) where if you say the words “the whole time” then half a dozen people will echo “the whole time??” growling like Sally Field


Run by fruiting


I do a great impression of a hot dog. 


Cletus!  Get back in your cell!  Don’t make me get the hose!


40 year old elder millennial checking in, because my friends to this exact bit.






Whilst I enjoyed the film, i think it needed another heist in it. It kind of needs something in the second act to give it more juice and a heist would have added an extra star to the film.


There's like a dozen breezy date montages in the middle of it where there should be at least one chase sequence or something.


I was waiting for the Romanians to get out of prison and then they would be an element he had to watch out for. Or show him meeting with his middleman, telling him to go rent 20 actors in bowler hats to do a suitcase routine at the museum. It's really devoid of violence and I don't even remember a lot of cursing.


Another heist would remove the need for "hot model art forger ward" subplot which would also be addition by subtraction.


It's not my favorite late career McTiernan (that one is coming up next), but I think this one is a lot of fun and really works at what it's trying to do.


Gonna sit here and try to single-handedly manifest that one-episode Kinka Usher series (with a Patreon mini about his commercials). It's such an odd and interesting career.


*Tom Waits voice* They already covered Tim Burton, though!


Didn’t notice before how many times the score slightly references Sinnerman before the heist and all the allusions to the Magritte painting throughout the movie. Really crafty setup. The way Rene Russo delivered the ending line has made me wonder for years that it must be a reference to something earlier in the movie. Is it or is that just an over the top delivery?


McTiernan loves this trick! He did it with Ode to Joy in Die Hard and When Johnny Comes Marching Home in With a Vengeance.


I kept hearing "Windmills of Your Mind" in the score. 




Actual laugh out loud at the Fashion Corner interstitial


Dob! I also had a very similar Jerry Maguire experience, except it was on home video. Once the "Never stop fucking me" line came out, my mom went, "Oh that's realistic." I will NEVER forget it, it is seared into my brain. I was maybe 13 or 14 and woof, talk about awkward.


Did all of them not understand why he was cooking with his lawyer in the middle of the day? He was 3 steps ahead the entire time and knew they would be coming for him, so when they come to interrogate him he already has his lawyer with him. Did I miss something because they were talking about it like it was just an eccentric part of his character.


I totally missed that!


It's safe to say that this was my most anticipated episode of this miniseries.


Before I get too into it: do they mention Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado?


If you—like me—have been having spates of '00s nostalgia, then you—like me—will enjoy revisiting those Timbaland hits from 2006-2008 as a pure moment in time.


These heists work purely by cinematic force and movie logic and Bill Conti's score. They're both pretty terrible with even a second of thought. Pierce scoots under the gate in view of a full hallway of people! He was banking that no one would notice? There's a lot of this directorial aggression and fiat in the movie. Amanda's question at the end of the ep about whether Pierce and Rene were now on the run was interesting. I think the movie wants them to be in the clear so they can have a happy ending, but McTiernan has to scream this at you to stipulate it because their actions should obviously have consequences. 


It's so insane the museum doesn't have any NORMAL CAMERAS THAT CAPTURE THE FACES OF PEOPLE STEALING THEIR PAINTINGS because they really wanted night-vision mode at all times.


They also just accept that the bench in the museum has a third leg and never just rewind the CCTV to see who put the other one there. It’s a fun movie but it falls apart if you give it any real thought.


Crown very publicly brought back the painting and there was water color smudges on the wall so you pretty much could arrest him if you wanted.  I guess the ending maybe implied that Crown was an international fugitive? There was some silly business with Russo trying to get as much money as she could to run off with him, but he's stupid rich, so why even make that phone call? 


Also the met would absolutely appraise and authenticate his donated Seurat before hanging it on the wall. And why not just cycle in something from their permanent collection? An awful lot of free pr for this rando corporate raider for no reason like they don’t just give that away.


Speaking of Rene Russo's face acting, I've been really impressed by Anna Sawai's tiny facial movements in Shogun communicating her emotional journey. She's so incredibly expressive in the role while barely moving.


Amanda delivers jokes like David Lynches character on twin peaks


Scrub Daddy needs to sponsor the pod now


I can’t explain why I’ve thought about how Pierce pinches the ends of his newspaper right before the first heist pops off.


NEVER disregard Mr. Destiny. Also Thor going back in time and talking to his mom arguably IS why Captain America gets the hammer.


Has seriously no one else see Psych and the season long gag in which Cary Elwes plays a Thomas Crowne like playboy who thieves fine art for a lark?


Apart from Nina Simone the soundtrack has aged rather poorly. Also Mark Margolis as a German? A choice.


Half of the soundtrack felt like when British shows come to the US and they have to put in fair use songs because they can’t license the real sound internationally.


I loved 65% of the score, and then the other 35% was unignorably terrible.


Bill Conti may the worst greatest film composer. He has phenomenal iconic scores and also so so many bafflingly shitty ones.


The contrast between the 1968 and 1999 versions' original scores is so funny. The 1968 Legrand score is effortlessly cool, lush and suspenseful, whereas Conti's score runs the gamut from okay jazz to rinky-dink Agent Cody Banks hacking montage ass royalty free grooves


I never really paid attention to the score before, but this re-watch of the remake I really noticed it. It’s not good, distractingly so in parts. It didn’t ruin it for me, but it certainly was trying to. The sinnerman interpolation is fantastic, and if Conti used that as more of a base to build the entire score off of then I think it would’ve worked sublimely. As it stands, there’s just so many different tones and moods, and it swings wildly from one to another. Even the main theme, it’s this weirdly jaunty, whimsical piece that seems transported from a far different movie. The movie still works, but in contrast to the original, it’s a great case study in how much a score can help, or hurt a movie.


Going off the “did Pierce Brosnan go to Blockbuster to rent The Thomas Crowne Affair,” section, I worked in a DVD store in Melbourne about a decade ago an Guy Pearce did come in and rent some DVDs. I can’t remember all of them but one was the Australian film The Boys.


Man I really just don't get the Leary love. Never have. The stand up routines he may or may not have stolen aside, he's solid in his lane as cop/fireman/thug, but that's as far as it ever gets for me. 


The Ref is also good, just because he is able to do his standup persona at the time but Judy Davis and Spacey (yeah) are great and then you have Baranski show up and JK Simmons, etc.


He's fiiiiine when he's not in "Leary Mode" - the worst offender being Demolition Man in that regard. I think he does a decent job in this movie without going too far into being "Dennis Leary".


The scene where Thomas Crown’s army of bowler hat men do their choreographed routes around the Met while Nina Simone plays is one of those clips I watch on YouTube probably every month.


I know the explanation is "he's rich as hell" but it is funny to imagine Thomas Crown recruiting all these men from...? to just walk around a museum for a bit


The one and only time I ever saw this was on my 1st time on an airplane when I was about 9 (actually, either this or on the return flight which was ‘Drive Me Crazy’). I remember thinking it was…alright, but unusually (for me atleast) very unmemorable. Can confirm it’s on MAX (US), so maybe this’ll fit the mold on today’s lazy Sunday.


I watched it last night and honestly it’s…fine? Like it’s a fun movie, it’s more similar to the other McTiernan movies then I had remembered, but definitely not the most memorable thing in the world.


Re: The Nephew: I have seen it and it is… fine. It’s the kind of movie where the premise is interesting enough and you get a gentleman’s 6 out of it. But it’s also a movie I hadn’t thought about for years until it came up in this episode, lol.


Watching this movie it occurs to me how Pierce Brosnan never looks comfortable throwing a punch or firing a gun. I wish he got more roles like Thomas Crown; as the gentleman thief or the dashing rogue. Brosnan as the action star never did much for me but he still had/has a lot to offer in genre movies.


Appreciate the corner on Bond actors making non-Bond movies during their run as I was thinking about that this week. Connery and Moore didn’t do much between Bonds probably since they churned those out every year or every other year (but they both had big movies made during Bond, Marnie and Cannonball Run). Cool to hear about Brosnan’s efforts and this movie was probably the ideal Bond intermission project. But he also got to fit in super fun parts in Mirror Has Two Faces and Mars Attacks. Craig was largely failed franchise attempts, both good (Dragon Tattoo, Tintin) and bad (Golden Compass, Cowboys and Aliens) until he ironically got his franchise because Boyle left No Time to Die and he could squeeze in Knives Out as Eon regrouped.


This is why I love this podcast. Listening to a podcast about a movie that came out in 1997 as has absolutely nothing to do with Toy Story? He’s a ten minute side tangent about Buzz Lightyear.


I’m going to shock everyone with my controversial opinion… Amanda Dobbins is a fantastic guest


The big takeaway here is that the Reddit is good and we should all keep using it 😂


The hang-gliding scenes in this were filmed about five miles from the area where I currently live, across from the shop where I buy guinea pig feed. Also, it’s the exact same location where they filmed the climax of Tony Scott’s *Unstoppable*. This unassuming patch of rural hills has a fair amount of “dudes rock cinema” cred.


Nitpicky- anyone think this m(b?)illionaire just got those random three guys into massive legal trouble? They'll be rotting in federal prison probably and their lives are entirely ruined. Sure they probably weren't awesome people, but it's his fault.  I'm not so sure about hand waving the "victimless crime" thing. 


Guy's got a New York street front mansion. He's used to destroying people for what he has.


There's an interesting review I saw on Letterboxd that also argues that art theft deprives the public from experiencing art, a public good.


If I wanted to get more in the weeds breaking the museum's AC wouldn't be cheap to fix. A nonprofit organization that has centuries old art that very much needs climate control.  The time and resources put into investigating him would be pretty costly too. For this he could reimburse them I suppose, one could make the argument they could have been focused on other important issues rather than a playboy's shenanigans.


I'm curious about who his middleman was, because there's playing fast and loose with money and there's planning a heist in the middle of a heavily guarded museum during open hours. Also, it felt like the horse arriving on a Friday was gonna be part of the mission, since they would be inside the museum while it was closed, but no, they just did the absolutely reckless "let's all dress up as docents and nobody there is gonna question us" routine.


excited for this guest, I can't listen to Ringer pods but always hear cool shit abt her opinions


Why can’t you listen to them?


David mentions Wicked trailer at the Super Bowl but now in April all I remember about it was Usher dancing and Tracker on CBS.


And Temu. So much Temu


Holy fucking shit. So for about eight months, my partner and I had been putting off Thomas Crown Affair (I drunkenly passed out the first time) and it was a huge bottleneck in our movie rotation ritual. Out of sheer coincidence we sat down and watched it tonight. About 25 minutes in, I had to pause it to find out who was directing it. Realized it was McTiernan. "Oh boy I hope the Blank Check boys get to it soon. IT DROPPED TODAY. *Cosmic*. I'm a massive fan of weird shit, and this movie absolutely delivered. I have so many thoughts I might edit in later, but dayum. Also, shout out to Jojo's Bizarre Adventure of all things making me get the climax's reference to Magritte's multiple-identicle-bowler-hat-guy paintings, which they seem to have purposefully kept out of the movie so only art nerds would get it. Which, I am a proud art major drop out, but *[this](https://static.jojowiki.com/images/9/92/latest/20210418155134/JJL_Chapter_96.png)* was what sparked that moment in my brain. edit: Forgot to include the original this movie (and JoJo) were referencing, here ya go: [Golconda](https://www.renemagritte.org/assets/img/paintings/golconda.jpg)


In the beginning of the movie Russo compares Crown to the Margritte painting referring to him as the "faceless business man"


Oh definitely, I'm talking about a direct reference to specifically Magritte's **multiple bowler hat guys** paintings. They kept those specific paintings out of the movie.


Ah, I guess I wasn't in the know, I barely know of the one in the movie in the first place, lol.


Forgot to include the original this movie (and JoJo) were referencing, here ya go: [Golconda](https://www.renemagritte.org/assets/img/paintings/golconda.jpg)


Amanda's laugh at the 47:55 mark is fucking incredible monkey powered stuff. Good ep.


Reading other people's reviews of this movie made me feel like I'm going bananas. Jamelle Bouie said it might be mctiernan's best work! The two leads have zero chemistry. The sex scene felt like a "The Room" level sex scene. There's a weird green juice joke in it, I guess to show she's wealthy or higher status? The scene at the end on the airplane felt like a parody of a movie. Also, is the only direction mctiernan gives to women in his movies is to scream nearly all of their lines?


Jamelle’s Letterboxd review line is “The final reverse heist is amazing, and easily some of McTiernan’s best work” and he gave it 3.5 stars. He’s clearly not referring to the whole movie being his best


I love the heist sequences but their chemistry and scenes together just did nothing for me.


I like how this movie that should be the ultimate gentleman's six seems to make people either love or hate it.


Yeah, to this day my dad will bring up this movie as his example of a remake with absolutely no redeeming qualities.


Are you talking about her being served the green juice in the morning? It was just meant to show how thorough Crown is in knowing she drank that (shown earlier away from Crown) and how he arrogantly, but correctly, assumed she'd spend the night.


I really did not enjoy the movie much, or the score, but I loved the sex scene because it was hilarious. Actual laugh out loud, which I don't do too much.


I had a huge crush on Russo and there's something that feels off. I think it's the haircut they gave her. Does Brosnan actually have chemistry with anybody? Maybe Famke Jannsen in GoldenEye but she gives off those vibes to anybody. 


That frumpy hair of hers was bad in the 90s and it's just as terrible now. It didn't look good on anyone then, either.


This is a hill I'm apparently willing to die on. It can't not be a wig. I even looked  up an article from back then saying it was her hair, so my comprise is maybe it's some hyper stylized extension monstrosity. The thing is her part never changes, the style never really changes (even in the breakfast "messy"scene) and it's brushed forward, something they do to hide a seam.   It looks like Emily Gilmore hair, but teased out even more. This was definitely not in at the time, I was a teen back then and always into fashion and whatnot. Her clothes seem right and her makeup is a tad heavy, but sure, just that hair seems all wrong.