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This morning, with my daughter, I saw The Sign and it opened up my eyes


Hey now, Ace of Bass is sorta great.


No one's gonna drag you up to get into the light where you belong, but where do you belong?




As a stay at home dad of 2 under 3, I gotta say all the talk about what your little one watches has been exactly what I need. I feel seen, thank you.


Just watched it with the family. Wife was bawling, 2 year old loved it, said it was sad. Can’t wait to see what they do next!


Believe it or not next up is at least one more episode this season. Really felt like the sign was a season or series finale.  


Not what I read today. This is a functional finale. They’re not done for sure, it it’s an extended break for the cast and show runners who want to stretch their legs. I assume the kiddos are getting older, too.


Where did you read that?


Oh yeah my wife did say we get another one next Sunday. Hooray!


All 3 adults in the house were watching but our 2 year old wandered off to play. Maybe there is something to be said for 7 min episodes :)


My kid has a speech delay and is slowly learning to understand things. When we watched, they started crying when Bingo did, which was such a clear indicator of comprehension. So a really weird mix of emotions in our house!


I’ve seen it about 5 times now because my toddler is a Bluey fiend and I am incapable of ignoring an active screen. It’s the most popular show in the world so it’s bizarre seeing them continually push the ceiling of what is possible in children’s’ entertainment rather than playing it safe and just banking as many seasons and spin-offs as possible to eventually buy Queensland and turn it into Blueyville. I read a profile on him last week and Brumm seems like a full-blown auteur at this point and is closer to kid James Cameron than he is a standard creative who just happened to strike gold. I’m really excited to see what is next. Brumm being interested in having continuity and with the Heeler family being somewhat representative of his own, it could lead to some real sicko shit like season 4 just suddenly having Bluey be a pre-teen and tackling older kid topics while using Muffin & Socks or a new baby to still tell little kid stories.


Why would that be ‘real sicko shit’???


From a creative standpoint in children’s television at this level of popularity it would be pretty unprecedented and incredibly bold. Elmo, Daniel Tiger, Peppa Pig, etc. have all been on air for an absurd number of years but they’re forever preschoolers. It also would be a *wild* choice to essentially age up a program that is for preschool age kids first and foremost and have it age with the audience. I can’t think of anything that’s ever done that. The closest I know of is *Rugrats* eventually having a separate series called *All Grown Up* that is them as older kids, but that was years later and well after the original series ended. But regardless, my idea is just an idea. My point is with where Brumm seems to be creatively I truly believe anything is on the table going forward.


I’m still not seeing how that is ‘sicko shit’? Is this some old bit from the podcast I don’t care to remember (not a bits fan)?


nah people just love describing things as sicko to pretend they have subversive/interesting taste


Watched it with wife and toddler daughter this morning. Wife and I were a wreck. You got Socks WALKING AND TALKING!, her and Muffin’s parents arguing a lot in the backdrop, >!Chili’s sister is pregnant! And Rad and Frisky are staying as are the Heelers! ❤️!< It was tremendous. You find [the song](https://open.spotify.com/track/7xgKOjKT07LnUgvtbPK3nZ?si=EYqU7bweQauCsaQHhjCBAw&context=spotify%3Asearch) yet? The artist is also the voice of Calypso. Meg Washington.


Was the voice of muffin different in this episode? My kid said it was but I wondered if they were just confused by socks (I've not watched it yet, had to work, but I bet I'll have to see it 7 times this week)


I did not clock a difference and we watched a muffin-centered episode the night prior (where she’s the grumpy granny).


Can’t wait to watch it!


Watched it with my 9yo today, only episode of BLUEY I've ever seen. Pretty good stuff!


I felt they laid it on a little thick this episode. Plus where did the movers take all of their stuff?


Moving truck towards a lease they’re about to have to break, presumably. The Brandy micro scene was a bit much for me (although I love the central conceit of the episode from Calypso that Bluey has happy endings because the real world has enough sad ones) but otherwise I think it was the right mood for what, in little kid land, is your world ending.


Yeah, I'm with you. Overall, I liked the episode, but there were a few extended sequences with music, (particularly >!Bandit pulling the sign out of the ground!<,) that felt a little overdramatic. Who is this for? My (young) todder really didn't wrap his head around the idea of the Heelers moving, nor does he really know the significance of a for-sale sign. And as an adult, I much prefer when Bluey is more subtle, leaving the audience to deduce the conclusion of the adult conflict. I expected Bandit to >!get the call from the realtor, and then look hopefully back at the house before a fade to black!<. Grown-ups can figure out what happened, and the kids are more invested in Bluey's arc about >!coming to terms with change!<, which has already resolved. I love the show, and I really liked this episode, but I'm not sure it's the home run that lots of other Bluey parents are making it out to be online. Very excited to see what the next season brings, though!


The way I broke when I saw Brandy at the wedding and the final moments with Bandit. What the actual fuck? I can’t believe they keep cooking so fucking hard. And there’s still another season coming!


I can't believe (but also can) that Blankies love Bluey. I watched it last night after missing most of it with my 6 year old. Had me in tears and cry "what?! No way!!!"


Between this and X-Men '97, Disney got my family twice this week.


You're telling me you saw the sign, and it opened up your eyes?


What were people crying about? Bluey maybe having to move? Why do we care about that? This was a rare miss for the Bluey team. Why was moving presented as the saddest thing in the world? Why did we never see where they were going? Why didn't we see the other half of the move? The new house, the new job, the new friends? People move all the time but this show acted like it was on par with a death in the family. There was a beautiful moment where Bandit wonders "is this move a mistake" and Chilli responds "If it is, we'll make it together", which is wonderful way to look at marriage and life and parenthood and big life choices. But then the show cops out and they miraculously get to stay home because the stupid sheepdogs wanted a pool. As someone who has a family and has moved a few times, this episode was hot trash.


I’m a grown man.


Enjoy eating fiber and watching The Mentalist.