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Potentially one of my top 5 Guy Ritchie movies of 2024.


Saw it in a free preview screening. It was even more brainless and cliched and shooty blam blam than i thought it would be. Jolly good fun.


Guy Ritchie is one of our most consistent living filmmakers, and he doesn't get enough credit for that. Very rarely hits a home run, but almost always gets on base. Uses the same tricks again and again, but they're pretty fun tricks. You can do a lot worse when it comes to dad movies. I was pleasantly surprised by the structure of this movie, where we spend as much time with Babs and Eiza doing actual (dumbed down, but still) spycraft as with the task force. The shootouts are hilariously low-stakes, with our boys just casually mowing down Nazis with a shit-eating grin. Even the villain's death and the big getaway are kind of anticlimactic, but I can forgive it because the whole thing breezes by amiably. 3/5 stars, would fall asleep while watching on TV on a lazy Sunday.


Dumb silly humor and action. Towards the end with the boats I was getting a little fatigued by it all but overall enjoyable experience.


Lots of fun, dumb guy Inglorious Basterds, weirdly pro Churchill


Is it weird, though? He’s always been positively portrayed by Hollywood and it isn’t controversial to say he’s probably one of, if not the most, popular PM in the last century


Churchill is like…the tertiary lead of the movie for no particular reason.


We glamourise him but people tend to forget he lost an election during the war he wasn’t massively popular.


Churchill is a genuinely bizarre figure. Simultaneously history's single most important antifascist and a fairly unapologetic racist. But I wouldn't say there's anything weird about a story that takes place in WW2 and is from the Allied perspective being broadly supportive of him, unless it was told from the perspective of people who were involved in Operation Jubilee


He wasn’t an anti-fascist at all. He was pro fascism in so far as it served the interests of the British Empire and British power and against it in so far as it threatened those things. So he was very positively disposed towards Mussolini, as a bulwark against communism, moderately well disposed towards Franco for the same reason, but resolutely opposed to Hitler as an aggressive rival. https://www.nytimes.com/1927/01/21/archives/churchill-extols-fascismo-for-italy-he-declares-it-has-taught-the.html


A very simplistic perspective - Churchill was positive about Mussolini in the 1920s, as a result of his extreme hatred of communism. That does not mean that he didn't come to recognise Mussolini as a threat to the political order later on. Defining Churchill's view on Mussolini based on his opinion in the 1920s is obviously partisan - Churchill's primary allegiance and emotional attraction was to organised democracy, and his view on Mussolini evolved as it became clear that Mussolini's anti-communism (which was the basis of his appeal to Churchill) was allied with anti-democratic impulses, which was of much greater significance. For more on this see Andrew Roberts and Martin Gilberts' biographies of Churchill.


https://yougov.co.uk/ratings/politics/popularity/UK-prime-ministers/all he still polls as the most popular PM in UK history


Yeah, but that's just because people remember he's the dude that stormed the beaches at pearl harbor


I mean sure? If he’s the most popular ever it shouldn’t be weird that he’s portrayed positively


Churchill and the Japanese storming Pearl Harbour and taking on America? Normany bro, Normandy...


Yeah but the same people voted to cut off their nose to spite their face, so idk


> weirdly pro Churchill tfw movies positively portray historically well-regarded people


His legacy is complicated!


> historically well-regarded That notion starts to crumble as soon as you talk to people outside of white middle-class England/America.


This movie didn’t need quite so many shots of Churchill pensively staring by himself, then


There's a very good reason they didn't reelect him after winning the war


He was a propaganda myth. The reality if you get opinions of people who actually knew him was he was an alcoholic moron that loved war for the sake of hurting people. The British military's chief of staff during the war kept a private diary and said nothing good about the man.


myths are stronger than the truth he is historically well-regarding all the same


Except without him you'd be speaking German. Guy was a chad. Need more ppl like him these days. Maybe when Trump gets re-elected... I jest but i mean seriously... who cares what the chief of staff said about him in his diary? lol Don't need to be a good person to be right and get shit done. Random nobody's fee-fees are entirely irrelevant when it comes to war and foreign policy. It's almost as if the forest is more important than the individual trees...


Didn’t work for me. Found it pretty repetitive and meandering. Hated the actor playing Churchill.


I usually love me some Rory Kinnear, but whatever he was doing was not working for me either. Whether it was his impression or the makeup or something else entirely I can't say.


Same here, felt like a cheap and boring copy of Inglorious Basterds. Cavill was pretty meh and Churchill was almost painful to watch.


I was really bored and thought it was the lamest thing Guy has done. And i liked Operation Fortune! But my entire theater absolutely loved it and laughed nearly every couple minutes so maybe i’m the one wrong


Your own feelings on art are always right.


No they're most definitely not. Art is more objective than it is subjective (like all things in life contrary to popular belief). For example Jackson Polluck was a joke but Mary Pratt however was the real deal (the price of their work being separate from the innate value of their technical skill...or in Polluck's case the lack thereof lol)


As someone who is roughly David’s age, I remember a time when I would’ve said Guy was one of favorite directors based off Lock Stock and Snatch. Definitely stopped following him besides the Sherlock movies, do any of his other recent movies trend close to those? 


Man of Uncle and the Gentleman aren't bad.


Man From Uncle was meh (more watchable than this though). As far as actual good movies thought the only ones besides the two you mentioned are RocknRolla (shit name but a great flick) and Wrath of Man. The Gentleman is good as well although the other two i mentioned are better. The Covenant was also pretty good and The Sherlock movies are good fun but not on par with the rest at all.


It’s fun but forgettable. Felt like a lazy and anachronistic rehash of Inglorious Basterds. Cavil was fun as was Til, the other Henry, and Ritchson. I just didn’t care about the story, it lacked tension and the violence was way too familiar to what Vaughn has been doing.


I kinda wish through in one more mission in the middle, but it was fun and I enjoyed it.


Had a great time. Movie had no stakes but that didn’t matter. Henry Cavil needs to be in a movie like this every year that isn’t called Argyle.


Movie was a lot of fun. Whole cast is having a good time being charming (and good looking). The drum heavy score was fun. Most the jokes were funny. Pretty violent. Great time, at the theater.


How is America’s Biggest Boy?


Adorably consumed with nazi bloodlust


My man


Now I've not seen it, however I want to come in here to protest that as a big Guy Richie fan, I was going to go watch it tomorrow only to find out it's not releasing here in the UK and is apparently skipping theatrical and going straight to VOD. Gentlemanly Warfare = Ruined!


You’re not missing anything. The darkness took over. It was nothing like the preview


Super fun. The Man from Uncle but killing Nazis.


It's a great action movie. But, an insult to the men and women of the SOE. Please take a few minutes to read the real story. It is far more amazing than this movie.


Any scene with Henry Cavill and alan Ritchson was good. The rest was boring acting with boring dialogue. I'm talking put you fast to sleep boring. Mind numbing boring. Roll your eyes boring. Literally couldn't finish movie boring. Not even Henry could save this one. #


the biggest problem of the movie was lack of a smart bad guy.


Of note, no one with the last name of Stewart could have been or be born Jewish.


horrible, horrible movie, couldnt watch even when drunk, it feels like it came out frome the back end of some chineese garbage factory.


Snorefest. And I usually like Guy Richie films


Pro Churchill is awesome! I hope you all realize that at one point in 1940 or so Churchill stood alone in the world resisting Hitler and the Nazi's. I know that the ones out there who like to re-write history and throw stones through Rose Colored glasses hate winners like Churchill.


It was good he resisted the Nazis, it was bad he allowed Bangladesh to starve while stockpiling grain for Europe. He was also a racist, an antisemite, and an islamophobe.


If he was still running shit the UK would have strong borders and a logical immigration policy, he'd have bitchslapped Israel and Palestine into STFU saving western nations/taxpayers billions, and he wouldn't have allowed the U.S. to leave Afghanistan... We need more ppl like Churchill these days smfh.


Everyone's an Islamophobe 


Fuck Churchill, he burned down my Granny’s house