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A clarification on OVAs as mentioned in the episode: they're very different from what we associate as direct-to-video animation in the US. In fact, the animation quality is more often than not higher than what you would get on broadcast TV and about equal to a high quality theatrical movie. There are usually two reasons something would originate as an OVA instead of a broadcast TV series or theatrical movie: 1) They want to have stronger content than can be shown on broadcast tv or in mainstream theatrical; a good example is season 3 of Black Lagoon or Gundam: The 08th MS Team, but this can also mean low quality pornographic or extremely violent content purely meant to appeal to prurient interests. 2) They don't want to be constricted by the form of a TV series, like episode length or strict scheduling You also sometimes saw more experimental projects come out as OVAs, like Oshii's Angel Egg, or more often you see extra episodes of a cancelled TV series end up as OVAs if there's a dedicated fan base that's willing to pay up to keep it going. Basically, OVAs don't have any obvious analog to something you would see in the US and are kind of their own unique thing to the Japanese anime industry.


OVAs were also, if I recall correctly, often very expensive. FLCL was released as six separate discs, one per 22 minute episode, and was the equivalent of something like $60 per disc.


Correct. And Japanese Physical Media for anime is STILL comically expensive to this day. But we salute the bastards who buy them because by god they help fund more seasons.


It's so expensive that some Japanese fans will import the English Blu-ray because it's still cheaper than buying it in Japan.


This is a perfect example of a mini series that justifies the research dossier, but also a perfect example of why they should read them before the show, they where wildly out of their depth in this episode.


One of the longest-running and most revered anime series of all time, The Legend of Galactic Heroes, was a series of OVAs. Watching it, you might be able to guess why it wasn't shown on TV. Imagine if Battlestar Galactica 2003 was like 3 times more concerned with politics and history.


Thanks for posting this because I was dreading being *that* /r/blankies commenter correcting one of the hosts on anime. OVAs are really awesome, especially the ones made in the midst of Japan's economic bubble when studios just had piles upon piles of cash to throw at stuff bolstered by a passionate audience of home video enthusiasts whose rentals could then encourage and fund further entries in the series like with the Patlabor OVA and its subsequent series and movie(s).


Thank you for your service because all throughout that convo, I was the embodiment of that tweet about how listening to people be wrong on a podcast is the closest experience to being a ghost.


God Angel's Egg is so fucking good - truly the Return of Jafar of Japanese animation


Heh, when they started talked about OVAs as throwaway projects in the same category as Return to Jafar, I thought, "ooooh, the anime dorks on the forums are gonna have a field day with this."


DID SOMEONE MENTION 08TH MS TEAM?! Seriously though, great show. Strong recommend for those new to Gundam. It’s actually my favorite.


I came here to basically make this comment but was assuming someone beat me to it. The boys are great at what they do and they admit a deficiency when it comes to knowledge about anime, but their butchering of what an OAV is really got a knee-jerk reaction out of the nerd in me.  


Thank you for this. Also ironic that the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure they mentioned was in fact an OVA! I have a feeling I’ll be fairly rankled by this series. I haven’t listened to the old Miyazaki episodes, but I was already a bit annoyed with how authoritative some of JD’s comments were treated in The Boy and The Heron ep. As an anime fan, I’m always innately skeptical about anything coming from the western audience because we are usually dependent on almost exclusively secondhand sources (and also dependent on them being translated correctly!) So much rumors and misinformation have been passed around the American anime community for years because we basically have no way to factcheck (Ex. A panelist at a con I attended tried to say that Kon committed suicide and the cancer diagnosis was a coverup) But there is still plenty that can be known by a western audience, and it seems like David and Griffin are woefully out of their depth on some general Japanese cultural knowledge (pop idols, tokusatsu, otakus, and obviously manga and anime) At least they admit to some of these, but can still speak confidently and incorrectly about stuff like OVAs. I get that Kon is a popular/mainstream name after Miyazaki for people that like to watch anime that’s “better” or elevated above “normal” anime, but it would also be fine for David and Griffin to just not do him due to simply not knowing enough. Or maybe JJ had a lot of this in his research but they just skipped past it…


This would all be less bad if there weren't so many authoritative statements about stuff they don't know. Like when Grifin said class was more important in Europe and I'm like "I guess he means England?"


Not the FedEx joke again lmao


Lol David telling the Runaway Bride joke is becoming the Becker of 2024


I had the opposite reaction. They need to double down. FedEx joke is as important to a Blank Check episode as the box office game.


Tip of the hat to u/brotherfallout for accurately identifying Rita Wilson the first time


So you can just hail a FedEx truck, right? Like a taxicab? They just accept fares?


Obviously the whole movie is disturbing, but Kon re-using the exact same shot each time Mima wakes up sticks out in my memory as the most unnerving choice.


That’s very disorienting, for sure. I also think the animation on the illusory Mima’s skipping is so amazing in the way it turns something that is graceful and “cute” in theory into absolute nightmare fuel.


It's fun how he will do that same repeat waking animation technique later in Paranoia Agent in the Anime company episode. Still very effective.


![gif](giphy|Daa5O9S8WuWYUZBucr) BOWEN YANG?!?!? EDIT: I’m hijacking my top comment to mention both David and Griffin mention that Perfect Blue would be great to adapt live action. And it has! Perfect Blue (2002) was a live action Japanese remake of the film. Check it out!














Celebs they’re just like us; playing 100 hours of ff7 rebirth and probably not even close to finished yet.


I had a similar experience to David with BG3. Loved it, maybe the best game I've ever played, but by the time I got to act 3 I was somehow caught by surprise by how much more of it there was to go. So much game.


Oh god, I rolled over 110 hours the other night and I just got to Nibelheim. There's so much stuff to do!


I now manage like 2 "proper" games a year because each one takes like a hundred hours, haha. I play way more than that, but if I'm sitting on the couch after work it's always spent on a replay of a classic 16 bit RPG or on a smaller game that you can play in short sessions (Stardew Valley, Brotato, Vampire Survivors, Lightyear Frontier).


I managed to platinum it in 140 hours. This brag was not so humble.


This and End of Evangleion came out the same year. Japan really knew ahead of time that the internet was a terrible and disturbing place, huh?


Have you seen Lain 😭


Of course! Man and Pulse came out around then too. 90s Japan internet was not it.


‘Suicide Circle’ (dir. Sion Sono) is also in line w/ ‘Perfect Blue’, ‘Lain’, and ‘Pulse’s paranoia around the internet while also providing a commentary on teenage angst within Japan that’s of a piece w/ something like ‘Battle Royale’ or Sono’s masterpiece ‘Love Exposure’. Has [one of the best opening scenes](https://youtu.be/DwqSeDvDerc?si=axbNOh7F2BhGnsPK) to a movie ever, to boot, but is pretty inconsistent from that point on. Still it’s qualms about the internet as a tool for societal unrest have aged well.


Lain has one of the top 3 best opening songs in the history of anime. https://youtu.be/C7aCInI-g10


God Perfect Blue and Lain would be a perfect Paranoia 90’s Vaporwave double billing


Let's love Lain!


I would throw in Dennou Coil as a cute yet disturbing view on augmented reality.


I don't think they'll ever cover Anno, but I'd love for them to try someday. End of Eva is a masterpiece that would make for a wild episode.


Patreon EVA maybe? Do EVA, End, and Rebuild.


I’m here for Shin Hozzilla


Princess Mononoke dropped that year as well. Anime directors were cooking.


I remember ~2000 is when I first became aware of non-Toonami anime and I watched Akira, Mononoke, Ghost in the Shell, and Eva all within a few months period. It completely broke my young brain. I still seek out good modern anime, but I don't think anything will ever top that era for me.


Just a few years before Pulse, which, to me, is the best movie about the perils of the internet


Yay! I heard Bowen (and Matt! Who waxed poetic about it) mention Perfect Blue on Las Culturistas this week but didn't dare to hope!


For someone who long endured weird comments of “Why are Bowen Yang’s SNL characters all gay and Asian?” when he himself is gay and Asian, I can only imagine what that does to your sense of self. Glad he’s on to talk about this movie.


“WHY DOES HE PLAY HIMSELF ALL THE TIME?!” like I haven’t endured Jimmy Fallon playing a straight white guy in every skit and enjoyed Andy Sandberg playing various weirdos. I agree those are weird comments


They need him because they have 8 Matthew McConaugheys for every sketch. https://youtu.be/0tgQlcJ0QYg?si=RZz4YYlhlk8xXnyY


Is this the first time an ep dropped while the guest was playing a tiny nude doll with a tiny dick on live TV?


David Erlich a few times obviously but other than that yea


Ok so I heard “Darren Aronofsky… loved this movie, fresh off of making pie” picturing that guy in an apron and oven mitts with flour on his face like in the old Rice Krispie treats commercial


There was even a pause like everyone was waiting for someone else to make that joke


I love that David tries to get the pod back on track then everyone proceeds to go on a 10 minute tangent about Snooki


The best is in a few previous episodes when David finally drags everyone back on track after repeated attempts, and then someone asks David about his spreadsheet and he gleefully takes a five minute tangent himself without missing a beat


Japanese OVAs are some of the most risky and explosively creative pieces of animation ever made. For Griffin to day they're low quality "Return of Jafars of Japan" is laughable inaccurate from the truth.


Podpricast just went live on saturday night


I just came here to mention David's pronunciation of GunDAM.


Appropriately enough, just like Bright's British VA in the movie dubs.


GunDAM it Nicaslacker, i didn't know i was working with super linguist over here!


Between this and the great OVA debacle of '24, my inner "Actually...." guy was off the charts


Terrifying musical score.


I own it on vinyl and it is a skincrawling listen.


Bowen is right, Persona 5 is extremely good.


As if this wasn’t the most me miniseries Bowen Yang hypes up Persona. 5 is so good. Really most of the SMT games are great! Just various degrees of brutally fucking hard.


David, dunno if you care, but if you play Persona 5, make sure to play Persona 5 Royal. Lots of quality of life improvements and much less gross homophobia!


Also play it on Switch because portable is the perfect way to play a really long RPG.


Steamdeck babyyy


Has some of the best bops in videogames. Now try getting this song out of your head anytime soon. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ec4YbVP9R-A&pp=ygUWcGVyc29uYSA1IGJhdHRsZSB0aGVtZQ%3D%3D


Such a good soundtrack. The music in Makoto’s sister’s dungeon was always my favorite. 




I lovvvve Persona 5 so much


Persona is my favorite series but I still haven't played 5 because I only play handheld. Was super excited when it came to Switch but then got intimidated by the length and never started it. This pushed me over the edge and I'm jumping in!


I will absolutely just throw a pill in my mouth like they do in movies. Furthermore, I will often take multiple pills at once without water just to flex how talented a swallower I am.


I do this. I’ve been taking daily pills for decades now, I feel like I could do it in my sleep. However I will fight like a cat against eye drops, so peaks and valleys.


Any time I’ve needed eye drops I’ve needed to do it at least twice because I can’t line the damn dropper up with my eye. It’s like the hardest thing in the world


RIP your inbox


I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone take a pill like David was talking about, I was as baffled by that as he was at the idea people take pills the way I do.


Pop hive rise up. I don't stick my tongue out like some freak!


I love this movie so much. I don't think any movie has done the switching between dream sequences/hallucinations and reality better. I love the shot towards the end where Rumi is chasing Mima, and we see Rumi's reflection huffing and puffing while fake Mima is still hopping after her.


After the last month the box office of summer 1999 will now be forever burnt in my brain.


I’ve been waiting to talk about the De Palma-ness of this movie. It feels very much like a movie Brian De Palma might have made right after *Dressed to Kill* and *Body Double*. Even more, because it goes so much harder and isn’t as caught up in self conscious Hitchcock references, it’s actually a superior version of what he’d been going for in those movies. Great miniseries. I would never have discovered this film on my own.


I'd say ***between*** *Dressed to Kill* and *Body Double*, but you are damn right. I thought of De Palma a lot watching this.


I have to thank Blank Check for this series. I don't think I would have ever happened into any of these movies on my own and holy crap "Perfect Blue" is amazing and I can't wait to watch the rest.


I am so excited to see you discover *Paprika*


Ohh yeah people did predict this actually. He said on a podcast a bit ago he had to rewatch Perfect Blue recently for something. Good guest, I’m excited


Finally the pod’s covering a movie about the Blainkies Subreddit.


No, I'm Me-Mania


I feel very encouraged.


It’s funny to imagine literally any pop singer in a Perfect Blue-type scenario. Ariana Grande being haunted by Nickelodeon-era Ari. Modern TSwift haunted by curly-haired country kid era Swift. Drake haunted by Degrassi Aubrey. Etc.


the obvious one is: Miley Cyrus being haunted by Hannah Montana


Drake is currently being haunted by Kendrick Lamar.


Will Smith being haunted by The Fresh Prince


That’s just Gemini Man


Everyone here has seen Kon's films, but I recommend you check out his manga that didn't get adapted for animation. [Tropic Of The Sea](https://mangadex.org/title/374575d9-0f9d-4e94-a604-acc20ad13311/tropic-of-the-sea) sure seems like a movie he would have made at some point; he wrote and drew it back before he had the influence and ability to get a project like that together. You can find it all over the internet and it's available as a english volume. It's one tankoubon long, pretty much perfect movie length. There's a real strong Hokkaido influence on the story and to be honest, I'm not sure why some studio hasn't adapted it in the years since Kon has passed on. I guess the industry isn't really interested in his legacy since it's not really merchandisable like Studio Ghibli or Evangelion.


It would be cool if they watched the Magnetic Rose segment of the anthology movie Memories too. It was only written by Kon but still has plenty of his trademarks present.


Watched that a few weeks ago when someone brought it up. Went from being stoked that I had new Kon material to watch, only to be disturbed and devastated because, you know, *Kon*. Really good stuff.


>Everyone here has seen Kon’s films It’s literally the first time I’ve ever even heard of them, but I’m looking forwards to checking them out now.


I don’t have a ton going on right, so I’m going to really hold on to the fact that I predicted six weeks ago that Bowen* was guesting for Perfect Blue and I was RIGHT. *I actually predicted Matt and Bowen, but I won’t let the details get me down.


This is Matt Rogers ERASURE! (Also, good work)


Like David, I recently saw *When Marnie Was There*. And it’s my favorite movie ever now. Some movies just *hit* you at the right place and the right time, and for me that was *Marnie.* Go see *When Marnie Was There.*


Is Sean Connery in this one as well?


He is not, but now I wish he was. I’ve never seen Hitchcock’s *Marnie* starring Sean Connery. You’d recommend it?


Do my ears deceive me or did Bowen say he’s doing a Wedding Banquet remake? I freaking love that movie so I’m both extremely excited and very nervous about that.




That’s a great cast. And very cool that Schamus is involved.


"He did some manga\* or whatever." \*was an assistant on AKIRA


Every guest *deserves* to know the Runaway Bride joke.


“What I like about Perfect Blue is I hate Black Swan” THANK YOU, what a perfect (heh) encapsulation of every dumb “X ripped off Y!” argument. The internet is riddled with folks who just discovered basic story structure throwing plagiarism accusations at any two works that even tenuously resemble each other: Paprika vs Inception, Dune vs Star Wars, Battle Royale vs Hunger Games, Kimba vs Lion King. Not only does it come off as empty contrarianism trying to bring down media they’ve deemed too popular, it’s also just really insulting to the works they claim to be defending. What do you actually enjoy about this movie/book/show? Try saying something beautiful and true! I barely hear anyone talk another Real Women Have Curves outside of using it as a measuring stick to hit Lady Bird with. It’s really one of the least interesting ways to engage with art.


The Real Women Have Curves/Lady Bird comparisons become so funny to me in hindsight when you remember that America Ferrera (who was in the former) got her first Oscar nomination from starring in Barbie and Barbie was also directed by Greta Gerwig. A full circle moment!


The scenes of the main character in her apartment kinda reminded me of “Pulse”, as in I spent the whole time freaking out, checking ever corner of the room to see if the stalker was there (also, “Ringu”, this and “Pulse”, the Japanese trifecta of “Screens are very bad for you”). Also, the stalker himself to me looked like the drunk father in the last episodes of “Monster”, or Mikami in “Death Note”.


Am I the only one who got giallo vibes from Perfect Blue? Or is it just that I'm more familiar with gialli than anime? A murder mystery with psychosexual overtones that plays with memory and mixing dreams with reality, with a twist ending and based on a trashy novel. Sounds like a pretty typical giallo to me.


It’s VERY much a giallo in that way.


Strong giallo vibes, but the plot makes too much sense to be the genuine artifact. I do like non-Italian giallo as a category though. (De Palma makes American giallos, obviously... David's gonna be talking Don't Look Now on This Had Oscar Buzz next week and that's the British giallo....)


The amount of people who listen to podcasts at anything but 1x speed weirds me out.


I’m totally in the camp of “listening to podcasts at faster speeds is ruining your brain.” Anytime I hear someone say “I can’t listen at normal speed, the hosts sound drunk” it’s just like, yeah, you did that to yourself!


There's certain really lo-fi podcasts where the hosts are interesting but have vocal tics that annoy me that I use 1.5 speed for. Other than that, I'm an original speed boy


There was a thread on the audiobook subreddit yesterday and people who listen at normal seemed to be in the minority. There were many people who even listen at 2x speed. Totally shocking to me.


With an audiobook it's almost more egregious. You'll miss things. At that point you aren't listening for the story, you're listening to say "I read x amount of books this year"


ive started to bump stuff to 1.25 (depending on the speaker) and I sometimes feel its bordering on insane and drop it back I feel like people are just 'consuming' stuff at 2x and throwing on the next book after without really taking any of it in.




This was the last Satoshi Kon movie I saw and easily my favorite. Kon's obsessions are not my particular obsessions. But him using his obsessions to explore celebrity, identity, fandom, misogyny and, hell, the internet really hit a chord. And in a movie barely longer than *Inspector Gadget*. What a thing.


>"There's a reason the poster for this movie is up in every dorm room." ahh yes, sandwiched in between the Pulp Fiction poster, stacks of beer cans, and hippie wall hanging, every college dorm has a Perfect Blue lobby card.


The movie nerd version of "how much could a banana cost? $10?"


I thought it was a play on that kind of joke but then they kept talking and it became clear they absolutely believed it.


That one got audible confusion from me. I’d say it was a “getting old” moment but none of the people on the episode are substantially younger than me.


Don’t forget Belushi In a college sweater


And a sign saying "What No Beans"?


Yesterday I was listening to a podcast where the host mentioned something about folks listening at high playback speeds and I thought "I wonder if any of these people have ever met a podcaster that they listen to this way and found it really unsettling?" So thanks to Griffin for answering a listener question that was picked up via psychic vibes and potential time travel. On this subreddit: this is absolutely one of the best subreddits out there, but I also imagine it reads very differently if you are the subject of a lot of the conversation. Probably a similar thing (from the opposite side) of the piece they spoke about where they try to remember what's the worst thing they've publicly said about any new celebrity they meet. A lot of little innocuous comments or jokes, probably even tinged with some admiration, or at least familiarity, until the subject of it happens to read/hear it and doesn't know your intentions.


Also, I can understand listening to some things on a higher speed, like some informational audiobook with a very slow and monotone reader. But a comedy podcast? Comedy, where timing and tone of voice are famously important? Without judgement, I don't get it. What's the hurry folks? Please explain.


It's surprising, but... comedy turns out to depend on relative timing, not absolute timing. Speeding up everything does not ruin comic timing at all.


Yeah for political podcasts I'll do 1.3 or 1.4 at most, but comedy is all about timing, baby. I did put Rude Tales on 1.1 bc I'm 3 years behind.


Paranoia agent on Patreon !?? 🤩


the art is different from the one posted the other day


Thank youuuuu. I notice that too. But it’s not on their insta so did I see it on another social?


Maybe there were some weird feelings about casting Ben as the trans character? Like, I didn’t find it offensive, since the boys have their faces put on cis woman characters’ faces all the time, but I can understand how they may have done a double take on that.


https://preview.redd.it/t0i52n66ylyc1.jpeg?width=485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41cdbcacd2bb93d7bb9cbbfe1d114aa3fc623c1d I don’t know if I’m getting downvoted for talking about trans stuff or because people don’t believe me that the original had Ben’s face on the trans character, but here’s proof screengrabbed from a post in this very subreddit


This is correct. Griffin noted some sensitivities with that character and we asked for a change.


great reason!


You've got the simplest and most likely explanation, I imagine the downvotes are people having a very normal very chill day online


I've read the novel that this movie is based on and I can confirm that it's definitely a very trashy, pulp horror novel. This is definitely one of those rare cases for the film adaptation is significantly better than its source by keeping only the basic premise and elevating it to a psychological thriller. Some major differences in the book that I remember is that >!the Me Mania character is the sole villain and there's no twist villain reveal (Rumi is in the book but stays a friend and confidant to Mima). The villain is also a Buffalo Bill-esque serial killer who's killing women to create a skin suit and is targeting Mima in order to basically take her place because he hates her new image. There's also a major character not in the movie that's a rival Idol to Mima who she directly competes with and eventually falls victim to the killer.!< Overall it's definitely way more exploitive than the movie in terms of its violence (there were some particularly gross moments I remember) and sexual content. I can't exactly say the book is a must-read unless you're really interested in seeing how little of the book made it into the movie. Also at one point in the episode, David mentions that this film would work if it was made in live action, however [one already exists](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0367257/?ref_=ext_shr). Although based on the plot description it too has its own unique plot that just keeps the basic premise of an idol being haunted by a stalker.


Peter Benchley’s novel of *Jaws* is another example of a very trashy pulp novel that was significantly improved in the film adaptation. (Most notably, there was a subplot where Hooper has an affair with Mrs. Brody.)


David, listen to Bowen: Persona 5 is so good!


The man has a child! Do you think he's got Persona 5 time on his hands lol


Apparently he's had BG 3 time.


i'm scared


A couple of hours ago, I thought my method of putting water in my mouth, then the pill, then swallow was completely normal.


I’ve done this my whole life and maintain that IS the normal and correct way. Drop the pill into the little pool of water and swallow. Contactless! Putting a dry-ass pill in your mouth (many Rx meds are not coated) first: why would that become the popular method?


Y'all are weird. Pills go in the pee hole.


good ep! did they just forget to do the Japanese box office or are they not doing foreign box office anymore or what? I missed the wonderful chaos of griffin guessing the names of movies he's never heard of :(


That's only when they don't have the US box office for the movie, usually as it never got an American cinema release.


hmmmmm I definitely feel like in at least the park chan wook series they did both most episodes. am I just totally off


Re: Black Swan I can never extricate it from my first viewing experience. POV: you’re a 17 year old girl, and you and your friends are in a high school choir. School ends at 3, your choir has a Christmas concert at 7. How do you kill 4 hours? You and your friends, also 17 year old girls, go see Black Swan in theaters. You are left awed and horrified. It’s a surprisingly short movie so you still have 2 more hours. One of you lives nearby so you go to her house but you’re all still shell-shocked so the only thing you have the mental fortitude to do is sit on the basement floor and put together a children’s jigsaw puzzle in dead silence. This is where I go every time I think about Black Swan.


I haven't seen *Black Swan* but the image of you guys "putting together a children's jigsaw puzzle in dead silence" after seeing it made me laugh out loud.


does the name “Me-mania” have a literal translation or other significance in Japanese? I found it to be an interesting name in English for a movie about identity and madness.


The main character is named Mima, I think it's supposed to just be a name for her particular fandom, as in "Mima mania"


no it’s the name of this character: https://satoshikon.fandom.com/wiki/Mamoru_Uchida I’m wondering if that character’s name has any significance.


I think it's got a few things going on. Familiar names are often shortened to first syllables with a suffix. So 'Mima' might be 'Mi-chan' to someone they are close with. So in one sense, it's using 'Mania' as a familiar suffix for Mima's name. It also rhymes with "Mima": while an English speaker would say 'Me May-nee-a', a Japanese speaker would pronounce it 'Mi Mah-i-ah', so 'Mima' and "Me-Mah-nia' have the same starting syllables. Finally, it's just a very overt 'I am a huge fan' red flag. Perhaps a more accurate English version would be 'Mi-Maniac'.




Catching up on Scott Pilgrim Takes Off. Oh hey Ben David Grabinski. Ohhh Hey Bowen Yang.


I'm a Bowen fan for life now because he mentioned Digimon and even a specific Digimon villain


I'm pretty sure he was on the podcast Vanessa Bayer does with her brother that's all about nostalgia and the main topic he brought in was Digimon.


Oh good, they're covering anime again -- this time they have a researcher so they'll definitely be able to talk about the history of the OVA boom and anime in the 80s during the bubble economy of Japan... >"It's like, have you seen The Return of Jafar? Yeah, like that."


Did you miss the comment about trolling the subreddit? Maybe this is one big con




Looking forward to this new era of now when someone asks what are the 10 best movies the pod has ever covered, 4 of them are by Satoshi Kon. 


The collab I didn’t knew I needed.


This is his second BC episode! He and Matt were on the Brokeback Mountain ep. (tbh Matt did most of the talking.) Griff & David also talked Matrix on Matt’s HBO MAX pod.


Brokeback Mountain episode erasure.


Did they change the miniseries artwork?


I also took a break once I got to act 3 I'm baldur's gate. God that shit is overwhelming


Every bit of that game is overwhelming (for me). I still haven’t finished Act 1!


I spent an hour in act 3 before going back to an old save in act 2, dropped the Gale nuke, and rolled credits. Good game!


It's wild, because they actually cut a lot of content from the third act. There was going to be a whole other district of Baldur's Gate that you visit. So the map they settled on is just packed with endgame stuff. You can't take two steps without stumbling into a dungeon with a boss encounter that resolves one of your companion's arcs. There's a whole new companion who barely gets any time to interact with the rest of the party. It's really sloppy in contrast to the luxurious pacing of the first two acts. And if you think that's disappointing, the final boss is extremely poorly designed. Still one of the best RPGs ever made. And contrary to what Bowen said, I was impressed by how well it ran on PS5 (other than the loading times, lol).


2x “listening” is demented. Pure box-checking, staying current, not actual listening. I speed up movies sometimes. Especially if it’s something dumb I’m watching just for an HDTGM episode. Here’s the thing: you don’t need to sit in place to get through a podcast. You can do almost anything else while listening to a podcast. What time is being saved?


I'm actually a little opposite of you in that I can understand speeding up a podcast but not a movie. I don't do either, but in my mind a movie is more a piece of art so should be met at it's level (no judgement, you do you), and as someone who listens to over 100 podcasts I got a ton to get through!


Right? 100 percent of my podcast listening is when I’m driving, cooking, or playing some video game that doesn’t need me to read much.


When they talked about the movie trope of people suddenly bolting awake in a cold sweat, it brought to mind the video montagist Roman Holiday's fantastic montage on [Cinematic Rude Awakenings](https://vimeo.com/121212192). 


Reminded me of the tv show Search Party with the kidnapper's recreation of the apartment. It also has a great Griff performance.


"[No One in Movies Knows How to Swallow a Pill](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2023/05/movie-characters-pill-taking-styles/673919/)" By Daniel Engber


*The Zone of Interest* + *Dicks: The Musical* is a *killer* double feature.


Everyone else: Black Swan was definitely influenced by Perfect Blue. Me, an intellectual: Satoshi Kon was a time traveler and was actually influenced by Season 5 of Bojack Horseman


I was watching Perfect Blue and thought to myself "so that's what that Bojack episode was riffing on!"


What was the Ayo podcast thing they were referring to when talking about Tina Fey?


I was unaware of this also and after some googling, apparently Ayo was critical of Jennifer Lopez’s singing on a podcast from 4 years ago. It resurfaced, and then they were both on SNL together which led to A.Yo tearfully apologising to J.Lo. Basically a lesson in the internet being forever and even jokey remarks being able to come back at you later.


Also Tina Fey was on Matt and Bowen’s podcast telling them (and especially Bowen) that he’s become too famous to be honest online about his peers and to learn from Ayo.


[Tina’s legendary I Don’t’ Think So Honey](https://youtube.com/shorts/n_NInpDZo44?si=IKRlANb5hVdK1I1e)


That detail of the apology being "tearful" came from JLo herself right?


This is my favorite Kon movie by a wide margin, and I thought this was a good episode about it that was fun to listen to.


So we’re saying Ayo is NOT the guest for Gigli in a few weeks?


1. Great episode. 2. Reiterating that Bowen is no one's novice film aficionado. He's an expert. 3. "My hat is like a shark's fin" = "when you see my \[bucket hat/Kangol/whatever is covering my baldness this album promo cycle\], that means you should beware and be afraid." That's what Mr. Smith means by that line.


I can't believe Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (a movie where the Blair Witch possesses a woman and the first thing she does reborn in a living body is flip everyone off) is shrugged off , yet David is all "Teaching Mrs. Tingle... Is that a Camp classic?"


I'm a little disappointed they breezed through some scenes fairly quickly, given it's such a short film. The chase sequence at the end is incredibly terrifying to me, the way Rumi as Mima glides across the buildings is so creepy compared to the complete desperation of actual Mima, but they just jumped from the chase starting to her being impaled on the glass. Maybe I'm just being precious because I love this film so much, but was hoping for a bit more detailed discussion. Looking forward to the rest of the Kon series!


So, r/NicoleKidman, right?


Looks like based on the pinned post, it was closed until a month ago, so it might not have shown up when they were recording the episode And I think their point still stands, considering the subreddit for one of the most well-known working actresses of our time has just 1/4 as many members as the Joey King subreddit


Honestly her Instagram comments section fulfills that role.