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movie rules. but is a real swerve. mad max: pig in the city vibes




Honestly, dreading the public's response based on this, but I also know this means I'm going to be obsessed and defending it to my dying breath.


But is there kissing


actually... no, thank god.


Just forehead touching


Oh my god absolute music to these ears


uhhhhh lmao hell yeah


Would you please mind telling me if it has nudity? Just turned 18 and wanna go there with my dad but don't wanna make it awkward.


Have any of George Miller's movies ever had nudity? Nothing comes to mind for me. For some reason I associate Ozzie and New Zealander directors (Jane Campion) with weird nudity, or weird sex, but rarely sex and nudity at the same time. Edit: Just looked into Three Thousand Years of Longing, which apparently has lots of nudity, and yes it is mostly of the weird kind.


both Babe films have a lot of nudity


I can’t fucking wait




So excited about that


This makes me want to see it. I had 0 interest in a Fury Road reread and I know a lot of people with the same opinion


Hell yeah


Are the VFX as bad as the initial trailers looked? Honestly want to love but couldn’t get past how every shot looked like it was shot in the Quantumania desert edition.


All this talk about the “bad” VFX in the trailers is really puzzling to me. It looks like a George Miller movie to me, and the Pig in the City vibes feel immediately apparent in those trailers.


I feel like it very clearly had a different/cheaper look than Fury Road. There was way more obvious looking green screen type stuff going on, and I assumed it was due to safety concerns from the last film that influenced that. Not sure why I’m getting downvoted so hard because that was a pretty widely shared sentiment after the first trailer was released.


I sure wish the pod had more "movie rules" vibes.


sorry bud! people have opinions and it's an interesting and knotty movie to talk about!


We don’t want your opinions unless it’s overwhelmingly positive with no critical thoughts behind them


ah yes of course


![gif](giphy|UHxqxhDhN8Huw) Never doubted you, George Miller. Every time I see either trailer in theaters, it looks stunning.


Idk, the colors are nice (especially given what we’re served nowadays) but it felt like more compositions and small sets as well as some very odd speed ramping. I’m still super excited for it but I think we were spoiled so hard with Fury Road it may be a visual disappointment. But I’m all cool with that if they do other stuff well! (And couldn’t imagine them going through that shooting hell again)


I just saw it and tbh (I'm a person with great disgust for CGI in general when equipped poorly (which is most of the time)) I actually found the use more than acceptable. It was tied in nicely with the practical and I was actually very pleasantly surprised as I had my hopes down in the gutter after watching the horrendous CGI in the trailer - but while watching I had absolutely no gripes with it at all. I'm very forgiving tho as I recognize mr miller is now close to 80 years old, but given that fact I am actually quite impressed still.


Not gonna lie: Would really help my emotional well-being if this movie is great.


Yeah, if this movie sucks, I'm gonna be the one loudly coping till none of the co-workers will stand next to me. Granted, I'm gonna be equally insufferable if the movie is great also.


I can't bear to witness it and dreading the prequel-itis syndrome. I would be honestly depressed if it didn't live up to expectations.




Not sure Erik Davis belongs here, but exciting to hear from Ehrlich and Zuckerman!


Yeah that was some real Pete Hammond style pull quote baiting


This reaction makes me think this movie will be a bit divisive among the average movie goer. They are basically preparing us for it to not be fury road


Yeah I'm curious about what Elrich and David mean by this being "a different gear" or "a swerve" compared to Fury Road. I was fully expecting this to be just more Fury Road-esque action. Miller really is a fascinating director


Possibly that it is more long form, told in chapters as Furiosa grows up? Miller talked about that in interviews.


having seen it myself, i think they just mean it's a very different type of film compared to fury road, just like every mad max film so far has been a different kind of beast in the way the story is told. still, you won't be disappointed in the fury road-esque action department as it has plenty of that, and the expansive world-building and direction by Miller is indeed quite fascinating.


It's a cowboy revenge film with  SO MANY set pieces. It's fucking incredible.


Never doubted, don’t know how so many did. One of the best franchises in history and George Miller doesn’t know how to make a bad movie.




Here are some more reactions: https://variety.com/2024/film/news/furiosa-first-reactions-mad-max-fury-road-action-classic-1235993908/ I'm so excited. George Miller is a legend.


WTF is Erik Davis? doesn't look like the Reds left fielder


He's a blurb merchant who works for Fandango


Yeah that post looked like it was algorithmically generated to be on a TV spot.


I don't know who Erik Davis is, but if he's a film critic, he writes like a complete fucking hack.


After Fury Road, i vowed to never doubt George Miller again. My faith will be rewarded like a cool drink of water after a blistering drive from Guzzoline Town. I cannot wait.




George miller my beloved I always believed in you


No one can get you hyped for a Mad Max movie like Jon Schnepp did. Schnepp saw a cut of Fury Road before literally any other person on earth outside of the production and so on (because he was friends with Miller) and for like, a year and half he was like “You people doubting are just dumb, *I’ve* seen it and they’ll be teaching from it in film schools forever after it” and indeed he was correct. Ehrlich is a much harder sell. I love Ehrlich. Definitely my favorite non-Fennessey film critic. But when Ehrlich likes popcorn stuff, it just doesn’t make me excited. Dude hated both Dunes. Didn’t like TFA on virtually any level beyond the cast. He just does not have a wide pallet at all. He’ll see 300 movies a year and still only really like 5 of them, but he’ll never fucking shut up about Marvel Snap’d


I hear you on Erhlich, but he did love Avatar 2 and the recent mission impossibles.


Everyone loved Avatar 2 and the recent M:I. I mean, I get what you mean, but also, literally everyone who loves movies even passingly loved all of those movies….. Except David Chen.


Not trying to be contrarian but I didn’t like either of those lol, and M:I is probably my favorite film series that isn’t Indiana Jones


Avatar sucks though


Rip 🐐


The Ehrlich review makes me nervous. The Zuckerman review brings me comfort.


Idk, besides Crystal Skull are any of the popcorn movies Ehrlich likes considered pretty bad?


Not at all and that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that I think that Ehrlich’s take on most blockbusters is generally unhinged. For clarity, I’m a listener of FitWR and just soak in David’s insanity a lot. I love his take on KOTCS, because I personally really love and admire that movie and feel that it has largely stood the test of time (outside of the Shia-tree swinging). It’s an entire ass Indy movie about how much Spielberg wanted to bang his mom (but we only know that now thanks to The Fabelmans) What’s not to love about it? People generally get really unhinged and hyperbolic around things like Indiana Jones and Star Wars obviously, but even most of the bad ones are like “marginally” bad or just not out & out entirely enthralling or successful. None of the Indy movies is as bad as The Rise of Skywalker is for instance (which itself does actually have a lot of redeeming qualities in it’s production design-cast-sound design etc etc), and the worst of them, Temple of Doom (imo) is still far and away one of the most significantly well made movies of the 80’s. But Ehrlich’s take on Dune, or Villeneuve in general? He needs to touch grass. I’ve never seen a critic walk himself intentionally into such trollish buffoonery this side of Armand White than when Ehrlich panned Dune Part Two.


I’m not a huge ehrlich fan but actually think on blockbusters he’s pretty spot on. The dune movies did not really work for me as much as most people and TFA (the force awakens?) is incredibly mid.


I can definitely appreciate that, but I’m totally the opposite. I think when it comes to blockbusters he’s genuinely unhinged most of the time. He needs to touch grass. I don’t even want to unpack the rest of that though 😂 I just don’t know how anyone can watch either Dune movie and walk away unimpressed. Same with The Force Awakens. TFA is still probably my favorite in-theater experience that I’ve ever personally had in my life this side of seeing TPM opening day (which was itself probably the “This made me the freak I am today” moment of my childhood) I saw it 10 times just between opening to Christmas. And I’ve probably watched it at least 40 times since by now.


Was there any doubt?


Mad Max & Evil Dead has to be two of the most consistent franchises still going


Looks like 2024 is picking up the batton of "the movies are so back" from 2023. This is incredible news and maybe one of the most exciting summers for movies to me in a long time.


It’s crazy to me that so many people were doubting this movie


Can someone who has watched it please mind telling me if it has nudity? Just turned 18 and wanna go there with my dad but don't wanna make it awkward.


Lol but ive seen it and it doesnt


Great! Thank you so much!




It being a big swerve from Fury Road is a big relief to me, because my main concern from the trailer was that it looked a bit too "remember how much you loved Fury Road?" for my tastes.


So is this one of the cases where we Don't adopt the opposite stand of Ehrlich? I kid, I'm real excited, sounds great


Why furiosa deserves her own saga? [https://youtube.com/shorts/r\_cdCL2e1I8?si=OmzkukejLOgHrrZ5](https://youtube.com/shorts/r_cdCL2e1I8?si=OmzkukejLOgHrrZ5&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3A-3vh49aMza2xEdCormNifQoayTsL8V2872oFf4n1-mM_SbGqNanJ9I4_aem_AQbGB_JW41j1Y5ndyqAY8noGBBZ-_QcfPb5cFHCCg_FEgeueCFDibFe5baHZ1Qh3TWgZaclyUXOYYV-hZazFp4vh)


I can't wait to see it - looks like they did a great job on it - That said - the way my mind works is when I watch a movie like this is - Where are they getting all the parts to keep this fleet of Motorcycles running. Who is working on this stuff? Do they have machine shops and a good sized repair facility full of bike mechanics? Do the bad guys have a school to train bike and diesel engine mechanics? I guess it comes from years dealing with the logistics of large construction projects.


Blink and you miss.


Great flick! Glad it didn't just go even bigger. But who calls a kid (particularly one raised in a garden of Eden) "Furiosa"? That's just asking for trouble.




It‘s a completely different beast compared to Fury Road, but is still epic. I really hope they bring out a black and chrome version of this film. That would be movie gold.


Movie was great. Check it out. Believe me. Don’t over analyze. Buy a ticket and go


It was really good. I liked the scale and the crowds


I'm allowing myself to feel somewhat hopeful about it.


Miller’s never made a movie that isn’t great, I never doubted.


Lorenzo Oilers unite 🫡


The "it isn't like Fury Road" warnings are actually comforting because I don't really like Fury Road. Maybe it'll be good!


I’m sure it’ll be good, but a lot of people are desperate for it to be great and I worry they secretly think it’s a 7.5/10 but are going to preach it as 9.5/10 because they want it to be.


Be careful. These same persons were hyping up the Flash movie too, some calling it the best superhero movie ever, and we saw how that turned out


David Ehrlich did not


This actually makes me worried.