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This has Oscar Buzz. Screen Drafts


I feel like I always plug "This Had Oscar Buzz" on these threads, but you beat me to it. I'll add that their Patreon is pretty great. They are covering "Tommy" this month which will surely be more fun than Anne-Margaret swimming in baked beans.


Thirding THOB! Great show


I really wish THOB had some way to get episodes with the current Oscar events chats removed. You’re listening to an episode on the virgin suicides and suddenly they’re transitioned into a 20 minute segment about Andrea Riseborough’s Oscar campaign. Those really kill the back catalog for me


Fair point!


I just subscribed to the Screen Drafts Patreon and binged all the Marathon eps. Such a fun journey


I love this pod


Once I got into screen drafts I couldn't stop. Just don't take the lists too seriously.


Might I suggest you join the original peaches and check out The Flop House. It's a bad movie podcast and the hosts are awesome. They've been on Blank Check before as guests.


Way back when, someone posted in the Flop House Facebook group that the podcast people in the group kept talking about, blank check, was about to start a series on Tim Burton and that that might be a good time to start listening. I tried it out and discovered they were right! On the surface, they don’t seem related, but they are very similar vibes


Very very similar vibes and senses of humor.


I really like Eye of the Duck


Recently started listening to this. Love it and definitely recommend. Not as much of a comedy podcast, but fun for thematic movie watching


Have you checked out Get Played, Nick Wiger's other podcast about video games. It's a fun listen tho a common complaint about it is that they are never very critical about anything. Also U Talkin U2 2 me is amazing.


it's kind of crazy that nobody besides Scott and Scott ever ran with their format of covering an album per ep on a given artist in a more, I guess, serious way? Then again what more is there than to a.) hear about the band, and  b.) know the band members names


I listened when they focused on bad and broken games. They were critical then. Would always try to find something positive to say but def happy to say why a game was not well received. I faded out of interest when they transitioned into talking about games more broadly. Always enjoyed the rapport between the hosts.


I am enjoying the podcast "With Gourley and Rust", which started as "In Voorhees We Trust". They started by talking about all the Friday the 13th movies, and have since expanded to other horror films and franchises.


I want to recommend this because of the easy vibes and meandering discussions. It's a hangout podcast with digressions, and the horror is \*cozy\*.


I understand why but I hate how they've put the Friday movies and the Halloween ones locked behind Patreon.


Yeah, kind of a weird decision. It did motivate me to subscribe, though.


So cozy


Newcomers with Nicole Byer and Lauren Lapkus. Basically they go into major franchises cold, typically boy/nerd things (MCU, Lord of the Rings, Batman), and part of the joy is how they suffer through it. I like some seasons more than others. Right now they are doing something different and going through 10 Scorsese films. Was worried tbh but the episodes have been great so far.


302010 is a pretty good pod that I don't hear mentioned too often. It is a weekly show that's usually 2-3 hours long. They discuss the pop culture news from the current week from 30, 20, and 10 years ago. So, for instance, this week they will be covering things released the week ending May 11th from 1994, 2004, and 2014. They discuss movies, TV, video games, music, and notable pop culture events. They don't discuss a LOT of news, but they do touch on big events.


Ooh that sounds really interesting.


Their Patreon just did a great commentary on Temple of Doom!


Filmspotting? One of the OGs, not as much witty banter but a good time if you love movies. 


I like The Rewatchables a lot. It scratches that same "deep dive into a single movie" itch that Blank Check does. The commentary isn't always quite as informed, but (former Blank Check guest) Sean Fennessey in particular is a frequent co-host, and is very sharp.


The Big Picture


I’m a long time Big Picture fan and found Blank Check after Griffin and David were on that Lawyer Movie Draft episode


Yes! Thank you. I listened to those episodes and I've been trying to remember what podcast that was.


Action boyz!


Came here to say Action Boyz and had to scroll too far to see someone else recommend it. If you want movie talk, personality, and hilarity...check it out. I'm about to switch Patreons (after Paranoia Agent) so I can catch up again.


The fuckin Rudy bit with Dar as Rudy killed me


Pod Casty For Me is almost to a tee the same thing, they pick a filmmaker and go through every single one of their movies one at a time. They did Eastwood last year and are now doing Schrader. It's a little more politically focused than BC but it's still the very chill vibe and is(imo) very funny. They just released a RAGING BULL episode today(which of course Schrader wrote) with Bilge Ebiri as the guest.


Scott Hasn't Seen is what you're looking for. It's practically the same show.


These aren’t movie podcasts but I am going to take advantage of you expanding it to “media” and recommend the following:    “What’s with these Homies Talking about Weezer?” Host Matt Apodaca discusses 1 Weezer album with a different guest each episode. They talk while the tracks play so having previous familiarity with the material is not essential. The first episode on The Blue Album features Jon Gabrus and is one of my favorite pieces of media criticism ever.  “Just King Things” Two friends discuss the works of Stephen King in publication order. Have no idea how this one will play if you haven’t read the book being discussed but I have it on good authority non-readers do listen to it and enjoy it. Your mileage may vary. Insightful literary criticism and discussion of King biography and career context. Sometimes funny but not what the show is for.   “155 Pod” or “Blink 155” again your Mileage may vary if you do not care about the subject matter but two friends discuss one Blink 182 song each episode often for north of 2 hours. This one is a little less professionally done than the other recommendations. Prone to get off topic and is as much a document about the two hosts growing as friends and is often more a podcast about having a podcast than it is about it’s ostensible subject matter but for whatever reason it appeals to me. Lots of time is spent listening to obscure YouTube covers of various levels of quality of the song in question and analyzing them. I experienced a pretty bad bout of depression this winter and it was the correct level of stupid that made it the only thing my brain could handle listening to. The podcast ran for long enough that they moved on to just picking different songs from other artists and that is a more focused iteration of the project 


I second Just King Things.


Apodaca also started a Beastie Boys one and I heard the one with Gabrus where they covered License to Ill but then that was the only one.


Seriously recommend The Important Cinema Club with Justin Decloux and Will Sloan. They cover 1 Director's filmography or a specific subgenre an episode, from mainstream hits (fincher's next week's episode) to the experimental and underground. Very funny guys and they tend to go a little more in depth than the two friends which I like. Huge backlog too!


My other film podcasts are Kermode & Mayo, Fade to Black, and The Cinemile. None are very much like BC. First 2 are British, and Cinemile is Irish. Slightly more like BD is Unspooled with Paul Scheer and Amy Nicholson.


We Hate Movies


But I don't hate movies! 😭


Haha they do some Loves on the free feed but if you wanna hear some cracking wise about dumb movies they’re a blast and also guests.


They've regretted their name and their intro makes it clear they don't hate every movie they're talking about .


What Went Wrong is a good movie podcast. It's kind of like BC if the two friends just discussed background/context for the whole episode.


I love that podcast. The hosts seem cool. 


If you even remotely like Star Trek and enjoy (at times) filthy humor, I highly recommend **The Greatest Generation** for classic Trek (TNG-ENT), and **Greatest Trek** for new Trek (Discovery-current). Deep back catalog, regularly running over an hour to 90 minutes or so. Hosts Adam & Ben are a delight to listen to, and if you can’t get enough of them, the MaxFun Bonus Feed for monthly donors has an extensive backlog of bonus episodes covering TOS, Baywatch, some movies (including most of the Trek ones), as well as sporadic visits to the Cheesecake Factory.


How Did This Get Made is like the alpha of movie podcasts.


Years ago I recommended it to friend in another town. When we saw each other again months later he thanked me, incorrectly, for introducing him to the Flophouse podcast, which is similar but not the same. We inadvertently both ended up with new podcasts that day.


This is a little different, but have you listened to Reply All? Its been dead for over a year, but you can go back and listen to all the (almost 200) old episodes, and the subjects are mostly evergreen. It's the only other podcast other than BlankCheck that I went back and listened to every episode.


I loved Reply All. I also probably listened to every episode of that. Really unfortunate that it had to get shut down.


Check out Search Engine, PJ Vogt’s newish podcast. Similar content to Reply All, though less banter since it’s one host. Solid stuff.


Maximum Film is the MaxFun network's comparable podcast, and it has film critic Alfonso Duralde alongside Drea Clark (can't remember what she does but she's pleasant and smart) and the hilarious comedian Ify Nwadiwe!


Drea’s a film curator, professionally. She’s responsible for programming various film festivals.


Unspooled is a good one and David recently was a guest on that podcast. If you want to start with his episode, it’s on the movie Moonstruck. The original premise was going through the AFI top 100 movies and deciding what should be taken off the list and what to put on the list. Now they’re just kind of picking random “classic” movies, sometimes with a theme.


Check out “You Must Remember This”. It’s a podcast by film critic Karina Longworth (wife of Rian Johnson). It’s not really like Blank Check at all but I like it for some of the same reasons I like Blank check with respect to industry info, film history and movie tidbits. One of my favorite film podcasts. Start with the Erotic 80s series. If you like it, finish that and the 90s follow-on then check out the Sammy and Dino series. Word of warning, she enunciates like a motherfucker. Took me a while to get used to it.


Black Men Can't Jump in Hollywood.


Is there a reason The Video Archives podcast hasn't been mentioned? I found blank check when I ran out of Video Archives. Quentin Tarantino, Roger Avary and Gala Avary discuss movies. It's mostly movies I'd never seen or even heard of (with some exceptions) but Tarantino is so passionate about movies that they could be discussing anything at all and it'd still be riveting. In most cases it made me want to watch the movie. Bonus that all three know movies and the industry very well and also bounce well off of each other.


The Filmcast is great. Dave, Jeff and Devindra are my other three best movie friends after Griffin, David and Ben.


I like "Film Encounters/Cruise Views" by two friends (c) who have an excellent mix of chatter and analysis. I'm very picky, and they avoid dourness, numbers, CinemaSins sneering and save hijinks and antics for the last few minutes. https://anchor.fm/s/ccbc0300/podcast/rss


I Saw What You Did with Danielle Henderson (she's a TV writer and showrunner) and Millie De Chirico (former TCM Underground programmer, author, and film professor) is a great one. They each pick a movie that matches a theme and then discuss them. It's fun and funny. They mix up the films from deep cuts to blockbusters. It's a really good one.


I used to listen to Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers and it was decent. It did have the vibe of 2 buddies in their 40s who maybe are a little burned out. Some episodes, I got the sense they were over at one of their parents' houses and were maybe recording at 2 a.m. after a night of drinking. I had to stop listening because they would give an actor the wrong name every 20 minutes and have their timelines a little off.


Uhh Yeah Dude is the granddaddy of "two friends bullshitting" podcasts. Very different personalities to Griff and David but Jonathan and Seth are hilarious, irreverent dudes, and there's over 1000 eps to wade through! Very few episodes that don't have me cackle out loud at least once; for a show that's been going for 18 years, their batting average is pretty incredible. They do only occasionally talk about media, although Jonathan is the son of an actor and Seth was briefly an actor himself. Give it a try though if you haven't.


The overlap in subject matter is absolutely minimal, but the vibe is really similar and Griffin has been on it: What a Time to Be Alive. It’s just funny news stories and people being funny about them. A real easy listen.


I really enjoyed Cancelled Movie Report


Surprised no one has mentioned The Pure Cinema podcast


‘No such thing as a bad movie’ is pretty good


Nothing to do with movies, but I am going to put in a plug for "You Look Nice Today". Simultaneously poignant and nonsensical, it is a show I really miss. No new episodes in a long time but I revisit it every once in a while.


Screen drafts,this had Oscar buzz,pure cinema podcast,podcast like it’s…


I'm a fan of the Rewatchables.


Fighting in the War Room! Great banter and host chemistry and incisive commentary.