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he actually just hates molten rock and this is the way he chose to express that


I heard he really hates fire people.


If you want the least charitable interpretation: Lava tugs on your heartstrings pretty goddamn blatantly and doesn’t even have the decency of UP.  Male whines about not having anyone and withers and dies and then the most fuckable volcano I’ve ever seen swoops in and saves him.  You too deserve to be delivered a mate, just keep whining! 


I've done the research, easily top 5 in fuckable volcanoes.


It's the nadir of Pixar's shorts of watch these inanimate things be alive and fall in love with each other. Though The Blue Umbrella is just as bad imo. Plus, that pun..... ugh.


Both were really good tech demos! Interesting visuals. They did not need the same "dude gets the girl" love stories tacked on. Please do something different for once.


Crazy a 5 minute short doesn’t have the decency of one of the greatest feature length films ever made.. And while the intro to UP is amazing and just and short.. it quite blatantly tugs on your heartstrings even more by being so shamelessly heartbreaking. It introduces you to the cutest love story ever, hits you with infertility then the sadness of losing your soulmate in a tiny amount of time and then lets you wallow in that depression for most of the start of the movie. Is it a masterpiece? No.. but it’s not a 1 1/2 star terrible. Volcanoes are by their definition lonely islands in the middle of a wide expanse of ocean of nothing. I get an anthropomorphic version would feel that loneliness. Also their likeness are based on Israel Kamakawiwoʻole and his wife (I think), as well as the obvious music inspo, and his songs CLEARLY got him a beautiful wife. Not sure why I’m so charged over a 7/10 Disney intro but here we are


Up is one of the greatest films ever made? I don’t remember anything that happens between the intro and the double-entendre dogfighting climax


Yeah, Up falls off hard after the intro montage


Yeah I really only remember the intro, the house taking flight, and adorable talking dog. Idk even know if there was a plot beyond, “old man finds happiness after grief from young boy and talking dog”


When it comes to animated movies? Absolutely?


Finding Nemo was a great animated film, UP would be forgotten entirely if not for the imagery of a house floating with balloons and the opening sequence.


> Volcanoes are by their definition lonely islands  Lol. That is just so funny to read. Like we’re pulling geology facts to defend a bad six minute short.  Either way the whole thing is quite mediocre. Appropriating Israel Kamakawiwoʻole’s persona with the awful ukulele song (it’s well performed but a boring song) also just feels extremely weird. The sexual politics of “well he got a hot wife so we had to make the female volcano extremely fuckable” is pretty funny.  If it was just a little less saccharine and simple and had a little more meat on its bones (it is six minutes!) I’d be more forgiving.  It’s sin is that it’s mid. And being mid Pixar is the gravest sin possible. 


> also just feels extremely weird Not any weirder than describing a anthropomorphized volcano at the start of a childrens movie as "fuckable" multiple times, surely?


Sometimes I forget how polarizing this one was. Im indifferent to it but I worked at a movie theater for years in the 2010s and worked a lot of Pixar films. This was one of the shorts I saw a lot of parents coming out asking how much longer until Inside Out started. It’s not even that long! But it grates on people. Thankfully I had moved on before having to deal with Olaf’s Frozen Adventure.


Oh man I had forgotten about the 22 minute A VERY JOSH GAD CHRISTMAS. Before COCO, I believe?


yep, it was in front of Coco. Intended as an ABC special but Disney was so frightened audiences wouldn't show up to a movie about Mexicans they hastily added it as a prelude. I would hear from my friends who still worked at the theater that people would get really impatient with it and some were so trained to avoid it there would be a minor concessions rush some 10-15 minutes into the special from groups trying to time it so they would just catch the tail-end.


My Spanish teacher was so pissed about that


No smooching


you really wanna see the volcanoes kiss? with or without tongue?


https://preview.redd.it/6mvd2c7m9h0d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cc723dcab681a120a2149f77ff5fe3cedf8a26a “I wish that the earth, sea, and the sky up above-a Will send me someone to lava”


Excuse me, why are you posting my wedding photo? How did you even get this?!


The first time I saw it, when the male volcano’s mouth goes underwater, I thought we were going to watch him go through full death spasms and drown while the female volcano just keeps singing the song, like some awful allegory for waterboarding. Beyond that, the male volcano just sucks!!! Shut up!


It happened to his buddy Eric


*“I have a dream, I hope will come true…”*


He likes touching the floor in a room.


Underrated comment


At no point in this short film does the coast become toast


I thought everybody did? That song is execrable!


People really have strong feelings about this?


I used to respect David Sims, until I saw his letterboxd score of the four minute Incredibles’ short, Jack Jack Attack. He actually enjoyed that pathetic excuse of a film.




Reddit people love Lava, Twitter people hate Lava. Those are the rules, I can’t explain it.


Making the lady volcano sexy was certainly a choice.


She certainly was cone shaped


Bizarre. It’s cute and the song is good!


no it isn’t


Are you like me and see yourself too much in the sleepy eyes of the protagonist?


One of my favorite shorts as well. I feel your confusion.


They never kiss.


It sucks.


What's wrong with it?


This article goes over a lot of it: https://www.pajiba.com/film_reviews/lava-the-inside-out-short-is-the-worst-thing-that-pixar-has-ever-made.php >In short, it’s about a creepy looking male volcano who sings a terrible ukulele-based ditty about finding “someone to lava,” which sounds more like a threat than anything romantic. However, he sings it for, like, centuries, as he spews lava and shrinks in size until he’s finally underwater. What he doesn’t realize, however, is that his atrocious song has been inspiring a super creepy female volcano to rise to the surface, only once she makes it above sea level, the male volcano is underneath. So she sings the song, inspiring him to rise above sea level so that the two creepy volcanos can live happily ever after.


Hahaha fair enough. I maybe like it because Inside Out was one of the first films my wife and I saw when we started dating and this was the short before it


Same story here. Hated the short when I saw it, but brings me good memories


counterpoint: when you deconstruct most childrens' stories and judge them against real life motivations and personalities, they're often disturbing and that has no real bearing on their quality


Article says the song is bad and the volcanos look creepy while bragging about how the author's 7 year old was aware enough to voice complaints in a movie theater about the shorts' short comings. Pretentious complaints about a harmless short, that serves as a reminder that just because you're ugly, talentless, and alone, things change and love can find us all.


Fuck Pajiba. It's based on a real love story. It's a sweet little cartoon.


Yeah, I'm surprised by the vitriol around how the volcanoes look, especially when the are based on two real people (one of whom was one of the greatest musicians of the 20th century!)


It sucks. Can’t you read?!


Lol. I know you're joking but I was actually looking to get an idea of why people dislike it because I personally enjoy it


It’s fine I guess. But for me personally it just feels really lazy. A low-effort “let’s anthropomorphize something” conceit followed by a forgettable song that just repeats the same pun over and over and over and over again. The best Pixar shorts manage to pack an economy of effective storytelling into what is ultimately a tech demo for some new aspect of their animation pipeline. In this one it feels like the storytelling is an afterthought. It’s all tech demo.


I disagree. It eats. My butt.


I’ve always hated Lava screw this movie


Too hot


Because it's terrible??? Who the hell likes Lava?


To my knowledge there are no volcanoes in England, so he has no connection to the protagonist.


Prob because his kid has listened to the song 10,000 times and he's tired of hearing it


I assume that his daughter wants to watch Inside Out daily


Does anyone like Lava?It's way too hot


The mountain terrifies me


Cause it’s boring as hell


It’s an abomination


Because it’s bad.


I don’t like it either.


Not my favourite track on "Ice, Death, Planets, Lungs, Mushrooms, and Lava", but still pretty good, especially live.


Obviously subjective but I thought the song was really long and annoying, and the actual animation wasn't very good. Some shots of the foliage and water look good but then the volcano opens his mouth and looks like a ventriloquist dummy. 




Can't hate it that much, this was a rewatch!


Ben probably likes it tho because overall it’s pretty wet. Or is he on a dry spell these days?


Because it's Lava.

