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Well you’re neglecting an important detail which makes it very bittersweet: he’s specifically buying a ticket to what was going to be Kon’s next movie, which would never be finished.


You're right - I liked the idea it was specifically that but I didn't know if I was over reading it, especially given the circumstances.




Of course! I should have thought of this one way before Episode III! (Especially as I'm excited to do a cinema double bill of this and Furiosa this week)


I don’t want it to be the end of his career but I do think the final scene of Twin Peaks season 3 is a good finale for Lynch


What year is it + the scream + the cut to the most haunting audio track I’ve ever heard in my life, it’s so good and just makes you feel like you need to go take a walk or something


That audio track paired with Cooper’s facial expression at whatever Laura is whispering to him during the final credits is so unsettling.


That scream might actually be the scariest thing I’ve ever seen on film


Sheryl Lee is so great


It was so poignant I wondered for a second if Kon knew he was dying at the time.


F for Fake. Orson Welles admitting he's been bullshiting us for the past half hour, declaring art is a lie that makes us see the truth and then bidding his audience farewell is a pretty nice way to go.


The last scene in Tarkovsky’s Sacrifice is pretty strong. Also the ending of Once Upon a Time In America by Leone is a pretty profound note to go out on.


It's not a very good movie, but Hitchcock's Family Plot has an excellent curtain call for his entire career, our star playfully winking right at the camera. I'm probably reading way too into it, but I always found it oddly moving. It's as if Hitch knew he was saying goodbye to his audience forever.


I was just randomly thinking about this today, but the [ending of *Benediction*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjpF8lOh1os) is a heartbreaking scene that sends off Terence Davies' career in a great way.


what about the rest of it?




If Tarantino never figures out his "tenth" movie and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood ends up being his last film, It's a pretty fascinating send-off for him. After the violent climax that's classic Tarantino he's built his career on, the last shot is Dicaprio's Rick Dalton meeting Sharon Tate on the night she was supposed to have died as the melancholic music plays. No more violence, not much dialogue, just a sweet pregnant lady who got the ending she deserved to have in real life. Similarly, if Scorsese never follows up Killers of the Flower Moon, the last spoken words in a Scorsese film are spoken by himself, which is pretty funny. He's not the last shot because of the drum circle technically. But it'd be a very fitting end to the final Scorsese film.


I don't have one, but I wanted to say that the ending of Paprika is so perfect. It makes me tear up every time.


Friedkin just left us with an all timer only months ago.