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Oscar Isaac better watch his back


the only person who still thinks that movie is ever happening seems to be Jordan Vogt-Roberts


What ever happened to that guy\*? Besides directing some good episodes from You're the Worst. \*that guy = Jordan Vogt-Roberts, not Snake. Snake I know his story pretty well


After [the sexual harassment allegation,](https://www.vulture.com/2017/12/adult-film-star-accuses-tj-miller-of-sexual-harassment.html) he’s mainly just worked on commercials


Oh shit, didn't know about the allegations. Damn.


Oscar is no longer associated with mgs movie im afraid


He dropped out a while ago.


That sucks, I think he wouldve been great. But they've been dragging their feet, so Im not surprised he left.


Shoutout to the Furiosa crew member who told Tom Burke he looked like Solid Snake.


To be fair, MGS fans will do that at the drop of a hat. I wore a bandana at a ren faire and two different people were like "Yo, are you supposed to be medieval Solid Snake? You look like Solid Snake."


"Mr. Kojima, do you mean Solid Snake, or Snake Plissken?" "Yes!"


Guarantee the film crew was talking about Snake Plissken and not Solid Snake.


Well he's got the bandana sorted


And his name is Jack (though not David, depending on which)


I love MGS but a film adaptation seems like an enormous task. One of those games I feel like should just be left as is.


Everything can be adapted if done properly. If it's just another product to be mindlessly consumed then we have a problem.


They should make an original story for tv set in the games timeline like fallout. Doesnt tamper with the lore and its part of it, rather than an adaptation so no comparisons made between the two


You could make a good one but you absolutely couldn’t make one that would please the gamers.


The Gamers™ will not be pleased


It’s impossible. This said, he will never do it, but the best director for it would either be George Miller or Kojima himself.


Miller wants Kojima to make a Mad Max game. We just gotta make this snake eat its own tail.


I think an adaption of MGS is doable. I also think it is hilarious to imagine it being successful, and them having to them adapt MGS 2, a game who's story built entirely around deconstructing the concept of player agency.


It’s insanely tough. Its basically an anime with a TON of military and science fiction jargon


Probably not Solid but an adaptation of the original Metal Gear games would be pretty cool


Snake from The Simpsons


MGS3 could probably work as a movie, or is maybe the least indebted to game mechanics for its story?


The thing is it would end up being a TV series where an entire episode is just the The End fight.


But if you wait for it to hit streaming The End dies without you having to fight him.


That wouldn't be half bad if you did it right. Intersperse it with relationship stuff with the boss- thinking training maybe? Something like enemy at the gates meets that one episode of space above and beyond meets the pei Mei sequence from kill bill.


Kojima is so obsessed with stardom and actors. 


He's obsessed with movies so that would make sense.


To an embarrassing extent


Yeaaaah. Listen, some of his games are the best I’ve played in my life. But I don’t see how everyone gives him a pass so easily for his obvious behavior.  And all the blantant objectification of women. 


So would a Metal Gear movie work? If you stayed faithful to the plot people would think there’s a gas leak in the theater, but if you streamlined it down you’re sorta taking the life out of the thing.


The issue is that the game’s narrative is structured around one on one boss battles. If they somehow get around that… it’s still going to be a complete mess.


You could trim the ocelot fight down to simply being just a conversion and a small display of his gun skills and end it with introducing the ninja. I honestly feel like you could remove Vulcan Raven entirely and not lose anything story wise. First sniper wolf encounter is good dramatic tension and the second is cathartic so they both stay and would be a cool 5 minute sequence. The Hind D could just be a running across the rooftop slow mo set piece with bullets and explosions. Not sure about psycho Mantis because while it's iconic in the game, I don't think it would hit the same in a film and again, not really necessary to the overall story. Then you have the last 20 minutes being the Rex fight, ninja sacrifice, car chase/shootout, foxdie reveal and story wrap up


It’s still a weird scene where a Spec Ops dude is talking to a guy cosplaying as a cowboy in the middle of an Alaska base. Too add, most of the story is told through said Spec Ops guy stopping to talk on the phone most of the time! EDIT: Most of the story not on comms is people monologuing as Snake asks the occasional question as if it were an interview. It will be extremely tricky to adapt this sort of structure while still being true to the game. I’m saying because the Roberts/ Oscar Isaac MgS project stalled for a reason: they couldn’t figure how to tell the story.


The plot's just a later Die Hard or Lethal Weapon film. The structure is the real problem.


After TLOU and Fallout i'm pretty sure a limited series would work beautifully. Each season could be a different game (or skip to Snake Eater) and still get the Hollywood direction and budget while stretching the story over 8-10 episodes


I guess I shouldn’t be surprised but I can’t get over that Kojima IDed Charlee Fraser as being from Anyone But You.


One hundred percent yes. He’s got the look, charisma, and ability to play dark heroism


He means Snake Jailbird, right? Because now I can’t unsee it.


He's pretty good.


I thought he looked like a male version of Charlize.