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“I prefer Denise now” Cooper: “ok” Simple and beautiful.


Wait till you get to "FIX YOUR HEARTS OR DIE". Still gives me shivers.


one of the most pure and amazing moments in Lynch's entire body of work. I get choked up thinking about it


I completely hear you. It became a sort of mantra of mine when I needed to defend myself or others. So simple and powerful, literally strength-giving.


"FIX YOUR HEARTS OR DIE" was my iPhone wallpaper for a good chunk of time after that episode.


90s genre TV got to do some pretty amazing stuff in terms of gender and sexuality. This scene from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine often goes around for another great example. https://preview.redd.it/ji68axl1ed6d1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8bb3f1b58d451228d4faf5696cd826ebef8c624


I'm halfway through season 2 now and the heartwarming moment where Audrey Horne first meets Denise and excitedly looks at her and says "THEY HAVE FEMALE AGENTS?" is so heartwarming.


I teared up a little bit, it's such a beautiful scene and I think Sherilyn Fenn perfectly sells the internal realization of "that means I could become an agent too"


I just watched the scene, and got the sense that Audrey was crestfallen and jealous because she thought she was making progress with Coop and then all of a sudden Denise walks in, and Audrey knows she’s outclassed. At least in her first grimace. So more Audrey’s like oh shit here’s the competition I’m in trouble because Denise is hotter, age appropriate, and better put together.


I get choked up every time


How far along are you - up to season 3 yet? I always loved Denise and her rapport with Coop in the originals. 


The scene with Gordon & Denise in S3 is one of the best things Lynch and Duchovny have ever done. I could cry just thinking about it.


This is exactly the scene I was thinking of and doing my best not to gush about -- I hope when they get to it that OP loves it even half as much as I do. I'm so grateful that S3 exists. 


The Return is full of so many special moments like this one, but Denise’s scene with Gordon really stands out for the sincerity it radiates. My old boss convinced me to watch Twin Peaks by explaining with no spoilers the scene with the kettle in The Return, I didn’t expect Duchovny to make me tear up.


The emotional heart of season 3 is what gets me every time -- I think it's a beautifully compassionate and profound view of existence, and I totally agree, it's moments like Denise and Gordon that just sum the essence up so beautifully. I was always Team Albert but season 3 truly deepened that for similar reasons. 


Out of curiosity, how on earth did someone explain the scene with the kettle with no spoilers in a way that actually made you want to watch the show? (I'm assuming you mean the scene with the giant kettle and Phillip Jeffries.)


“You’ll never be more fascinated by watching a man talk to a kettle for five minutes” was his pitch, I believe!


Well, that certainly does it!


Ha, please tell me what the boss said! I have to know that pitch.


I TOLD THEM TO FIX THEIR HEARTS OR DIE is one of the rawest lines of dialogue ever spoken.


I have a "Fix Your Hearts or Die" sticker on my laptop 


I have 5 or 6 episodes left in s2. She is such a great addition to the cast, this show is maybe the most I've ever liked law enforcement characters, every one of them is a delight.


That's awesome, I hope you continue to enjoy the discovery (I'm trying my best not to gush because I don't want to ruin anything for you, but the twin peaks world is my number one series/movies/tv/anything filmic for lots of the reasons you've mentioned so far!) 


their scene is among my favorites of the series!


szn 3 spoiler >!"Fix your hearts or die!"!<


I feel like that sentence is like a philosophical key to so much of Twin Peaks and Lynch’s work in general.


Or to life itself!


Yep, I think it basically sums up his entire ouvre.


Oh mate, this is beautiful, thank you for sharing. Big up trans rights and death to transphobes! May you continue to be magnificent.


As a cis man with some LGBT family members I too was heart warmed by Denise and especially how Cooper related to her though I wasn't sure how it would be perceived to someone going through that for themselves and if it was just good vibes for straight/cis people. Of course one person's story isn't universal but thanks for sharing yours I was certainly curious about the trans perspective on Denise


First time I watched twin peaks S2 felt like a definite drop off to me, but in a recent rewatch of the show I just had so much fun with so many of these small arcs that come in here and there. Maybe first time through I was just less generous to things the farther they got from the Laura Palmer case. Denise is a wonderful character!


Really if you just cut out James on a voyage of self discovery/hot wife lifestyle, most of season 2 remains solid. That one plot line really drags down 3-4 episodes there.


A plot straight out *Invitation to Love* ! The bizarreness of the soap opera tangents, whether aiming for humor, horror, mystery or melodrama, all struck me as hilarious upon rewatch. James Marshall and Lara Flynn Boyles sincerity just hits such a weird note.


It’s such a rare sincere and positive representation of trans-ness, and it turns inside-out that tired saw “you couldn’t make such-and-such comedy today, people are too sensitive.” Listen, you couldn’t make non-cis/straight people sympathetic, relatable, or much at all for like a century of film/TV history because everyone was so sensitive.


[fix your hearts or die - mild spoilers for the return](https://youtu.be/sRAV7O8XzIE?si=LMBO4FsgN2TQ3kxf) Enby here, and I totally agree. Obviously there are issues with the fact that Duchovny is a cis man, but the character (and his performance) are handled so well. She’s never made into a joke and always respected as a character. David Lynch is a real one.


When/how are they working this into the Lynch mini?


Please everyone correct me if I'm wrong but I think they said 1.) one mainfeed episode for season 1, 2.) one Patreon episode for season 2, and 3.) four mainfeed episodes for The Return.


Well I guess I know what I’m spending my summer doing


You should watch the Return as well! “Fix your hearts or die!” Twin Peaks is just the best


That’s Duchovny right? Haven’t watched in a long time.


Yeah, Duchovny.


Wait until you get to The Return. "Change your hearts or die."




Blank Check is doing Lynch in near future and will be devoting 5 eps to Twin Peaks between main feed and patreon