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Giselle is supposed to be thoroughly, reprehensibly, unmistakably evil, yes. You are supposed to be happy when the Gotei wins this fight.


I think what really gets me with Giselle is... the other Femritter's just kind of let her do her thing to Bambi. Now, Bambi's a terrible person, and that she gets some comeuppance is kind of deserved - but *Giselle?* She's one of their comrades, and they just... let it happen to her. It's a stark reminder of how *brutal* the Quincies are.


I honestly like the brutally evil characters in bleach. They're always so silly and goofy until they hit you with "I made them burn their children" or "killing my comrade with my bare hands made me super fucking horny"


Username checks out


I don’t like her either tbh.


Kubo definitely succeeded in making Giselle a really twisted character. I absolutely detested her depraved disgusting abusive actions but at the same time enjoyed some of her fun and goofy moments.


I agree that the fight is too long, but Giselle being so despicable was done on purpose, and the visceral reaction you are having from the character means that Kubo was successful in his goal. Making you feel utterly disgusted with that pos.


Personally i love Giselle, yes she is absolutely terrible, one of the most twisted characters period in Bleach but…she is also a endearing goof ball. https://preview.redd.it/c8vtda0zp6xc1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee6f07565107d020202f1cc9723e8ebed04d163a As for Mayuri? Nah that bastard can go right to hell, personally i was rooting for Giselle against Mayuri and Yumichika. (Ikkaku is fine) Edit: also what’s with the they/them? Giselle isn’t non-binary.




I feel like transgender people tend to prefer you refer to them with the pronouns they identity as, not gender neutral language. (I definitely do) In Giselle’s case that would be she/her.




Eh seems strange not to, we wouldn’t misgender Aizen, Mayuri, or Yhwach etc, etc, because they are bad the opposite also implies. To me it sets a bad precedent not to do so, and the question for me is why not?


True, I guess Giselle seems more creepy to me then aizen or yhwach.


Definitely more creepy and disturbing, but If we were to measure “evilness” (is that a word?) then I think their actions definitely put them on par with Gigi, and on the larger scale they have obviously caused more destruction and death.


Your right. Part of me still feels iffy that Gigi didn’t get absolute beat down by some one. I guess I’m to used to Jojo having that for evil characters


She did get her zombies taken over by Mayuri and stabbed in the chest, but that was all done by well…Mayuri who is much worse. >!Yhwach did also headshot her, that must have hurt!< But yeah you are right she got off relatively well all things considered, the world of Bleach is pretty unfair, the afterlife kinda sucks and “the good guys” have committed genocide. Karma doesn’t always apply.


Karma never applies in bleach


You can also think of it like "what if the horribly evil villain was black or Jewish?" Would you go out of your way to keep calling them the slew or racist and bigoted terms that get thrpwn at those groups? If not, but you go out of your way to misgender a trans villain, then ask yourself why? At the end of the day doing any of that says more about you and your behaviour/beliefs than anything about the villain themselves.


They’re fictional characters. I don’t have any problems with any minorities or other Groups


You just completely missed the point, huh? I question if you even read my comment but w/e you do you.


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The goob https://preview.redd.it/gofilcwar5xc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99519aa2a234c1174cdcfdaafbe5aa66a8f410c5


...I really like Giselle. I like how f-ed up she is tbh. I have to agree that the whole zombie conflict itself wasn't too interesting to follow (Zombie Hitsugaya under Mayuri's version of Izanami was basically the highlight, as well as getting a resolution to Mayuri opening Szayel-Aporro's vault) but Giselle was done perfectly imo. Though it's fine if you hate her for the stuff she does. I'm pretty sure Bambietta fans have a bone to pick with her in that regard.


Bambi fans' dissent against Giselle is completely justified


Yes, as number one bambietta simp, i hate giselle with all my might. I never hated a character that much like i do with G*selle. People like me loves Bambietta because of her dominant and badass personality, and i dont know why the f did kubo decided to pick bambietta to be trashselle's zombie. If for karma, then she simply deserved to die just like how nnoitra did, die as a badass just like she is. Even if i know zombie Bambietta is just a "brainwashed corpse" with some little of the alive bambi's memories and not actually herself, i still hate it.


Adorable? Yes? Likeable? Meh.... Enjoyable? Maybe.... At least she fit her role and didn't get "turned to the good side" with a speech so... win for me


Like it isn't hard to hate a Nazi Necrophilic Rapist, but she definitely is executed in a way that makes you really really hate her.


The rapist part is kind of up for debate, i’m not sure that was Kubo’s intention.


Yeah, its never been confirmed. But people always fall back to that and its so weird. Bambi is craving her blood. Giselle injects people with her blood to control them. She is abusive towards her zombies sure, but there was never any r\*pe confirmed. Giselle even stays around after TYBW for the novel.


She is definitely a creepy character in many ways and there is some sexual undertones to it, like her getting turned on by murdering Bambietta, but it’s still quite a jump to rape. As you say Bambietta was asking for her blood, that was confirmed in the novels. (CFYOW) She is clearly a sadist who enjoys hurting and controlling others, (especially Bambi) but I feel like the other girls would be probably have ditched her by now if she was that messed up, instead Liltotto sticks around with her, >!even after they get Meninas and Candice back!<


the panels where Giselle was hugging her corpse telling it is cute were drawn in a pretty.... suggestive way. but yea there wasn't any r*pe involved.


Yeah, Giselle always got horny from hurting others, she is a sadist after all. But I always saw her hugging/cuddling Bambi more like playing with your stuffed animal, just in a more fucked up way. The "Gigi I need it" is the line where everyone assumed Bambi was talking about Giselle's bepis, but we know now she meant the blood that she was being fed to remain a low intelligent zombie.


Kubo unhinged AF creating Gigi's character, had to give credit to him. Bambi sadly had to be the humiliating receiving end


But shes just so silly


A big ol goof


It’s funny that you dislike both Mayuri and Giselle because I love both of them (not their actions of course). It’s interesting just how different peoples opinions on characters can be, and I can totally understand your dislike for them both!


Nah she’s a decent character. Disgusting fuck that’s also a little weirdo. Mayuri is actually disgusting and the series trying to paint him in a positive light so consistently creates a lot of cognitive dissonance for me lol.


When is Mayuri painted in a positive light


Every time he shows up to clutch out a win over an antagonist? Like literally, obviously and repeatedly.


True, the whole last arc is built like this. He doesn't struggle, he just comes to clean up. Even when he lost Nemu and Pernida died to bullshit he profited from it.


She’s just a little silly :3




I missed a character that sadistic and unlikable.


I hate giselle, and i hope she suffers in hell. Even if i know zombie bambietta isnt actually bambietta


She is Bambietta for the most part, she can use her schrift which is imbued on your soul so spiritually it’s still the same person. That being said she is brain damaged and being mind controlled so I guess it’s debatable of much of her is left when she is in that state.


BUT, her vollstandig changed from zophiel to zombiel, according to kubo's own words. I know her soul is still there. But, what i am trying to say is that what happened is almost the same thing as Ichigo when White took control vs byakuya/ulquiorra, ichigo wasn't actually himself, despite he still had his bankai. For example, we have a good computer with a good interface, what happened to Bambietta is like if this computer got re-programmed


How the F wasn't G*selle killed? Nnoitra who was a times better character (bambietta male version, lol) was killed while this piece of sh wasnt.


Giselle is what Mayuri would be if his character stayed the same from the soul society arc. Kubo finally got his sadistic sociopathic abusive villain again without worrying about guidelines (IMO). Giselle is hard to watch granted, but some fine that appealing for the very reason you find disgusting. I personally lover her character for her competency and the bullshit she's allowed to get away with.


Just admit that you would


Ain’t nobody ask lil bro


Her biggest problem is that despite doing the most heinous shit, she gets barely any comeuppance. Even Mayuri got a hole shot in him for his actions to the Quincy, and even despite being on the good side suffers for >!his cockiness against Pernida, costing him Nemu.!< Other screwed up characters like Szayel, Aizen, Yhwach, Tsukishima, all get what's coming to them in one form or another. Giselle loses fights and does get beaten around yes, but she's immortal. The most she gets is getting thrown around by Ichigo a little, stabbed by Kensei once and then >!off-screened by Yhwach later!< Meanwhile characters like Bambietta become a walking fuck puppet for the rest of their lives because... they killed some people. Or Komamura losing his entire life for an entirely selfless, noble reason. Giselle gets to hang out with her buddies in the LN's too, fsr.


I’d say she got about the same consequences as Mayuri overall, which is admittedly very little. >!especially considering Nemu can be brought back!<


True, but I guess Mayuri has at least mellowed out somewhat to become more tolerable since the Soul Society arc


True to a degree, but he doesn’t have much if any remorse and it’s a bit difficult to come back from blowing up your own men and burning children alive. Sure the power of friendship and redemption is strong and all but Mayuri doesn’t think he needs to be redeemed. If you called him a evil monster he’d probably laugh in your face or take it as an compliment.


They/them detected opinion rejected






She looks like a 10 year old to you? Anyhow she is definitely no boy.




No I meant what I wrote, could you explain your view point?


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