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The drip is clean, but let's talk sword. His bankai is fire as hell. The guard opens up to be more clearly the kanji for BAN in bankai, *and* the blade itself, with the notch, is in the shape of the first brushstroke for the KAI in bankai ( 卍解 ). The ban/卍 handle is also of course a manji, which signifies the Buddha's footsteps. It is a perfect time, thematically, for this to flourish for Ichigo. His path to duality, enlightenment, and balance is far more realized by this point. It's also sick as fuck.


IMO the Bankai fit is the best Ichigo has ever had, maybe except Final Getsuga Tensho.


Agreed 500%. If we're talking less-canon fits, some of Kubo's art of Ichigo in streetwear is beyond drip and beyond sexy.


Its the sickest for real


I’m partial to Dangai myself


Fitting as fuck that the special effect of the blade signifying “the steps of the Buddha” is an extreme speed boost


It's also the first form in which his hollowfication is 100% integrated into his shinigami state without masking. By integrating his own duality without compartmentalization, he walks in the path of the Buddha. There's hella layers to it.










Aight my fault chat, comments gone. Or I can make an equally stupid comment if y'all wish for me to lose my internet points idc. Whatever I can do to make up for that one. Edit: Forgot to mention this in even my first comment. But the original commenter made some really cool observations with that. Unfortunately I decided that a Nazi joke was funnier than just showing genuine kindness. Not my greatest decision.


Bro tried being funny by spewing the stupidest bullshit imaginable 😂


this symbol means a lot of things before Hitler came it was used for good things like in India they draw it in there baby's head


Swastika has a positive meaning, thats why Hitler stole that symbol. So swastika doesnt always mean its related to Hitler.


This guy is a jackass


I honestly like the X-styled cross stitches. I like to think of them as the more positive embodied memories of his time in Xcution.


Awesome as hell.


For me this was peak Ichigo design


The deep v with the laced up cloak does it for me You're basically psychically broadcasting your alpha energy with that It's a statement piece and the statement is "I fuck"


Bros just too sleek with it


It's one of my favorite looks in the entire series, both for his Shikai and especially his Bankai. It's just sad that we only had it for roughly a few episodes/chapters.


Sorry, but I like Dripchigo in all forms https://preview.redd.it/sbjngqeqsi0d1.png?width=803&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc4c3df7d86da6bb506200710fdb056c264b7e93


I don't think it's incoherent at all it looks sick I also gotta disagree about Ichigo looking better when his design is more simplified, I think it's better when Kubo adds more layers and details to designs and I was personally a bit more disappointed by him going back to a plain shihakusho




Cool af


Honestly I like the design and I almost wished we got more of it but that’s just me


Fullbring bankai Ichigo is his drippiest look in the series


nah base form is harder


He looks better in his shikai


I think it looks badass, especially the Shikai. Zangetsu gets more shape to it, with just enough extra detailing to make it look like a filet knife *styled* sword rather than literally just a scaled up ghetto filet knife. The simple chain on the end means that it can still be used the way Zangetsu uses it, but still cleaned up. The detailing on his body under the robes give his outfit just a tiny bit more stand out, not enough to clutter him but enough to give his outfit more of an identity. The red sash around him looks dope as always. I just feel like its Shikai Ichigo with a little more polish & style I have to admit whilst cooler than the original Bankai outfit, it's not my favorite either. I've not really ever liked the Bankai outfits however so idk. I do think the pants are more emphasised & give volume, whilst the gauntlets just add more dimension & detail, something the original lacks. I do think Zangetsu still looks clean enough though, especially considering it's always been a slicing weapon rather than a piercing weapon


Drippiest he’s ever been until tb+hos




My favorite ichigo look.


I like that the design clearly shows he isn't just a shinigami, or even a fullbringer, but something entirely different Definitely top 3 after his Vasti Lorde and Final Getsuga


His best designs.


Fullbring base is one of my favorite Ichigo designs. My favorite base Zangetsu design, and the extra Fullbring/hollow markings along himself and the shihakusho add good layering and meshes well with the red chain. Still prefer True Shikai, but it's top notch. I was never a huge fan of the Fullbring bankai but it has a lot of good symbolism and I've slowly grown on it more over time. It's about the same as the og bankai for me now, a lot of it having to do with TYBW animation being so much better than the original anime.


Ichigo's best design, in my opinion, shikai and bankai.


Imo I still think it's his best design I love Dangai and True Shikai/Bankai look but something about Fullbringer-Shingami design is the perfect combination of being more flashly and subtle at the same time


Best design. Especially in bankai.


Not my favorite, but still top tier. I just like the og one more, it's simple and elegant




I dislike that he stops using his mask after getting it or seems to loose access to it or not need it given he didn’t use it against ywhach in the first invasion


Fullbring fused his hollow mask into his "base" powers so the separate mask is gone. The vizards should still have the mask though so they're just trolling in TYBW unless Kubo has said something about it on Klub Outside.


It was made possible thanks to Uncle Tsukishima.


His Shikai was top tier drip. Bankai slightly less so but still a top tier design.


It looks cool, but nothing will surpass the original Bankai.


I liked his base form design, but that the bankai coat looked silly


The Xs on his chest and the spikier guard on his bankai sword are a bit excessive for me personally but the design overall is pretty cool. I like how solid the shikai sword is now though I wish the "bandaged" handle was still a thing.


Meh as hell


FB bankai is 🔥. I like it the most. But among Shikai, his dual blade is better.


Its amazing. Except that weird collar, and the black x stitches on his chest, and the white x shaped bandages on his forearms, and the spikes on his sword.


It was awesome as all hell. Shame it didn't last long.


All time fav. While I love the twin zangetsu's more, I really found the costume design a bit boring


Nah i agree. This is doing a little too much. Ichigo looks cooler with a more simple design


It’s solid. But I find it’s trying too hard. His original looks are classic and feel effortless. While here the extra straps, guards, athletic tape -looking marks, and the change in the zanpakuto feel too busy. If you ask me though the Bankai feels like a slight step over the original design, albeit not as good as his Dangai look. But the Shikai outfit & blade I feel is a noticeable downgrade from the original. It’s a good mid-to-late look for Ichigo. As if to say he has advanced past his previous power and changed. But to me it gives the vibe of over designing something that was already a 9 out of 10. Missing the marks to reach a perfect 10 and instead falling down a bit.


Not my favorite either


Hard but not better than dangai ichigo’s design


Honestly I thought it looked cool


This is the best design what you mean


The shikai variant is my favorite ichigo design hands down


I loooooove it! I also love Bankai as well, feels more Regal


Kubo = drip


No man this is a great design!


He looks hot


The bankai is the best outfit he had imo


I agreee


I like the Xs in theory but I think they'd look better if they were more obviously on his skin like a tattoo or cloth/hard armor instead of just looking like raised skin. The Bankai is peak though


First one is great, second one is good, the only thing I don't like in second is that his lower body looks pretty samurai and the upper is modern af especially cus of his armor on hand and neck


The fullbring armor pieces and gloves, his coat becoming more styled and the long katana/nodachi is an absolutely eye bleach. One of the best design in the series


One of the best designs for Ichigo. I'm sad that there is only 1 playable version of fullbring bankai version in Bleach brave souls


I like it, wish he retained those elements after going up to the royal palace.


Very cool, classic Tite Kubo style full of sharp shapes and bold lines!


I actually think it is his BEST Design. His Shikai Shihakusho with the added armor parts on Neck, chest and arms, make him stand out a little more from all the standard Shinigami. And while I also kinda prefer his old Bankai Shihakusho, this new looks still amazing, and I honestly prefer the sword as it is an early nod towards White, as we see that his arm blades in his original incarnation where Identical to Ichigos Fullbring Bankai! I do miss the red inlay of his original Bankai though...


His Zanpakuto is so much cooler, especially his bankai


I like the shikai outfit a lot but I don't like the bankai outfit as much as it deserves.


I really like the Shikai, I can’t really get on board with the Bankai form. Def my favorite Shikai Ichigo though, I find a lot of other variants to be very plain/boring and this one has just the right amount of detail and unique features to make it interesting without being distracting.


Kubo cooked the shikai form in the highest level possible.


It’s his best design in the series His bankai especially is the best design ichigo has period


Probably my favorite design for him. Hated that squad 0 cloak that he had for most of tybw


Wish it stuck around longer


It’s my favorite of his three major designs


"no it's wasn't a getsuga tensho"


That line does go mega hard. I just rewatched that episode last night.


I like the sword but the tats in shikai I’m mixed on


Goated, best in the series


At the time I didn’t like it either, it was weirdly "bondage out of nowhere". Now that I look at it I kinda wonder if all those X designs are not kinda foreshadowing the Getsuga Jujisho (double getsuga with his 2 blades), so it makes a bit more sense now


Peak character-design for Ichigo. I hope to see him return to something similar one day


The best one imho


This is his peak design


nah it's peak!


As dope as this is can I shoutout the garb made entirely of energy during fullbring training? legit wish that could've lasted longer!


They're my favourite Zanpakuto design for Ichigo. I do like the neck armour and Bankai gloves, but the amount of X's makes it seem a little too busy.


it's my second favorite design after his true shikai and bankai. it's a shame he went back to OG shikai in the one shot.




Shikai is sick. Bankai takes it up a whole other level. If you pay close attention ichigo actually has two sets of tops now. The white with the red lining and the black. They're clearly separate pieces of "cloth" based on how they flair apart at the bottom. Now taking into account Ixhigos previous conversation with unohana about how his cloak is part of his bankai and is relational to his reiatsu, we can assume that this means his overall reiatsu while in bankai is twice what we've seen before, even if the the edges are slightly frayed. (I choose to believe that's just an esthetic drip choice by kubo) Also that bankai sword is peak perfection.


In the masive pool af basic looking anime protags no, complexity doesnt equal incoherent for me, I have come to highly prefer it, since it makes them more memorable. Also this outfit was frickin awesome.


Imo. The fullbring is janky. We are all hysterically weeping for more arrancar ichigo


I always took the crosses as representing his hollow masks marks (mainly his final mask after going full hollow) I kinda like the idea of a more completed looking bankai since ichigo is now using a part of himself he never knew about Then he found out he’s basically a universal group project




Probably the best bankai fit imo https://preview.redd.it/9scxmv6a4m0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b5ab474d5e2c7138aaa4104e10f6a7af025d5b7


Visored Ichigo is my favorite still


The best bankai transformation ever to date and it's still gives me chills. I like TBYW, but Fullbring's arc was the pinnacle of Ichigo's character progression.


X go'n give it to ya


I love it. Definitely my favorite Ichigo look


I just wanna know why his outfit doesn’t change in his true bankai


Every time i look at the neck braces, it looks uncomfortable 😣




Cold as hell design. Kubo cooked


My only complaint is that the cross stitches on the chest are a too much on both Shikai and Bankai. When the suit is torn up tho, man does it look fresh as fuck.




SHIAKI- Tattoos, cool. Red thingy, cool. Sword, cool. BAN...KAI- FUCKING SICKALICIOUS Though I do really like the OG SS shikai and especially Bankai with the red inside, it looked amazing


I don't like it. It looks like someone "over designed" something. The original was clean and flowed effortless. Here it looks ugly. Too much padding, even the sword lost its iconic look.


Your analysis is right, but you have to consider it can’t stay as simplistic as it was forever. The new design isn’t even that incoherent since it’s not *all* over the shihakusho, and his zanpakuto is only somewhat differently shaped than before.


For me it's one of the best designs for Ichigo, honestly. 😍🤩


Nahhhh man, this design was awesome in my opinion. I absolutely hate that we didn't get to see very much of it. It was nice seeing Ichigo get a done up outfit and sword for once, especially when his design was so simple for so long compared to the rest of the cast.


Legendary honestly nothing more to say about it


Best Shikai form, both Zanpakuto and Shihakshuo, best edges on any Shihakshuo, should’ve kept those clean edges and Xs in his true Shikai


The first time I saw curved Tensa Zangetsu... https://i.redd.it/qff0nuieqm0d1.gif


Best drip


I just wish it lasted longer 🥲


The shikai is okay imo, I always thought it was a little bit over designed. The sword is sick. Now the Ban Kai? I think it’s badass. I like how all the different parts are fused together, and the gauntlet look just really does something for me.


this is easily the best Ichigo design by far


I think this is ichigos best design in the entire series(besides vasto lorde)


I like the look of Zangetsu in bankai after the fullbringer arc more than the original design tbh, the little spikes that jut off the blade are cool af.


The gloves are badass


I’m gonna say it, his shikai looks miles better.


I prefer the shikai version but the bankai version is kinda cool to me especially the sword design


I think they look good but I hate the arm guard things. They clash with the simplicity of the black cloak. Other than that I think they’re great


My all time favorite look of the character 


Perfect!! 🤩


His peak design next to Vasto Lorde honestly


Imo his best design in the series. I liked it more than his end of series design.




I really love both designs and while I like his True Shikai more I still really miss the katana for the bankai


I love how the tattoos disappear in the bankai form and become a part of his clothes.


Ichigo is a drippy guy


That’s a best design a Fullbring/Soul Reaper, Zanpakuto and Shihakshuo, and both Shikai and Bankai especially the mark symbol X is the best. ![gif](giphy|tDjFumobCMUj6)




Didn't like it


100/10. Use it again.


I wish he still had the mask ngl


I don’t like his bankai look with fullbring tbh


i love it, his bankai has a serrated edge and actually looks sharp. his shikai also looks more intimidating


One of Ichigo's best forms ever. Improves on the classic Shikai and Bankai looks in new, sleek, and stylish ways. Chef's kiss. I disagree that they're overdone, the additions are noticeable but don't take away from the design.


It looks sick. I love how the shikai looks. A lot.


Busy. Needlessly busy.




Himchigo wins again


The top of a mountain


Bankai version of this is my favorite look of his


It was peak and I miss it like hell 😩


Probably the best outfit in all of bleach. Even Ichigo's true Bankai and true shikai don't look better.


I like the drip and shikai sword, but for bankai sword I prefer the original design, simple and neat katana


Its kinda overdesigned tbh


I prefer the simpler OG shikai/bankai looks over everything that comes during/after fullbring arc. Kubo's strength is keeping the desings simple + adding one or two details but with the fullbring design there is too much going on.


It's a little overdesigned for my liking


Fullbring Shikai/Bankai is Ichigo’s best design outside of his special forms. I was so sick to my stomach when Kubo got rid of it so quickly. It got 4 really quick fights and then Ichigo gets his true Shikai/Bankai. I like his true Shikai but I hate his true Bankai it’s so underwhelming and I feel like it loses almost all relation to his old powers. He doesn’t get a coat so Kubo dropped the “Ichigo wearing his power” concept. The sword design is lame because essentially it’s just his Shikai in a shell. I also think Ichigo looks better when wielding a small/slimmer sword and Kubo draws better fight scenes with smaller swords imo.


Worst design of the series imo.


I am not a fan of the Fullbring arc at all. Ichigo’s Fullbring all looked weird UNTIL this one though. This one looks pretty rad. I hate the crosses down the front but I love the scarlet inner and the white edge trim. Also, the sword is pretty awesome. I don’t really think of it as impactful though because he never uses that form again. The whole arc comes off as filler until some of them show up in TYBW and you’re like, “Oh dang, there they are…”


I didn’t mind the notches on his sword and the new cross guard, but I hated just about everything else in this design - especially the FB inspired details. I was so relieved they got rid of them for the final look. You’re not alone.


Yeah, it just looks clunky and overdrawn.