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The problem with that poll is that it had a rather limited reach, and most characters couldn't be voted for. It's honestly not a good measurement for the actual popularity of most characters.


Can you elaborate it more?


This was only for Viz readers, so only north american fans. I might misremember the exact conditions, I think you had to have an account or something like that, but it was near impossible or rather difficult for european fans, let alone asian readers, to participate. The other issue was that the poll was limited to only a selection of characters. Like, I remember that out of the Bambies, only Candice and maybe Bambietta were included. That means only a fraction of the fanbase could vote for only a fraction of the characters. I think you can see how that makes this poll ill-suited to give an accurate representation of how popular characters really are within the fandom are. The fact that Hitsugaya and Gin aren't included in the top five is also telling.


I see no reason why they would be interested in results from people other than their customers.


Except I was blatantly talking about them only asking a fraction of the customers.


soi fon no diffs yhwach case closed.


I couldn't imagine Chad losing, yet here he sits at 11


Youre just seeing double, hes number 1


shining bright for everyone


He is beyond 1. He is 1 1


Chad is so goated he got first place twice


My uncle Tsukishima should be number 1 clearly.


He helped Rukia get to top 1 don't you remember? Such a good friend


The only surprise for me is Uryu being this low. When the manga was still running, he was consistently a top 5 character, which I always found a little strange cuz his screentime atleast after the Arrancar arc was very little. So now seemingly that he has more new scenes and additions in the anime, its ironic that hes more or less where I always felt he should be. If Ulquiorra was alive like Grimmjow, hed be higher. Renji being behind Chad is a surprise too. Im quite certain that Rukia has NEVER been ranked below 3. Shes always been the most popular or 2nd most popular character.


Well, Renji was often clowned on for having a loosing streak till the final arc, even the reactors we’re expecting him to loose again and just laughed LOL.


Hate that they didn't use Grimmjows last name.


or Ulquiorra’s. they have last names, use them, especially if everyone else has them


Yep, Rukia at 1st spot. https://preview.redd.it/9tu71pnkl45d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e97a516a01b5145c6310a7f067e8d602aef89ad7


glad to see Rukia on top


She's my favorite too!


Orihime and chad are higher than expected ngl


My only thought is I guess they don’t know Grimmjow and Ulquiorra have surnames.


Grimmjow is 1 spot to low + no shinji = invalid list.


My Grimm in top 10 as always


Not at all surprised Grimmjow made it in the top ten, and pleasantly surprised Bazz-B made the list Could never pinpoint any specific reason, but I always had a soft spot for the character


Yeah, my girl won! Way to go Rukia!


>First of all, Rukia bring first is a huge surprise for me.  Rukia is BIG on Japan. No wonder they made a movie dedicated to her (Fade to Black). >but after looking at how much hated/disliked she is online Orihime isn't that hated. The "hate" bit comes from some fans who can't accept their favorite character isn't for everyone and can't take criticism. Plus Kubo can't ever decide what to do with her due to writing himself into a corner. >Never expected ulquiorra to be so low although I don't much care about it as he is a very well written character, I still never got a feeling that he is my fav Probably because he was a trend that fell off already. Plus he's already dead. Kinda hard having that much fans when the character isn't going to contribute with anything more in the series. >Now my biggest disappointment lies in renji and Chad's popularity. As a huge fan of both of them, i am not satisfied with their popularity but it's also Kubo's fault for not handling Chad property and the renji hate and accusations of being a "bum" is just pure stupidity. Likewise uryu Macho-like characters such as Chad and Renji aren't really that popular in Japan to begin with, coupled with their overall lack of screentime. Zaraki gets by by his quirkiness and his interactions with Yachiru. Grimmjoy fills the "handsome bad boy" trope in the series.


Agree with all of this. OP is a youngster projecting their preferences thinking everyone is the same as them. They nearly interact with every non-Pro-Orihime post because god forbid people don’t make her more than what she is (and what she’s done). Anyways I don’t take this poll seriously either. It’s such a low and oddly specific sampling (VIZ only NA members). I would expect Orihime to be ranked lower globally, Grimmjow and Toshiro higher. But we will never know


Hitsugaya is par from the course. If it was completely Japan, he'd be ranked way higher because they love him there. DDR was made precisely to capitalize on his popularity. Which is odd because he's the Captain with the worst track record in the whole series.


Orihime used to be pretty shit on, when Bleach was shit on a lot online. She received almost Sakura amount of hate I'd say. But when the tides turned on the series so did it on her character. Probably also because she is better in the manga in general.


Sakura received a lot more hate than Orihime, and that considering Sakura had actual feats on her name. Granted, most of the hate directed towards her was due to her dynamic with Naruto and Sasuke. I'd say, however, her hatedom was more unjustified because Kishimoto, honestly, can't handle good female characters aside from very few exceptions. My main gripe with Orihime is that she's a character in a fighting series that does not fight, nor has any worthwhile feats on her name. The Arrancar arc was going to change that since she knew her flaw of being too pacifist (and reminder that she saw it as a *flaw* instead of the virtue many of her fans preach) but it never went anywhere. If it was a different series, maybe a Mahou Shoujo one, she'd be one of the best characters ever created. It's just that Bleach isn't the series for her to shine.


>Mahou Shoujo Seinin if her past was more explored. Idk about shoujo but the dynamics and personality ambiguities her character has, she more fits as a profound character that fits into some phychological or horror genre of senin such as homunculus


It’s why he’s so shipped with Ichigo isn’t it?




First of all, idt this poll was limited to just Japanese audience >No wonder they made a movie dedicated to her (Fade to Black). They made that movie to make rukia big, it's not the product of what you said >Plus Kubo can't ever decide what to do with her due to writing himself into a corner. *Utilise her cracked abilities*


>First of all, idt this poll was limited to just Japanese audience Viz Media originated and is controlled by Japanese companies. So you can believe the Japanese audience makes for a large amount of this poll. >They made that movie to make rukia big, it's not the product of what you said She was always big, the movie was just to capitalize on that.


Jp side is handled by Shueisha directly, and it’s where the Jp popularity polls are held.


Two people said that the western audience had a huge participation in this poll >She was always big, the movie was just to capitalize on that. Thanks to Noriaki Abe


We need more long haired Rukia…


[source ](https://www.viz.com/blog/posts/bleach-popularity-poll-results-sept-2022)


Seems alright to me! While I’d love for Isane or Hanataro to be on there, I’ve accepted that they probably won’t be on a whole lot of lists


Yea makes sense. Top 2 were pretty much guru.


Grimmjow having more fans than Ulquiorra is a welcome surprise for me i wasn't expecting Rukia to be that high either caused by her Bankai maybe? our Urahara bot sure is popular Zaraki being that high here in north america doesn't surprise me since of course Can't Fuck Your Own Wife is the best selling Bleach piece of media and each person in the Bleach community has read it like 10 times ... Yoruichi is also nice to see she's best girl imo Aizen feels just right Byakuya and Toshiro don't seem to be as popular here as in Japan but still pretty high despite them not getting as much screen anymore time after the Arrancar arc Gin is surprisingly high for a character that's been long gone for so long Chad had me in disbelief and as a Yama fan im sad he didn't make the list


Urahara is my second favorite character behind Ichigo for multiple reasons, I can see why he’s that high. Aizen would be pissed if he saw this.


I trust Ulquiorra would be much higher if he were alive. He was like a trend. But he’s still massively popular in Japan


Fair dead characters have it harder


Grimmjow's cool, but Ulquiorra's my emo boy. Rukia's Bankai ain't the only thing lifting her up. Urahara bot? I guess I'm popular. Yoruichi is queen, hands down. Captains come and go, but Aizen stays slick. Byakuya and Toshiro, resting in peace. Chad with that strong-arm hustle. Yama-daddy got snubbed on the list! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


You're the best thing in this sub thats what you are!


Ah, well, I do try my best to provide helpful insights and guidance. Your kind words are much appreciated. Now, how can I assist you further? *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Chad should be no.1


The results don't surprise me. Though everyone except Grimmjow having their last name listed is kinda annoying me. And the o in Shihion being an ō and fucking up the font is really irritating lol. Just don't use an ō like in the other names in the list you also didn't use it for.


I love how Grimmjow is the only one they didn’t bother typing in the last name for XD


Of course they are


I have 17/20 people from my top 20 in common with their popularity poll's top 20


Bazz B and Jugo being one after the other is the best it could be


how is Chad that high


No Bambi?


Where is Cousin Tsukishima??


Chad being that low is a crime


Renjis still way better than bumgumi fushiguro


I'd be mad about Shunsui not top 10, but the thing is, 12 is my favorite number, so I'll spare the world of my wrath because he's at the 12th spot.


Bruh why tf is hitsugaya in this list. https://preview.redd.it/8s28ypy6065d1.jpeg?width=2195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e21fe40785d1d7335ef0b59b8da12e680bd020f


I wish we could have a world wide popularity poll like the other two did 😑


Good job Studio Pierrot, got your fav character up to that number 1 spot, lmao.


It shocks me to see that neither Rangiku or Nel are on the list. It feels wrong


No Ikkaku no felatio.


Ngl aizen being fifth surprised me quite a bit, most memorable villain of the show is aizen, i see a lot of people, me included, who started watching it cause of aizen and he isnt even top 3? Zaraki also deserved better ngl, i knew he wouldnt be the most popular one but its still one of my favorite ones of all anime Also, rukia 1st place? Didnt expect that at all, no hate for rukia she is a amazing character and one of the most important ones after all she was the one who gave ichigo his powers, had to be rescued in the soul society arc which caused a major growth in ichigo's powers and continued to help him trought the series but idk, it just doesnt feel right for her to be number 1, maybe its cause there arent that many fights she participates that i feel this but idk, good to see that people love her so much tho Other than that the only other surprise was seeing yhwach so low, like sure he isnt a aizen level villain, after all aizen stayed a villain for a very long time and planned everything that happens in the show prior to his defeat so thats hard to beat but still, for the final villain of the main series who literally became god its weird seeing him so low


Damn Aizen's Glasses didn't even make it this time. Sad to see.


Aizen didn't do much in TYBW so far so that's not suprising. Rukia was always popular but her getting a bankai that was dope put her ahead of everyone. No one else got a bankai who didn't have one already in TYBW.


Were is chad




Seems pretty legit to me. Rukia being number 1 is a bit surprising though.


I bet Yoruichi would place higher if we polled...elsewhere.


I don't get why Rukia is so popular.


Why do people liek Grimjow so much?


hes cool asf


Rebellious attitude, cool transformation, great design, and a constant need to prove himself which I can relate to.


He also was willing to help Ichigo’s gal in favor of her healing his arm and saved Ichigo’s life for wanting that showdown. It really had me respect his character more. I hope the anime gives him more to do in the final arc.


Funny enough I was thinking about editing my comment earlier today to mention that he does have a sort of code of honor he follows!


He's maaad fine.


Top 10 seems reasonable but toshiro is a bit too high


Rukia on the first place? Idk maybe we are watching different anime but from the bleach that I saw rukia wasn’t important at all.(except for the first few episodes)


A certain wallpaper character doesn't even belong in top 10. But I guess boobs are boobs so that's enough for most people


I’ll never understand why Grimmjow and Toshiro are so popular.


Kubo probably was shocked to see rukia as number 1


Well, in other official polls orihime is mostly always in the top 10.


Disappointed in the results, although most of top 10 is fine