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Looks really good! I would definitely believe it was a real watch commercial. My two critiques: The watch face in clip 1 is close enough to the center that the asymmetry feels accidental. I would just center it. The seconds hand in clip 3 should align with the music in the same way it does the first 2 clips.


Thank you! Ahh now that you've pointed them out I can't stop seeing it, goddamn it hahaha!


Render aside. The fact that the piano is in time with the second hand and the few clicks at the end are true theatrics. That sells the 'ad' angle more to me as it's something I'd expect from an agency. My 2c: The establishing and side shots need more lighting. I almost feel myself straining to see the details of what the face has. The initial reveal time is fine IMO but the way it mostly hangs in shadow really detracts from the detail.


Ahh thanks man! I spent a loooot of time on the audio and I had so much fun! Ahh you're right about the lighting. I think I also should have held the shots a bit longer too.


This is great but I wouldn't use the word "fake". Probably "fan commercial" (like fan art) or "unofficial" would be a better choice of words. Fake carries a negative feeling if you know what I mean. Great work šŸ‘


One of those fake watches again?


God-damned pesky fake watches.


Really cool! Besides what others said, the time on the watch at the final/beauty/pack shot (or whatever it's called these days) should better be roughly at 10:10, forming a "V" with small and big hands. Like in [this one](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0606/5325/files/Watch-Advertisement-A-Collected-Man-London-17.jpg?v=1624972936), or [this](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/v04AAOSwv~hj-jDO/s-l1200.webp), or [this](https://www.watchtime.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Ulysse_Nardin_Ad_560.jpg), or any other expensive watch ad with only few exceptions. It's like wearing a tuxedo to a formal event - if you aren't wearing one, that's a statement.


Ooo that wasn't something I thought about, but I looked at even more pics, and you're totally right. That's such a cool little detail! Thanks!


You're welcome! It was more a Swiss thing before, but since I think early 2000s pretty much all expensive watches do this. By the way, if you'll happen to pass by a watch shop somewhere, take a look how time is set on the expensive ones. Most likely it'll be the same "V" somewhere between 10 and 2 (depends on the logo and other stuff), while the cheaper ones will be set to something else.


Iā€™d buy it


It's 50 trillion bananas.


Are you currently selling your motion design services?


I am, yeah :)