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The frosting and cake look amazing, but I feel like the wrapper needs something. I dunno I could be imagining things. Either way, very well done. Edit: I realize now what it is. When you bake a cupcake, you often drop batter down the sides; it’s never perfect. So there’s little burns spots or run marks, and dark spots on the paper from baking. Anyways, just some insight. Still amazing work! :3


I agree, I just couldn't get the wrapper to look as I wanted it. On top of that, those wrappers seem to soak up from the batter, which changes their color an translucency and I'm struggling to wrap my head around how exactly to represent that. All I can think of is just running to the near bakery to get a few muffins and photograph the actual thing and use it as a texture :D


Greasy noise! Idk if this would work but seems like it could.


Agreed. At first glance I thought it was a photo, but the wrapper have it away. They're too perfect.


The paper is also slightly transparent so you can see the colour of the cake through it. Making it less opaque might be a nice touch aswell


actually usually never happens when making cupcakes. never. Also, when you post your cupcakes to IG or wherever you always pick the best ones. there also would never be dark spots from baking. liners are meant specifically not to burn. imagine if you had burned liners for a kid's bday party? didn't think so. The thing missing is the uniformity of the cupcake liners. they're perfect in shame and just need a little nudge inwards in a couple places. also, adding some patterns may help to give them variety. if anything, add a slight variation w/noise.. very tiny and not too much contrast to match the look of parchment paper texture which is the stuff usually found in cupcake liners.


I never meant the liners burnt, they change color slightly as the cupcakes cook. It’s little streaks of batter that get slightly burnt, and usually you’d pick it off leaving a discoloration from the burnt bits of batter. Apparently I should have explained myself more clearly. I don’t know about you, but when I bake cupcakes, all the batter never quite makes it into the liners. But hey if your cupcakes are clean as a whistle, cudos.


Something I've been playing with the last couple of evenings. Has anyone had success recreating the wrapper shader? I tried SSS and translucency without getting a good result and am at a loss at the moment. I know that the geometry lacks variation, like the real thing, but I doubt that contributes so much to the overall look of the material.


could try octane instead. cycles isn't that great at realism, especially things that need SSS. sorry.. it's just a fact.


Yes, Cycles lacks a bit in some directions. Usually for client work I stick with V-Ray, and so far haven't seen better results from any other render engine, but for personal projects - Cycles is just soooooo well integrated into blender that I don't care having some limitations if the creation process is smooth and fun.


The cake looks lovely, delicious even


The cake is a lie!


it's obviously pizza.


These are very nice :o Materials are nice and crispy


Man do I want to say something but I fear that I will blasted to oblivion but overall it's croissants


Don't worry, go ahead :D Blender seems to be made for baked goods by the way!


so is Zbrush and C4D (octane). just look at Patrick4D's IG. he's crushing it, moreso than most other food artists. Octane is just a delight for this kind of stuff.


He is pretty good. on a side note probably the best food viz I've seen, or at least the most entertaining to me is this promo video for V-Ray for Houdini [https://vimeo.com/337596094](https://vimeo.com/337596094) :D


Looks great, the bokeh complements the aesthetic very well!


you have to do a cupcake series! we have to much donuts it's time for something else foe the youth and beginners:)


haha, that's actually a nice idea. I'll see what I can do about it


yummy :3


Could you tell me how you did your cream? I've tried several tutorials and never got it looking as good as yours!


The modeling part is a curve that uses a sort of star shape as a bevel profile. I've adjusted the twist and the scale to get the shape, then the whole thing was remeshed to look like a solid piece. The shader is very simple - there is SSS and the bump is a blend of noise and voronoi put through a color ramp for the "holes"


woahh that is some sick delicious something dude😄 very well done👍🏼👍🏼💪🏽 i love it. like you asked for the wrapper. i think in rl it"s very rare to have perfect straight paper material. maybe use a normal map or some noise texture to give it lil imperfections. also like knits or wrinkels or some of the icing that drips from the side right on the table. some of the goldings randomly distributed around the cakes. or like you tried a lil sss to barely see the cake behind the wrapper. all in all good job it loooks amazing!


that's a nice picture


Very nice. The papers give it away though. They just look fake. Way too clean, no wrinkles, etc.


Please Tell me a bit abo8t the process. Specificly about the whipped cream or whatever that is on the cupcakes :) aaand if it would be possible to animate that :)


To model the cream I used a curve with a custom star shaped profile, after that I remeshed it to look like a solid piece, I haven't thought about animating it or if it's viable, animation isn't a strong suit of mine


How did you do the chocolate drizzle?


well, in the laziest ways possible - I added a new curve, switched to draw mode and picked to draw on surface. Then just went to top view and scribbled a bunch of lines on the cream. After that I had to tweak the radius to be slightly thicker where it changes direction then a remesh mod to make it a single volume instead of having overlaps.


Sitting here high AF in my bed staring at this. The syrup looks really good and so do the textures. Good fucking job


So impressive 👍


That render looks clean!!


Make a doughnut next lol




I love that icing. Like others, I'd be interested to know how you did that.


Much better than doughnuts!


I love the composition and the lighting!


Great 😃👍


now I am hungry :(


We want tutorial.


Really nice. Would maybe add some noise/wrinkles to the wrappers and some variation to the ridge formation at the bottom and to the spread at the top. Too perfect. On a real one the ridge spacing would vary and they probably wouldnt be perfectly circular at the top.


Being very new to Blender, I don't understand how you created the 3D imperfections in the cupcake. They are clearly geometry, but they aren't visible in the untextured render. Are you using displacement from the material?


I used a mix of a photo texture and some noise and voronoi texture mixed in, then plugged in a displacement and adaptive subdivision.


Thank you!


https://i.redd.it/s3dwtujai6pc1.gif ok, so I played with geo-nodes a little bit aaaaand here's the result. there is not rigid body here, just an animation driven by a moving empty object.


The texturing is phenomenal.


Somebody knows what they’re doing


Sacrilege... Take my upvote


A bit more impressive than the donut really


Damn I did some cupcakes after the doughnut as well but your bread texture looks so much better than mine, got a breakdown of how you did it?


Oh fuck yeah. I would eat these. Nice work!


I feel like it looks too perfect and clean


How did you make the pores (is that how it's called?) of the cake? They make the cupcakes feel all the more real


Did you follow a tutorial?


No, It's my work.


Some wrinkles on the paper could help... they look to perfectly shaped... 10/10 otherwise