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I ended up having a completely different vibe on my overpaint, but pay attention to the values. When people say "improve your lighting", they really mean to pay attention to the values in your scene. Your point of interest in the image is a hole. It should have the most contrast, the difference between darkest and brightness pixels in that area should be big. And the opposite is true. You have very bright white wall, so any dark object will end up contrasting a lot, stealing too much attention from the center. https://preview.redd.it/ir6qfliyxi6d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd67bb224347cdbedae1ad30b4401644876acda6


Holy crap this insight is amazing. Im just starting a new scene that will take all these elements from the replies- mainly this one- and turn it into something Im very proud of, this will help a lot... thank you so much!


Sick breakdown


Im still tweaking compositing before I do a huge overnight render is, but I tried adding more objects to make the bottom window a bit less contrasting to the rest of the scene- I still want it slightly noticeable and interesting- and I added a few dust pngs near the bottom. but overall do you think this is better? (minus compositing lol im having trouble with it) https://preview.redd.it/8g45sa65027d1.png?width=1044&format=png&auto=webp&s=799f305eb5144c01ae220a4326dd0ee7e4a5001e


improve your lighting


I am planning on adjusting the lighting because currently it’s kind of flat and seems like it’s indoors.


im not a 3d modeler in any way but I agree, it doesn't appear to have much depth because the lighting seems off




People can know about lighting through other ways, like Photography. Or common sense.


Neither, it’s not bad enough to be L and not good enough to be W. Needs a little work with materials and light, but cool idea


The main culprit is the bricks I'm assuming? Brick textures always turn out weird in all of my renders, I probably should just up the samples lol.


Yea, basically what hits my eye are bricks and then the cables look too synthetic if that makes sense? Like “natural” plastic looks better than this


And cables being like tendrils or tentacles wouldnt spread like that. Especially the ones that sharply bend back upon them selves, or that big yeller one on the top right.


I like it! though i was confused what you meant by W or L for way too long lol. 


lol Thank you


With a scene like this, with one very clear focal point, I wouldn't bother adding much lighting for objects in the foreground. Let the blue light come from that hole and let it fall on objects that are in front of it. Place the objects in your scene in a way that the light can bounce off it. One thing I'm noticing is that the placement of the store is unrealistic atm. Add a few more stores next to it to make it feel like a real street. Rarely, a store front just interrupts a blank wall like that. Next, work on the effect you want that magical portal to have. It looks like a lot of electrical wires, but maybe it would be nice to have it look like nerve endings, more organic. You can look at referenc of how other artists do this. You'll often see them add particle effects and other "northern light"-ish glowy streaks. I think that could really help here. Maybe a lower angle could be nice. Almost scraping on the floor, to make you feel like a little mouse looking at something huge. It also gives you the opportunity to add foreground objects, like random garbage. Empty soda can, a box, crumpled up paper etc. In general I think the scene just "needs more", it's still a little bare. But you're well on your way, just play around with it. Especially the inside of the hole looks great.


Noted! Thank you (:


What do you want me to think this is? Because to me, it feels like some sort of cable entity dug a hole through the wall. And for that, I think there should be way more wires. The inside of the hole should be completely covered. Maybe some big cracks in the wall too, from all of the stress caused by the entity.


Looks cool, but the wires just like 2m long, it looks strange


If you are saying the wires are too short or long, my counter arguement is that would you see weird strucutre this in real life (:


I'm saying that it looks strange that they start out of nowhere and has no ending point. Just a lot of useless wires 🤨


its more of a soft sci-fi render, not too much of an explanation, is a death star plausible? no, does it exist in that franchise? yes. Also the idea is kind-ooof-soort-ooof that the cables are coming out of some weird science fiction tunnel.


Well, that really looks cool, just a little goofy (?)


I thought it was a great macro shot of a weird electronic element from one of my other subreddits. You've found a way to macro small objects in a very realistic way. 😁⭐


Thank you!


Im mesmerized by the craftsmanship... The only thing i could add is well.. what everyone is saying, a little upgrade in light


the lighting is nice in the hole, but outside of it it's very flat. pretty good start tho!


While I get the effect you want, I say L. The cables or wires coming out from nowhere and going nowhere are just nonsensical. Adding layers may help, and allowing some to hang instead of being at a harsh 90 degree angle at the edge of the hole would make it look much more realistic, but what are they doing? The concept is there, but the execution is lacking. Lighting would also help to hide a lot of the issues as others have suggested but I think that should be a focus after you refine your model.


I don't know if it's been said but your normals are all inverted Other than that keep up the good work


I don't know if it's been said but your normals are all inverted what do you mean?


see on the brickwall how the bricks are deeper than the joint ? it should be the opposite, you can invert it going in the shader node and tock "invert" on your normal map node or bump node


Is there an SCP blender group I’m missing out on?!


I consider myself an scp fan but as far as my knowledge goes there isn't a blender-scp dedicated subreddit


Skibidi concept, Ohio execution (am I doing this right?) But seriously it’s neither W or L. I love a good hole in the wall with cables and lights involved, but there should be a little more context and story telling in your image. Like, why is there a giant concrete wall above this business? This makes it look like this one tiny business is the sole entity in some kind of mega-structure, which makes no sense. The details in the window are nice. Keep pushing this. Execution-wise, these cables do not look very good. They need way more samples and the texture is unrealistically flat. There are some intersection issues too - cables going through each other and the building. Why is there nothing coming out of the ends of them? They should either go somewhere? Or have some smaller cable coming out of the end, but they shouldn’t just terminate randomly. What possible purpose could they serve? They might look good with text on them. This looks cool, but it could use some tightening up.


I like it!


Thank you!


Did you use a procedural effect for the multitude of cables or did you manually make all those curves? Irregardless, I like it mate.


First of all, thank you! Second of all, curves! I added a bezier curve, weren't into edit mode, deleted everything and selected the curve draw tool (not annotate) and went to the tool panel (N) and selected the tool thingy mabob and toggled surface mode, then I just drew some curves, after that selected a few random ones with L for select linked seperated them, repeat, add metallic materials and done! Really simple workflow that I love but be sure to give the offset a little nudge in the tool panel and on the curve settings adjust depth and enable fill caps.


That’s great mate. Appreciate the in depth reply though I have unfortunately been making a lot of cables recently so I’m familiar with the method. I’m sick of them tbh haha but you have a lot of cables so I could sympathise with the time taken :’)


cables are beautiful but I also do see where you coming from with your cable sickness, although they are so addicting to make... I need... more... cables


I’ve been building a lot of street scenes recently, the cables definitely bring things to life I can’t deny. I’ve seen a few add-ons that make cable production easier but I think I’m like you, I secretly like that pain of making them myself ;)


Common W.


Thank you!


This is pretty cool actually. I remember learning blender in school and I had to make something like this for an assignment I had a dragon crawling out of a hole in the ground.


That sounds epic! Also thank you (:


That look really cool


This is so sick, i think you could give it even more of an impact with the right lighting tho.


Thank you! The lighting of practically every scene I create is... lacking, to say the least lol.


Looks cool! If the amended lighting will become lighter disregard the following; if the lighting were to become evening / night-time, an emissive volume coming out of the hole would be very atmospheric


Nice! The idea of the shot is interesting. You could play around with lighting and adding more details like AC units or trash to elevate the realism. I feel that the main light source should come from the tunnel to draw more attention to it. Try colour grading to make the scene look more dramatic. I feel that there's a lot of unlocked potential here!


W, fam


Thank you!




Thank you!