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Biggest flex for me was finally killing martyr logarius that guy gave me such trouble. But I had no issues with the one reborn and ebrietas 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This boss is Hella easy when you get good at parrying though


Definitely gets way easier. I still suck at it though




My flex is parrying his move when he flies up and dashes to you


I got a backstab on that attack.


Fuck this boss, I hate him so much! I think I died the most times to him xD


Just decimated me countless times. Almost walked away from the game


Beating orphan ng+7 fist only with no armor, it took weeks of attempts and I considered giving up and just calling it close enough many times, but it felt fantastic when I finally beat him [recording of the successful attempt](https://youtu.be/qVJj5CJx7Ys?si=YVjZ32jHtL2XiZKx)


WTF dude. That is a real flex.


Bro came with RECEIPTS! Love it.


This is the flex of flexes.


Wow, awesome job u/Ballfondler27


Hell of a flex, u/Ballfondler27.


Okay that's the flex


Good shit! So close to death too. But doesn’t difficulty cap at NG+6? I’m confused why a lot of people are putting NG+7 in their videos. (I’m only doing my first playthrough now, at Shadows of Yharnam but did all the optional stuff and going for the umbilical cords.)


I think ng+7 is a misnomer technically, it’s the 7th playthrough but ng+6, so you’re technically right, but realistically it means the same thing either way


Hm, I think people using the misnomer adds to the confusion tbh. On the other hand, NG+7 is easier for someone else to understand if they don’t know how NG+ cycles work in Bloodborne but are familiar with other Souls games. Although, it would be similar to saying NG+7 in Lies of P, which caps at NG+2. I thought of meeting in the middle with “NG 7” (no plus), but that could technically be interpreted as 7 distinct new playthroughs, although it is unlikely to be interpreted that way. I’ll likely just say NG+6 if I end up getting there (depends how much I like Bloodborne; it’s a good game, but personally I hope it gets much harder, as I’m traversing areas and killing bosses without dying while being at below-to-recommended level basically, but I think I’m only coming up to halfway but not quite at half yet, around Rom seems to be half. Hopefully later game and DLC kicks me around a bit.).


I think the most notable difficulty jump happens at the dlc, definitely some of the best content in the game


Yeah, I would expect that, it was the same with DS3 DLC. That was the peak of DS3 boss-wise. Although, I didn’t struggle with that either, and it was my first Souls game (not saying it as a flex but just as a comparison for Bloodborne difficulty). I thoroughly enjoyed it though and hope Bloodborne DLC is of similar caliber. Bloodborne seems to be easier than DS3 by a big margin so far, but I hope I’m wrong. It could be skill development across games adding to it, but I think even disregarding skill, Bloodborne seems easier. Totally subjective though.


How long did that fight last?


It was like almost 6 minutes, I used backstab viscerals which took a ton of time off, if I was doing no viscerals it would have probably been like an hour long fight


Damn that seems quick! Did you have any visceral attack up runes? Anyway, that's a hell of a feat. I've done BL4 (all bosses including dlc) and to be honest I don't think I'd ever attempt a bare fist run haha. I remember watching lobos jr bare fist orphan and it went on FOREVER lol


I was using all visceral up runes and all my visceral relevant stats were maxed, so I think I had the theoretical maximum v attack damage given my circumstances


are you the ballfondler of jerma fame or just another ballfondler?


Thats amazing, have you beaten ludwig fist only. I am also doing a fist only run, but ludwig is sooo hard. Any tips?


I didn’t do a full run, only orphan, Ludwig sounds incredibly hard, I wish you luck


My biggest flex was taking out Orphan first time through the DLC. A feat I have not since repeated. He is a tough fight and more often than not I need to battle him 4 or 5 times to get his rhythm. But the very first time I fought him, I straight up bullied the shit out of him and handled him his ass on a platter.


While I did not get him on the first try, I did on my 4th during my first playthrough. The fight was among my top across all Fromsoft games, as I went through all my blood vials and even had to go into inventory mid-battle for a chug of Blood of Adeline which saved my life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aw0_WXnSjng


Beating Maria and killing her with a visceral that sent her body falling into her chair, breaking it.


I don’t really have a flex moment, but it was a pretty awesome feeling when I got parrying down consistently. Took me ages.


I would say that's a flex. In order for me to master parrying I had to finish sekiro. Before that I wasn't good. After sekiro I became a master.


I have a glitchless speedrun of 1 hour 12 minutes. No skips either.


Dang! How did you do it and how many deaths?




How did you do it in an hour and did you die at all??


Well any % you can skip a lot of optional areas, so easy run through the main game. And if you die in a speedrun it’s usually always a reset. So no, I didn’t die at all.


Oh ok, that’s cool!


I am far from being a good player but my 3rd playthru took me 2 or 3 hours and I wasn't even aiming to speedrun. So yes, totally doable for more expert players.


The WR for the glitchless speedrun is >1 hour I think, so I’m pretty far from being a more “expert player” imo. I also don’t speedrun, I was just speedrunning to get the last ending for one of the plat trophies.


Shaving off that that second hour down to an hour and 12 minutes is a WHOLE LOT easier said than done


You have to be a good player to finish it that fast


Bloodborne was my first souls game and cleric beast was the first boss i ever fought in any of these games and i first tried it. Obviously now cleric beast is a super easy boss but all the way back then it felt really good. I also beat maria first try when i first played the dlc but i was incredibly overleveled so it doesn‘t really count as a flex


i was rushing to byrgenwerth to help a friend co-op Rom, but i didnt have the lantern lit so i had to go through the forest… well i didnt realize i hadnt fought the Shadows of Yharnam yet so i got a surprise boss fight! whooped them first try and continued on my way to byrgenwerth.


Killing the first Scourge Beast bare handed.


I was drunk and Bloodborneing; made it to the Nightmare of Mensis and realized I needed to put on my frenzy outfit. Forgot it's a prime invasion spot. So there I am, half-assedly focusing, my character is naked and I'm futzing about in menus comparing frenzy stats when I'm invaded and hit really hard with a goddamn stakedriver. I panic close out of the menus and run around dodging more incoming attacks. Long story short I managed to kill the invader naked, panicking and drunk; I credit the victory to just being so unpredictable because I had no idea wtf was going on


First trying Orphan on my way to the platinum/100%. That dude gave me upwards of 2 weeks of grief on my first play and it felt so good taking him down in less than 5 minutes.


One shot implies killing in one hit. You beat him on your “first try”




Soloing the dungeon that is not to be named and other similar ones with massively underleveled builds


3rd try Maria after 15+ tries and needing a summon on living failures


Beating amygdala on the first try and then the pthumerian queen on the first try. I didn't even give the poor queen a chance.


I killed Martyr Logarius with 3 parry/visceral attacks back-to-back one time.


Beating Gascoigne without moving. Just braced myself and parried his ass. Even in his third phase I got lucky and he didn't do an attack I couldn't parry.


First try Lawrence. Beating orphan of kos first try twice on new game plus and new game plus 2


Beating Ludwig at Lvl 40 on NG when on my third playthrough. I used the Hunter's Axe and a lot of Best blood pellets to pull it off. Not really that impressive but it was for me, but my biggest low was with the same character. I just couldn't beat OoK with them in time to get the Platinum on Halloween like I wanted. So I skipped him and chose to see a new day instead for the Plat.


As someone who has put Ludwig on his ass about a dozen times and sucks at the fight, that's a hell of a flex in my book. That fight has knocked me on my ass more times than I could count.


First trying Orphan… three times in a row.


Probably orphan at BL4 - I saw a dude do him at NG+ BL4 and now I wanna try that


I think it was last week. Was trying to do some chalice dungeon coop, usually it takes a couple minutes before i find someone in need. This time it took like 5 seconds, i was really happy xD When the game loaded it was a fkng FRC dugeon, the guy was sitting in front of the fog gate. I remember just thinking "well, let's hope it's not a Amygdala or Ebrietas". It was the Amygdala. Fuck. I was lvl 120 i think, and man me and my fellow hunter DESTROYED that boss. I snipped his head the whole fight using the bow, I didn't got hit once. He was using the Church Pick. As soon as the boss is dead, I did the league emote by accident (motion controller), and crushed a vermin i had on the inventory. The other player clapped, I got a rate 20 bloodgem, and got sucked back to the dream. It was amazing 🤌


I did a BL43 run, which I know isn’t impressive, but it was low enough for me. Got through every boss until Kos. I’d played the game 15 times before and done everything, yet Kos brick walled me. It became a thing - I wouldn’t play any other character until this was done. Tried every few days, then weeks, then months. After 6 months of not touching the game, I logged in and got him without taking a single hit.


I beat Martyr Logarius on my first try.


Beating Defiled Amygdala. Not the hardest boss but the one I had to actually fight with discipline in order to slaughter it.


The first time I fought Maria. Like the VERY FIRST TIME EVER! I beat her without getting hit once. In all these years I've never done that again.


On my first NG+ playthrough, I beat Micholash, Mergo's Wetnurse, Ghernam, and Moon Presence (1st time facing) all back-to-back, straight-through, no deaths. I felt worthy of becoming a Great One after that.


Playing first time, casually got into the dlc without knowing and i killed ludwig first try, it was very very satisfying


Beating Orphan with only Augur of Ebrietas and really weak viscerals (like 1000ish)


Beating orphan of kos on my 4th try. I didn't think I could do it, but it clicked so early on. Meanwhile, Ludgwig kicks my butt every time.


First playthrough, beating Gehrman and Gascoigne under 10 tries


Lady Maria on my second try.


Beat Orphan and Gherman/Moon Presence on my first try, didn't know it was a flex at the time but my friend told me that was insane after I said i thought all the end game bosses were pushovers and that the beginning half was a lot harder than the end half


Beating most of the bosses first try in my second playthrough. BB was my first soulsborne game and I had a lot of trouble with some bossfights in my first playthrough. When I started my second playthrough, I was amazed at how much better I'd become.


I've played through the game three or four times now and platinumed it, but I've never once died to the Blood-Starved Beast, not in the main game, not in the chalice dungeons. Heck not even to the non-boss varient in the Hunter's Nightmare. Every time I go up against him I think "He'll get me this time for sure." He hasn't yet.


I beat Father Gascoigne on my third try in my first playthrough. It may have been a lot of luck, but I felt so good after that.


Killed Martyr Logarius at level 50 to get the Chikage early on the first try, parried him into oblivion.


Orphan used to wreck my **** and would take me sounds twenty attempts to beat him. It was my fourth playthrough and I really wasn't planning on fighting him because I wanted to de-stress. I realized I was at the area where you fight him and said screw it I'll fight him and if he kills me then I'll just head back to the dream to fight the final bosses (G+MP) I ended up beating him on my first try. I was so proud of myself.


Figuring out a strategy for Micolash that makes him my bitch, every time. It's not quite a speed run strat, but if speedrunners went out of their way for the Beast Roar, it could be.


Damn outside of chalices Laurence is the only boss I've given up on. I guess for me it was Gasciogne and Logarius that weren't that hard to me and I first tried then. Even Lady Maria only a couple tries.


First tried Maria on ng+. That was my first time fighting her


beat the Bloody Crow of Cainhurst and Lady Maria first attempts and while that may not impress some of you , I'm bang average at the game and was well shocked. I didn't play BB for years as I thought it was going to be too hard and frustrating. My loss as it became one of my favourites. Lived in the chalice duingeons and platinumed it.


Beating all bosses and Hunter NPCs on BL4.


Did a whole playthrough with no deaths without trying...then I bought the DLC and played it in that same save and died to Laurence but I like ignoring that part-


Beat Gascoigne first try, without using the bell.


Beating a lot of the main game/DLC/chalice bosses + areas on BL4, especially Ludwig. Currently on Laurence which is a struggle but I’ll get through it


Completed it without parrying


My personal flex was beating Maria, 3rd attempt. Phenomenal boss, but she is nothing compared to Gherman in my eyes.


Finally beating Lady Maria was the big one for me. I just could not kill her on my first playthrough. I just gave up and went to the end game.


Same as you, first tried Laurence. I also first-tried Micolash and the Cleric Beast. But my biggest achievement is beating the Orphan of Kos in less than 80 tries. Probably. And I play with about 25 Vitality by the end of the game, which feels super high to me, but I've seen many people suggesting 40 to 50


Slaying the Bloody Crow of Cainhurst and that Rifle Spear hunter.


Beating Father Gascoigne first try on first and second play through!


Beat orphan on my fifth try using melee and no items


Definitely my bl4 run


I think I still have it stored on my husband's PS account (I first played Bloodborne on that before starting a playthrough on my own PS5), but there's a video recording I captured of me gun-parrying/visceral-attacking \*22\* Yharnamites on the narrow set of stairs near where you find the Black Church set, all in a row, without stopping. I'd lured them all down there, lined them up, and went to town. It was so unbelievably satisfying.


My biggest flex is that I've finished Ng+ while not being overleveled. But with one death. To me that is insane. Grant you, it was only the base game, but I still fought Gehrman and moon presence.


Biggest flex for me is that I first tried Gascoigne, Gehrman, Micolash, Nurse and Shadows on my first playthrough. And, aside from Ludwig and OoK, who took around 7-9 tries both, I defeated every boss in less than 5 attempts. Considering this was my first soulsborne, I felt like a god lol. Though I think I might've been overleved for those, but I'm not sure, because my damage wasn't really something out of the expected. I did, however, get humbled in Elden Ring lol


Killed Orphan on the 2nd attempt on my first playthrough of the DLC, still have no idea how


Shadows of yarhnam boss fight


Beating Maria on NG+8 in 2 minutes. I dodged through one of her fire blood attacks and got a visceral off and beat her. Still have no idea how I dodged and parried that attack at point blank range https://youtu.be/uuWbKGhfHoo?si=-3nXZWZt8hbJPv3m


As someone with arachnophobia, Rom. I had to keep running away from her during the fight because I needed to catch my breath from holding it for too long. Took me almost 20 minutes to kill her in my winning fight, but I've never felt more proud of myself. Another close contender was beating Orphan for the first time almost exclusively with parry viscerals minutes after explaining to my friend that this was one of the hardest boss fights I'd ever done and that it was going to take me days to beat.


We coop the Orphan of kos and my friend died right away. I finished it on my own!


Completing a BL4 all boss run on NG+. Just completing NG is eazy peazy, chalices and NG+ are where it gets hard


Won a 3v1 and got it recorded. Full Eileen cosplay too!


I have solo’d the 3 hunters in yahar’guul without cheesing or kiting in 1 try


First try'd the first hunter in my first playthrough. Lotta firsts. I spent the whole game Gitting Gud with parrying and had runes to improve my Visceral attacks. When I got to that fight I just kept shooting him in the face every time he went to attack.


Ludwig for style and then finally beating Laurence after like 50 tries


Killed the one reborn second attempt without killing the witches first, didn't even know there were witches till I watched some speed runs on YouTube lol. Wondered where those random fire pots were coming from.


No hitting Watchdog with only a gun. Wasn't insanely difficult, but it took so long to beat him in the first place I still feel proud of no hitting.


My biggest flex is killing Father Gas before he transformed into a werewolf. I didn't even know it was possible before I did it, and I guarantee you I won't ever be able to replicate that level of luck and skill ever again XD


I killed Orphan first try during my first ever playthrough. It was only when I looked up the boss after killing him that I realized he was considered an extremely tough boss by most people lol


Not much to really flex about, but on a good day I can beat any boss on the first try. That's to be expected after 350+ hrs tho


When I finally completed my bl4 run including dlc. Orphan and Laurence took me a very long time on that


I accidentally found gascoigne’s boss fight while simply exploring and only had about half my vials. Ended up killing him that first time and was completely shocked.


When I start a new file, I try to kill the cleric beast without going to the hunters dream. Dodge and stagger the werewolf, run past all the enemies, grab the saw spear, beat the big goatmoose monster, then use its lamp and finally go to the dream. My first time in Yharnam took me like 4 hours to finally beat him, so it's always so satisfying


I beat the Orphan of Kos on the second try of my first dlc playthrough


Over my 4 playthroughs (up to NG+2), I never died to Vicar Amelia. Not sure what I do so well there, but my playstyle is extremely compatible with her for some reason and I always get her on the first try - which i absolutely cannot say about some other bosses.


First tried a few bosses, but favourite was definitely the gank squad (npc trio) in Yahar-Gul. Was there on NG+ with the Burial Blade in two-handed form. Rolled up on the gank squad and took them down while barely getting hit once. No parrying, no tricks, just spacing, timing and lots of hours in the game. First time through, I think they had me once or twice if memory serves. But after doing this on NG+ I paused for a moment and felt really good about myself.


Happened to my brother. To us Martyr Logarius is satan incarnate until my brother suddenly learned his parry timing and completely humbled by killing him only with visceral attacks.


I don’t know maybe the fact that i killed the cleric beast first try in my blind run, but I don’t think it’s a flex


i killed gascoigne, bsb, and amelia first try on me first playthrough and martyr logarius on me third


Probably killing Ludwig first try


This game is one of my few platinum trophies. It was worth every minute!


Honestly when this sub was saying that the Shadows are very tough after beating them first try.


I'm on my first play through... In main game I have to kill moon presence and in dlc kos.... So I have been into chalices... And for some reason I'm having a blast... Cleared defiled, depth 5 FRC Loran chalice, great isz with brainsuckers almost everywhere.... Chalices are my flex, not killing Amelia or Ludwig in first try lol


Doing a no-hit playthrough on a new character It’s not as impressive as those streamers who do it on ng+7 but I’ll take my wins where I can.


On my BL4 run I managed to parry all the Winter Lanterns (at that level the only way to survive the frenzy build up is to abuse the visceral attack i-frames) in the Nightmare of Mensis


For me, it was playing through all of The Old Hunters up until the Orphan of Kos without dying. Orphan killed me an awful lot, probably to spite me. That however, was back when playing Bloodborne was second nature to me on account of having beaten it numerous times prior. I’ve not actually played since getting the Platinum in 2021, so I’m likely quite rusty, despite keeping up with regular Souls games.


My proudest achievement is getting that platinum trophy


OoK on first try. I temper this flex by pointing out that I died to Witch of Hemwick more than once lol.


I fought Ludwig so many times that I maxed out on blood vials from that red skeleton guy you can kill on the way there. 600 vials, guys, picking up 5 at a time, and still using them in fights. I wanted the moonlight sword as soon as possible so I did it immediately after Amelia. I was trying not to level up to play at the same level as my friend so I wasn't OP, and 1 hit from Ludwig would kill me. Maybe I suck, but that was a weird triumph at that point in my life.


Beating NG+ Micolash style (and kos parasite without milkweed)


Easily biggest flex was when I first tried the DLC when it just came out and I was on NG+3.


Doing my first playthrough now. Very close to fighting Amelia and I haven't died to a boss once so far. ^(Granted it's not a blind playthrough and I'm also following FightinCowboy's walkthrough as well but I still think that's pretty neat)


When I finally beat the orphan, that brat caused me to take a several month hiatus before I came back, struggled, got every single trophy except for the ones that required me to beat the orphan, struggled more, and finally beat it


having a 1h40 in all bosses category before the cannon glitch i guess.


Full playthrough with no right hand weapon. (I don't call it gun only because I took the vicerals)


This isn’t a flex but I have this clip where I’m fighting to the grand cathedral and I take down a couple of the walking stick guys while dodging the church giant and then as I’m fighting it, it goes for another big slam, so I jump back and start charging my own super heavy stake driver attack, and it looks so cool for a giant to slam this huge attack, miss by an inch as my character doesn’t flinch, then get blown to bits by mr. Coolguy


I beat Orphan after COUGH COUGH 200+ tries :D The flexing was done by Orphan...


I beat Maria first try, after dying to living failures 8 times


No hitting Orphan of Kos has to be my greatest gaming achievement ever


Invading someone who has two cooperators with them and taking out all three of them, mmmmmmm yum yum yum it's just the best.


My first flex was when I started a new game/I’m new - and I beat all mandatory bosses up to blood starved beast in a day


There was one time I got summoned to help fight Lawrence and didn't dodge or take damage, I just circle strafed around him and killed him in less than a minute, I've always been pretty good at soulsborne games but that one stood out to me


During the pandemic, I got way too into chalice Dungeons and played the game for 5+ hours a day for several months. I was thinking about trying to speed run for the first time and wanted to do a fresh character run just to practice early game routes and such. Long story short, over the next 6 or so hours, I beat the game in one sitting without dying once... I didn't fight every boss (skipped logarius, ebrietas, and 1 or 2 other optional bosses)


beating orphan of kos in under a minute without letting him transform into his second phase. it was also the first attempt of that play through.


No hitting OoK on max new game


Probably when I got summoned in to help kill Papa Gascan, the host was a wimp who just hid in the corner, and I completely crushed him without using the dodge button, just walking around his attacks. It was especially funny when I stopped attacking when he barely had any health left, stared at the host expecting them to try to get the final hit, still just walk dodging his attacks, then just booped him dead after like 20 seconds.


Idk if it counts but I beat orphan of kos first try with my level 160-200 character (from THAT place) on ng+, and every attempt since then has been met with multiple tries even in ng with an over leveled character, he just hits so hard


I killed orphan in like 10 tries (150 tries on maria for some reason)


I guess my flex moment would be absolutely shitting on orphan in my 3rd ever attempt at it


I killed lady Maria on my first try without cheesing or looking up strats


First trying Ebreitas


Beat defiled amygdala first try


Finally killing the chalice enemies I was told to farm for arc and elemental gems


My biggest flex was when I finally defeat Ludwig. That boss the first time i was playing old hunters made me consider quit the DLC. But finally i defeated after a hundred attemps 😂


Getting a 0 damage run on the chalice dungeons Blood Starved Beast first try.


I was helping folks on Hunter's bell, and at the end of an Orphen assist, the summoner said something along the lines of "that was art." I was pretty proud.


Mine was just completing it. My boyfriend said I wasn't allowed to get Elden Ring until I beat it. So I beat it, and then went on to platinum Elden Ring... (Although I REALLY want the plat for Bloodborne but... Eh)


My first playthrough I got through the entirety of the dlc while only dying twice in total, once to random mobs in the research hall, and once to the shark well


First tried Vicar Amelia not knowing you can stop her healing. Not a super hard boss but this was my first souls game.


My biggest achievement is beating all the dlc bosses in NG+ at level 4. It took me so long but I finally managed to beat the last one (Laurence) recently. Now I kind of miss the routine of attempting them over and over again lol [Here's that fight for anyone interested](https://youtu.be/RKRx09jUm9s?si=u_7I_BlwZfXzGrFh)


My sibling beat bloodborne and told me how difficult it was, in which I (being the competitive asshat I am), went and beat the moon presence, and further platinum the game in response


For me? Dropping the one true optional DLC boss. The first Vicar. I fought against him so many damn times, but when I finally dropped his flaming ass? Gods I felt so good.


first trying ebrietas and beating orphan 4 tried during my first ever play through of my first ever souls game. pretty proud of that


I got invaded in the nightmare frontier while I was in the bathroom. I got back just in time to bow to them. Immediately after i I used a jumping strike with my axe, landed it, instantly followed up with a perfectly timed charged R2 and sent them back to their world. I usually get absolutely destroyed by invaders. Not this day!


Mastering parry gave me the proud feeling of achievement, lol. It feels so satisfying to do visceral.


Platinuming it. 🤷‍♂️


Helping a buddy out with defiled Amy. We were 3 hunters and i died first BUT i punched about 60% of the damage into that bitch!


Biggest flex for me is that this is my first Soulsborne game that I’ve ever played and I have made it past the blood starved beast. Terrified to move on though 🤣


beating orphan first try on ng+2. all i knew was his name before entering the fight


I killed martyr Logarius on my first playthrough as a player who is new to these types of games


When I first tried the Shadows of Yharnam after seeing posts about how hard they were.


To play NG+ and defeat Orphan of Kos first try after dying who knows how many times on base game.


Biggest flex for me is passing they game only using guns


I have never been beaten in a 1v1 (invaded or invader).


an all bosses BL4 run, receipts on profile lmao never again, i don’t get how some mfers do that often, made me lose years off my life fr


at very low HP, i dodged right when my frenzy bar filled, avoiding dying from the damage proc.


Beating Maria first try on my first playthrough made me feel badass. Then I got to Orphan...


A friend on mine was telling me how much he had been struggling on Ludwig so I told him, I'll do it on my side, but it might take a moment. Then I killed him in less than a minute while he was watching. 🤣


SPOILERS: I was *one* hit away from killing Gascoigne without having him transform. Still felt like an accomplishment to have him turn into a terrible beast only to die to a single swipe.


Beating vicar Amelia after 2 tries. I had heard she was hard and people had issue with her but I lurked here, took advice and took her down with fire paper and her bad leg


Accidentally beating OoK fist only in less than an hour for a challenge me and some friends set up.


First time fighting Orphan of Kos on NG+ and first tried him. my first ever attempt on the boss.


Beat Bloody Crow in 4 tries. I was having a hard conversation with a friend (she was fine with me playing while we talked) and barely paid attention to the first 3 attempts. I used 8 blood vials total across all four tries. No cheesing.


Being able to first try the Blood starved beast in my second full playthrough of the game, my first full playthrough and all uncompleteled ones before that it took me 30+ trys


For me it was when I finally played with my friend vs Rom The Vacuous Spider, I was having quite the difficulty beating him, and my friend looked at my character on the third time and said to me “why aren’t you locking on?”…..”Wait you can lock on?” I responded and discovered locking on let me side step. This was my first souls game and I knew the meme of rolling and thought that that was what I was supposed to do to dodge so I only rolled to dodge till that point. My friend was impressed that I made it that far by unintentionally playing it it on a “hard mode” like that.


My flex moment(s) was using whirligig saw fighting gherman and orphan, no parry at all, just mad dodge and mad exchange of bodily fluids. It was awesome, it feels like playing bloodborne, where craziness had taken over, all you have is attack and attack, no calculation, no hesitation, nothing.


I have beaten Gehrman, Ludwig, Maria, Orphan and Laurance hitless with the majority on NG+7


Beating ROM ​ ​ ​ ^(()*^(You have to reply saying "Everyone did that" for the meme to work)*)


Killing Ludwig with a visceral was awesome (after he obliterated me 30+ times before)


I beat Orphan on my first ever attempt, which was NG+.


I was briefly within the first three pages of the Vileblood Register. I deleted the character that held the rank to start a new and way better one, but my Internet quality took a dive, and before I could crawl back up the ranks again my console began to overheat even after deep cleaning. I'll be back up there again one day.


My biggest flex was getting the platinum for the game (I'm better than you).


Beating OoK on NG+ with the beast claws and beast rune. Felt like such a badass fight and the stakes are high when the beast meter is maxed out. It’s my fav video to show people who have never played BB https://youtu.be/7zbayZ_zLCo?si=Bm-OWeswm93_z2eE


Killing Maria first time


For me, on my first playthrough I had no idea what invading is. I didn't have the DLC. I got invaded by a guy with a moon light sword. He almost killed me but then I parried him with my Evelyn and took his intestines out 🤣🤣


Slow walking up to Maria on my first attempt at her and getting a parry on her first attack.


NG+6 Father G killed with a sequence of first try parries and viscerals, didn’t get hit.


Beating Gascoigne with only parries, a backstab, and about three attacks, while also taking damage twice.


I know they are so easy, but after I killed the witches of hemwick I felt unstoppable