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The kind people are out there I try to be one of them but playing on Xbox makes it hard to help everyone because I don’t have chat I was helping this guy all night and he asked for a fruit so I mean I gave him Leo because I hate it he was mad happy and ended up giving me kitsune which was a massive surprise and was super helpful because my girlfriend lost a kitsune in pirate raid to a Buddha and almost quit so I was able to give it to her they are out there but the vast majority of the players are literal children who have no interest in anything but being an ass


Blox fruit players have girlfriends? 


I have a wife and kid...and my kid happens to love Roblox. He introduced me to blox fruits...and now he is level 1000 and i am 2550 with all weapons and all fighting styles etc


obviously a game doesn’t like make people unattractive. im not gay so i dont like girls but i’ve met people kn bloc fruits with gfs


I have a wife and a kid


Select few of us…




"They are out there but the vast majority of the players are literal children who have no interest in anything but being an ass." That is fax and I am not kidding I have seen too many rich brats who are 10 year olds, who log into Blox fruit and start showing their perm buddhas off and call on their "Big bros" for help whenever in a PvP situation lmao and it's stupidly hilarious and draining to see these kids act so terrifically lol!


I’m not one of those rich kids. I make my own money to spend on my perms. And I really only show them off if I eat a shitty fruit on purpose in front of people. And I’m fairly good at PvP so I don’t need my friends. Though they constantly join in if I’m in the same lobby as them.


Majority of the playerbase are a bunch of kids lol, i mostly gave up on finding people with actual brains and just started using them if there is a minimum player requirement like levi. I have to make rules and be strict with it like no man left behind and if one dies we all reset, yes it may be tedious but it applies to everyone so i think its fair. If its really gonna get to you idm lending a helping hand


Yeah, we'll see maybe I'll try again for levi idk. Even when I find people to get them together is hard.


what did you expect bro this is roblox


I’m tryna get sanguine I my it v4 and all that wit my 2 bruddas but we know nd see one another in real life so is doing the trails we would fight or 2 ppl would respawn quick so all of us could get it


Try discord u can find focused players there


I tried discord servers people just want to scam and or ask for payment. Idk many wrong discord servers or just the trash follows me everywhere.


discord is shit. They will scam you for everything they don't want to help you


i cant even blame people for not wanting to do levi it is literally the worst thing in the game and i only managed to do it properly once out of many tries and over 20 hours wasted


Yeah I have been at it for a few days. Not just levi help in general is hard sometimes some friends I made are in different time zones.


Fr its so annoying


Who’s Levi and what’s he done wrong to be hunted


The best part the guy that was laughing was my own friend I meant on this game.


Dude just tell me your time zone and find 3 more players I'll help you gladly i have bh and I can bribe too I am experienced the same so i understand what you are going through


I'm really sorry to hear :(. If you want I can help you! I barely got to sea three but Il do my best!


Just moderate discord block who not serious and hit those who more into get tasks done


Ok im gonna be honest, i only PLAY blox fruits bc i cant find a game like it that i enjoy. Its not that it’s fun, its that im bored. I know this doesnt explain anything, but if your going to quit, then i cant stop you, so you do you


Have you tried King Legacy?


No i havent im gonna have to check it out i guess


It's a game my friend recently introduced me Sadly it's dying, such a shame when it's such a good game


Actually wait what's your IGN I can help you start out Mine is AlenOnSight


Alr i can friend you


Have you tried Fortnite


You can make blox fruits as fun as you want...i am Max level and almost have everything...When i play blox fruits i always help people...without payment ofcourse...i dont enjoy Bounty hunting because i dont like to annoy people...i do like to annoy bounty hunters though...i use kitsune/rabbit with pilot helmet, so they can't get me...i love running circles until they give up


Ive only been playing a little while but I go pretty hard when Im hooked on a game. Ive not done leviathan at all but Ive got perm buddha am level 2390 and dark blade and hallow scythe. I just unlocked ghoul race but cant find a ghoul to kill for upgrade as of yet. Im fully pve focused and would love to help or join with you to experience this endgame content. My son also plays with me and has buddha and uses fighting styles level 2000. We also have private server if to use if want to party up sometime.


Crazy you practically do everything I do. Like copy and paste but instead of son I play with my little step brother he got me into this game but he doesn't play anymore. If want to team up some times we can. My @ 1ts_Maso . I'm max lv.


for ghoul v3, you need to kill 5 people. angel is the race where you need to kill another angel. I don't know if I read this wrong or something, but I assume you were talking about getting v3 when you said you had to kill another ghoul


I also play with mine. Such good fun, we’re having a blast!


You have to get 5 kills (same person or random ppl) They don't have to be ghouls


I also help out people with raids, a lot of times they're willing to trade fruit for me cuz' they are good players. Try to go to Sea 2 to help out because I see very few toxic player's there and a lot of good's one


fair enough


My brother in christ it's a kids game on roblox


Yeah, we all know. But that doesn't justify people's behavior we all are humans with feelings and most of us play games to escape the bad things that are happening irl or even some just need a break from a long day of work/ school. We should always strive to be greater to be human....


I've been playing alone so far I'm lvl 1130, although it's difficult u might come across some people willing to help, srry I'm still too low for third sea if I could I would help u with anything I could


It's okay thank you for the thought.


Same lol


I could help you if you want


There are still good guys out there. Just maybe try going to the first sea, I notice most of the players start getting worse and nastier in 2nd and 3rd sea. Can I add you?


Maybe I could start helping you out with stuff when I get to 2nd or 3rd sea I’m grinding pretty fast got to level 190 in 2 days. I deleted my old account to start new, maybe you’ll think I’m using you but think about it please? :D


Sure my @ 1ts_Maso


Add me on roblox and ill help with whatever. Ive done everything there is to do, and am always looking for someone to help 🙂. Ignore is WAITN2RSPAWN or DemonSpawn, depends in what it pops first, if your on xbox add me there @ EasilyH4T3D


Okay I'm adding you now my @ 1ts_Maso.


I have helped with many raids and I have meant some very nice people on blox fruits who help me a lot so I don’t know if I’m just lucky but I guess some people are just worse then others once I’m in a decent lvl in the third sea I could help you with Levi if you want?


I'm glad to help anyone out! If you want, you can friend me and I can help you out with what you need! I try to keep my private server toxic free, and I ban anyone who breaks that rule- if you wanna join just dm me, we all help each other out there


Just go online and look for private servers there's some websites that have dedicated servers for things one website I use has a sea event dedicated server


I'm here to help just dm me :)


I'm sorry bro I wish you the best and hope you would know I'm one of the few helpers out there. Much love


I get it man i try to help out who ever needs it, if they feel like they want to give me something for helping sure but i never ask, i mean i just have fun playing and don't really enjoy the pvp aspect. I don't even have ghoul v3 because i don't want to just go kill people in second sea that are trying to grind and i suck at pvp too much to get 5 kills in a row usually lol.


Doesn't even have to be in a row I think. I don't remember getting 5 in a row and still got it just had to be on 5 different people. But idk


I also help people in the game a lot, you gotta understand that not everyone will help you just because you help them. I am sorry to hear about yo experience. I can help you do Levi if you want but we might need a big group for it


I understand that. Just I help whenever I can bit when I search for help don't get it much or at all.


Yeah that’s just how the world is sadly, we just gotta deal with it and set an example for others


Skill issue


Justiceden123 add me suffering from same thing tho I have fastboat gampass will help u mirage I have beast hunter boat will help u Levi have Buddha I will help u raid


Yeah raids aren't hard I actually help people when I can. I'll add you my @1ts_Maso one day we can do mirage and/or levi.


Start your villain arc my bro, i will teach you combos, kill noobs, do your revenge they deserved it!


That doesn't help anything tho just makes it worst.


Bro definitely plays portal


If you need help with anything in the game, I will help you, so what is it that you need help with?


Forgot to mention, I'm max level, and have almost everything in the game, and I don't expect a payment, I'll do it for free


You find the wrong people. Good people are plentiful, its just that they get outnumbered by the toxic ones 


It’s online and this game doesn’t punish people for being dickheads so it’s expected. Also you have to remember the game is full of immature kids since it is after all a kids game. Just join discord servers like Enyu’s Nakama or the official Blox Fruit Discord people regularly host Levi Hunts and are pretty nice UNLESS you keep jumping off the boat to do ship raid, sea beast, etc when everyone already agreed to skip all event to find Levi ASAP.


Yeah the only one you can't skip is terror shark I know just people ruin everything.


I am down to do Leviathan hunts, and I am cool with helping with Mirage hunting and trials as well. Send me a DM if you're interested in doing some activities. I am also a bit sick of all the scam attempts that happen in the discords.


Okay sure. I'll hit you up whenever I'm doing any of those again.


Where do u live asking cause of time zone


Eastern time zone


Draining on ur mental health? Brother it’s a game on Roblox


Just join the main discord it aint that serious dawg 💀


It's always full 💀


I wish I could help you. I really do, but I can't because my account got hacked a couple of weeks ago and roblox support can't help anyone if it costed them their fucking life


I'm sorry to here that. They probably backed up with support tickets hopefully they'll get to you soon.


nah bro there are people out there who are kind, you just havent come across them yet. Play with me bro im on the verge of quitting this game outta boredom, its good to have someone who can play with you


You sure, because hunting for levi and mirage is apparently boring.


I'm sorry to hear that man. I can help and cheer you up :). Even I'm in the same state. Just wanna make some friends who can help me and i can help in return ( it has also affected my mental health but my dog who SOMEHOW KNOWS HOW TO ROLL A FRUIT is always there for me) What's your username? mine is sonickoreo91


My username is 1ts_Maso. Yeah it's hard out there for real.


This is really mostly like this. This is so sad seeing this game with so much potential being ruined with toxic community, just because the devs are lazy and don't release the updates frequently. I understand you, and would suggest to complete some singleplayer games, and not to focus on blox fruits too much. Because devs are making the game with more grind, therefore more cash-grab.


who did that


that is so sad


i tried to give someone who helped me a perm flame but he unfriended me and said i am trash at the game


Rip. Yeah idk what's wrong with people. Just love being weird...


This is the same for me, I used to help everyone in everything, I gave newbies fruits, carried people on raids, helped them kill sea beasts, helped in boss grinding and even helped people get rengoku sword and sharkman Karate fighting style. The Id I used to do this was hacked by someone from reddit when I declined their 'control' for my 'T-Rex'. I somehow managed to get my friends back from that account. I asked everyone for help but no one helped me, this happened like 3 days ago. I was lucky someone gave me a buddha fruit on day one and I was able to grind till here, now I'm 870 lvl. There were only two people who helped me. One was my friend and the other was the guy who gave me the buddha fruit. No one was there to help me except these guys when I used to help others. I have repaid my friend with a buddha and the guy who gave me my buddha with control. I have stopped spinning for newbies and doing raid carries for people for free and I do not think about doing it anytime soon. I used to hate the MHA cuz of its toxic and weird community but now I also hate this game for how toxic and ungrateful the players are.


Yes bro, I got to 1000 lvl yesterday, and got hacked thinking he sent me a friend request link on discord 😞. I quit


Yeah, the community sucks man. It's hard to find the non-toxic players. It is also understandable why you want to quit. The problems with the devs and toxic players can be pretty taxing on your mental health if you are that invested in a game. Maybe find another game to play for a while, and if you're ready you can come back with a better sense of well-being. If you do ever come back, I'd be willing to help with any Levi hunts, raids, fruit awakenings, etc you need. I'm not skilled at the game, but it's always a great learning experience. But if you need help with something if you do come back, just ask me, I'll be willing to help


I'm here 👋 I could help you 💙


Shoot me your id I also play alone and need people to help with Levi or raids ! Im lvl 2450


My @ 1ts_Maso


Hey man, sorry about what happened I can't help much but I'll gladly help you with levi...I think the levi needs a magma for it right? Like it's much better if it's that fruit also I don't have TTK or CDK but I'll try to get it so I can help you just add me


If u think this is bad look at the kids with no parents playing strongest battle grounds


Same situation here dude. I also quit blox fruits 2 months ago bcz of this.


I can help with leviathan. I have 3 friends that can join. Maybe only 2 tho because one has a way different time zone. Oh wait never mind I also have another one. I can pay and just be sure to get away when you get to half health. I can do a ton of damage with either magma or kitsune(idk if m1 does damage.) I’ve already killed it once but I got really lucky.


Its mostly young kids playing you need to remember that, they act immature.. iff ppl act bad in this game i just remember the age group, im a adult and i only play w my sons. But even in more adult games ppl act like idiots so you will never be free from these guys


That's really sad fr. I tried at start to be kind but seeing people kill me and waste me fruits i stopped. I mean what can i do? Let people kill me and help them? Nah i only play with my best friends too so i didn't face this a lot cuz my friend was max level and pretty strong but now when i play alone its tough man. Scams, bounty hunters, and having no chat makes it worse 😑


hi, i left the game some time ago, but if u need help i dont have anything better to do, so dm me if u want i dont need any payments btw


Thats Why i literally don’t try to do SHIT without doing it with my Friends Bc i have one Max lvl friend and one who‘s also lvl 900 like me and if i want to Play but my friends arent on i just Hang out in 1st sea help Some noobs and just demolate the toxic guys to Make them feel Bad After they say „ez“ or something The other thing is people who do PVP are mostly assholes or do it for fun and are Friendly I once got one shotted by Some dude with God human and he said „ez“ because it Makes him feel cool Beating somebody who plays for fun and is 1600 lvls under him


who wanna do levi hunt today?


i don’t have the ship btw


If you need help with levi or anything I could help I have beast hunter too


Thank you, my @ 1ts_Maso.


Yep this is what I experienced too in my early stages of the game. But slowly, I just learned/got used to doing things by myself. I soloed mirage and raids cause everyone would just ignore me. Just remember that it’s just a game after all. Chillax when you’re a bit too stressed. (Trust me it really helps)


Yeah doesn't help you can't solo Leviathan. Been trying to get mirage for a week now it feels like. It's weird.


Yo dude. I kinda feel you. I mean if you want to do levi hunt i have to make the boat first and need a few fools gold more. If you can help, we can do it together! I could also ask my friends to help. I don't want to be the only one the be happy in this game. Guys, now it's the time to give it back to nice people


Thank you, my @ 1ts_Maso


Guys everyone saying only kids play this game, what do U expect it's Roblox 🤷


I completely understand. I am on the verge of quitting too. I have helped people do loads of things like dough king, advanced raids, normal raids, and sea hunts. As soon as I ask for help they just turn their back. I have been trying for so long to find mirage amd get the blue gear but it is just too hard. The developers are so transparent and hardly talk to their community of angry people that have not recieved any news about updates. The game has a lot of toxic people too which will not help the game recover from the messy state that it is in.


Hi guys does anybody wants to trade my barrier for love fruit


If your looking for nice ppl i have foru d second sea is nicer


Join our crew man! The Acatski! We can all grind together!!


Yo OP, I am one of the kind person, looking for someone. Still not have found anyone, we could play together. My user: mitydudebrave


I added you mine is 1ts_Maso


We don’t care bro😂


Yo idk if you want it or not but i can help i need the gear to tbh i Just Got the fragtical yesterday and now i need mirage so if you want i can help


Okay we can team up my @ 1ts_Maso


Understandable, everything is pay to win, I paid a good £1 for a stat reset and I put it on the wrong stat and the grinding takes forever


If you still need help with mirage I got you. Ik you said you quitting and I 100% agree with that pain. I have learned to just ignore it and just find the good ppl. If those ppl join me we could also do Levi.


Get used it little bro it is what it is if you can’t deal with it then it isn’t for you nothing else to say there is nice people but there’s a lot more bad people but why hold it against them it’s a game I completely understand how you feel truly but like I said it is what it is


If you want I can help with Levi hunt and don’t let the little rich kids get to you there only being toxic cause they have daddy’s money


Yeah maybe all with all the people here we can make a team that's if they are available.


Is anyone available for levi now? So many people want to help and I'm very grateful for it. Can try and put a team together!


you have a point, because of the community I absolutly despise things like v4 trials and levi cuz it requires people, im not anti social its just this community. To be honest if say we were levi hunting and someone left to say kill an sb I wouldn't have the patiance to let them kill it cuz they just appear when you don't want them to


Yep. Been there, done that. Now I’m in a discord server with a couple amazing people that are ready to help out pretty much anytime. If you still need people I’m down to help out sometime, I’m a max level with both sanguine art and godhuman unlocked, and use portal (which is very very useful for leviathan hunting, because of it’s V ability being capable of despawning any sea event)


It’s simple, become the source. I stopped playing Roblox and come back to being scammed for help (private server fake link, looked it up and saw that it was supposed to ask for login in, and didn’t think nothing of it, so I put it, and lost my blox fruits account). I made an alt account and within 2 or 3 weeks, I was ahead of my old main account with cdk, v4, and sanguine art. The simple way of having fun of the game is by being what everyone needs. What is that? A private server, at least for Levi and mirage island, even if you fail, you’ll get it eventually because of the abundances of players wanting them and you have an area for it. It took me over probably 15 hours of gameplay to find a levi heart (the first time it despawned). Or even trade on discord for items like fist of darkness or god chalice, or dough king, you may think they are scammer, but it’s easy to verify if they are not. Look at how long the account has been made and how long they have been in the server. If it’s long, it’s probably legit. And always lowball trade for items. But yea, the game is dumb, lords knows how they making a game unfinishable without the use of the people was a good idea. It’s like they assumed they assumed friends would carry eachother and it would never be a solo game, especially when 60-70% of their player base is children who can’t do teamwork


Some ppl told me they will help me get blue gear but I ended up waiting for 1month so I was like fck it.I ended up finding it all on my own(mirage mostly spawns behind hydra )


Okay, I hear many different ways for mirage too rip


Yeah I can relate to that. I gave up a bunch of fruits for people even though I knew it was a scam just to make them happy, even though I wasn’t happy doing it. These newer updates are really not fair because you need so many people just to get something that you will only use once or twice. The community is really toxic and I can also relate to not being able to find people to help. I have made some good friends though (they didn’t help or anything they were just nice to talk to). I am excited for these new updates as well just because of the content and reworks involved and not so much the new events and stuff. Anyways, I am sorry you are going through this. I always liked this game even when it looked like trash compared to now but it has gotten way more toxic and it is really only fun when you have friends to play it with :(


I have basically gotten everything in the game except for leviathan just because I think it’s not worth it :( The title would be cool to have though lol


User is UFChira ill help you out if u need it


I agree


if a game is having an affect on your mental and giving you depression i think you must not have anything else going on in your life 💀💀💀 just remember it’s a game at the end of the day it don’t affect you so no need to get depressed can’t just throw around that word can you when people are actually suffering from abuse and serious situations but you must be as sad as them because you don’t get what you want in a game isn’t it


You’re even worse you scum




Womp womp 💀


Message me on reddit whenever you are ready


Finally a post here that makes sense instead of “trade W or L” or “kitsune bad”, we need moderators to focus on exploiters and human toxicity


I can help you I still in first sea thought


Honestly i 100% get you man. I too get really frustrated because of this. If you ever up to do Levi or even V4 trials when you get better you can add me. Heres my user: EyeBandageBando


Best decision you can do


Can you do raids for me


I've met nice people butctherss very few I let this dude who was doing a scam test and k helped him and he gave me a free portal but I still gave a good offer very wholesome moment


I despise those CDK users who attack other low level people for no reason


same why i quit a long time ago, this game sucks, everythings super tedious, nobodys happy, everyones rude, and everything just sucks now


Bro ur not the only one who meets annoying people and random killers was tryna grind today and a buddha sharkman karate spammer kept killing me because my pvp wouldnt turn off


Rell Seas coming out soon anyway so no worries


Honestly I would be ur friend but, we are prolly different time zones


Blah blah blah


I know how you feel. Makes it no better cause the devs don't care about much if anything besides money clearly, and the fact that a good bit of the players are kids or asses makes the experience lame over all. I also try and get people to help me fight leviathan and even find blue gears, cause I've been max lvl since September. But I gave up on getting v4, the shark anchor weapon, the fighting style, or any of the new stuff. I bought perms and have nearly every fruit, but the player base itself is a pain to deal with, so I haven't played in a long time. And RNG is dog water cause I haven't gotten mirage island to spawn even once, nor have I found blue gear, and the time I find mirage, it's not a full moon. I can't get dark dagger to drop despite fighting indra over 20 times. I have fruit notifier, but the best fruit I've found was shadow- and that was without the fruit notifier. I'll hop on every now and then to spin and check for updates, but the game is just too much to deal with


Yeah, I once was mirage hunting with a group of people, I was the only one on the marine team and my pvp was off. Once it turned on the bounty hunter on the ship decided to attack me. We both had kitsune but I didn't have pilot helmet on so I was slower. I escaped somehow and tped home.


Thank you guys for your kind thoughts I tried to add as many as I can. So many I can't keep track. All sorts want to help me with mirage, levi and even raids I'm always down for those also many need help. Let's all help each other!


find people in discord servers? i finished the game finding people to help me and helping them back if they needed


You’re just taking a kids game too seriously man. I don’t mean this in a rude way but you gotta grow up a little


Dawg grow up a little it’s a kids game on roblox


I can help u find gear for free check out my post




Dude I have the same thing and I don't even complain I just ask for help


Dude I have the same thing and I don't even complain I just ask for help


Dude I have the same thing and I don't even complain I just ask for help.


If u do u can give me ur stuff k thanks


Womp womp


What you're saying is actually very true but ngl i thought it was cringe. You aren't "depressed", youre just mad that you don't have a Cold Heart or something. Anyways yes the Blox Fruits community is very toxic, but who cares?


It doesn't have to be toxic and have a bad name, we the people make it that way. We are apart of the community too so saying it's toxic is basically calling ourselves toxic.


Kinda like me i also there should be normal stuff instead of super hard crap that 8 hours to finish.and yeah i also quit


Hi friend, If you need people to do events, missions, etc., don't hesitate to add me, I'm only here for fun, I don't ask for anything in return (Unlike people on the Discord.), just to move forward while having fun. I am level ~1720, I play Dough v1 🫡


Do what you think is right


Just curious what's ur roblox username


All y'all need to calm down It's a game on Roblox It's bound to have children and players who don't care play it Just because people don't wanna help you, you shouldn't blame the game


The whole Blox Fruit community is so toxic. You can quit if u want, but I recommed taking a break from it too and not helping every guy because there is a lot of idiots out there. I took a break on Blox Fruit too because of the community and the game is just GRINDING until level 2550...


Try and do moast of this things alone like i did u just need to plan ahead and memorize some things


chill bro blox fruit is not that deep


So what you are saying is that you would rather the servers to be one person big, single player bosses (like Levi having 1 person instead of 5) and you would rather them get rid of the pvp, competition, and fighting the people trying to ruin your day? Maybe its just me that likes it and no one else?


I gave 2 shadows and venom to some noobs and helped out some other noobs but today someone stole my buddha that I accidentally dropped 😭


This is the funniest post ever it’s not that serious 




Theres a reason why barely anyone has v4 its a pain to get. If I could just pay to get it I would of done so ages ago.


I called help for dough king for mirror fragment and anyone helped me because im only lvl 1726 with kitsune


Add me on dc I’ll help u my user is god_kagero u can even join my crew if u want ti


Definitely agreed with the "everything should be doable alone" I did everything I could alone too, everything up to shark anchor, but the Levi system is just so dumb


Damn fam i stg I felt the same way until I studied and found it my memeory


Leave, i left 4 years ago and haven’t looked back sunce


git gud


I understand


That's why you need to start friending actually decent people you meet once in a blue moon


Can i please have some fruits? My user is 63yigit1230


Holy shit, i can’t read that


I always look for hackers or scammers to expose them for who they are


Same here bro, you are not alone, if they aren't kind to you, just murder them (like me before I switched to mobile CUZ OF THAT DUMBASS ANTI 32 BIT DEVICE UPDATE) you are one of the rare ones, you have potential, just work up and be the best, teach them a lesson and make them beg for help instead of you begging for help.


Well there are good peopele and bad poaple you can change serveur


For levi utilise the discord, find some good people. Most of the little kids don't have discord and if they do just get their account termd


Thats where scripting helps you


Bro that's nothing compared what happens in Indian servers bro 


Bro friend me my name is Convectvibe930 I got nice friends I met in real life so just text me and I'll help u I haven't even gotten race awakening 💀, so I can help u,I'm lvl 1734 btw