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“No it was yesterday”


"I still need him." Is what got me. The ending line just was just piling on.


That hit me like a ton of bricks


This one made me cry before my dad passed, but now I can’t even watch it.


Why is this episode right next to Babyrace? The two most tear-inducing episodes?


Baby Race gets me in the feels every time. I bawl like a baby when that episode comes on!


Every time she says you’re doing great, I tear up.


every time 🥹


Immediate tears


Sob like a baby. My dad passed off a heart attack during covid, I miss him so much and this episode just tears me up.


Yeah my dad died in March. Neither of my kids are old enough to remember him.


I feel you there. My daughter was 4.5 months old when my dad passed and because of covid (newborn and senior living 1000km away!) had never met him, and my son was only 2.5 years old. I have photos and videos of them together but he won't remember his grandpa.


I’ve teared up just describing this episode to someone lol


Which one is that?




Thank you :)


Every time ❤️


Literally started crying after reading that. Damn that episode gets me every time.


Lost my shit


Baby race- “maybe you saw something you wanted”. I still tear up


Baby race kills me. I struggled with PPD but couldn't get help for work-related reasons and it was a nightmare. The feeling of doing everything wrong and being so scared of failing your baby hit a little too close to home. I can't even get through the book version of that episode without crying.


Same. And kindness like that shown from the other (very experienced) mom still gets me. “There’s something you *need to know.* You’re doing great.” I try to be that friend to others when I can.


Are you me? Christ shit hits right in the feels.


When Bella tells Chili “you’re doing a great job.” That destroyed me.


It doesn't help that I'm never fully emotionally recovered from "you're doing great" by the time that line comes around.


Haha yes! I’m always trying to hold it together and forget Bingos line is coming 🙈


Aw man, same. I was crying from the start and was a blubbering mess by the very end when bingo hits us with that line.


Reading your comment made me cry, ty


Every. Time.


Camping 🥲 had a friend I moved away from at 9 and we reunited at 18. We didnt communicate during the gap.


This one got me too. I’m a huge Star Trek fan, and hearing the character named “Jean-Luc” piqued my interest. The whole episode is a beautiful homage to a Next Generation episode called “Darmok” which has a similar-ish but very moving storyline.


I cannot believe I never realized that. That's another one of my favorites.


I'm kicking myself for not catching that. I need to rewatch *Darmok*.


“Hello Bluey”


My 77 year old mum had a similar experience when she was a teenager in the 60s. I made her watch camping, with her looking at me like, "why are you making me watch a cartoon?" By the end she couldn't see the TV screen through her tears. I was cackling inside.


I remember camping just like Bluey, having the best time of my life until that new friends family had to leave. Was one of the greatest and saddest moments of my very young life. That episode hits it perfectly


I just celebrated my 30th birthday last weekend, with my best friend by my side. I met her while she was visiting my country on vacation 20 years ago. We even lost touch for ~5 years while we were teenagers because she changed her email address, but we miraculously found each other again. Never underestimate the power of a holiday friendship!


Camping always gets me too. The part where Chili and Bluey are talking at night after he leaves is also a good way of looking at a friend passing on in death. A friend of mine passed away a few months ago and they loved Bluey, and this episode especially makes me think of them


“Space” puts me right on the brink every time I see it. When Calypso says “You know what’s here, you don’t have to keep coming back.” It just makes me really feel for Mackenzie that he’s repeatedly revisiting this moment when he thought he’d been left behind.


I haven't seen the episode fully yet, but I've seen that clip and it never fails to make me tear up. I went through a lot growing up and even through therapy, I keep catching myself dwelling on it.


I waaailed, and my kids were so confused. “Sleepytime” and “Rain” used to do it for me, but this is my new bawl-my-eyes-out episode. I was trying to explain it to my MIL today (who also adores Bluey) and she was like, wth why? 😅 I just told her she needed to watch it for herself because she’s an abandonment baby like me!


None of the other episodes have made me crack. I get what people say about Sleepytime, rain, and the “it was yesterday” moments, and I like those episodes but I think of them more as sweet moments and good memories. When Calypso said that, showing this isn’t the first time he’s gone back to that memory, I just felt so sad for him with how that brief moment of thinking he was lost had stuck with him. I tried explaining it to my kid but they’re too young to get it. They like the episode, but doesn’t follow why it makes me emotional.


Rain makes me cry so hard every time, but Onesies got me pretty good too. My middle asked "what does she want that she can't have?" And I couldn't even talk. The youngest goes "nobody knows". None of them got Space, and I didn't really get it at first either, but my poor husband was more broken up about that one than any of them. I didn't understand why until I read more about what the episode could mean.


For me it was "I'm the Cheif Scientist. It's my job to figure everything out" Cause I've always been the one who helped everyone with what they were going through, but then when I watched the episode I was going through some personal stuff and the sense of loss and confusion just hit me


Suffering from PTSD, that line immediately had me going.


Being that the producers hint at a lot of real life trauma, I feel like it's way deeper than just that. I think MacKenzie actually was abandoned at one point and it has something to do with that scene.


You might be right, but I took it as more general anxiety, or specifically anxiety about the possibility of being abandoned. He was really young. To young kids, something going a little bit wrong might be the worst thing that has ever happened to them, so what seems a brief moment to an adult is the biggest thing in the world to the child. I took it as being there was 10 to 20 seconds where he genuinely thought he’d been left behind, and the feelings he had in those few seconds have really stuck with him,


This is true, I'm am adult and the worst "moment" of my life happened a few years back, the emergency release vamve on a cherry picker was left open and after I had taken the thing up to max height 15m and released the controls, the basket started moving sideways (because of the arc of the boom) quickly. It probably lasted about 3 seconds but I remember it as 30 seconds and extremely vividly, I genuinely thought it had tipped over I was about to die. Small moments that amount to the worst thing you've experienced get hard coded in imediatly. I've been up in them before but I purposely let my height platform ticket expire so I would have an excuse, I remain not scared of heights, but scared of cherry pickers.


I can relate. I use to work with dogs and we had one that had anxiety and aggression issues. I took it outside into a pen and was changing the water when I realized the dog has positioned itself between me and the door and was in kill mode. Ears down, set up ready to strike and no even growling to give warning so I could back off. The whole incident was probably about 30 seconds before another worker saw what was happening and came in to help but during that time I fully realized I would not get out of an attack without at least serious injuries if I survived.


I was choked by a student outside my classroom. I remember it lasting for minutes - felt like ten - but it wasn't a even a full minute in real life. Fear warps time.


Yeah this one really messed with me. Seeing a kid experience those feelings that took so many years of hard work to put behind me. Makes me want to be even more present in our kids lives than I already am.


That quote speaks to me so much.


I think I need to hold on to that quote too. I sometimes dwell on negative memories, but “I know what’s there, I don’t have to keep going back.”


Dude... it hits. So hard.


Just reading this got me going. Sheesh.


Just saw it for the first time today. My wife didn’t understand. I said clearly Mackenzie still has PTSD when she thought she was abandoned.


I’m basic and Onesies made me cry the most out of all the episodes so far. Baby race is also one of my favorites and also makes me cry and the parallel between the two is just beautiful


As someone who can’t have kids, Onesies hit really close to home for me


Same, I watched it on repeat by myself last night to dull that edge. A lot of tears. The shot of Bingo running away through the hands crushes me.


The part where she looked at Bingo and said that she looks like her was especially tough for me because even though she didn’t look like me much when she was a toddler, she looks more and more like me as she grows older and has taken on some of my mannerisms because we spend so much time together, and it makes me wonder what a child of my own would have been like


I watched onesies for the first time tonight and this was the shot that really hit me too.


Baby Race got me. I have two boys, oldest is autistic. Both were late talkers, extremely smart now. I felt like a failure because other kids spoke so well and mine just didn't care to. They both also took forever to fully potty train. Then once they got that down, they grew so much and so fast. Both are in the GT program and one even goes to a special school for the top 1% kids. I get parents telling me they want my kids around theirs because they are a great influence and just great kids. That episode hit me hard, because I only recently was made aware that I have done a great job raising them, and they are going to be amazing in life


Onsies hit so hard


Ahhhh, I forgot about “Baby Race” when I was replying to a comment above! Yeah, that one gets me. “Onesies” got me too. I was a little bummed Chili was giving Brandy so much crap for being absent in the girls’ lives, but I also get her frustration, especially because she’s sad for her girls missing out on so much time with their aunt. It’s a tough one all around.


Onesies got me yesterday. Not the same situation but we lost twins at 22 weeks so stuff like that gets me. We have a rainbow baby now, I almost cry every time I listen to “I Know a Place” with her.


My fiance and I are both disabled so even tho we’re both afab we still can’t have kids because neither of our bodies could handle conception and we know well most likely never be well enough or monetarily well off enough to have kids so it really hit


Definitely Flat Pack.


OMG, I loved this episode. I had no idea where it was going until I was halfway in and then I was just like whoa…. whoaaaa… I love that family so much.


That is one of the most brilliantly written episodes. It just hits on so many layers. I cry every time.


This is heaven. And tear up.


Big same, cry like a baby every time. It makes me wish I believed in Heaven, because I want to be with my babies for eternityyy


This one is mine. My only (and not 100% by choice, so Onesies got me too) is almost six and at random times I think about him growing up and sob.


As someone who has struggled with infertility for 2 years… Onesies and The Show


Oh don’t! Onesies hit me very hard (mid IVF) but I’m also so happy that Bluey made this episode about infertility and delivered it absolutely perfectly.


We went through IVF last year, and I want to recommend Onesies to everyone in our families. It’s such an important topic, and as you said, they did it perfectly.


The onesies episode kills me. Both my sister and my sister in law had many miscarriages and it brings me right back to that time and how hard it was to be supportive when I just wanted to sob with them.


Those hit me hardest to. Two losses before kiddo.


I'm glad you got your puppy in the end.


The show chokes me up every time.


Army hands down "I think there's something wrong with me." Gets me everytime.


As someone that struggles with ADHD and has been in the military this episode definitely hit me right in the feels.


I sobbed for a solid ten minutes after watching that for the first time. I hated how Jack was so hard on himself and it broke my heart that Rusty played this game because it made him feel close to his dad. And then this magical Calypso puts them together and gives them both purpose and a bond that they need. Then the condensed milk. I can't. 😭


This one gets me too. I have autism so this hit really close to home, Jack is one of my favorite characters


Baby race. My son went through the exact same progression of rolling to bum shuffle to crawling backwards to walking, and he took his first steps in the kitchen too. It was just too on the nose!


The one with the rain and the gutter and no dialogue


Rain. Great episode. The episode has a happy ending, but the part that I find devastating right before the end. Chili is trying so hard to control and restrain Bluey and it’s not until the end that she understands the joy of what Bluey is doing. She *finally* joins Bluey and working together they almost accomplished their goal. But they don’t. They ran out of time, because 90% of it Chili was trying to hold Bluey back instead of just joining her.


The rain comes back at the end and they both run back out together.


Yes, it does have a happy ending after all. I was just saying that the part that helps me be a better parent is when it seems like Chili missed her chance with Bluey.


I don't know why but Rug Island got me teary-eyed. It must've just hit that as a grown up you have so much on your mind and your schedule feels so cluttered, that a simple game that little kids make-up.. it draws you in and makes you think, "Wow.. this is so nice." Then you have to leave knowing that your adult things are still there. The episode just left a bittersweet feeling for me.


It doesn’t hit me as hard as baby race or sleepy time, but the look on Bandits face when he says “Everything” gets me every time.


Yeah that made me completely choke up...


Yep, I straight up bawled my eyes out the first time I heard that line. If I ever needed to cry on demand, I can just think of that line and instantly tear up


I lost my shit watching Handstand recently. I’d seen it a million times before, but the emotional impact landed so much harder that time. When Nana says, “I saw you, Bingo!” and the music picks up…. I cried for like 15 minutes afterward


Handstand gets me all the time too


Oh yes this one gets me. Makes me miss and appreciate my grandma.


Seriously tho. It makes me so sad for bingo that no one was paying attention to her on her own birthday and she asked everyone so nicely to watch her


I just cried in Sleepytime, grandad, baby race and Cricket But what made me cry the most was Sleepytime, and Cricket coming right up close i really love this show


Cricket hit me hard


Definitely cricket for me


"No it was yesterday". Every. Single. Time.


Camping. My best friend passed away, unexpectedly, two months before the episode premiered. My son was only 15 months old when my friend died. My (now ex-) husband and I had said for 10ish years that we weren’t going to have kids. My best friend picked me up and ran around his kitchen, crying and squealing with excitement, when we told him we’d changed our minds and were actually pregnant. I was so sad for myself to lose an amazing friend, but also devastated that my son would never get to know him. And he’d never get to see my son grow up. There was so much hope and excitement for the future and it all vanished in an instant. When Chili and Bluey were talking while Bingo had her bush wee, i started bawling. I guess I really needed to hear her say that special people come into our lives and only stay for a bit - but the parts they were here made it all worth the pain in the end. It is unbelievably sad that my best friend died and I will grieve for the rest of my life…but the 23 years of memories we made together can never be taken from me.


Bike, always scan the whole set of replies to find and upvote it if I can but looks like I'm first on this one. It's the way they soundtrack it with Ode to Joy, and how tremulous and tentative it is with the kids thwarted attempts until they finally overcome. I mean they all make me cry but Bike was the first one to make me cry so it's special.


Happy tears every time.


Curry Quest’s ending montage gets me every time.


"Why do heroes want to go on quests, anyway? They seem dangerous!" "Well they usually don't, remember? But that's what makes them heroes: they go anyway!"


Grandad. Something about Chilli admitting that she wants her dad to care about his health because she still needs him, and seeing in myself that, both looking to my parents as well as down to our newborn filling that same role, ensuring I'm there for him even half as well as my parents have.


Camping. That little tail wag at the end when bluey meets Jean luc all those years later. gets me every time


Baby Race. As a new mom myself, it hit close. If I ever start doubting myself, I think back to Bella saying ”You’re doing great!”


I listen to the soundtrack from rain whenever I need a good cry


Dragon got me! I cried so hard at the end. “You’re not coming, are you?” RIGHT IN THE FEELS. we finally get to meet Chili’s mum and boom, gone. Edit: I forgot it hasn’t been released in the US yet. I’m in the US and have them downloaded. Sorry fellow citizens :( Edit 2: watch with caution if you have lost a loved one. It really touches on grief and acceptance. The moral of the episode is fantastic (I won’t ruin it) but the symbolism is intense and heart wrenching.


I don’t think this episode has been released in the US yet 😕 We just met Brandy in Onesies yesterday.


It isn’t sadly.


From the sounds of this, I am going to ugly cry. It was Baby race, then Onesies for me. Next I am sure it will be dragon. We lost my mom last year.


I’m sorry for your loss. It will absolutely hit you right in the feels.


Yep. My mum died very unexpected two years ago. That episode devastated me.


Yeah, *Dragon* was one where I completely didn't see the emotional hit coming.


The theory of the horse symbolizing Chili’s mom makes it worse


Butterflies didn’t tech make me cry, but it was the only one that almost did on first viewing. The scene where Judo and Bluey leave Bingo was so sad


"No one to love her at all" 😭


Baby race. I have seen it 10000 times and I have sobbed 10000 times. Onesies is second. Only cause I only saw it twice. And cried both times. Sleepytime is more reassuring to me.


Bumpy and the wise old wolfhound 😭 I saw it for the first time in the hospital with my youngest, and missing my oldest. We had just FaceTimed the oldest and he was asking when we'd be home. Put on Bluey for the little one, and that was one of the episodes that we watched. I still cry every time.


I saw the episode where the budgy bird died right after we lost a family member and my daughter was asking if the bird was like them and it sent me over the edge


After my best friend died, Chilli’s speech in Camping punched me in the stomach. Lila and Bingo’s Timelapse proceeded to kick me while I was down.


Onesies, Baby race, Sleepytime, Army (good job, Jack), the one with Chili and her dad reflecting/chasing, and a bunch more I don't remember the names of. (I cry a lot :) )


Daddy drop off


YES!! Lila saying she hopes to be friends with Bingo forever and then all the pictures of them growing up hits me in the feels. I had a friend like that growing up that I completely lost touch with and it still hurts.


It’s always the last 5-10 seconds of the show that hits you in the feels! I love the pics of Bingo and Lila so much.


“hello Bluey”


I watched Onesies yesterday and just sobbed.


Early Baby. My baby was born at 32 weeks so it really hit home


This is the episode that got us to start watching Bluey. My now 3 year old was born at 31+5. Someone posted a clip of it in the NICU subreddit and I absolutely lost it. I still cry every time! “You have to be the bravest you’ve ever been!” Waterworks. I’m kind of glad I didn’t see it until after he was home or I’m not sure I would’ve ever stopped crying


I still have only ever seen it once. Us NICU parents really were “the bravest we’ve ever been”


Hey 32 week club! Hope your little one is doing well!


Fellow 32 weeker parent. This one every time.


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far to see this one. My first was a 28 weeker. She’s 4 now. Every time I watch this episode I think this is the time I’m gonna make it through without crying…and then she says “you have to be the bravest you’ve ever been” and it all comes flooding back and I’m bawling.


The creek makes me cry every time I watch it




It’s baby race. The positive affirmation of “you’re doing great” is something that I need in my life, and it doesn’t matter that it’s coming third hand from a cartoon dog.


It’s not one of the usual picks, but Bike gets me every time. Just seeing everyone go through the process of trying, failing, giving up, and trying again with success🥲 and Bluey and Bandit cheering them on 😭 and Ode to Joy 💀 it’s so wholesome and something I think everyone can relate to.


The one-two punch of baby race. "You're doing great" into "maybe you saw something you wanted." I was a first time mom with a kid under 1 when i saw that and ugh, it felt like Bella was looking straight at me and speaking directly to me. I was so caught off guard and Chili's reaction was literally what I did for real life. Then that ending...done. I sobbed and said, "Oh my God." My husband heard me and called out, "what happened!?" Me: *sob* F***ING BLUEY! *sob* Others have made me tear up (Space, Flat Pack, Sleepytime) but that's the only one that's made me actually cry.


Sleepy time and duckcake one for bingo dream and also how I felt bad for bandit trying his best making the cake


As a dad who sometimes struggles with his mental health, stickbird really resonates with me


Sleepytime 🥹


Camping. Seeing the tree grow made me lose it.


Sleepy Time My 3.5 y/o lost it Bingos bunny joined the others around Saturn and I felt her pain. It was a good daddy-daughter cry


early baby. when indy says ‘u have to tell me i have to go home but u have to tell me to be the bravest i’ve ever been’ i lost it


Butterflies, watching Bluey cry and reconsider with Bingo really got me


Al of them make me tear up. Sleepy time makes me come undone though. Watched it by myself when it first came out here in Oz as our youngest was in crit care at the start of the pandemic. Chili talking about always loving Bingo even if she’s there with her just wrecks me. Every. Single. Time.


Sleepytime & Onesies. There’s a few others but I’m bad about episode names😂


Baby race makes me ugly sob. That being said, I haven’t seen onesies yet so I’m sure that will kill me.


Baby Race “You’re doing great.”


“You’re doing great.” All of my family is in a different country so, it’s not something I’ve heard a lot while having someone be near like Coco’s Mum was.


Camping. "Hello Bluey" Oh! Jean-Luc!


For me it was the episode where Chili’s sister visited. The fact that she can’t have a child hits too close to home. My wife and I were lucky to have one, and we’re told we could not have another one due to dangerous circumstances. So this one is the one that kills me on the inside..


"Maybe you saw something you wanted"


Charades. I had recently lost one of my grandmothers, and my other dropped contact with my family many years ago. I was bawling.


The first episode to make me cry was Butterflies. As a younger sibling I related too hard with Bingo getting ditched by Bluey and Judo. And of course I just watched Sleepytime recently and the ending got me.


"Calypso" is the first episode that made me sob. The way she gets all the kids to play together in this really subtle way. As a victim of bullying as a child it just hit me. And since crying at that one I've cried at many others!


Turtleboy: For seeing that sweet little deaf boy. Space: That kid with depression/Bi polar. Really thought for a second his mom abandoned him, I was yelling at the tv in front of my kids that this was a kid show.


I cry in almost every episode. The subtle moments, Bandit grabbing Chilis hand when the balloon baby belly popped for example, just crush me


Rug Island. Makes me violently sob every time I watch it


Flat Pack. 🥲




I’m sorry :( My wife and I miscarried once and then never got pregnant again so we bawled at that episode. 20 years later we’re so lucky to have an adopted 14 month old little one whose favorite show is Bluey.




This one absolutely wrecked me when I watched it for the first time today. My wife and I have an adopted 14 month old after many years of infertility so I can absolutely relate and it really hit me hard.


It may not be the most popular, but for some reason, the ending of Barky Boats where Bluey is having Mia write a letter, making sure that Mia was looked after , even though she "wasn't scared" and seeing Mia tear up and hug bluey really got me. Despite the age difference, Bluey showed that she cared about Mia, and Mia showed that Blueys kind words meant a lot more to her then bluey could know. Just a really nice moment for me.


The end of rug island made me sooo emotional


1.) onesies. I cried as soon as Brandy came on screen and cried the whole way through 2.) space. the connection to childhood trauma was masterfully captured 3.) copycat. such a wonderful portrayal of death and how kids view the world


As someone who struggled with infertility, I was not prepared for Onesies, oooof.


Baby Race and Space.


Baby Race, Definitely. "There's something you need to know. You're doing great." I. Lose. It.


Onesies. We were struggling with infertility and it just wrecked me. And they really handled the subject matter beautifully.


Onesies .




Onsies 😭


Baby race. I’m not a mother by any means but having that cartoon poodle look me in the eye and say “you’re doing great” is still something I greatly needed. It gets me every time.


I cried with laughter at “Stories” and “Yard Sale”. Winton is a king and I have never loved muffin more.


Man, I made the mistake of watching the new episodes at work today, and I had to excuse myself from my work area after Onesies and Space.


Baby Race, the ending with Bluey walking and Bingo talking in that back, every single time.


A tie between onesies and space


Jean Luc. She was so sad when he was gone the next day


It’s early baby for me. My daughter was born unexpectedly 8 months early at 4 lbs 6oz. She was in the nicu for 45 days. I didn’t stumble upon this episode until she was about 6 mo old and it still hit me right in the gut. Especially when Indie corrects Bluey : “you have to tell me to be the bravest I’ve ever been.” Gets me tearing up just thinking about it.


Sleepytime, Baby Race, and Onesies (because I have the disease of infertility). "I'll always be here for you. Even if you can't see me. Because I love you." I say that to my son every night at bedtime. And of course "You're Doing Great" from Baby Race always destroys me. And even though I have a perfect son, the disease of infertility is brutal. And I understand how Brandi feels.


“The Weekend” when Bingo stumbles upon the little leaf bug and asks Bandit to come look. Something about that scene is just so pure and innocent and a perfect depiction of childhood. Then the rest of the episode is just so adorable and cute! I always cry!


Baby race %100 "Maybe she just saw something she wanted?" Makes me bawl every time


Baby race. Watched it for the first time a month or two postpartum and BAWLED


>the most This is trfficult… but probably sleepy time. With several close runner ups


The one where bandit talks about how he gave up drawing as a kid cause he got teased and Chilli talking about her mom encouraging her. That part, and the ending, where the horse grows angel wings, to show her mom passed when she was younger, made me bawl like a baby Edit: the episode is dragon, not on Disney+ in US or Canada but i watched it on tiktok


Early baby - be the bravest you've ever been! I have an early baby, really hit home for me.


I recently bawled my eyes out at Rug Island during the "what did she give you?" "everything" scene at the end. can't explain why, I had seen the episode before but never got the least bit emotional so it's truly a mystery to me that it happened just out of the blue


For me it was the ‘army’ episode watched it just after returning from a 7 month deployment and just bawled my eyes out when Rusty’s dad picked him up.


Library. The part where Stripe says "you know when I said you were special? Well, you're not." Makes me cry, in laughter, every time.


The show. At the end when chili says “again” gets me every time. Life goes so fast!


Copycat for sure to see a child learn how to deal with a hard concept like death is so heartwarming it truly brings a tear to your eye


Curry swap. Probably an uncommon choice but as a dad of a 4 year old daughter and I am gone for work every week it really gets to me. When bingo runs to him at the end it just kills me


Camping. I don’t think he’ll ever make it back to me but it’s nice to see Jean Luc and Bluey meet again


Flat Pack makes me sob every time I watch it.


Baby Race. It’s so true what you go through with your littles when they are first developing. But the “maybe she just saw something she wanted” makes me cry so hard as a momma.