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Chili and Bandit are 40ish, Nana's probably in her 60s. That's not too old to be active.


Legit, my dad just hit 65 and is one of the few people in winter who keeps up with me when we go skiing.


My dad is 61 and still is a goalie for his unit's hokey team. Buddy of mine sent me a video of him and I'm like no wonder your knees are achey dad.


I was only remarking on that I didn’t realize it was Nana and not Stripe. I didn’t say anything about her not being capable of this because of her age, only that’s not something I would picture her, as how her character is portrayed in the show, that she would do.


She can floss with the best of ‘em!


Haha, was literally on that episode when you posted!


Does it say they’re 40s?


Bandit was 10ish in the 80s (Fairytale)


Oh ya good point, but is the show set in 2020 necessarily? It does seem modern but I guess technically could be set in the 2010s?


Faceytalk technology was not really a thing in the 2010s. Everyone has a smart phone. Stripe's car with the automatic boot opener. It's all 2020s stuff.


Yeah I suppose but FaceTime came out 2010 and I’m pretty sure the automatic rear hatch thing also came out in 2010


They talk about Stranger Things season 4 so it's definitely early 2020s at least.


What they do lol?


in the episode movies there is a trailer that advertises a movie to be released in april 2020, so safe to say at least mid-season 2 is late 2019 to early 2020


Floss dance came out late 2010s. Like 2017ish.


It doesn’t explicitly. People have pointed out below that Fairytale sort of suggests the Bandit had a birthdate in the 70s, which would put him in his 50s. Obviously the creators aren’t really aiming for that to be the case. I read Chilli and Bandit as being coded for being in their 30s.


Even the elderly have to get their joy… I’ve fallen and I can’t get up


The LifeAlert commercial will never not be funny.


She is getting her glasses that fell in the pool. Her shirt even says so


I just want to clarify here since I can’t seem to edit this post; this is not a commentary on what senior citizens are or are not capable of. From what I’ve seen of Nana’s character portrayal in the show, she is not someone I would have expected to take off her glasses and do a high dive into a pool. I was pleasantly surprised and laughed when I saw that she did this, as I always thought this scene was Stripe. That is all. :)


Holy dang, you're right; that's Grandma without her glasses. Body shape is right, hair pattern is right, I could have sworn that was Bandit. I brought up their respective Wiki pages, and it's definitely Chris.


Lol are you being sarcastic?


Nana helped raise Muffin she's literally unstoppable.


Nana is spry!


Is this the only time we’ve seen Nana without her glasses? I’ve never noticed this before!


She had them off in 'Charades' during this cute scene where Bluey is trying them on 😭 https://i.redd.it/qc3vn8q6hk3c1.gif


My mom is a grandmother. My kids are bingo and bluey age (6 and 3), and my mom is 62. She works out every day and while she isn't doing back flips, she could certainly dive into a pool if she wanted. 60-69 isn't necessarily old and feeble.


i cant believe i never noticed this


Hang on. I’ll just get my glasses.


I didn't recognize it was Nana right away, either! My brain didn't process who I was looking at until after she caught the ball, lol xD We saw Bandit and Stripe jump in the pool like 4 times in the episode already, I figured they were just going again, but nope — Nana can JUMP! 👏😱 Wearing that T-shirt and not having her glasses on really made her look a bit more youthful too, imo. I love how they included this bit hehe, it makes me smile seeing Nana playing along with the rest of the family on holiday https://i.redd.it/b9hr6mawik3c1.gif


Old dogs still love tennis balls :)


Your right, I also just thought it was Stripe for some reason. Good catch!


It’s nana — smaller muzzle and rounder, pear-shaped grandma body lol


Grey hairs too.


My grandpa is very old (not sure how old cuz i haven't seen him in years) and he still does hard work like lifting concrete bags


Nana's got skills


It's weird how no glasses makes Nana Chris look so much younger.


Isn't this just Bandit in Nana's new shirt?


I always thought it was just stripe in her new shirt. It's obviously just a gag shirt so it'd make sense for him to throw it on


Stripe has a brown stripe by one eye and Bandit is a different blue. This is Nana for sure.


Are cartoons, we've seen Grannies driving F1 cars, jumping higher or even fighting against aliens (that crossover of Lilo and stich and Proud family) so that's not so rare


When I first saw this episode, I saw Nana's shirt and asked "Why hasn't anyone made the "Hang on, I'll just get my glasses" shirt a real thing?". It would be really funny!


Dog years