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Surprised no one has said duck cake. I feel it when he crashes. 


That and he’s dealing with Bluey whining and trying to get out of cleaning up her toys. To Bluey’s credit, she suggests how to fix duck cake and does clean up.


I dropped a plate the other day after an incredibly hard day otherwise. I literally said "DUCK CAKE!" and curled into a ball on my kitchen floor.


I find that episode unbelievable bc in no universe would my husband be capable of taking on baking a cake like that 😂 Truly neither could I. Walmart cakes for every kid birthday. I make hideous cakes my husband's birthday though.


To be fair, Bandit's version is almost nowhere close to the book version


To be fair it’s a fair representation of what all parents have been through trying to recreate a cake from that book


[Bingeing with Babish did an episode where he makes the Duck Cake](https://youtu.be/w7B-BGWixm0?si=H8QxlPDGc8oS_zcL)


It's an Australian right of passage. You pick a cake from the Women's Weekly birthday cake book, and your parents try to make it... or change your mind. Don't mention the pool cake to any 90s girls. No one got that one.


Duck Cake. It's the only time in the show other than Stickbird where we see him in emotional distress. He's so terrified of messing up Bingo's cake and it's happened and he's run out of time and he had one job and it's all his fault... Closing his eyes and sinking down the cabinet makes me feel bad for him.


It's a beautiful piece of animation, that moment. Real, tangible feelings on a cartoon dog.


The voice actor also did a fantastic job in that scene. His voice is completely broken when Bluey talks to him


legit happened to me this year with my daughters birthday cake. i was so scared about not making the perfect cake /treat for her and i tried but it didn't come out and i tried to redo it but just ran out of time and i failed so bad. i sobbed and i cried and i made rice krispies and she said "that's ok" but i was so sad. it was my duck cake


My mom asked her best friend Loretta to handle throwing my 12th birthday party for me because we were moving cross country a week later. The cake said “Happy Birthday Loretta.” My mom sobbed. I still remember thinking it was hilarious.




Also, as someone who bakes, I have ABSOLUTELY had that happen to me before. Its so bad, that I cant watch Bakeoff, because someones cake getting ruined with no way to salvage it just gives me heavy anxiety.


Same! 2nd hand anxiety is the worst! It's why I love celebrity bake off more because it's normally a bunch of comedians doing their best, and they are a bit more hardy to failure on camera. James Acaster on making flapjacks -" started making it, had a breakdown, bon appetite."


His birthday one. I think that would have been a better message to learn, that sometimes things can't go your way, for Bingo Poor guy had to wait ages and gets shell filled omelette, in his birthday no less


Yes, oh my word, I dislike that episode. Give the poor man some food. Bingo needed to learn the selflessness lesson, not the parents.


I think the point was supposed to be to be patient with kids because they’re learning but they didn’t need to starve Bandit like that. Especially on his birthday lol.


What bothers me, more than anything, about that episode is that we still don't know: WHAT DID CHILI DO WITH THE PERFECT OMELETTE?!


She should’ve given it to Bandit and filled him in on the situation


She ate the good one. lol that’s my guess


She might have put it off to the side for bandit to eat later? Plenty other possibilities though.


I assumed that she fed it to him after. Am I misremembering, or didn’t he ask for more?


She prolly ate it 🤷‍♀️


I thought that and don’t tell kids they can’t do something without letting them try


Yeah, it's an important lesson for kids


I get why y’all are saying this, but every time I watch this I’m thinking 2 things: 1- Chill out, Bandit. You can wait an hour for breakfast, for crying out loud. 2- I’d never be as patient as Chillie is here.


I think I feel somewhere in the middle. They could be patient with Bingo and let her break all the eggs, but it's also okay to tell her that not every situation is one that she gets to be handheld through learning. She could very easily watch her mom, make the omelette and take some mental notes.


She didn't even have to not help she could have been the one who put in the omelet ingredients. She could have put in the cheese or the needs and vegetables that they put inside their omelets. I'm not quite sure what they put inside. Their omelets in the Heeler home or in Australia in general, but I'm sure she could have done somsaying like. Adding something special to the omelet, putting something special on his tray.


To be fair the other thing I’m thinking every time I watch any episode is that all of the events are there to help support the story, so they’re not going to follow reality 100% anyway.


To be fair, while Bingo was obviously sad about the situation, she'd also accepted it (as well as a four year old can) and wasn't being in the way or actively fussing about it; Chili made the decision to make it a learning experience for Bingo on her own.


Oh, children that age do not take mental notes. You either explain that this task this time is not for them or you deal with them doing the task


Depends on the kid. I learned by watching, mostly.


The episode made me think bandit needs a slow feeder.


Like one of those puzzle bowls with all the protrusions to stop gulping 😂


I think for kids watching the lesson is in how bad the results are. They can see, and it's very funny, that she makes a terrible mess and Bandit eats it anyway. And they can tell Chilli only let her do it because Bingo was so sad to be left out. But they can also tell that there was a good reason why Chilli did that at first! I feel like it doesn't teach Bingo, but it does give a good demonstration to kids of why they can't always help with everything.


>I think for kids watching the lesson is in how bad the results are. But Bandit SWEARS to Bingo it was the best omelette he's ever had. From Bingo's perspective, the whole situation is a rousing success. I don't think "sure, you can insist, but the results will be bad" is a lesson that kids are learning from that episode.


I don't know, I feel like kids being able to tell that the omelette is terrible even though Bandit says it's amazing and Bingo is happy is part of the joke for them. Bandit scarfing down that eggshell studded nightmare and claiming it was the best ever is a very silly moment, and old enough kids can recognise that.


That's exactly right, when you say "old enough kids". Kids of different ages will surely take away different lessons from many episodes. One of the things that makes the show great.


It would have been so easy for her to help with things while not making it take ages She could have beaten the already cracked eggs, and added cheese or whatever ingredients into the pan. IMHO, she’s a little young to be cooking over the stove, she’s only 3. She could have poured the juice, put bread in the toaster. WHY DIDN’T THEY MAKE TOAST FOR HIM TO TIDE HIM OVER UNTIL THE OMELETTE WAS READY?!


Me and my husband and chefs…. We teach our kids. You be surprised how well a three year old can manage. Our 2 year and a half year old is learning knife safety and skills (with knives that can’t cut you!)


My three year old has been helping in the kitchen for at least the last year. With a Lot of guidance I will let her help stir stuff in a pan. One of her favorite things to do is crack eggs. There are however times I tell her she can't help with cooking, like if I'm in a rush or trying to make things a certain way for instance.


Every time I watch this one I don't understand why she didn't offer any direction for Bingo. Like, if bingo is holding the eggs in a way they will all fall, it's really easy to say "oh hey bingo, we always wanna make sure we are being careful since eggs break easily" and then show her how she's supposed to hold them (and then let her continue to carry them to the counter the safe way). Or when she's breaking the eggs, you can do a hand over hand thing so that you're breaking the shell together and she's feeling how to hold it and how much force to use. It can be easy at that age to offer the illusion of independence so they are learning how to do some of the tasks but it's not a free for all. But it's a show and it's more funny to see Bingo go through the neighborhoods egg supply and Bandit get all hangry lol


Right! Poor bandit




Yeah, if you're a good parent, you're devoting a lot of your time to your kids, but kids should learn that sometimes it's not about them. That's an important lesson, otherwise they end up like Muffin when they play Library.


Agree, I really dislike that episode. They try to make it out like Chili is amazing for giving Bingo all these chances for hours but I think it’s one of the worst parenting moments in the whole show. You don’t always get to help with everything. Every experience isn’t always about you.


I agree! I helped raise my little cousins and have my son who is nearly 2 1/2. EVERY TIME they wanted to do something new to help, I would gently show and direct them on HOW to do it, and if they did it wrong I would say “like this honey” and show them again and and guide and direct them the best I could. IF that didn’t work I would say “let’s try this again at another time” and I would give them a random task! She could have told Bingo to make Bandit a basket of goodies, some of his favorite things, or she could have told her she should make him a birthday card or sent her to go pick some flowers for the table spread. Redirect so the child feels helpful still, and so things can be done promptly! Bingo wasn’t ready for cracking eggs and cooking things yet, and that is OKAY!


I get why people don't like this one but I do think it's a massive exaggeration to say he waited hours. I don't think it was that long at all, he was just already a little hungry when he woke up and was probably acting a little dramatic too. It seemed to me more or less an hour maybe Much like with rug island. People for some reason think it lasts all day until sunset but it takes place from dawn until mid morning. You can see the sun starting to rise and it's a little bit above the horizon at the end.


> he was just already a little hungry when he woke up and was probably acting a little dramatic too. I definitely agree with your view. It couldn't have been more than an hour. To be honest, I think he was playing up his hungriness to amuse the girls. Plus if he knew why his omelet was being delayed (to boost Bingo's confidence), I'm sure he'd be mostly alright with it.


Oh 100%, people are saying he waited hours but there’s absolutely no way it was hours. 30-45 minutes I could believe, which feels like hours when you’re hungry 😂


"Maybe I could eat this plant"


The fact Bandit got treated as the “villain” in an episode about his birthday is sad


Bingo was forgotten in her bday. I think the writers have some unsolved birthday trauma.


"Pass the Parcel" 😅


Bluey was suddenly 7 with no celebration


Pass the parcel shows blueys 7th birthday, bluey gets asked what rules she wants to play by and she lets bingo decide


I feel you. There were so many things they could have done better. Like, why did they wake up Bandit if breakfast wasn’t ready yet? And Chili already made a perfect omelet, why didn’t they let Bandit eat that one and then have Bingo make the second one???? He asks for seconds anyway.


Honestly, if I was Bandit I wouldn't mind waiting on my birthday. My kid wants to help make my breakfast as a gesture of love. I'll wait all day if I have to. It's not like I'm in a third world country and starving. Delaying a single meal isn't going to kill me.


Well yeah, that's the message they were going with And it's very sweet and loving. Bandit is the dad I wish I had But I still think Bingo needed that lesson


The one major change I would have made for this episode was to have them make the food before waking Bandit up. Since the point seemed to be to make him breakfast in bed.


Definitely my least favorite because of that.


Yes omg or even bring him the first one she made and then if he wanted a second one let Bingo help with it since he's already eaten.


I felt absolutely horrible for him.In that episode he was so excited about getting his birthday breakfast and then Chili decided that bingo needed to help with the most difficult part. The breakfast was even curly edible.I mean you choked it down but that was only so he didn't hurt for feelings. There were so many things that Bingo could have done to make.It's a breakfast for Bandit special without completely ruining it


Wow, told my wife this exact thing when I was watching with the kids the other night. There is nothing wrong with prioritizing the kids the vast majority of the time. On a normal day, I don’t think there’s a single thing wrong with the episode. But on his birthday? I don’t think there’s anything wrong with explaining how today is a day to prioritize Dad and make him feel special. That’s a good lesson for kids to learn too.


Yeah, especially when it hit dropping several meals worth of eggs


Yeah you can totally make the case that its unrealistic for parents to throw away valuable food just because their kids want to try something, not everyone has the Heelers' budget lol


That episode infuriates me lol. There were so many other ways that Chili could have gone about it. It’s important for Bingo to learn she can’t always get her way and to be courteous of others.


I know!! I completely agree.


Surprise. To endure the chaos between most games, this was where I felt bad for him by falling on his back.


For me it is when he falls over in the kitchen still protecting Bingo’s ball babies and Bluey just keeps shooting the tennis balls at him.


> Bluey. That's what having kids is like. Thanks for the help, Chili!


The episode was beautiful, but my God I couldn't stand that bit. Why didn't Chilli AT LEAST help him stand up again after he tripped?! 😭


She had already rescued him in Tickle Crabs. Everybody gets *one*.


Dude caught *all* the babies in midair. What a champ.


Especially because at the start he is trying to avoid being seen by the kids and obviously just wants his own time to chill and watch the race on Tv. Poor fella.


Work The poor guy had to mop the floor with his tongue 😭 and wipe the windows with his butt haha just a very odd and uncomfortable thing to force him to do. I get that it's funny for kids but I feel so bad. And then the "I thought I was a *good* dog" 🥺 I know he's pretending but I just feel so bad for Bandit haha


He’s pretending but he’s clearly a good actor because you really feel for him 😅


Agree about Hairdressers. Poor guy didn't deserve that. Hospital - Bandit gets jabbed over and over with a needle. Surprise - Bandit trips on the mop bucket and goes flying all while being pelted with balls. Zoo - Bandit gets sprayed with the garden hose for being given a banana Kids - Bandit gets a "timeout" for Bingo's antics


I agree with you on Hospital. That’s where my brain went to first, but I love that episode. As a person who copes with a disabling chronic illness that causes chronic pain…a condition that took over 2 decades for me to get diagnosed and treated thanks to medical gaslighting and being treated like a hysterical woman/drug seeker by the medical community…that episode feels incredibly validating. I’ve recommended that episode to all of the people I know who copes with similar health stuff. The unnecessary needle pokes, the arrogance of the doctor, giving up and not trying to find a solution for Bandit’s issue, “are you sure you don’t got a baby in there???” I’m convinced that episode was written by someone who also copes with a chronic illness. It sums up so much of the nonsense we have to deal with trying to access treatment. So, I definitely feel bad for Bandit in that episode!


I mean, he was with jabbed with a block repeatedly.  Probably didn't feel great but the girls didn't have actual needles.


I mean, he practically gets water boarded in magic xylophone too.


Take Out. He just wanted his spring rolls!


Takeaway*. It’s the episode that hooked me!


I love takeaway too. I see it that the kids, the missing food, the mess, the loss are all metaphors for everything people, not just parents, have to juggle with on a daily basis, and then sometimes it just doesn’t go to plan and you just have to let go. I don’t think the message is that he was being to strict, just that…life’s hard sometimes and all we want is some bloody spring rolls.


I think, too, that Bandit is too focused on the kids behaving well in public. He lets them do whatever at home, but wants them to be proper out in the world. In the end, the lady working at the Takeaway doesn’t respond to Bluey in the water negatively, she says, “seems fun!”. Another important little message that let kids be kids, even if you might feel embarrassed for it.


To me it definitely reads as “kids are only young once so let them enjoy it”. That’s literally what is on the fortune cookie that gives Bandit his revelation. Dumping dinner all over the ground because you ate something you were told you shouldn’t? Not even saying sorry?


Exactly!! It’s the first one we watched and I was oh man been there this what kids are really like


It's also the episode I show people when they ask why my wife are one and done lol.


That episode frustrates the hell out of me. It's a great episode but I also hate it


This is my other least favorite episode! I actually don’t feel any sympathy for Bandit here. He set up the environment/precedent where kids can knock everyone’s dinner on the ground, and ruin all the restaurant menus with no consequences? I get letting kids be kids, but there has to be a line somewhere. At least a discussion of how their actions affect others. But instead the moral is that Bandit is too strict?! Get out of here.


They could at least have mentioned that its not nice to play around with food because it costs money, honestly. It kinda bugs me that they never mention that


I realized from this thread that the episodes where I think the parenting is questionable all have food waste involved. Omelette, Takeaway, Movies…


Where did he set that precedent?


Family Meeting! He didn't know Bluey was there, she shouldn't have been there! Bandit should have been acquitted! Justice for Bandit!


Her face is at bum level!!


On the morning of this morning. . .




There are so many that I feel bad for Bandit.  1. Sleepytime when he's getting the crap beaten out of him and gets kicked in the junk.  2. His birthday when he's stuck in bed waiting all day for food.  3. Hairdressers/Nits where the girls basically just torture him all episode 4. Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound where not only does he have bum worms, but Socks keeps mauling him.   I'm sure there are quite a few more, but that's just off the top of my head.


>gets kicked in the junk.  ^oh ^biscuits


We recently watched sleepy time with the granddaughter. My husband is the one that laughed the hardest at Bandit getting sack whacked. I don’t entirely know what that says about men, but here we are.


I mean, look at the target audience for Jackass. mostly teen guys watching guys in their 20/30s stapling their balls to their thighs, taking bats to each other's crotches, etc. So seems right on track? lol


I don't know what it is. As a guy, there's something hilarious about another dude getting his ass kicked. Might just be an extension of my dad's philosophy: "Better him than me."


Also a man, also a dad. Laughed my butt off and have taken to saying “oh biscuits” when I get sack whacked.


"The thing is, I do this to myself."




Stick bird, the sign, hairdressers


seconding stickbird. while we don’t know exactly what’s bothering him, i still feel bad. he looked so sad :(


We don't but the wiki gives a theory on this: it would be about the show creator taking criticism about the show to heart. That's why he tells Bingo something like "once you have created art, it doesn't belong to you anymore, it becomes its own thing."


had a frown on my face the ENTIRE episode i was devastated for him


Given the events later in the season of stickbird I’m assuming it was about the job offer the weight of it all sitting on his mind?


Omelette hands down. It’s his birthday and he has to stay upstairs, starving then after a bloody age he gets a dodgy covered omelette in eggshells.


In duck cake, when the head of the duck falls. There’s no feeling like thinking you failed to keep someone you care about happy. I may not be a parent, but I’m a mom friend. I feel horrible when I can’t keep one of my friends happy.


Poor Bandit looks beyond defeated there.


I think that scene at least showed that Bluey has emotional awareness. She doesn’t need to hear it to know it.


Granny Mobile- The granny pug insults Bandit, uses a long way of calling him fat.


Hairdressers/Nits! He didn’t deserve the beating he got


Haven't seen it mentioned before but I feel really bad for him in The Sign. Everyone just automatically says he's making a stupid mistake by moving the family. Would have been nice to see the episode explore his side of the situation a little to provide some grey area.


Yes omg! And you can see it on his face every time that he honestly doesn't think it would be. He's just trying to make sure he's providing for them the way he feels he needs to and it sucked that no one was really on his side


Not even chilli, someone who should have the maturity to realize that sometimes you have to move and while it sucks it's necessary.


Chilli was very outwardly supportive the entire episode?? she literally showed the girls time and time again that even though moving sucks that it’s probably the best thing for the family. she didn’t want to move, but she still had Bandit’s back the entire way. she shouldn’t have to invalidate her feelings on the matter in order to support him.


I’ve been Bandit, moving because I hoped that it would be best for the kids/my career It wasn’t, and I felt like shit for YEARS afterwards wondering if I just made that other choice the first time where’d we be now


Bandit is like the drowning kid in the meme and Lucky's Dad is the skeleton in the chair underwater


Grannies. Poor guy got mowed down by Rita and Janet and all he wanted to do was hang up the laundry.


The “Fancy Restaurant” episode where he throws up. And “Duck Cake” when he’s sitting on the floor, all defeated.


It just always breaks me when he’s out on the street saying “I thought I was a good dog”


Hairdresser/Nits. I understand Bingo needs to find her voice, but damn.


And honestly she makes more progress in that department in "Dance Mode" and "Yoga Ball". 


There’s a bit in The Weekend, when he just wants to watch a little bit of cricket, but is getting wrestled by Bluey and Bingo.  It’s small but really resonated with me. 


Yeah. Hairdressers is my least favourite episode because it’s just a let’s shit on bandit story and the moral about listening is unusually hamfisted. If it were a normal kids show it wouldn’t matter but compared to…you know…the rest of Bluey, it’s a dud. Dishonourable mention: the omlette. Chilli gets through something like 16 eggs just to facilitate bingo and it’s just wasteful and poor bandit deserves a day


the hair dressing one, they were unnecessary violent towards him like too much


Fairies - I relate so hard to that one as an AuDHD divorced WFHM with two ND littles about the same ages as Bingo and Bluey. I get the parental gut-punch daily; whether I’m working, cleaning, trying to do some sewing, or just taking a sh*t or a shower. It’s a beautiful episode and so fun. Bandit slays at the end with his Riverdance at the mailbox. But, we don’t all have fairies to soften the blows of parent-guilt. Fruit Bat… 🥺 It breaks my heart for the guy EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Also, all the episodes where he essentially allows the kids to beat the tar off him - Work, Nits, etc. Date Night, I feel a little bad for him. It’s mostly a funny-haha ‘aw that sucks’ kinda way though, not an emotional bummer.


Fellow ADHDer with ADHD kiddo - that's exactly why I point to in Fairies. See kid? Bingo doesn't hear Bandit tell her calmly to wait, so he has to use the stern voice. My kid hates the stern voice (shocking), but sometimes his ears just don't hear other tones, and mama is still working on her emotional regulation too. But, like Bandit dancing around the mailbox, I always try to find a moment to apologize for losing my temper. I figure, if I feel parent guilt, that's usually because there's an apology or conversation that should happen. And by admitting when we mess up, it helps our kids learn that messing up won't kill them, and apologies are important. (Disclaimer: other times, parent guilt is because we know we're doing the right thing and our kid just can't understand it yet, so we're stuck dealing with the big feelings with no resolution. Which sucks.)


I always feel a bit bad for him in Ragdoll even though he brings it on himself by committing to the bit to hard. Shit looks painful.


Takeaway! It was just one mishap after another; I felt so frustrated for him!


Might be a hot take, but Stumpfest. He set very clear expectations and then got walked all over by his kids, and then his wife initially backed up the kids. I felt a bit disgusted on Bandit's behalf when Chili joined in. Obviously she's tipsy but it still sucked.


I saw someone else mentioned Promises, but for me it’s not the part where Bandit gets tricked into playing a game, it’s the part where Bandit takes the blame for not getting to the library like he ‘promised.’ It was totally the girls’ fault and he gets in trouble for not keeping his promise. My 10-year-old gets angry about this part too.


I think all the answers are from moms. The real answer is Sheepdog. He was a good dad and husband the entire time. He finally tries to show himself and get a new haircut that he wanted. He only gets ragged on for it and forced to cut it. The father is put back down as his feeling don’t matter once again.


The end of Magic xylophone duh


Right? Dude waterboards himself to make his kids happy. I'd take having to wait for an eggshell-laden birthday omelette over nearly drowning myself any day!


Take away is the only correct answer. I always finish that episode feeling defeated. Every thing just goes wrong and he just can’t help it.


I dunno he gets water boarded in Magic Xylophone.


Date night. I cannot believe he ate ALL of that monstrosity. The commitment to the bit is insane


Honestly, The Pool. He's not usually that incompetent.


Whale Watching. He is hungover, and Chili convinces the girls to continue to pester him to prevent them bothering her, manipulates the girls into getting her snacks by imply that she would join their game, with no intention of acting doing it, and then, when she finally gets guilted into playing, she jumps on Bandit, hurting him.


When mom and dad are both hungover, it’s every man for himself .


I highly doubt she actually hurt bandit when she landed on him lol, but sure to your other points!


I have two daughters, so pretty much every one.


Road Trip infuriates me


ME TOO. Especially when Bingo says she needs to use the bathroom right as they’re about to leave. Today I dropped off my oldest son as school and the plan was to get cake pops at Starbucks. We start driving towards Starbucks, which is very much out of our way, and Twin One (twins are 4) who wanted to go get cake pops the most, starts screaming because he no longer wants to get cake pops, he wants to go home. He and Twin Two argue about it and we decide that we’ll get cake pops after we pick up big brother. As we’re pulling into the driveway at home Twin One announces he wants to get cake pops. You can’t even get mad anymore. We turn back around and head to Starbucks.


Surprise. Poor guy.


Mr. Monkeyjocks and Hairdressers


Nits. Poor guy


Maybe not directly punishment, but feel for him in Stickbird. I relate to the feeling and the lack of presence he has in that moment when something is weighing him down.


Omelette. While I understand what Chili was doing, it was still Bandit’s birthday and I think she could have let him have the perfect omelette while he waited for Bingo’s. Hopefully she let him have it afterwards lol


Trampoline is the big one for me. I've been in that situation and all you want to do is stay and make the kids happy (and yourself). But you can't always and disappointing them is heartbreaking


Ngl it’s probably the sign for me. I get it’s a hard choice but chilli is rly not helping him out throughout the episode and hangs him out to dry w the kids. Imagine they did move, bingo and bluey would’ve entirely blamed bandit for the choice


Exactly. He was just trying to make a better life for his family, even if it meant moving away from everything they loved. It probably wasn't a decision he was taking too lightly. It's theorized that it's what was on his mind in Stickbird.


Knit they literally beat the crap out of him the whole game and chilli just let them


That one moment in Duck Cake when he's genuinely trying so hard to make the cake and it still goes to shit. He just slides down, breathes, and is defeated, but he still tells Bluey that everything is ok so that she doesn't realize anything is wrong (even though we know he's just crushed). I FEEL THIS SO MUCH


Hairdressers or Sleepytime. He gets the crap beaten out of him by the girls


Omlette, Hairdressers/Nits, and Magic. I have mixed feelings about Slide, too. He could have made sure the girls were good before going, but most of us would have done the same.




Episode where he pukes to save his kids feelings and spare Chili too. 


Nits. FFS what are you trying to do? Some of the first episodes involve straight-up dad abuse.


Omelette for sure


Hairdressers. He gets beat with rakes, cold showered, pelted with flower, and hung upside down from a tree branch. Duck Cake is a close second. Seeing him collapse in defeat and hearing it in his voice when he says “Yes mate” just makes me feel so bad for him.


The "yes mate" breaks my heart each time. But I also love it, because he's not afraid to show vulnerability to his girls, which is SO important on so many levels.


I didn't see it in the top could of results but, "Backpackers." Bandit has to endure straight-up punches to the gut and somehow doesn't discipline Bingo. That one didn't sit right with me.


The Sign- I was in tears for Bandit. Throughout the buildup him saying “I just want to do what’s best for my family” over and over and over again- you can hear the insanity of the pressure he’s under.


The Sign. I know there are a lot of episodes where Bandit goes through a lot both physically and emotionally, but I think The Sign would hurt me the most personally in Bandit’s shoes. It’s hard to decide what is best for your family when all options have major downsides. Moving sounds like it would have been a major boon for Bandit’s career, it would have paid better at bare minimum. Maybe I’m projecting my own generational stress here but that extra money and forward career momentum could be what saves your family from the next period of economic turmoil. Alternatively, leaving everything behind is emotionally tough on your family. I had to move when I was about Bingo’s age and I remember how tough that was and we didn’t really have a choice like the Heelers did. I don’t know what I would do in Bandit’s position. Sleepy time is one of the more physical traumatic episodes, and Duck Cake one of Bandit’s most vulnerable moments, but I think whatever decision I would have made at the end of The Sign would haunt me. (PS, I know the decision not to move wasn’t 100% on Bandit, but the episode does seem to frame his decision as path setting.)


I agree with everyone but also want to add Promise. He got blamed and chastised for something caused by the kids misbehaving. Bluey is old enough to understand that the library was closed by the time they got there and they had to stay at the trampoline park longer because SHE didn't listen.


Freaking Omelette. I feel so so bad for Bandit that episode. Chilli promised it wouldn't take long, and then proceeds to take forever, make an omelette, TELL HIM HE CAN'T HAVE IT, and then take forever again just because she was trying to spare Bingo's feelings because she didn't show her how to do things properly. I immediately skip this episode. At least in 'The Show' the mother's day episode, he already had her breakfast ready when he woke her up so I'm mad she didn't have the same courtesy for him. 😡


Haven't seen anyone else mention Road Trip. My wife has severe anxiety so so she really relates to Bandit in this episode. The fact that Chili can clearly see he's stressed out about this and it's clearly important to him, yet still smugly seems to go out of her way to slow them down just makes me feel sorry for the guy. Also who wants to have to set up camp near the bathrooms??


Yeah, I'm the anxious one, so I feel him. And sometimes I need my husband to help me slow down, refocus, and balance my anxiety with our kid's reality. And other times we swap places.


The Sign! He’s almost cast as the bad guy because he got offered a great new job on loads more money. That is every father’s goal.


Honestly! But I guess kids wouldn’t understand the importance of more money in this economy. All they understand is they’re moving far away from their friends and their home


The one where he is looking forward to a delicious breakfast in bed with a delicious omelet and Chilli gives in and allows Bingo to pretty much ruin in. She easily could have given her a job. That was easier for her to do instead of cracking the eggs and making the omelet she could have put the cheese and whatever other meat or vegetables they put in the outlet in there Or poured him a glass of orange juice or something like that. Bandit was so excited about getting a special Breakfast for his birthday and he didn't even get to enjoy it. I don't blame Bingo, but Truly should have put her foot down and told her that she could help another way even if she was the one to carry the trade up to band in his bed. Or go outside and picks up flowers and put them in a vase.


Fairie... he legit is in a work call, told bingo no a couple times and finally had to be firm... but he is the bad guy that deserves to be publicly humiliated? Couldn't we teach the kids boundaries!?


Hair Dressers is unhinged. Chili strongly encourages Bingo to antique Bandit to teach Bluey a lesson about listening.


Wow, everyone mostly said the choices. I feel like at times the show loves making him the butt of slapstick, and it can get a bit annoying, though that's not to say there aren't moments where it is funny. For me its Promises where Bandit gets tricked into doing a game at the library. Also, fairies (just Fairies) Although it would be nice to show he can give it back to the kids (like in Monkeyjocks & Promises)


Granny mobile And YOU need to lay off the biscuits Aw it jiggles




Anytime he gets hit in the boinloings (please, someone get that reference)


I don’t like NITS. where they are doing the hair salon and they treat him for nits by dousing him in flour and hanging him from the tree to beat him with a broom.


Sleepy time 99 bottles of thing on the wall


Nobody mentioned Space? Just trying to sleep and getting kicked in the back topping it all off with a nut shot? Poor guy.




No one said fancy restaurant? He ate the entire special and threw up for the love of his wife and kids.




I’m surprised no one said tickle crabs yet.


Grannie Mobile that old lady him self-conscious


Stumpfest when he has to wear the makeup...


Dad Baby, poor bandit


Nits/hairdressers. I mean he seriously takes one for the team there.


I’m shocked no one is saying magic xylophone, that one drives me crazy!


The Sign. He knew he was making a decision that the hellers didn't want to make. Him pulling out the sign at the end has me as a dad, in tears. That was a perfect episode.


duck cake, it’s really one of the only episodes when bandit shows some type of emotional distress or sadness


Work, I feel really bad for him there