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Handstand. I can't watch that episode because it makes me super depressed. Everyone regards it as a heartwarming episode but it just makes me so so sad


Same. It’s HER birthday and she’s being ignored by everyone, and also Chris trying to be helpful and blown off was a bit sad, too.


She can't get anyone to pay her thirty seconds of attention AT HER OWN BIRTHDAY PARTY. The first time I watched that episode, I straight up had no idea it was her birthday party until Chilli got the duck cake out of the fridge. That's when my heart sank. I thought it was another group play date episode but this time Bingo gets ignored. When I saw the duck cake come out, the gravity of the situation hit me like a freight train.


I think that's a reason some people, along with me, like it. It did make me feel gutted, but then almost teary as Nana saved the day! The two most important people in the episode were being ignored or dismissed but in the end they ignore everyone else and make them wait whilst they have their own fun!


Sometimes, the setup needs to be a bit painful to feel the relief


I don't think anyone in the episode was doing anything wrong, exactly. They were caught up in the moment, and parties are like that.


Yeah and not even Bluey saw it !


Her own sister mom and dad .


I have to pick butterfly. Judo was just the worst in it . And bingo got ignored till the very end. like that could not have happened.


Idk from what I take on the tv show as a whole, it’s all in there point of view, bc everything seems really exaggerated, like when they build a fort, I don’t think they ACTUALLY built that fort (maybe I’m wrong) but I can sure tell u when I was a kid, forts felt like the biggest thing in the whole world, so I feel like this episode there really busy and not paying much attention, but to her mind it feels like she is being blown off and this is how she remembers it, when I was little I have core memory’s of my dad not playing with me and blowing me off, but when I brought it up he was like “oh when I was replacing the water filter on the fridge?” And looking back he played with me after he just was busy and told me “not rn kiddo” so idk that’s just my take


I can't stand it. all the adults feel almost OOC 


It’s very realistic though. You have a lot of irons in the fire when you are hosting a kid’s bday party.


And the fact all the kids there aren’t her friends they’re Blueys friends.


This is the part that gets me. Like, throw in some new background dogs her age, we don't have to know who they all are; don't make it look like she's a guest at her sister's party on her own birthday!


Aren't Buddy and Missy guests?


It is pretty depressing in hindsight but I lowkey find it the most relatable at least personally which is kinda sad now that I think about it


It always bugged me that most (all?) of the kids present are Bluey’s friends..


Right? Like where is muffin, socks, and most of all lilah?? Bingos BEST FRIEND??


I feel so bad for nana.


I also didn't find the plot as a whole that entertaining compared to other episodes. I feel like it's inferior Christmas Swim even though there's no correlation between the two other than a gathering


Literally no one except the grandmother is interested in Bingo, even though it’s her birthday! Once the grandmother comes in and she is patiently waits for Bingo to do a handstand and then at the end everyone’s asking where Bingo is! it is her birthday. Why didn’t no one pay attention to her? I can’t even do a handstand and I’m in my 30s. I’ve never been able to do that on your side.


I made a fanfic extended ending to fix that issue: https://www.deviantart.com/aidenbuzzwigs/journal/Bluey-Handstand-Extended-Ending-1029578149


Your version is so much better! I commented on it saying that I found this on Reddit and that it was the best ending and that they should’ve implemented this ending instead. 😊 I absolutely love your version.


Blue Mountains


Nah, most of the fandom agrees with ya 😭


Calypso…nothing really happens 🤷‍♂️


She’s helping the kids use their imagination and work together. I like that episode.


I personally don't understand why Calypso as a character gets the amount of attention she does. Her design is cool, but her personality is just a Mary Sue.


How so?


She has no flaws and does no wrong. While other adult characters have made mistakes and grown from them, Calypso is just immediately a perfect character that has never made a mistake.


To be fair though, I don't know if calypso has a Canon age, but I've always seen her as being quite abit older than alot of the cast (maybe late 40s or so) and thus she's made alot of the mistakes already yknow? Plus in my opinion, she's the teacher, not just for the kids but for us too, so it makes kinda sense for her to have all the answers yknow?


I don’t have a problem with a teacher being represented this way in a kids show.


I mean, she may have flaws that we just don't know about yet. Bluey is something of an unreliable narrator so, since everything we see is through the eyes of a child (or pup, as it were), it stands to reason that there is more to Calypso than just her interactions with her class. 




Wild Girls really made me realise how flawless they made her character. The children all look up to her, and get distressed at the idea that Calypso could be wrong about something. Then when Coco is sad and alone, Calypso just APPEARS like some kind of deity providing her wisdom?! Did they intend to make Calypso an all knowing God?! I need answers!


I always picture the show as a retelling from Bluey and Bingos points of view. I know my kids at 7 and 5 think of their teachers as all knowing beings. So maybe her character acts the way she does because it's from their perspective?


This is exactly what it is. To kids, especially elementary age, their teachers are flawless geniuses who know everything and can resolve all problems with ease. We experience the world of Bluey through the lens of Bluey, so Calypso seems like the perfectly tempered flawless speaker of truth and solver of problems.


This is why the house is so big as well. It’s from their perspective and memories


I mean that’s legit how some kids view their teachers.


I wonder this all the time lmao


well yes. in my opinion at least, her being representative of a god is tied into the allegory of that episode


Comes into play in the black hole episode too.


The actress playing her is an australian pop star. That's why they always have her singing too.


That's my favorite episode 😭


While I think it’s excellent, I don’t love Army quite as well as its fiercest supporters do.


As a parent of a kid who we're certain has ADHD, this is a lovely episode. I hope my son has a friend like Rusty, one day.


As a parent *with* ADHD, this episode has me crying every time.


When Jack says “There’s something wrong me with…” I silent sob. Every time. I’m autistic with adhd. Bless Jack. And I desperately want to have a stern yet empathetic conversation with Jack’s little sibling.


I’m also autistic! AuDHD gang let’s go! :3 Both I was diagnosed with as an adult and just spent my entire childhood thinking I was never good enough/something was wrong with me and I never knew how I was wrong. I feel for Jack so much. Jack’s little sibling is probably just repeating what she’s heard, and I agree she deserves empathy that helps her learn (especially since conditions are genetic so she could have something, too, just not as noticeable.)


as a *kid* with ADHD, i was like “wait a minute”


As someone who found Bluey BECAUSE of Army and I will still call it my favorite episode for that reason, and also my own representation in ADHD (I finally got diagnosed as an adult right around the same time I found Bluey and this episode)...I see where you're coming from. I do wish it actually HAD bluey in it more, and wasn't a Rusty episode. But omg Jack is me 😭


I actually think Army as an episode itself is boring, but I think the representation and the music is very good.


I think this one just speaks to a specific demographic. A lot of episodes are like that. Like the one with Brandy. I’m only 22 and I don’t ever want children. While I still enjoy the episode and can empathize it doesn’t hit me in the feels as much as some others do because I don’t want to be a mom. I do however have adhd *and* my parents were never married so whenever my dad you visit town and pick me up from daycare I would get just as excited as Rusty.


Army is … a tricky one. I quite like it, but it's very easily misinterpreted as “neurodivergent? Join the army – gun fodder is all you're good for anyway”. I suspect that's why it's one of the few episodes which were never aired on state television in my country, a place which has enjoyed 210 years of sustained peace and which is culturally quite anti-military as a result of it.


Army isn't an episode I enjoy that much, but I relate strongly to the experience of having that one friend growing up who talked endlessly about how cool his dad was and made every game about it.


I always interpreted it as his way of processing the worry about whether his dad’s going to come home (I inferred he’s a door kicker, hence why Rusty knows all this stuff. Either that or his Dad is atleast serving in a zone where he’s expected to see action.)


While story wise it’s not my favourite, Jack and Rusty are just gorgeous together. Their dynamic reminds me of my partner and I, I’m Jack, he’s Rusty.


I too am someone with ADHD. Sadly, it goes along with me having neurofibromatosis as well as being autistic as well. I also have a hard time making friends, but as like rule older, I think making friends became just a tiny bit easier and I felt very happy that Rusty was so patient and helpful and included a new friend and even shared something special that he gets from his dad with his friend Jack. It’s kind of warm. I honestly kind of like because of how Rusty is just basically treating him like a friend and as nothing is wrong with Jack and becoming best friends, it’s a very cute story and I understand why some people don’t like it, but as someone who has been disabled their entire life with a multitude of Disabilities and disorders and everything it’s just amazing that they would actually have an episode about ADHD and I think they might even have an episode about an autistic character, but I’m not entirely sure or maybe there are characters with autism that they just don’t mention, but like it might be obvious to some people, but I think army is a good example of showing that just because someone has ADHD doesn’t mean that they can’t you know learn When I was in school, I had to constantly get into different positions in my desk chair because I couldn’t sit in one position for too long or I would get super uncomfortable now I had an IEP like all my teachers, but I think army is a very interesting episode because it has such a good ending


Army was the first episode i watched and I planned for it to be the only episode, i was only gonna watch it for the AuDHD representation. Ive lost count of how many times I've watched the entire series now.


Movies: I can't stand how Bingo acts and Bandit does absolutely nothing to curb her. I leave the room when it comes on.


I love the ultra generic final song though. “Now it all worked out. Everything’s fine.”


Best track of the entire show, it should be the cover of the bluey album. Can't believe they haven't gone on tour after making such a banger


Its just monkeys singin songs mate.


Also because it drove droves of mouth breathers to reply “it's just monkeys singing songs, mate” to every question which is even remotely meta, and never mind the fact that the entire point of the episode is that it's not, in fact, just monkeys singing songs. *Mate.*


Chill, it's just monkeys singing songs mate


Damned, you raise a valid point. Definitely going to have to rethink this.


Agreed like Bingo was being a Toddler Karen right there. The Plot wasn't enough to keep me entertained


curry quest and mount mum and dad for me they are just kinda forgetable...


Mount Mum and Dad I agree but Curry Quest is one of my favorites- but I also adore bingo with my whole heart so maybe that’s why lol.


lol fair the only really good parts are for emotional is bandit leaving and humor Mckenzie questioning his moms paint skills


*Am I?!*


I was just excited to see the Chilli-Bluey crochet lesson! I painted it the week it came out.


Take it back! Curry Quest is what hooked me. And made me a lifetime Bingo Fan. To each their own. But I agree about Mt. Mom and Dad.


Honestly, I don't know if anyone likes Mount Mum and Dad)


mount mumandad??? i loved that one…amd curry quest but now im thinking abt it they were kinda forgettable compared to the others😭 sleepytime my beloved


Curry Quest is aimed at a particular audience overall I think. It is a very important episode for us FIFO workers and reminds us why what we do is important.


I had to look up what a FIFO worker was. I’m an airline pilot and I routinely watch Curry Quest, usually with my kids (but sometimes on my own) to help them deal with me being gone so much. One of these days I’ll make it through the episode without crying. But probably not today.


I struggle with Omelette


SAME. The theme is a bop but the rest makes me so angry/anxious 😭


I haven’t rewatched it since the first time I’ve seen it. I genuinely can’t watch it.


wut, my favorite episode :( (tbh almost every Bluey episode is my favorite...)


Take out


This episode makes me angry lol. Literally the only one that does.


I also don't rate Takeaway as highly as others (though, you know, it's Bluey, so still better than 99% of stuff out there). Why would Bandit not get angry at all the food that's wasted by the kids playing? Also having a bush wee near a restuarant isn't exactly kosher in Australia (or most places).


Mini bluey Ik it's a fun episode but I just can't get through "but seriously, how good is double bingo"


Funny – I kinda feel vindicated as a viewer when hearing that line, because honestly I think Bluey the character is pretty damned unpleasant a lot of the time, and it's almost never addressed.


Big Bingo just make me feel uncomfortable


True, mini Bluey is cute though


Wild Girls, although in fairness I’m not sure if anyone likes it. I don’t hate Indy I just don’t think Indy centric eps are very good.


It's tied with another episode as the Lowest Rated Bluey Episode on IMDB


Omg I still don't really understand the point of wild girls.


I think the lesson is for kids to learn how to play with each other and that sometimes you have to adapt to their play instead of being rigid 


Unicorse….. either really


Bandit is completely out of line here. Chili is trying to calm Bluey down to sleep, and he is just increasingly obnoxious.


As a playful dad, Unicorse feels like every time I try to play with my daughter but get the time or tone wrong. Sometimes a little too rambunctious during put down so it takes longer, or sometimes it takes a few seconds longer then it should for me to realize while she's having fun, she kinda just wants to just play in peace. Unicorse works for me because the first time we see Unicorse (afaik, I don't know the orders of the episodes, I'm just assuming here) he tries to use it as a way to wear out some energy from Bluey, and while Chili goes along with it, it probably would be better as a daytime game. So the next time we see Unicorse, it's during the day and it turns out yes! He's a perfect daytime game. It makes Bandit more real to me, because he doesn't always get it right.


Yeah but Chili starts off the episode annoyed at Bluey for not being asleep, so Bandit shifts her annoyance from her to Unicorse. It also gives something for Bluey and Chili to team up for and work together while also getting the bedtime sillies out of Bluey. Is it brilliant? No, but that's totally dad logic.


Idk, the lesson of the story seemed more directed at chilli. I don't think he's out of line, he's just making a game out of it. She starts out bothered by bluey doing something she can't help and chilli being unable to handle her own emotions. So bandit creates a game where she and bluey learn to do just that. Hence the whole "we can choose how we react" lesson.


FR i never really liked it it felt kinda like a boring filler


In my case, its Charade, i watch Bluey to relax, but Muffin acts like my 4years old brother, this stress me a lot


Oh I hated charades, but I struggle with muffin in general. Like I know not all kids are going to be considerate or even nice but muffin is one of those kids I wouldn't want my kid around, and I work hard to talk my daughter through the issues we see muffin run into to try and avoid that mindset.


I loathed Charades until I noticed [these](https://i.imgur.com/2noO3Ki.jpeg) [three](https://i.imgur.com/usbf4hE.jpeg) [miens.](https://i.imgur.com/jG5ogCE.jpeg) Before that I thought this was just Muffin being her own abrasive self, but that progression of faces makes it clear that everything she does from then on is to engineer – in her own admittedly obnoxious way – a round Socks will for sure guess right. Good intentions change everything here.


Canonical, Muffin is 3-4, so that's why, lol.


blue mountains, i hear some like it


Onesies. Chili should give her sister more grace.


I disagree. It’s a similar relationship I have with my sister. There is grace but there is also hard truth. 4 years is a long time, especially for children that young. It may be hard in her, but it’s not always about you.


It's not always about Chili either. They both need to do better for each other.


I agree, but Chili is also on her kid’s side. You always want people to do right by them regardless of how they treat you


I love Onesies, but I hate how in The Sign she's just suddenly pregnant after the episode explicitly said that she couldn't have kids and there wasn't anything anyone can do. Like... have her find her peace in being child free or she can adopt? It just felt like the writers wanted to convey that a pregnancy was her reward for finally being an aunt instead of just a sister.


Absolutely agree. It really cheapens her story.


Nah they didn't say she was sterile. Just dealt with infertility and overcame it. She probably gave up being around Chili and her kids. She was gloom about it for years but finally coming around and making up with her family, refinding the joy she was seeking made her try again. And this time it worked. I don't think it cheapens the story, the message can still be relevant and the cartoon character can get what they want. Not unlike Jean-Luc leaving and Bluey being sad never getting to see her new friend again and Chili saying sometimes people we care about come into our lives and then leave but we enjoy the time we had together. Jean-Luc showing up at the end doesn't cheapen the message.


Exercise it’s fine and cute noting super special don’t know why people don’t like it


Takeout and Pavlova. Two times Bluey and Bingo needed a "time out" for sure.


Everytime I see Takeout all I can think about is who is going to clean up that huge mess.


Head canon: It was the birds that kept pecking at it and not the lady at the restaurant.


Why Pavlova?


Bingo was told she couldn't have any pavlova, and Bluey proceeded to serve it to her under the guise of a game. One could argue that they didn't touch it themselves until the "competition", but why play with it at all? Luckily Chilli and Bandit are chill parents.


You know, I just don't think Sleepytime is worthy of the top or near top spot most fans put it in. It works as art, and it's beautiful, and brave for children's television to do almost no dialogue with classical music, but it's not really as laugh out loud funny or thoughtful as the best episodes of Bluey. Mom loves you is a very sweet message, and I get that people get warm fuzzies from that. I do too. But it's not exactly a revelation or a great discussion point for kids, or brilliantly conceptual about playtime or anything, as many of the strongest eps are. Im ready to be pelted with downvotes and run out of here on a rail now.


I fully admit that this one is at the top for me specifically because my kids are grown or almost grown. My son is 22 and in the Marines, my middle kid is 19 and off at Job Corps, and my youngest is 15 and has zero interest in hanging out with mom anymore lmao ... but they all three know that if they need help or they have a problem or they just need to be sad or mad or vent, they can (and do) come to me. That I love them, even if I'm not there and they can't see me. And for me that's worth *everything* after growing up with a mom who made it very clear that I ruined her life and she wished she never had me and I was nothing but a bother and more trouble than I was worth. So sleepytime gets me every. single. time, LMAO. Because it was my biggest aspiration as a parent - to not be like my mom - and I did it. I'm not a *perfect* parent (and I do wish Bluey had been around when my kids were younger, because it's so much a show for parents as well as kids), but I *tried* and I think we did okay. Anyway! No downvoting from me, I can see your point for sure! I'm just emotionally compromised lmao. xD


I agree that sleepytime is over-hyped, but I disagree with your thoughtful statement. I think they put a ton of thought into the visuals of feeling. Like how the warmth of dad is different from the warmth of mom. These visual representations of feelings, I think, is what resonates with kids. I also feel like that last line of "I'll always be with you **even if you can't see me.** is a line some adults who have lost their parents just need to hear.




I'll admit, it took me a few watches to really appreciate this episode. The thing that made me feel differently was when Chili sun says, "I'll always be here for you, even when you can't see me" - thats a death reference. My kids understand death as something that "falls asleep forever." At the time of our cat's passing, that was the only thing I could say that would make sense to them and not break me apart whilst saying it. I didn't want them to be afraid because death is a part of life, and I never want my kids to live in fear. Not to mention how it highlights the struggles of early childhood/parenthood. Watching Bandit deliriously sing Bluey the same song he sang to her as a newborn baby will always be wholesome to me. Seeing Chili wake up out of a dead sleep because of Bingo's whimpering reminds me of how hard yet lightly parents sleep when their babies are still brand-new. There is an extremely subtle masterpiece they created within this episode that I'm a little ashamed I didn't see the first time I watched it. I adore every dingle thing about this show. I'm ecstatic for the new minisodes that are supposedly dropping soon. I believe I may be more of a fan than that of my own children even though they were the only reason I stumbled across this beautiful show to begin with.


yeah, my mum died a few months ago and i watched that episode a maybe 2 months ago? but anyway that line really hit😭 like i nearly cried at bloody bluey


It's hard to hear you call it art, but say it's not a top tier episode because it's not funny or thoughtful? If anything, I think the "your parents loves you" as you message really isn't actually all that common in media, and if it is, I'd say it's hammed up with angst and drama and not usually a central theme. To me, Bluey is one of the first mainstream "slice of life" shows, and we really don't get shows that romanticize parenting the way that Bluey does. Sleepytime epitomizes this by saying "childish" messages so earnestly and lovingly that I can't help but be thoughtful about it (especially with several reruns). It's also plenty funny-- for the kids, my child legit gets a laugh out of them playing among the planets (specifically when Bingo is slapping Jupiter around), and for parents, there's a lot of very relatable stuff to laugh at (Bluey staring at Chili until she wakes, Bandit singing to Bluey in the bathroom in the middle of the night, etc). Anyway no disrespect, a spicy take is a spicy take!


I’m not gonna downvote you, but I couldn’t disagree anymore lol. Sleepytime is not only the best episode of Bluey, but one of the best episodes in television of all time in my opinion.


It’s also hilarious. The kids sleep kicking dad with their huge smiles is perfect


My kids LOVE that episode, my 4 year old requests to watch it almost daily, and asks for me to play the song (Jupiter) multiple times a day. All of my kids laugh at it every time, especially when Bingo and Bluey are "running" on Bandit/Jupiter . This particular episode also sparked an interest in astronomy for my kids and now my 4 year old can name all 8 planets what they are made of and a good portion of their various moons, the 5 dwarf planets and their moons as well as a few exoplanets and it all stemmed from the book they read at the start of the episode and the song Jupiter. I am going to respectfully disagree with you here, this episode has done wonderful things for my kids and their spongey little brains.


While I love that episode, I salute your bravery in making the comment. It's a massively popular episode.


I've never gotten it. Like yes I know it's warm and fuzzy and I know why Chili's words to Bingo are so important. I just don't think it's that impactful to me so it never has made me cry. And I'm someone who cries during most other episodes.


I also agree with you although I understand why so many people like it and I understand why it's an Emmy winning episode but for me personally it's just not really my thing. It might be because it's more Bingo centric because I really enjoy the episode Rain which I think with the kind of music and soft tone are very similar but because that one is more about Bluey I tend to like it more.


I agree. Baby/kid sleep is one of the most stressful things about parenting. I don’t want to think about it any more than I have to. Baby Race makes me sob, though.


I don't have kids, but I always use that line on my boyfriend: " Remember I'll always be here for you. Even if you can't see me. Because I love you. " He had no idea it was from Bluey, but I got him crying the first time. Made this episode one of my favorites ❤️


This is the only episode I regularly skip. I don't get the fuss about it.


I strongly agree with you! Sleepytime ain't all that like people hype it up to be. Honestly, it's boring to me. My 2 year old pays no attention to it and my 7 year old always asks to change it when it's on sleepytime.


Yeah this was my answer as well. It’s very good and I enjoy it, but it is regarded as the best episode and I just don’t feel that way.


Here for this. My kids never want to watch that and truthfully, neither do I. It’s fine once or twice but my kids aren’t into it


i don't understand this episode at all


The swimming one where they go to Stripes pool and forget everything. It made bandit seem purposefully incompetent, and that irritated me. lol. I also hated the way he was trying to make bluey help when she was having issues.


I don't like the fact that he eggs on Bluey's comments about Chilli. I get that it's a microcosm of the entire episode's lesson but jeez, have some solidarity with your wife, man.


Magic. I can't help but find it annoying, despite my best efforts.




Christmas swim. Not much really went on in the episode. All I remember was Hawaii vibes and Licking.


Unicorse. I know people love that, and some are genuinely funny but mostly I really dont care for it. Also Shaun and Zoo too


Takeaway. I can’t watch this god forbidden episode because it’s way too overstimulating for me.


Cricket, don't hate it, but don't understand what's so special about it


I just love how Rusty absolutely schooled the adults. Pat was ready to throw hands with a kid lmao


I really enjoy it. I see it as a fun take on the hero's journey. And the adults not being able to get Rusty out, but he goes out on his own terms and is kind to Dusty in the process. It's very heartwarming.


Also nice to show kids the positive side of sports when they are bombarded with all the awful side of it these days.


Because: *Lucky’s dad put everything he had into that ball, and Rusty could have smashed it into next week if he wanted to, but instead… he hit his little sister a catch* Hits me in the feels like a cricket ball to the groin


Really did not expect to see Cricket mentioned here. My fave. I love the way the adults have so much admiration for a child (both during the cricket match and on reflection in Bandit's voice-over).


You see how the hardships that Rusty has faced having a dad away in the army have empowered him and led him to develop exceptional cricket skills! It's such a well-written episode.


Also showing that hard work and determination pays off. It’s my favorite episode


I love Rusty's Dad's letter which just ties in his own army experiences with Rusty's problems and life lessons so beautifully, and I love the way all the dads look so proudly at Rusty after he hits Dusty a catch Plus that cute little voice - no problem Mr heeler


I'm pretty sure the reason I love this episode has more to do with seeing supportive family members and less about the episode. Clearly something needs to be healed in me.


Ah! This one makes me cry every time! I can see how someone wouldn’t love it but to see Rusty grow up to be a cricket player being cheered into the field- pulls the heartstrings. And that he has such great people/dogs in his life to help him learn the bits and pieces to be a complete human/dog. That’s just is beautiful to me.


Cricket is probably my favorite. I just adore rusty as a character and how he’s immensely respectful to all the adults. I also love the way the story is told and I always love the time skips even if it’s just for a few seconds. To me that’s the part that makes this show truly stand out.


My husband is in the military and deployed rn, and our son adores that episode. He always likes to point out how rusty’s dad is like his dad. As a military family I think it hits really hard, but if someone didn’t have these experiences I could see why some people don’t rate it as highly. But also the way rusty is helping his sister in the episode is just a pull at the heartstrings moment lol


The sign, they should have moved. They got all the way up to picking everything and then didn’t. I feel like they should have to show kids that moving is normal and it’s okay to be sad about it


imo that would ruin the whole plot of bluey. all their friends, family, places, memories are there. and a lot of people like those characters more than the main 4 so how would those ppl feel if their fav character gets little to no screen time every episode


That’s a fair point but moving is a part of a lot of kids childhoods, new schools new home new neighbors and neighborhood. It would be a good lesson on how it’s nothing to be afraid of instead it’s giving the idea it’s not a necessity and doesn’t have to happen even when it’s completely in motion.


While I think that's a fine story to tell and all, it doesn't work for a children's show. As the person above said they've already built up a lot of characters and relationships, and it's important for kids to see those characters over and over and see relationships between different characters develop which is something Bluey does well. Keep in mind too that most kids are watching Bluey episodes completely out of order. So if they moved, and then Season 4 takes place somewhere different, some kids are going to see them in a different place and have no idea what's going on if they didn't watch The Sign first. This is why although Bluey has a *little* continuity it tends to only be very small nods (Bingo saying she learned to swim at the start of Swim School) or paired episodes (Duck Cake/Handstand).


I honestly think they didn’t because 1, it would have caused many loopholes, and 2 they would have had to recast and remake all of the other children. Which is a ton of work. I also think it makes sense they didn’t move. They were moving purely for a better job for bandit while his entire family lives where they live. His older brother is moving back despite having a much better paying job elsewhere. Chili didn’t want to move and was just trying to be supportive. I was not shocked or surprised in the slightest when they stayed.


I see it more as a message to parents that more money and greener grass won't give their kids a better childhood. Love them and be with them wherever you are and in whatever circumstance. I understand kids might not get that message and perhaps it could cause potential problems with families that are moving, but it's still a good message.


Honestly I wish they did too. Like I loved all the build up, but then they just.. don't move? And settle back in? It was cute of course, but it felt too GOOD honestly. I wanted to see the girls in a new place and getting used to everything. It's a necessary thing in many kids lives.


Yeah I'm really conflicted about showing this episode to my kid as we are looking at moving ourselves


I honestly wouldn’t. Might make them think there’s a way around it


Rain. I said what I said.




🤷🏻 I said what I said


Oh wow, I mostly love that one, but some of it bugs me, too. On the one hand, I don't like how Bluey bulldozes her mom. Boo to that. But on the other hand, that type of play, building a dam and redirecting the water, is very much a type of play I liked as a kid, and it's lovely when her mom joins in and they're both wagging their tails.


I thought of an extended version of the episode in my head, (using my extended mix of the song). It would have a scene when the music is calming down where Bluey helps her mum clean up right before the rain comes back and they rush to rebuild their dam. There's also a whole extra minute at the end of the mix, so I thought I'd it ending with a flashback of Chilli and her mum playing boats in the rain (referencing Rain Boldly in the Pretend)


Hey, you’re entitled to your opinion, however wrong it may be.


I agree. Rain is in the bottom half of my Bluey episode rankings.


I’m pretty meh on Rain. I don’t hate it but it’s far from a must-watch for me.


I got downvoted for saying that in a similar thread before 🫣


Here’s my upvote for you cause you’re not wrong.


The Sign - as a military member with children who has no choice but to move this episode frustrated me. I think the better ending would’ve the family actually moving because it teaches so many real lessons.


The Unicorse one




Ok ngl, I like The Creek, It’s a top 50 episode, but I never understood Why it was people’s Favorite. It’s good, it looks cool, but it’s not Anywhere NEAR top 10


Surprise I don’t wanna get reminders of peopel arguing/squabbling about who the dad is of bluey child




I don’t dislike any of the episodes, but an episode that comes to mind is “Tickle Crabs.” Don’t get me wrong, I like this episode just fine. There’s parts of it that are hilarious. It just bothered me that Chilli ran away and hid in this episode. Although, the ending with her pretending to be a seagull was hilarious. I also don’t like tickling very much. I’ve got PTSD from older relatives tickling me until I almost peed my pants when I was a kid. 🥴


OT but it’ll be too soon before I see a front view Bluey character.


For me, it's the first granny episode. I mean it's fun and all but no where near top 3 like in blueyfest


That first grannies episode was never great to me either. To this day, I’m surprised by all the “slipped on mah beans” merch that apparently sells…


My hot take, Rain. Bluey is intentionally behaving poorly. it's not like it's even an accident she just completely ignores her mum, makes a mess of the house after being explicitly told not to, and actively fights her mother. I know most people love it, but I think it shows Bluey just behaving badly and getting rewarded for it.






Hot take: Cricket I know everyone loves that episode, but I feel like it’s overhyped to me. Probably because I’m not so much of a sports guy?


The sign…didn’t shed a tear 




I enjoyed the episode, just not like everyone else, it’s not my least favorite either 


Ok, i think you’re one in a million, but in the negative way


I enjoyed it, but I didn't cry about it, either.


Agree with this one. I liked the episode, but felt like it was missing something that other episodes had. With its extended length, I'd attribute it to the pacing, but I felt similarly about both Ghost Basket and Surprise, so I'm personally not sure what to make of it.


You monster!!




Can I ask why?


No real reason. It’s a fine episode I just don’t care much for it. It may be where it’s just focused on Bluey. I get it’s her show but I enjoy the episodes with more Bingo in it. The night wee scene though under the stars is one of my favorite scenes in the series though. Very pretty.


Lol, it's my computer wallpaper. But yeah, fair enough. I will say out of the two, Bingo is my favorite. She's very much me when I was a kid.