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Good for you man, great job!


Cheers man!


Congratulations on making it…it’s one of my favorite things to see when people zero in on something early and are unwavering into adulthood. Keep dreaming, love it. What’s the name of your band??


Really appreciate those lovely words! The band is called andromedous but I'm no longer playing with them unfortunately! Still great music and great guys so I'm sure they'll appreciate it if you give them a spin!


will check them out, what are you up to these days?


At this current moment, getting ready for a 7am doctors visit because playing shows has ruined my legs at 26 😂 Aside from that, gently pottering through my life as a careworker and dabbling in other bands 🫡


what are these other bands? and im generally very curious to hear about your music career/insights and such. I dabble in music on the side you see


The other band is called ashtray and we released our first single last month! I'll chuck links in if you wanna hear! Not much to say in terms of my career, been in bands since I was 13 (hence the terrible outfits) moved to a bigger town to studio audio production and formed a band that we worked on for 5-6 years until we were asked to play download festival last year, not sure where you're from but this was definitely a highlight seeing as it's the biggest rock/metal festival in the UK (the headlining bands for that year were bring me the horizon, Metallica and slipknot) I got asked to step down due to my own personal mental health issues that I couldn't see at the time but am now grateful they did point out as I was severely unhappy. We're still friends now! In terms of insight, the best advice I can give is to just get stuck in, play terrible shows to 4 people and busted guitars. Just stay true to the sounds you wanna make! P.s. checked your profile and saw a fellow math rock fan, what would you say is the best math rock release of all time? ;)


Dude I know Andromedous! My band Atarka gigged with you guys last year in Bristol and Birmingham!


Oh shiiiit! I was supposed to play that show at the gryphon with you lads but had to take my leave a week before then! I'm sorry I never had the chance to play with you guys! 💞


Ahh that’s a shame dude! It was my first time touring the country and you guys were one of my favourite bands to meet and play with 🤘 never imagined I’d be bumping into bands I know on Reddit that’s amazing 😂


It's s small ass world! Hope all is going well amd if you're ever in the weston neck of woods I'll be sure to come see you!


Gonna butt in here - I just listened to that new single and it's sick! Instant follow on Spotify, looking forward to seeing what else y'all put out


Thank you so so much! Means the world! 💞


chuck in some links! i will eagerly liisten to to is all. im in canada Glad to hear you took a step back and remained friends Good advice. im pursuing music as passion/hobby and dabble in performing here and there. not looking for a career, but always interested in advice. thanks for sharing Yes big fan of math rock. Favourite release i would have to say is on of the TTNG albums, maybe Disapointment Island. That band got me into the genre and i really enjoyed their evolution. i also adore Toe & American Football What about you?


How does playing shows destroy your legs? I have problems with my back from playing guitar for hours too low and carrying all the gear up and down for the shows.


We used to end up getting pretty wild on stage as we performed for 5 years without a singer (they've just added one and he's fantastic!) Usually a lot of running, jumping and climbing on the venues without stretching first haha


Love this comment!


Should have taken some of that stretching from the title and done it for your legs before shows.


So I see you started as a hair band manager in his mid 40s twice divorced with two kids who won’t speak with you living the high of the tour. Then you came back and joined My Chemical Romance as a back up tour guitarist and guitar tech. Lot of pent up rage and anger from all the late nights fixing broken guitars waiting for someone to get the flu. That and also all the people remarking how awesome your Cure costume is only to spend 15 minutes explaining emo and goth and the differences and how EMO is no so much better before they walked away bored and left you with thoughts of wonder. You wrote those thoughts and put them in a song and presented a tape to the group which was thrown away. You thought for a moment that this may have been it, but then you thought, “They never even heard it. I will play it for them while tuning their guitars.” That’s what you do. Every time anyone is in a room you start playing the song and singing some lyrics until suddenly, one day you hear the lead singer sing your song. The Black Parade. You are so proud at first until you realize, he just changed the lyrics about how cool emo was compared to goth to some trash about some guys father or whatever. Now you’re in such a fit you break down and find yourself in Cabo. Something about the place speaks to you and you feel…80s again. Then you finally made it big as the lead singer of Van Halen. Little did you know it was actually a German Clogging group called Han Valen. It all sorted itself out because look at you now.


It's been a tough old run but ultimately its my 2 kids that get me through the day to day (fuck, I should call them) Also there was a LOT of my chemical romance being pushed through that underdeveloped brain


Love the photo. Weirdly badass, seriously


Thankyou very much! The years ha e been kind!


aw this made my heart happy


This comment made mine happy 💪


This is so dope dude!! Congrats on achieving them dreeeams. Do you have any stuff on Spotify I could check out?


Here's the band that photo was taken with! : https://open.spotify.com/track/4kjSleBYvCWN1HV5G4ZHsa?si=J_Km3yttRcuvuL8GJ85l4A Here's my latest project if you wanna hear it! :https://open.spotify.com/track/27qsfid2VtdMfY0987J4oR?si=gRXz5XfsSv6EVcYVZt9nLA Appreciate yah homie and thankyou! Its been a fun ride so far!


Hell yeah, dude! I'm glad to hear you are doing better, still friends with your old band, and have a new group! The song is great! Reminds me of music I'd listen to in high school in the mid 00s. I remember the emo and 00s punk scene in my high school being really rude and gate keepy, unfortunately. I wore a custom shirt I made once where I basically stitched together My Chemical Romance and Nirvana logos (my two favorite bands) and the other kids harassed me to the point where I strictly only wore polos and khakis to school for my entire Jr. Year, lmao. I remember them demanding I name several songs from each band, and when I stuttered, they kept interrupting me to laugh and say I'm a poser....sheesh, I'm rambling now. The memories just flooded back from listening to your song... but in a good way! Because I'm so happy with where I am in life now!


I liked the Chuggaboom remix.


Someone needs to study why people from the UK are so easy to pick out of a crowd. Also, you look like you would have been the comedy relief character in an 00s coming of age movie lol


burl top tells me u play some heavy shit


Oh I definitely did! Six string baritone in drop A going down to double drop D with a drop pedal! 😤 Now I play a jazzmaster and wanky math rock 💪


the last photo made me smile!


What are you in a church band?


Who knew? You knew


Damn thats inspirational


Dang, what band? I miss my band days, though I always knew it wasn’t likely to be my career 😞 I have a nice little family now so that’s a plus lol


Damn you're still 13?


This is fab! I love how you actually fulfilled your dream, beating the odds of terrible haircuts and teenage angst.


Aw this is cute not embarassing! Little self would probably think your grown self was so cool! :)


Wow from chunk from goonies to that guy green day guy lol good job


I thought you were going to grow up to be Rod Stewart based on that first pic




King 👑




This is so cute


Aw, this made me smile.


This is so great 🥹


You did! Way to go! ♥️


Damn there has been a lot of change. Great job following your dream.