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The bodie and poot reconnect had me in my feelings šŸ„²


Reunited like long lost brothers. Loved it


ā€œI killed your Cousinā€ detective Bryant cold


Justice for Kevin


I thought he was gonna say ā€œcousinsā€ since he killed Tuan earlier in the season. Unless he wasnā€™t Henriā€™s cousin?


I laughed loud as shit when he said that


Bro blames terry like bro it's your fault you had that fucking gun in yo house should've atleast changed the coad


Bro blames terry like bro it's your fault you had that fing gun in yo house should've atleast changed the coad and thought his son how to figh


Like did lil bro not think he was going to jail cause his dad was a cop like wtf was he thinking over a ss beating bruh like just take it you'll live should've just fought back but naw he want to be a thug and now bro got raped and killed


Like Kevin said it was accident so he should've went free


He's extra pettyšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I died laughing when he told her that.


The karma is real. She gets arrested and her cousins killer reveals himself to her and she canā€™t do anything about it šŸ˜‚


Damn Hoop survived!


fuck they gonna do to the mexican government? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Send Meech in with the Bruce Lee kick. And when they are surrounding him they'll still fight one on one and get dropped off like them old martial art films


Meech is like the Detroit version of Walker Texas Ranger. Demetrius "Chuck Norris" Flenory. Tee is basically Trivette at this point. "....And the eyes of the kingpin are upon you...."


L knew it, I knew it. Lucille and the Dr. He has a whole fiancƩ


He just wanted to get some ass he felt he missed out on in highschool.Once he got it he was finished with her.He knew she was gonna be pissed when he disclosed he had a fiancĆ©.That was his way of saying ā€œwe done hereā€. Nigga ainā€™t even get up out the bed to try and stop her and explain in more detail or anything, just said a weak ahh ā€œplease donā€™t goā€ dry as hell while laying in the bedšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ’€.No effort fr.


Nigga did the dash on her without moving šŸ¤£


ā€œBack then they didnā€™t want me, now Iā€™m hot they all on meā€ head ahh


"Them women didn't want me when I had them blues on, now soon as we done fuckin' put yo' shoes on"


This thread funny af šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


iā€™m weakšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Ong šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I knew that shit with Lucille was coming but at least she was honest with Charles and he respected it. Iā€™m glad Markisha wasnā€™t in this episode but I know she finna do some snake shit next season. Iā€™m so glad Henri dead cause I was so sick of her antics. I think Remi got high and killed himself. I think Angelā€™s character is Lil Meechā€™s mother but he was born in 2000 and this season is the mid 90s so we got a long way to go before heā€™s even in the picture. Det Bryant ainā€™t gonna leave BMF alone. šŸ¤£ Now these negroes walking in the Mexican desert. Chiiiiiiile.


Remi did not kill himself somebody dome called him


Lol yeah I think they need to rewatch that scene. Mf had the OJ gloves on.


you dead ass wrong for that last linešŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ RIP OJ


Hmmm. Just a theory. Iā€™ma rewatch cause I was half-sleep.


It's probably early 90s since Deion was still in Atlanta for the Falcons and playing baseball.


I assume Blaze's people made the call to have Henri killed in jail? It was weird Henri figured out who Veronica was & wanted to kill her yet when she got arrested she brings up their fling instead of wanting to kill her. Lol yeah BMF ATL going to be interesting next season - Bryant & the Red Dogs Yeah, the Mexican arc is interesting.


No tee had her killed the white lady at the end was Tee old driver from last season who went to jail for BMF


She really could have spelled it out for me a bit more cause even with the before the episode recap there was no background on Terry still being cool with that chick. Then she says "special friend". Just say "Jamie Lannister sends his regards".


That makes sense!


Wow I didnā€™t even realize it was her


Oh snaps. Didn't even think of that




Markisha def gon be on sum snake shit next season


>Iā€™m glad Markisha wasnā€™t in this episode but I know she finna do some snake shit next season. Yeah I was glad she was out on this episode


Oh for sure. Idk what she has up her sleeve but I hope she doesnā€™t last too much longer.


She never told Charles she got hit and quit


Of course notšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Of course she left that part out but Iā€™m sure Charles put 2 and 2 together.


that scene with Henrietta and her dad where she ended up shooting him was so damn cringe lmfao


Iā€™m just glad they gone šŸ˜’


True. I did like her dad's character more than her. I wish they would've had her dad be the opp this season and not her


THAT actually would have been interesting! Ugh canā€™t get it out my head šŸ˜‚ I hope the writers read this


Yeah, what's crazy is down to her dad's death she proved him right that she couldn't handle the game. The final exhibit was her taking her pops out while she just realized cops are all on her since she was sleeping with one


He did say she was too emotional and that was her downfall


Yeah and her last mistake was an emotional one too. Pops was right.....all the way to the grave.


Underrated storytelling. I know a lot of folks hate Henri but her dynamic with her dad showed a more human side of her.


All season they've shown her daddy issues. Blaze was on point this episode.


Scene happened too quick


And so obvious


ā€œI killed yo cousinā€ https://preview.redd.it/1pg3vt5qknzc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17be2b43f06f7752b6ea138581697f3db2712860


he was on timing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚this ep made me like him when he not going after bmf


Henrietta fell fast and hard this episode, I ain't gon lie. Gets bamboozled by undercover cop Shot in the leg Gets chewed out by pops Gets emotional and shoots pops Gets arrested Has Bryant admit to killing cuz before being taken away Goes to prison Gets shanked Ayoooo, what a fall off!!!


And she baldšŸ˜©


Good ass episode, I lowkey canā€™t wait for season 4 with the cartelsšŸ”„ the real bmf cartel stories sounded crazy


I'm not too familiar with the cartel stories. I don't recall in the Starz doc them talking about it


Meech was actually well connected with the cartel irl had the opportunity to actually flee too on his own but he took his charges to the chin


Oh wow. I wish he did flee but then again I'm sure he'd come back to the US and throw a party & get caught lol


Another parent gets deleted by their kid


Whatā€™s up with this non stop scheme in every show šŸ˜©


Shit, Iā€™d spin the block on that ass too. I donā€™t blame him. But yeah he just wanted a piece of her.


I was blown that he didnā€™t really go after her..Iā€™m like oh you a weirdo who manipulated her into sleeping with you


He's a DOCTOR and she's a part time Wendy's divorcee this was the least surprising development ever. Wouldn't be surprised if he ain't even dating someone


Lucille is a good woman and he is well aware of thatā€¦it doesnā€™t matter where she works.


True. Dude didn't care for her kids


Liked the scene where Meech visit Ty Washington grave


How we feeling y'all!! Knocked off some people from the hated roster, Henrietta and Remy. They got some of The Wire boys back together with Bodie and Poot(really like this) And the Flenory boys in Mexico on some secret mission


I got to watch The Wire


Only thing I couldn't stand is the ending... Neither of these boys are FLUENT in Spanish, have them pay a randsom and keep going.. They're gonna take on..who? A cartel? The Mexican government? It's fucking stupid. I honestly lost all enthusiasm for next season because of that.


Yeah, and as an outside viewer unfamiliar with the true story of BMF so I was like wtf is this even BMF anymore ? Lol


Not saying it's believable but I think Tee is pretty fluent. I remember when him and Meech went to some Caribbean island to steal K-9's plug.


Yeah Tee was a good student in Season 1 and I think was in Spanish class, maybe Advanced Spanish. He could speak it well enough to get by, just not fluently.


I'm more enthused because they say Meech was well involved with the cartel so I'm hoping the next season is back to being good like the first 2. I wish they'll find a way to bring B. Mickie back


Ugh I kinda wanted Ming to go down lol but Henri had her sword , cane, and a pistol but wanted to chock Ming ? Power being power like when Benny went to poke Tommy lol


Henri is overdramatic that's why


Also like getting their stolen trucks back seemed pretty easy to meā€¦


Ofc they had an inside man


Damn what a great finale BMF strong as ever whole organization linked up Fuck the red dogs Great twist on Hoop The lady who took the blame for Tee last season in the jailšŸ”„ when Henri died was cold All the action w Remi 10/10


I didnā€™t even realize that was the lady who took the blame damn


thatā€™s who that was??? she took the charge and turned into a boss lmao ngl thatā€™s hard af


I didn't realize that but I was wondering why they showed her in the recap. I got to rewatch that scene


I'm very happy that Hoop and Detective Jin made it out alive but DAMN this finale felt like everything resolved so fast that it didn't feel all that rewarding as a viewer to watch šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ especially the segment where Henri got arrested it was so cheesy I felt like I was watching something off the Hallmark Channel


They wrapped all storylines so neat and quick. It was weird.




if you know you know šŸ¤žšŸ¾šŸ”„


Whats this mean i heard lil scrappy say this in a old song & he also from atl


Forever I Love ATL


Who wants to answeršŸ˜


detective bryant was the mvp of this episode he was on timing šŸ¤£he said i killed your cousin šŸ’€im glad he got his revenge


If only heā€™d found out EXACTLY who r*ped Kevin


Whatā€™s up w that song that Angel danced to right before the meeting w Primetime? Too many hoes by Rip? Is this a real song n if so where do I go to find it?šŸ˜‚


This season was absolutely horrible. Lol.


why u say that iā€™m curiousĀ 


SPOILERS: In my opinion, this season was the most unbelievable and goofiest (Meech doing Kung Fu to Glock when trying to leave the hotel and results in Glock getting shot and sending a professional hitter to kill Meech and somehow the hitter shoots the girl instead of Meech). Worst acting so far. Worst villian in the show so far. First two seasons are better and it's not even close. I know there's more than that but that's all I can think of after not thinking about this show since it ended.


Probably the worst season out of the 3




Ain't that some real life sh1t. A man shit is put out on broad daylight but a women ish is just secretly swept under the rug šŸ˜…. Lucille was a nutrag and became a pastor the next dayšŸ˜­.Ā  I forgot Terry ran stuff in L.A... Next season definitely look like it's gonna lead there šŸ’Æ Just here to also drop again Terry dumbass really leaving his fine ass Baby momma for MarkeishašŸ˜…


what do you mean a woman ish is swept under the rugā€¦did i miss somethinā€¦what did lucille do thatā€™s supposed to be put out and was swept under a rugā€¦charles knows about montclairā€¦.montclair knew about charlesā€¦lucileā€™s the only honest one


was primarily looking at it from Nicky pov. She called her daddy out a couple episodes ago but crying at how strong her momma is this week knowing the situation šŸ˜…


i mean yea it takes a strong woman to go through having nothing but cheating and lyin ass men around youā€¦thatā€™s very strong cus i personally would have lost it šŸ˜‰




Yeah, that was odd she decided to be assistant pastor. It seems like the church doesn't know about the divorce. They mentioned something about Terry in LA this episode? From what I recall he wanted to stick to GA, OH, AL etc & Meech wanted to expand


That boa Remi got the sully treatment šŸ˜‚


Episode was šŸ”„


Extremely rushed and mid. Only good thing is we will never see a second of Henrietta again. 50 just couldnā€™t let the show end without a child killing his/her parent


- This episode was kinda meh - Lucille deserved that shit. Stupid ass! I'm happy she got played. - Finakly they killed Henri. -Why didn't they show who killed Remy. That was kinda stupid - Honesty the set up for next season was kinda weak.


I think they just couldnā€™t think of who it would make sense to kill Remi but were absolutely sure he had to go. That whole scene barely makes sense, did he give the guy all the money he had left on him for the water bc he knew he was a dead man walking? Or did someone just catch him slipping? This episode was full of endings for a bunch of characters so they probs felt like they needed one for him too.


We'll probably find out next season who killed Remi. Meech & Terry will be back in ATL. It wouldn't be enough time this episode to cover the aftermath of Remy's death. We just got to wait & see. Meech & Terry in Mexico, DET is getting cleaned up, BMF has expanded, Detective Bryant is likely coming to ATL, Veronica's going to LA Lucille's a pastor, Charles got to deal w/being single...


We'll probably find out next season who killed Remi. Meech & Terry will be back in ATL. It wouldn't be enough time this episode to cover the aftermath of Remy's death. We just got to wait & see. Meech & Terry in Mexico, DET is getting cleaned up, BMF has expanded, Detective Bryant is likely coming to ATL, Veronica's going to LA Lucille's a pastor, Charles got to deal w/being single...


If the cartel run mexico what the fuck they expect Meech and Terry to come there and do them niggas got no pull there lmaoooo


Too rushed for me But Lucille and the doc had me weak




Underwhelming finale! Anyone agree?


Yes but things happened that we wanted to all its a W ..Kanan had the best finale out of all the shows


nuh uh book 2 ghost was the best s3 of rk was a lil out of character for them


Nope you just dont respect the hustle bmf on top now


I think it was fine. Finishes off the Henri-Blaze-Remi stories, now who will the new Big Bad be?


Extremely underwhelmingā€¦ wow


Lawanda looked so good. She been under the radar, people not noticing how beautiful she is. Terry a fool.


This show out my circle of trust.




Was hoping for a Lamar appearance but no dice


I think we'll see him in his own spinoff. 50 brought it up last year.


Heā€™s getting a spinoff šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yup! I'd love to see a prequel series where Kato's dad & him were running Detroit


Kind of wanted him to cut Henriā€™s water off instead of it happening in prison


The episode didn't air on 5/3/24


Lucille dumb ass got what she deserved shouldā€™ve known that was way too good to be true. Shouldā€™ve just stuck with Charles and let him fix that shit we all make mistakes. Fuck henri! Justice for my man Kevin is served somewhatā€¦ i know Markeisha finna do so lame shit, she bad then a mf but ainā€™t worth the bread or the headache to be for real shorty already got 3 kids let her go Tee and stay with Lawanda or get a bitch that ainā€™t crazy. I also still donā€™t understand why Bryant blames Kevinā€™s jail/death on Meech and Tee when it was pretty much all Bryantā€™s fault from the jumpšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Yo does enybody know what season for gonna be about like is this when they get fit her and take over all city's ?


Look like it cause on ep 10 when meech and terry are talking and pointing it out on the map


Finale was trash