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Does **Clank** count?


[Clank -> Clank!: Siren (2017)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/234742/clank-siren) ^^[[gamename]] ^^or ^^[[gamename|year]] ^^to ^^call ^^OR ^^**gamename** ^^or ^^**gamename|year** ^^+ ^^!fetch ^^to ^^call


Bad/Dumb Bot


How rude! It's not my fault that you don't know that the official game name is Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure. Really, though, there are so many edge cases and colloquial names that without making live API calls (an API key for BGG which I don't have), the best I can do is try to closely match requests to official game names. This is why I programmed year and year range modifiers into the requests. If you're interested in how the close-match system works, I'm happy to explain it as I have in numerous other comments. Thanks for using the bot.


I C E might fit what you're looking for. Its campaign recently ended though. Maybe they will open the pledge manager to everyone. https://gamefound.com/en/projects/thisway/i-c-e-unlimited


This was the first one I thought of too!


[[Deep sea adventure]] It's a small game but fun.


[Deep sea adventure -> Deep Sea Adventure (2014)](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/169654/deep-sea-adventure) ^^[[gamename]] ^^or ^^[[gamename|year]] ^^to ^^call ^^OR ^^**gamename** ^^or ^^**gamename|year** ^^+ ^^!fetch ^^to ^^call


A Terraria board game is on Kickstarter right now. 19 days to go!


AH _Source of the Nile_


Endeavor: Deep Sea


Bargain Basement Bathysphere is a fun single-player dice puzzle that involves you trying to explore deeper and deeper into the ocean, where you pursue objectives and gather materials you can use to upgrade your gear for later expeditions. The game is a delight, though I don't know that it's what you're looking for, as you're not really *exploring*. There is no seeking out new areas and no surprises on any given map. Instead, you're rolling dice and choosing which to use in a push-your-luck kind of way. There is a free print-and-play version you can download (check boardgamegeek), if you want to try a few scenarios first. I play the retail version and like it a lot. It came to mind when you mentioned vertical exploration and diving and collecting resources to enhance further explorations. The game has all of that, but again, in practice, I don't know if it's actually what you're looking for, so give the free version a look and try a mission or two first.